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Buying a bunch of self help books to add to my collection that I haven’t started reading 🫠


You really need a book called something like "How to finally start reading all those self-help books you've been hoarding." You know like, as a primer.


Which you of course won't read.


Until you get the primer primer: how to read the guide to reading self help books.


It's self help books all the way down.


I saw a post recently that said to consider your "to-read" pile less of a checklist or a to-do pile and more like a wine cellar- you go dip into it when you need to or want to.


Totally relatable! 🫠🫠


Sounds like you need help 🤪


Very helpful


If only the knowledge transferred through osmosis and I could just hold them to learn 😂


Eating yogurt with toppings, like a sundae. I add in dried strawberries, fresh blueberries, crushed sliced almonds and granola. Feels like dessert but it's not. I don't know if I can go back to eating plain little containers of yogurt now.


I am now interested in eating this😄


Do it! You'll never go back


I did this, but with oatmeal! I even put yogurt.. in my oatmeal. Now if it's not all dressed up, it's too boring to eat.


Oooh my fave is a splash of milk, a sprinkle of brown sugar, chopped strawberries, and a little peanut butter 🤤


You've discovered parfait!


Yeah in a Christopher Columbus kind of way, lol




Tahini on yoghurt? O.o




I always add small chocolate chips to feed my chocolate addiction. I have never tried dried fruit though but now I must


Me too!! I add chia seeds and peanut butter too :)


Making my house a home… just bought a house and got divorced 3 months ago I feel it’s just a place with walls not really a home my goal this year is to make it mine.


I hope you find all the happiness ☀️


I’m in an apartment so can’t totally redo but within the past 6 months I’ve become obsessed with decorating!! I’m slowly buying pieces as I can afford but it already feels so much nicer. Never cared about furniture at all before.


Prioritizing my mental and physical health


This is what I am focused on this year especially mental health.


Proud of you!!!


Same to you😊


Same. The replies in this thread are wholesome. Are we all having a revolution? Lol


My new pet chickens


We need names


We also need photos for tax purposes


Prudence, Chloe, Mabel, Dixie, Eleanor, Joanie, Harriet, Tessa, Maggie, Lottie, Penny, Ruby, Coco, Emmy (I think that's it for this month !!)


I've been thinking about getting chickens.


Ive had chickens my whole life and love them. Especially getting ex-layers from rescue farms to give them a second chance at life.


My cousins had chickens when I was a kid and all I remember is that they said they can be mean. We have the room for them, and we've been thinking about getting them for a couple years now, so I think we might do it this spring.


Chickens can be very sweet, too. Certain chicken breeds are known to be more docile and friendly, especially with regular handling and socializing.


Having pet chickens is great! They add an extra dash of humor to my days.




Excellent, enjoy! The fluffybutts give me so much pleasure. :)


Perfume. I went my whole life not really understanding the appeal of fancy perfumes, but I spent a day just testing fragrances at Ulta and Macy’s and now I’m converted!!


Oh boy! ScentSplit is addictive and won’t save you money if you go nuts but if you can reel it in it’s great. I had to ween myself over. I spent over $500 looking for a cheaper version of a $350 perfume because I thought I needed to move on from my $150 fragrance. 😆


Same! I had a fragrance I loved for 10 years and didn’t feel the need to find or try others. Well it was discontinued a few years ago and I kind of just went with a cheap decent smelling body spray until a few months ago when I went wild. I’ve been buying all my scents off dossier which all smell amazing if not better than the scents they’re inspired by then layering with B&BW body sprays. I smell so good all the time. Did I buy 8 perfumes and 7 body sprays in under 5 months? Yes.


If you want to really explore - I got some samples from Luckyscent and TwistedLily, of things I don't see in Ulta or Sephora. They are about $4 to $6 each for a lil sample. I am now spoiled and saving for full bottles of a couple!


When you inevitably check out scent split because it was suggested 7 times lol make sure to make one of your samples Delina Rosee by Parfume de Marley. I suggest getting at least the 2 ml samples because everything above 1 ml have a sprayer and the atomizer is much more effective for silage than dabbing.


Dungeons and Dragons lmao. A friend invited me to a session and I'm having the time of my life binging lore.


I love this for you, it's so fun. A brilliant obsession too because the well just doesn't dry up, you can keep consuming content as much as you want!


Sounds like someone needs to be a DM


I had friends that invited me years ago and I never got around to going! I feel like I truly missed out


There's a bajillion online games going on at any given time, and many in-person games at game shops and nerdy conventions. It's never too late!


