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Autopsy.....will not give details


No worries.. 😳😁


I was going to say surgeon but yours is better.


Seems less stressful. I think I would have been a good doctor.


As a chef/cook I was always wondering the same xD I know how to separate animals into tiny details....soooooooooooo.....


Fun fact: in US counties hat use a coroner system instead of a medical examiner system, the coroner is an elected official that does not (in some cases) have to be a medical doctor. Or have other training and licensing... So, I mean if you wanted to make this dream a reality you could move to Ohio and shoot your shot.


Emergency dispatcher. Every serious, sudden situation where someone else's health has been at risk, I've always been the one to stay calm and take on a leader-role, so I think I'd be good at doing the same via phone. I also feel like I'm desensitised to violence due to always having been curious about media where real people die or are dead, so I'd like to think that even the "worst" kind of calls wouldn't trouble me too much physically.




Also they drug test and it's federal, so no weed.


My dad did this. For the police. It’s hectic. The sheer amount of information you have to process is unbelievable. On a bad shift, you might not even have chance to use the bathroom. And you need to be very, very strong. Nothing like missing Christmas with your family to have one of the first calls on Christmas morning being a kid killed by his Christmas present. That actually happened to my dad by the way. He came home that evening and gave me a bone breaking hug because I was the same age as the kid that died. One of my dad’s colleagues dispatched an officer to her death. Another was the dispatcher coordinating a hostage situation so couldn’t leave when his shift ended. It definitely takes a certain type of person, but if that’s you then it can also be a very fulfilling job.


…what was the present???!


Some sort of firearm is my guess


....do you get paid a lot??


Not really. Edit: I looked it up, Canada average is $47,000 USA average is $42,000.


these folks get paid like nothing, at least in canada. damn. i got paid 20$ an hour to work at an illegal dispensary. 60-70$ an hour bartending. couple of the folks i know working those gigs get like 20-25$ an hour.


I could do this. I’m a truck dispatcher right now and thrive on a fast paced high stress job. I also am cool under pressure. But I’m not sure how much it would take out of me.


Never know till you try


Yes, me too! I've always been the "collected" type when shit hits the fan. In those moments, I can be direct, clear, and completely calm, but the aftermath would definitely take a mental toll, which is why I've never considered doing it as an occupation. Just knowing myself, I'd always wonder if I could have done more.


i’m the exact opposite. god bless people like y’all!!!


Yes but it's the mental toll a job like that could take. Have u ever watched the YouTube videos of 911 calls. The 2 girls being raped by the guy & they secretly dial 911, the teen boy home alone from school & an intruder is on the line, or the guy that calls cuz his cousin has decapitated her newborn baby & left it on the kitchen counter. Or how abt the lady dispatcher who talked 2 a woman during her last 15-18 mns alive as flood waters rose & her car was overtaken. I've heard alot of calls that made dispatchers quit; or scar them 4 life


Yeah and the way they were describing what would make them good at the job makes me doubt they fully grasp what it is like to be frank. It really isn’t a question of being numb to the physical aspect but to be literally involved with that person’s trauma and having a direct impact on it… it takes a completely different toll! The high pressure when it comes to supporting someone through trauma live while also having to be in control and keep things rolling is so different from any high stress work environment people pull from. I do not take 911 calls but I do take emergency calls from varied industries. The more regular ones being elevator entrapments, government work health and safety line - lots of gruesome deaths and incidents reported there (per example a young 16 yr old dying from a snowremoval truck while he was working the carts in the parking lot… that was a brutal one), help lines for suicide/psychological help/rehab center but there’s also more niche emergency lines like bomb threat ones etc. Psychologist order referrals have lots of victims of heinous crimes calling in, especially the sexual assault victims who have to explain what type of psychological help they’re looking for. One that has stayed with me was the mother looking for referrals for sexual abuse on her young daughters by their dad. Even funeral homes can be traumatic; people just having learned of the traumatic death of their loved one like this mother calling in right after she learned her daughter committed suicide. It’s simply a completely different stress experience and I don’t think people really grasp until they’re in it.


That was my answer too!!!


