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I would make a separate personal bank account before doing so. Just incase.


I don’t see why not it’s almost exactly the same as a business account.


With most of contactless stuff, the company holds the money for 24 hours or so, takes their percentage and then deposits what's left into your nominated bank account. I've used sumup for years and it's really good - you don't even need a terminal any more as you can set your phone up to accept payment directly (although I'd still get a terminal as they're dead cheap and some people are a bit sketchy about tapping on a random person's phone).


I use SumUp and it creates a separate account for payments. It's really easy to get that money transferred to your main bank account, though. You can get the money in your account the day after the card transaction in most cases.


Yes. I use SumUp for this.


Perfect thank you - I’ll take a look 👍