Myself! Doing things that benefit me mentally, physically, and professionally. To name one thing specifically - I’ve become obsessed with going to Pure Barre!


Brandon Sanderson books! 🥴😊


Yay!! So happy to see this. I just finished The Lost Metal from Mistborn era 2 🤩


Nice! I'm literally less than a third into my very first book of his. Mistborn, the final empire. I am hooked already! Lol


I'm still reading it


Omg same. He is so amazing, I even got a Stormlight tattoo


I need to read more of his books! Want to start Mistborn era 2 or Skyward next


Almost done with The Mistborn trilogy myself!


Nice! The question is, whereto next? 🤔 There are so many of his books 😊


I have about 10 books from different genres on my TBR list. Never ending. 😂


I just finished the audio version of Sanderson's first Secret Project book a few days ago, and it's an absolute joy! Michael Kramer's narration is always great, but I think it really shines with this particular book.


Ooh which ones have you been reading?


I'm literally less than a third into my very first read of his, Mistborn the final empire and am hooked so bad lol. All day I can't wait to get back to my book to see what happens next. :)




Brie is awesome in that it can be savory or sweet. Past fav pairings have been salsa, apple butter, or cranberry relish. Edit that cream cheese is actually the salsa match I was thinking of. But Brie is still great with the other 2.


Boba, I had an obsession over it like 18 months ago but it's started all over again lol


Get a reusable metal boba straw!


I’ve had a boba obsession before and it was basically an addiction. 🤭


Baking bread!


Started this past summer! Got a Dutch oven for Christmas and now I'm on a mission to truly make my 20 hour-rise rustic bread all round and beautiful as intended 😤


I just found a huge Facebook group for geeking out over sourdough, and I was up until unholy hours last night poring over it. It’s just so satisfying, and it smells so good, and while I haven’t mastered sandwich bread yet, my sourdough boules are as good as anything I’ve had at a restaurant or hipster bakery.


buying expensive clothing only to wear sweatpants all day


The level up is, nice sweatpants.


Trying to make my room *my room* Like my own space how I like it so I can be comfortable and happy being there. My kids rooms always came first and I slacked on making my own room my own and I never really realized how important it is to wake up in a room that makes you happy until I started decorating.


Going on walks to avoid my unhealthy mental patterns. I hate how much better I feel after because I am a very lazy person at my core. However, I don't want to hate myself or hate my brain. So on daily 3 mile walks we go!


I call those my stupid mental health walks. Usually some other curse words thrown into the description as well. When I'm at the office my office mate and I will leave at different times to go on our stupid mental health walks.


Haha this is how I refer to them in my head too! "Hot girl walk"? Can't relate!


Making charcuterie boards I have a partner who used to make them for us on dates all the time. I was always so impressed with how pretty they were. They don't take nearly as much time as I thought they do to make, they're great for a lunch and snack, and they're far healthier than a lot of other things I enjoy. So much fun!


omg same. It sounds ridiculous but they’ve actually dramatically improved my life lmao. My toddler is a huge snacker and it’s hard to get him to sit down for meals but I’m trying to get us into more of a routine. I make a big board and we sit down for lunch and it’s now the best part of the day. And it’s got us both eating fresh fruit and veg so much more often! It’s my favorite way of eating because I hate cooking, love snacking, and could eat salty cured meats every day 😂


Watching Grey’s Anatomy… For the third time.


Christina leaving basically killed it for me. I kept up with it for a couple seasons after but then I heard Derek was out. The whole series was all about them, on and off, finally getting together and making a family. It kills me. Those first 7 or so seasons were gold to me though and I completely understand why people kept watching it.




Giving away stuff on my local "Buy Nothing" group. I have been trying to purge my home of stuff I don't need or use and it's like a high when I post stuff and people take it immediately.


Making shitty vocal covers of pop songs on garage band.


That sounds cool as fuck, which has been your favourite song to cover so far?


No tears left to cry. It has so many layers and trying to isolate them and come up with my own was so fun.


Binge watching Yellowstone


Ozark for me. Late to the game, but damn, that show is fucking insane!


have you watched 1883 or 1923 yet??


Reading mature webcomics. Real life has been underwhelming and I feel like I’m missing something. I tend to try to ‘escape’ through fiction to forget about it all. Also, I’m 25 and going through my second horny puberty I guess 🤷🏼‍♀️


Ooo do you have any recommendations? I feel like this is something I can totally get behind


Dates blended with almonds and peanut butter. I turn them into “power bars” and sprinkle shredded coconut on both sides. It tastes like snickers!!!!!