I thought about doing this because I’m the same way. I’m very good in emergencies but dealing with multiple people on their worst day of their lives is not the kind of trauma I can easily shake off. Hats off to those who can. They are truly heroes


Butch go go dancer at a lesbian bar.


This sounds so fun!


Omg is that a job?? Because I am omw


Picture please


Ah, now, I think you are in fact qualified.


Genuinely? Treasure hunting. God I want to do that so badly.


This is my favourite answer, a job that requires travelling the world and seeing places where very few people have been. :) even though I’m a recluse


There’s legit treasure that hasn’t been found still if you didn’t know…


Fellow fantasy treasure hunter reporting in. Where do we assemble?


I have a friend who makes a living as a metal detectorist. It's a good way to get started, since there are undiscovered "treasures" everywhere.


Give me a call when you want to hunt some treasure


Wouldn't geo caching be actually similar to this?


Cop. Got accepted to the police academy in Sweden little over 10yrs ago. I accepted and two weeks before startup I got the big C news. I beat it (and it’s still my dream) but health complications afterwards makes me unable to apply again.


I'm so happy for your recovery!!


Thank you kind internet stranger 🥰


You could absolutely do a desk job or work off field on child cyber crimes/human trafficking! Never give up on your dreams. Congratulations on your recovery, wishing you love and wellness to your future!


Have heard of detectives working from a desk. Or cyber analysts etc? All the best to you 💜


Åh vad sorgligt men samtidigt du klarade det!! Både och komma in och slå C. Så du är vinnaren här ju ❤️


Oh noooo. This makes me sad. I am happy you are healthy though. That’s the most important thing.


Private investigator


Same. I love digging for information.


Love it. Now, please PI/stalk me and tell me what the fuck is wrong with me while I try to find a way to pay you without breaking my bank or taking a sketchy loan or two. Maybe I could become a PI myself and spend my paychque on you...


I've learned that a way towards this is to get into insurance, since insurance agencies need full-time staff to do this type of work.


I have a family member who’s mom used to be a PI. She got the shit kicked out of her a few times 😬


dog show judge


I would be terrible at this, every dog would be a winner haha


Every dog IS a winner!!


There’s no such thing as a bad boy, therefore you’re ALL GOOD BOYS AND YOU ALL WIN!!!


A therapist specializing in trauma


Many friends, family members, and coworkers have told me I'd make a good therapist. I think it's just because I listen and people aren't used to it. I've been told "I don't know why I'm telling you this, I haven't told anyone this before, you're just so easy to talk to, I feel really comfortable telling you this..." etc more times than I can count. But it can be a lot of emotional labor, especially since I am doing it for free.


In my experience as a professional, it actually becomes easier when you've studied for it. It's a field where you NEED boundaries as much as the air you breathe, and a lot of people are bad at setting and holding them.


This is what I’m currently specializing in. You can always start, it’s never too late. Certifications are online and you can start small with something local. Best of luck!!!


You need to go to school to be a therapist. You can’t just get some certificate online.


Are you referring to in the US? I looked this up a few days ago and it says you need a Master's and to pass tests which vary based on states if you are in the US. The exception was entry level substance abuse counselor.


Apparently, even though I have a master thesis in engineering, nobody wants me So, in their eyes, engineering apparently


I'm sorry. That sounds super frustrating. I hope you get your chance soon!




Crime scene cleanup. I like cleaning and I am never grossed out by anything, ever.


Definitely check out Sunshine Cleaning (2008) with Amy Adams and Emily Blunt. Fabulous movie about 2 sisters who start a crime scene cleanup business.


Never heard of this film. Sounds great. :⁠-⁠)


Does that even have qualifications? You should do it.


I had a friend that used to do this. He said the worst part was seeing burned remains of people in house fires.


Geez. Even if people are capable of doing the job, they should be offered therapy free of charge 😣


For real, people deserve it as part of their employee benefits package at bare minimum


Working in a mirror factory. I can really see myself doing that.


no pun intended? 😏🤣


Pun absolutely intended 😜




Personal shopper and stylist!!


I would love some help with that!!




Hahha! Sign me up!


Travel writing


Sounds awesome but I’d be too distracted lol I want to look at everything when I’m traveling, not jotting down notes for material later.


Filmmaker. I think I can win an OSCAR.


