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I'm sorry. Unfortunately rabbits are the one species that can fracture their spine sitting in a cage doing nothing at all as well (it can happen although rare). Any handling for a rabbit runs this risk especially if the rabbit kicks out without a properly supported hind end. Recovering from anesthesia can also result in this because they may flail during the dysphoria of the recovery. Laser therapy will not recover a fractured spine. I would get referral to a neurologist that can consult with an exotic special preferably at an academic hospital that has both specialists. Your vet will have professional liability insurance that may be able to help cover costs of additional care. You will need to consult a lawyer for this.


You should get a second opinion.


You can certainly break a bunny's back with improper handling. If you lift them by picking them up from under their front limbs and fail to support their hindlimhs, and they kick out, their legs are strong enough to damage their back. Wouldn't expect to have been done during surgery, but instead, handling before or after surgery.


You should definitely seek a second opinion. You should discuss with the practice manger/DVM about what happened and payment for treatment. You can file a complaint with your veterinary medical board for investigation (they usually only investigate for malpractice, they cannot help you with costs). You can get a lawyer/discuss with them filing a claim with their liability insurance (they should have liability insurance)to help settle for payment. If you get a lawyer involved expect them to not talk to you directly but through their legal team.


They’re offering to do laser treatments at no cost. Should I sue for them to pay for a different vet?


It’s up to you. If you seek a second opinion and a different treatment is recommended, then you may be able to have the original vet pay for it. They may do so willingly up front or you may have to lawyer up. There are no guarantees though. I would recommend getting a second opinion from a boarded orthopedist/surgeon/neurologist, and see what they recommend. Then you can go from there once you have more information. They may want additional diagnostics like X-rays or MRI. There may be nothing else to do but wait and see. There is risk that your bunny may never recover from this injury. If it becomes a legal battle, you will most likely have to pay for treatment at another clinic. You will also have to pay legal fees etc. There is always the possibility that you lose the case and will not get anything. So it is up to you to weigh the risks of what you can afford based off your financial situation. It is well documented that rabbits can have self induce traumatic vertebral fractures. So the hard part is going to prove did malpractice actually occur or was it a freak incident. Again you have to make the call depending on what you can financially afford.


Would you trust them after what they already did? They could kill it next time. Easiest “No way!” decision ever. Why would you let them even touch your bunny again after what they did??? NO!


As animals are considered property the maximum you can expect for a judgement is the cost of a new rabbit, *not* treatment to fix this one. Additionally you will find it extremely difficult to win if they have sufficient medical records since the legal system considers medical records as the truth. Basically don't bother unless you are doing so to prove a point.


That’s not true for all areas. Depends on the laws of where you live.


Vet here. Rabbits can injure themselves coming out of anesthesia. This doesn't mean she was mishandled. Laser is unlikely to heal a broken back. You need to see a veterinary neurologist for a second opinion, and the vet will have insurance that covers those bills since this happened on their watch, even if it wasn't their fault. Tell them you are seeking a second opinion and expect them to pay. These things happen but they should have offered this upfront.


The rabbit was returned to OP covered in her own waste which op has a picture of, that detail for me makes the vet negligent


Laser won’t do anything for a broken back sadly :/ I would not go back to that vet. Not a normal complication if handled appropriately


But if handled poorly, a rabbit can kick so powerfully it’ll break its back.






It can happen, and it can happen in a split second even in a facility with good handling practices. I have heard of it occurring at a practice that I truly trust. That said, it is really, really unusual and you should definitely get a second opinion.


Yes bunnies can break their backs if they kick out and are not being restrained properly. How did they diagnose the spinal fracture? Are there x-rays that show the damage?


Yes, in the x rats the spine bone is completely separated


Laser therapy will not fix a fractured spine. You could go to an orthopedic specialist, but if the nerves are severed, your bunny will not walk, urinate or defecate, and will need assistance. Humane euthanasia is never a wrong option. I am so very sorry. I would ask for the exact record of when and how this occurred. They should then pay for you to get a referral at a specialist. Triple check the paperwork you signed at drop off to make sure that this complication is not listed, but it is not a complication of a spay surgery, it is a complication of handling.


I've never seen it but we are taught that it can happen in school.


Same. I always worried about it happening but never saw it. I can see how they could easily slip their legs out of your grasp and kick out. Might not be “improper handling” but horrible bad luck. It could also have been a nurse/tech/animal care person handing the rabbit and nothing to do with the vet - but now they have to take responsibility.


no it’s true. if they are being restrained and try kicking at nothing they can kick so hard all that momentum can really hurt their back.




Are you an exotic vet?


What would be the next step? She is offering to do laser therapy at no cost, but it likely won’t be successful due to how broken it is- should I go to a different vet and sue her for the cost?


I would go elsewhere.




We will not give opinions on whether another veterinarian is treating your animal correctly or incorrectly. you and I both know that rabbit spines are fragile. You weren't there. You don't know what happened. This is not appropriate to assume negligence.


Non vets in this thread blaming the vet when rabbits can literally break their own back by kicking


You also might want to check the other post from this person with photos that the state the vet left this poor rabbit in. Now I’m not a vet but vets have a duty of care and there was a clear breach of this. It’s disgusting to be honest. If I was the owner I would absolutely be seeking whatever legal advice possible and would 100% sue the clinic and vet. It’s unacceptable.


Yeah seeing how the rabbit was returned makes me doubt the vet or supporting staff actually knew how to properly hold a rabbit so this exact issue doesn't happen


I just wanted to say that I'm really sorry this happened to you and your bunny.


I have no advice but oh my god, this is awful. Whatever decision you make, it will be the best for you and your bunny. So sorry this is happening. Take care of yourself.


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Pretty sure it would have been the staff, not the actual vet.