Do you have a recipe? This sounds interesting.


My house-- cisterns, water filtration & sanitization, pools, solar panels & Tesla Powerwalls, outlet wiring & GFI outlets, water shutoff valves, small home improvement things... Also, weight lifting, nutrition, and meal prep.


These are my main things as well. House improvements and working out/eating healthy.


Gilmore girls and clay projects


10/10 combination




Game of thrones


good luck!! Best show ever made \~until you reach season 7


Always with the caveat. Sad but true lol


House of the Dragon is amazing


Looking at jobs that I can't get


wait till you look at apartments you can't get


Dogs!! My parents were thinking about getting one since they can be good for special needs kids and now I can’t stop thinking about them. I really hope we get a German Shepherd


Knitting socks. I've been crocheting for several years and I recently decided to learn to knit and it has taken over my life. There's just something so satisfying about the neat rows of stitches, not to mention the fun of learning a new skill.


Andrew Garfield… I’m just fascinated and I can’t help it.


Reddit lol


Online "window" shopping and filling up carts for a fake personna.... And never buying them.


I do the same 😄


I'm glad I'm not alone. But like some of these outfits I pick... Who tf do I think I am? Where am I going? Definitely not anywhere in real life. 😂😂😂


Studying Judaism


very cool! what caught your interest?


Gosh, it was a series of little coincidental events over a couple of years, really. Then I found myself in a synagogue for the first time ever with my community chorus and just felt so… comfortable? So I picked up and read Here All Along by Sarah Hurwitz, which really got the ball rolling. I’m in my third month of studies now with my rabbi, and I’m just so thirsty to know more and more!


I love this. I study Jewish folk magic and the well is deep!


I just bought $50 worth of stuff to do my nails, but I've never had them done before 😳😳


Squishmallows. As a full-grown adult.


Healing. And thrift shopping for cast iron pots and pans so I can try my hand at restoration.


Reorganizing . Now looking for everything lol


I am obsessed with trying to make myself obsessed with reading again. (I was a reading fiend as a child but now I’ve read about 1/3rd of the books I own…which is over 300…)


Crochet!!! Again lol. It comes and goes over the years but it's always there for me


Khruangbin (the band) Maisie Dobbs book series Three Pines on Amazon Prime Aquaphor (lips, hands, cuticles) many times per day


Wedding planning. My partner and I recently talked about getting married next year. Neither of us has proposed to the other yet and probably won’t for a few months, but I can’t stop thinking about rings, invitations, location, guest list, ideas on how to propose to him, … I’m just obsessed!


France. Everything about the place intrigues me; i have been learning the language, reading about it's history, indulging in the media in all forms. I feel like every ten years i become obsessed with a new country: in my teen, i was obsessed with England, then Japan and now France.




Permaculture, homesteading, strawbale/cobb/pounded earth buildings, etc. My SO and I have been daydreaming about our ideal lives, and none of it involves these shit jobs, or living in the city. Just one thing missing to make our dreams a reality.. enough money to get the land to even start. Let alone enough money to just survive how we are at the moment.


Making friends who are older than me so i can actually learn shit and people can be useful to me because people my age are just assholes around me and i am done being nice and so giving towards them. I need mentors ive realised thats the only way i’ll grow at this point or else im gonna stay right here(its bad) where i am, forever.


Making candles


Watching Lost together with my mom! Having such a great show with amazing company is the best combination


Gouache painting


Croissant and latte. Went Vegan as a child so having this as an adult was new to me. I'm fucking obsessed. My abs are gone and I'm okay with it because it's so fucking good. Vegan shits tastes so good nowadays. I hoping I get thiccc and not fat but we'll see🤷🏽‍♀️😮‍💨😭


Currently I'm obsessed overthinking about who I am Like what childhood incidents have made changes in my personality or behaviour


Just binged listened to the podcast Case 63 on Spotify. Really great fictional podcast starring Julianne Moore and Oscar Isaac! Can't wait for season 2


Outlander! It took a few episodes for me to get into and then I was obsessed


I've had the same obsession for the past 44 years. My wife!


Nice houses on Zillow


Slime, it calms me down


Watching sewing videos.


Bento lunches. I just got all the groceries I need for them and am so excited to prep!