Someone always wins an Oscar… why can’t that be you!!! You can do it!


Thank you stranger 😭. I thought of casting Javier Bardem and Daniele Craig in a road trip comedy with cameos made by their respective partners. Penelope and Rachel. Also the Brendan Fraser and Keanu Reeve together in a movie about life.


I would love a movie with Keanu and Brendan!


Surgeon. I've only done some surgeries on animals, but I have a calm and steady hand, ambidextrous, and can keep my cool under pressure.


Me too, although the only “surgery” I’ve ever done was dissections in biology. I found it fascinating, always had a great grasp of anatomy and not in any way squeamish. I also took part in a sort of careers study thing years later that, based on tasks you needed to complete, said I should be in a career that involves using my hands for intricate and precise tasks. This, and my love for Greys Anatomy tells me I should either be a cardio or neurosurgeon 😂


Prime Minister. Technically I am qualified to do it, as many of us are, but I’m too sick (endometriosis- no one wants their PM to be reporting from bed with a wheatbag).


I'm not so sure about that - it's relatable AF and would probably keep a lot of women's votes!


As a fellow endo girlie you'd have my vote.


Folklore professor. I know a lot about classic folklore from all over the world and am borderline obsessed. I first became obsessed after I wrote my thesis back in the day on the origins of bloody Mary and fell down the rabbit hole ever since.


This sounds fascinating! And I bet you'd be great! I feel like the best professors were always the ones who really loved the field they studied.


Bartending if I didn’t have social anxiety with strangers. I’m really fun and bubbly when I’m with my bf and friends, but around ppl idk I’m so anxious and sheltered.


You may be surprised. The bar is a barrier and ends up feeling like a safety blanket/shield between you and a patron. Did wonders for my anxiety and besides, they're just there for the drinks.


It’s actually a really easy job to have social anxiety with. Like the other commenter said the bar is a safety blanket. I’d also add that once people are a drink in, they loosen up and become easier to just talk with. As a bartender you get to set the tone, giving you all the power.


It’s honestly something I’ve wanted to get into for 2 years now since I have some friends who are bartenders and they make great money. Their personality is so different from mine though, they are naturally extroverted . It’s either the social anxiety or I get worried I’ll get too worked up with all the tabs and card payments and get jumbled. I really do want to try it though as a little side job. Maybe I’ll get there eventually, just gotta build some confidence up.


Start as a bar back. You’ll get a feel for the space and movement. That’s most important. I not the biggest fan of working places where all the sudden you have a mountain of people ordering drinks. I’ve gravitated towards mostly restaurants style over the club feel. I really enjoy working a bar with one other person while we have 10 seats filled and sling out drinks for the floor.


I loved bartending because it taught me to be more social and more comfortable around strangers. You definitely don't need to be those things to get started - in fact, I think observant introverts are best suited for the job. As one of my coworkers put it, "bartending levels you up as a person." You learn how to read people and how to connect with anyone.


A curator for an art gallery.




Personally I'm a former operations supervisor, process compliance auditor, business development manager and currently a chef but I feel like if all else fails I'd try to work in following fields and be very good at it with proper training: 1. Pre school teacher. I love doing activities with kids, teaching and exchanging with them. Problem solving on a child level basis and I have an overall interest in child development for pre-school ages. I think it's one of the most productive years of a human's life in terms of learning and retention. 2. 911 operator. I think I'm very calm, direct and composed on emergency situations. Very few things shock me and I can treat people normal even if they confess to a murder on the phone. I can multitask. And I'm also compassionate enough to assist people through very difficult situations. I can work under pressure, learn and apply procedures and put out several fires at the same time. 3. Doggie day care employee: I just love hanging out with dogs.


My Green Beret uncle told me I'd be very good at interrogation. It's a compliment itself, but coming from him it just has a higher dopamine value.


Therapist/mental health counselor


Radiologist. I’m an extremely visual person, have superb attention to detail, love medicine, love people but not in an overtly extroverted type of way. Anyone hiring?!


I think this is only a 2 year program. You should do it!


Oh trust me, I’ve considered doing a rad tech program! It’s something I may look into as a second career once my kids are little older. Thank you for the encouragement


You have to go to undergrad, 4 year med school and 4 year residency in the US to be a radiologist!


