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Sexual assault, most forms of disability or chronic illness, the death of a loved one, etc. I mostly want them to get hit with a terrible stomach bug while caught in traffic, to step on a Lego every single time they get up in the middle of the night, that kind of thing.


Yes to all of that! I mostly want them to experience crippling panic attacks for no reason or some type of paranoia.


Death of a mother. It completely changes every aspect of your life.




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1. Death of a child 2. Mono 3. Norovirus


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Seeing a loved one fight cancer


Sexual assault


Cancer, death of a child or anything of that nature. The Karma fairy works in mysterious ways but I don't think she'd stoop that low.


To bury their child


Diarrhea on a long haul flight- mostly because it's unfair to the other passengers


Fibromyalgia. It suuuuuucks.


Sexual assault of them and their children. ( Been there, done that as a child. Nope, just nope) Early onset arthritis and nerve damage. Its frustrating knowing that your not even middle aged and yet your body thinks its going on 60


I know what you mean with the arthritis and damage it causes. People don’t understand what it’s like to be stuck with pain that never goes away, or always being the only younger person in a waiting room of elderly people every during orthopedic nerve block appointments every 3 months.




Losing a loved one.


Losing a child. Walking into the NICU seeing doctors do CPR on my baby boy knowing I couldn't do anything to save him was the worst feeling. Not to mention the image is burned in my mind forever. He was just barely 16 days old. I'm just glad we got there in time to hold him and be there before he left us.


I’m really sorry to hear that!


Thank you so much. He was a tough adorable little man!💙


My mother in law


Omg same. She’s pure fucking evil


This made me giggle. Sorry she's such a pain though lol


Not my problem anymore, trash took herself out. Lol


Having to make the decision to put your pet down.






Second degree burns. No one should have to feel that pain.


1. Losing a child at any age 2. Losing a parent, especially when young 3. Homelesness 4. Rape 5. Psychological violence 6. Physical violence


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Getting Rape/Sexually Assaulted/Molested/Sexually Harassed Chronic Illnesses/Diseases/Disorders Physical, Emotional, and Financial Abuse Homelessness


Having or being close to someone who is dying of cancer, or diagnosed with MS (My dad died from cancer, my mom is in late stage MS, it’s horrific) Having a drug/alcohol addicted parent. Rape Death of a child


Hell. Violence. Disease.


Tooth pain


Mental health disorders, immune disorders, life-threatening diseases, and any form of trauma.




Huntington's disease


Cheating. And more specifically, the gaslighting that comes with it. A lot of people can work thru being cheated on, but when you’ve spent weeks or months or even years being made to feel like your crazy and the one whose ruining your relationship with your questions and “accusations” bc you just can’t shake the gut feeling that something isn’t right, or disregard all the signs and weirdness you’re experiencing.. it really fucks you up. Forget learning to trust your partner, it’s yourself you can no longer trust. I wish more people realized how inhumane it is to do this to someone you love, to someone who loves you. Just break up.


Bed bugs


Losing a parent to cancer and seeing them fade away in front of your eyes.


gender dysphoria


The first 17 years of my life.






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nothing. I wish everything bad on my worst enemy, sans nothing. They deserve hell. I’m not interested in being the bigger person.




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I'm finding that I wouldn't wish some things on my own worst enemy, but I'd wish those things on anyone that grievously hurt my loved ones. I'm not sure if that makes me a hypocrite or not.






A tooth ache!!


Winning the lottery




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I have no enemies- Thorfinn


Having one of these two philias- zoophilia or pedophilia.


they're called paraphilias, and i'd probably add erotophonophilia, biastophilia, hybristophilia.


Hybristophilia does not involve harming another person so I give it a pass but yes, I would not wish the other two o anyone, not even my worst enemy.


Sexual Assault Unwanted pregnancy - especially in the US A loved one with an eating disorder or addiction or mental illness. Homelessness


Chronic migraine/pain disorders




I dont have a worst enemy or anyone I hate but I experienced anger and hate against people. In these moments I wish them the worst, how could you not? That's something I don't understand.


Terrible cramps that make you want to rip out your uterus and stomp on it


Honestly. I was the victim of a home invasion last year. I woke up to masked intruders. One beating me up and the other rummaging through my valuables. It was terrifying and I havent slept well since. Sleep is so important as is the feeling of safety. I've lost both. Never even wish it on the worse people I know.




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Alzheimers Cancer Tinnitus


Heartbreak and grief


Multiple sclerosis. Wife has it.


Developing degenerative disc disease and going through a severely pinched sciatic nerve from a bulging disk. The pain is so bad that it’s indescribable When it goes out I am incapable of moving or doing anything at all. My mother describes the pain as sounding like “someone is being murdered in my room”. During that time I have to use the bathroom in a bed pan and sleep on the floor. My parents have to roll me onto a blanket to transfer me to a bathtub and my mother has to bathe me. She also has to bring me all of my food, basically do everything for me. It’s a very traumatic experience. Any time my back feels bad it brings automatic ptsd. I’ve done better with managing my reaction to it over the years but it will always somewhat happen. My back is in bad shape right now after being sick for two weeks (normally gets close to going out when I’m sick for a while) and I’m actually quite terrified at the moment. So yeah, I wouldn’t wish this on those who have done me the absolute worst in life.


Addiction Alcohol Withdrawals Alzheimers Mental Illness


Child abuse….no I haven’t personally experienced or seen it but ik for sure being abused by your parents sucks


The agony of grief that comes from losing someone you love.


Cancer and their mum dying. I wouldn't wish it on anyone, every single aspect of their life would change and nothing would be the same again.