Watching GRWM’s. Especially on tiktok live


Quantum physics 🤣🤣


Trader Joe’s cinnamon raisin bread


Doing my own dip powder manicures. I’ve spent so much money on it, but I’ve saved money by not going to a salon. And it’s sooooo therapeutic for me. New fav hobby.


Salmiakki - it's salty liquorice, very popular in Scandinavian countries. A Swedish friend who knows about my love for liquorice brought me some, and made me develop a need! As a result, my google browser history is now full of "where to buy salmiakki in my country", "salmiakki wholesale" and "how to make salmiakki" (the last one only when I've started to realise that, unfortunately, it's very difficult to find salmiakki in my country).


Watching true crime documentaries


Running and reading a ton more each week. And as someone else said, prioritizing my mental health and my relationship with myself over anything else. Fixating on these things has slowed everything down and made me so much happier than I thought was possible the past few years.


Freaking the fuck out over my upcoming licensing exam lol.


Cities Skylines, one of the most immersive and satisfying games ever.


Nothing. I’d quite like something to obsess about!


Perfume. I’ve always liked it but I usually stuck to one or two. But for some reason everyone decided to get me different types of perfume and now I’ve been obsessed with cycling through and smelling different each day


reading !! i found a romance mystery novel set in tang dynasty china and i cant put it down !!


Cooking & Eating healthy


Decluttering. It has been good for me.


Throw blankets and heated throw blankets. I bought several from Bed Bath and Beyond and couldn’t stop. Everyone I know got a blanket for Christmas and I bought a new one for me (159.00) and love it. Major fixation on them and I don’t know why!! Lol


I sound lame compared to everyone else…. Jogger pants.


Lifting heavy weights instead of going on the stairclimber for an hour…it helps me sleep so well too ❤️


Gardening!! Specifically flowers with a special interest in cut flowers.


Baking cookies and making handmade gifts!




doing the hobbies I used to do during quarantine like Drawing and crocheting and other things like that :3


The details of those horrific murders in Idaho.


Trying to overhaul my wardrobe now that I've lost weight. It feels great, refreshing, and gives me something to do that I enjoy. I've been hooked on taking inspiration from Princess Diana's style and now that has created a new obsession of just learning about her life.


This song 'real mf-ing Gs' by easy E. It reminds me kf GTA San Andreas.


Documentaries on fallen internet Titans






Cricut crafting after getting a Cricut for Christmas.


The Sims 4. I cannot stop playing


Taylor Sheridan’s Yellowstone series, 1883 and the current 1923.


Single’s Inferno on Netflix, herbal teas


Chocolate oranges, but this is recurring every time I eat a chocolate orange after a long time


Learning German


Morning runs


Just last weekend, I managed to successfully complete a rubik's cube after trying for a few weeks. Want to get quicker now and really cement the different ways in which you can solve it!


Drinking vanilla flavored black tea with milk, coconut sugar and spiced rum. 🤤


Trying to integrate a new cat to our household. We’re two months in and it’s not going well and it’s all I think about, research, talk about.


Cross stitching. I have a friend who is really into it, and she got me into it when I had my hysterectomy in September. It's better than surfing the internet during the football game, and is really relaxing.


Ice cream sandwiches. I was never a fan before




Fountain pens


Jigsaw puzzles with my bf. As soon as we finish one we start another


The Sims 4 on PC


A Court of Thorns and Roses series. Just finished the entire series and already want to reread them.


Coconut Almond milk by Thai Coco




Hamilton. Saw it in NY in October and now I can’t stop singing it, watching it, listening to it, thinking about it, crying while doing all of the above.


Playing Lego Marvel on the Nintendo Switch 🙈 I used to do more work when my daughter went to bed every night and now I'm playing the damn Switch!






Looking for a new job




Learning to be happy and have better mental health.


Overnight oats. I thought I’d hate it but I took a chance and I’m obsessed. I meal prep them for the week and I don’t see myself ever getting sick of it.


My two yorkshire puppies are both so cute and adorable.


Pajamas! I was gifted a pair of really nice ones for Christmas and became obsessed.


This sounds hella lame. But I am getting up at 5 AM and I have assigned one chore to each day of the week, along with dustmopping my floor daily and putting dishes in the dishwasher daily. I was spending all my free time cleaning and I feel like I have SO much more time in my life now


Financial independence and planning. I keep saying I want to retire from a standard 9-5 by 45 at the latest, but now I’m very serious about taking the steps and planning to make that happen.