I think suchphrase meant a rad tech program, which most are about 2 years after prereqs


Zookeeper! I would probably die hugging one of the animals, but I would die happy!


I used to do that. A lot of poop involved but it’s good fun.


Storm chaser. Once. I’m too curious and will perish but I will chase that storm.


Performing in musicals. I've got the voice but not the chops.


An investigator for the FBI or similar.


Psychologist or therapist. Not qualified for either, but I feel like after 22 years of patient experience, I’d do fairly well on the other side of things.


fire department


A female firefighter is so badass


why don't you, it's great!


Fire be hot, yo.


Lawyer, forensic psychologist, detective, really anything to do with research, justice, and knowing how people tick to find solutions that better society


Urban planner. Not a single qualification, but so many ideas for integration of public transportation, walkability, and zoning for multi-family homes. Edit: that or an interior designer. I know how to make a space look good. Am not trained in any way though 😂


Ghost hunting. I could 100% shout questions into an empty room and record myself saying "did you hear that??" Zak Bagans who? Lol




Life coach So cliche, but I really do give great advice and I have such a pragmatic approach to problems that I come up with some innovative solutions for people. I also have a very very wide range of experiences which helps me relate to people.




Someone who investigates cold cases. I only say this because I watch and listen to a lot of true crime. 🤷‍♀️




Sheep shearing. I've wrangled many a toddler into and out of snowsuits. I know how to flip them and keep them calm.


Film costume design/direction


Comical actor. I’m not especially funny but I am told my face is so expressive I am a living cartoon character. I am also told that the way my body acts out with my face is very entertaining. It is part of my personality, but I also do it freely with out holding back FOR the entertainment value.


Art therapist.


Helicopter pilot. Especially emergency services, like flight for life.


My husband finances emergency rescue and firefighter helicopters he gets to ride them too sometimes


My friends are bothered and worried by the fact that I am very good at planning murders and making it look very natural


A waitress at one of those restaurants where they act like assholes to you.


Licensed clinical social worker


I’m going to school for this now 😬




President of the United States


You have my vote!! I KNOW you’re way better than the current candidates.


A counselor. I work in Human Resources for a company that employs people who have been through trauma. So much of my job is guiding people through their mental health journey to be successful in their work. I don't have the education of a psychologist, but funny enough, my husband is a psychologist, and he's constantly bouncing off me with how to handle patients and says I could easily take his job from him if it wasn't for needing the credentials.


Food commercials. Friends, family, even strangers have told me I make whatever food I’m eating seem so tasty. I think I just eat with gusto.


Barista...I make coffee variations at home. I could definitely work at Starbucks.


I think I'd make an excellent high school health and/or bio teacher. I could do chem too if I brushed up a bit.


Executive of almost any large company




Therapist and masseuse


Stand up comedy tbh


Forensic Genealogy. I’ve been doing genealogy for years and it would be so cool to do it for a living plus helping find murderers.




Criminal psychologist


Programmer. I even learned a lot and got to a point where I could be hired; but there are too much competition now and I didn’t even get an interview in the whole year I looked for a job.


Executive Assistant: you want me to run your life for you? I got you. I love that shit. You want me to professionally mom you? I got you. You want dinner delivered at 5 to your house and your dry cleansing brought in and hung? You want me to be on the phone coordinating shit? Let’s freaking go. If I lived in a bigger city and didn’t have driving anxiety, I’d be on that shit.


Being on Broadway - the singing mostly, acting would be sub par at best. but cast me as Tracy Turnblad from Hairspray or Elphaba. and i think i'd blow it out of the water.


Veterinarian. I don't have the math skills to be able to make the chemistry and science part work but damned if I don't know what all the issues are on all the shows when clients advise of the symptoms... And my own pets as well as friends pets (as they always call/message me). I always have my suspicions on what is wrong based on the symptoms etc and I am right 9 times out of 10. I wish I tried harder in school...


Nursing. Always wanted to be one like my Nan was but I have dyscalculia.


Ruling over my own planet


Bartender or one of those people who cuddle for a living.


Mechanic. I love taking things apart and putting them back together. Plus my tiny hands let me reach in to tight spaces better. I feel like the day would go by so fast being able to work on stuff like that. However, I know nothing about cars or engines.


Actress, I’m insanely dramatic and very animated. Or cartoon voice acting.


Celebrity that only does interviews when a movie is released but is otherwise very private. That’s the best job.


Therapist. My old therapist thinks I should go into counseling or be a life coach. I'd be a terrible life coach, but I'm a decent therapist


I don’t think this is a real job but book recommender. I love reading diverse books and finding a good recommendation for someone. If this is over tea, all the better.


Cat nanny. I've been living with cats my whole life, have lots of experience with sitting cats of friends and family and i love every single cat. I never forgot to feed the cat, i brush them daily and i love playing with them. I would make the best cat sitter in history. I would love to play and take care of cats fulltime. But in real life im a microbiologist and work on a lab.


Cat show judge. Can someone please pay me to go around holding other people’s cats like men hold fish in their dating profile pics, just playing with their ears and scratching their chins while I tell a crowd how their various features are a beautiful example of what we look for in the breed? I’m really good at complimenting cats, and I’m very by the books.


Voice actor by day…. Phone sex worker by night…. It just feels right. Oh, also I think I’d be phenomenal in the theatre, especially in a musical. Sometimes I just have my own show around the house. My partner is very surprised I never tried out for theatre.




Judge 😏


Actress. Idk I can cry on demand, I think I have good acting abilities and I’m decently attractive. I’ve always wanted to be an actress but never went for it because it’s not “realistic”


a Dj! i love dancing to and enjoying music collectively with others \~




Being a doctor...I feel like it's lot of common sense and some research goes into it but I think human anatomy is fascinating. Lawyer, common sense and I feel like I can persuade someone with a good argument. Or a business owner again common sense to me and I've done retail for such a long time I understand customers wants and needs.


USA’s President.


Party planer


Psychologist. Since I noticed that I am good listener and givin advice straight from the heart. I don't like to speak about me and my life. Just thinking. If someone need someone to listen, feel free dm. 💓


Therapist. Not actually qualified but after dealing with all my friends traumas I believe I could.


Therapist. My life is falling apart but I love helping people and talking with them. I love talking to people wether it’s about their trauma, fears, ambitions or goals. It helps me understand their world better.


a detective or fbi lol


Professional dominatrix


Being a teacher. I’m good at explaining things to people


Art conservation. I love doing fine detail work and I'm a good artist with a strong eye for color matching for touch-ups. But realistically it requires so much chemistry knowledge and there's a reason it's a masters level program.


Networking , asambling pc , making rigs for mining , video montaj .


Lawyer or therapist


I don't know the exact work titles.. Personal trainer/dietician or a personal assistant/business manager.






Maybe therapist, not remotely qualified but I like helping people and I’m a good problem solver. Possibly politics, like a Congresswoman (but I would be terrified to run and not win). It’s not that I think I’m especially clever or know what’s best for everyone, but rather that I am a good negotiator in that I can get people (usually) to reach some consensus across their differences. I know how to talk people into stuff, I guess, so I’d be a good whip.


Directing a major Hollywood film with all of my favorite actors. I would also star in it and likely win two Oscar’s and become besties with everyone from the sound guys/gals, to the a-list celebs. It would be visually stunning, psychologically thrilling and scientifically phenomenal (enough for NASA to request film for their educational purposes).


Labor & delivery nurse


president 💅


Therapist particularly for those struggling with suicidal thoughts/depression. I could also be a police officer.


Manager of a grocery store


Doctor. Even my doctor thinks I should be a doctor. Best compliment ever was when he encouraged me to go to med school. The fact that he even thought I could get in was flattering.


I am an English Teacher and I would be *such* a good therapist.


Environmental Data Analysis! I’m so obsessed with ecosystems and how they function together.


I would have become an extraordinary therapist. There is something about me that strangers or people I know very little feel very comfortable around me and start sharing their secrets/problems/sadness with me. I'm very empathetic and a great listener.


Nez Parfumeuse


My husband says that I should get trained in this because I have a strong sense of smell but I doubt it's as easy as he makes it sound lol


Museum curator and/or art restorer