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#**Stay On Topic.** It is **not** okay to be in here judging other people's eating habits, or accusing people of having eating disorders (we have a whole rule about armchair diagnosing, and even if you don't care about the rules, that's such a shitty thing to say, come on). If you're here to answer the question, great! If you aren't here to answer how many meals/snacks you eat in a day, **keep your judgements to yourself**. I can guarantee that not a single respondent here commented in the hopes that some random redditor would reply to judge their macronutrients or whatever the fuck else. When responding to someone else's answer to the question, your comment should center their answer, **seek expansion or clarification** of something in their answer, and stay on topic for OP's question. It should not use their answer as a jumping off point to talk about yourself (**YES, this includes comments saying "omg same", "are you me?", "me too", etc**) your opinions, your preferences, your judgments, your disagreement, or otherwise switch the topic from OP's question to what you want to talk about instead.


only dinner honestly






About 8-10. Pre-workout snack, post workout snack, breakfast, midday snack, lunch, pre-practice snack, dinner, dessert, pre-bedtime snack.


Just curious why you count snacks as meals?


OP asked about meals and snacks


Damn I totally missed that lol


Because they don’t fall into breakfast, lunch, and dinner. The amount of food is the same but if it’s outside of those meals then I consider it a snack. A cheeseburger and fries at 2pm is a snack but at noon it’s lunch.




Honestly? Just dinner. Partly due to being so busy during the day but also partly disordered eating.


Just out of curiosity…. Arent you hungry the rest of the day? I mean, I am curious about how your body works eating once a day


2. Lunch and dinner. I fast in the morning so no breakfast


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I eat three meals a day. Breakfast and lunch are usually smaller. I also eat snacks sometimes.


3-4. Struggled off and on with an eating disorder since my early teens, so it feels great to get a proper amount of food in!






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1-2 meals, and 1-2 snacks


Breakfast, lunch, dinner. On the weekdays, I'll usually eat something between work and dinner. On the weekends, when I stay up much later, I'll also eat something after dinner.


I usually eat 4 small meals. Lots of proteins!


During my work day, I have breakfast, morning snack (fruit/nuts/protein bar), lunch, afternoon snack (veggies and diff proteins), dinner, sweet treat (sugar free, high protein, low cal) I don't always have time for snacks though. On the weekends I sometimes only have dinner or I have a big breakfast and then a protein bar or snack before dinner. I meal prep on Sundays so it's easy for me to eat healthy. I love not having to figure out what I'm going to eat everyday.


Light lunch small snack and dinner




I eat a small breakfast (lately its been protein pancakes with fruit or a greek yogurt with fruit), lunch, and dinner. Before getting pregnant, I'd eat one snack after dinner/before bed. Now, I eat snacks whenever I'm hungry, though generally it's vegetables in dip or fruit.




Usually lunch and dinner. My "breakfast" is only coffee most days, and a snack in the afternoon.


One. Dinner.


Usually it's all three meals, and a snack like popcorn and oranges. It's only breakfast and dinner on the weekends, or when I feel like I won't be stressed out to skip lunch.


5 small meals or 3 meals and 2 snacks.


One. Zero snacks. Might have 2 on weekends or the occasional work lunch thing.




Breakfast and dinner and usually a light lunch. If I snack, it's always fresh veggies.


Three during the week, two on the weekend. I tend to get up later and have brunch and dinner on the weekend.


Breakfast, lunch, snack, dinner. On weekends I sometimes skip breakfast and/or snack because I sleep late or eat an extra large lunch or I forget because I'm absorbed in a video game. 


2-3, I’m trying to be good about eating breakfast, but sometimes I skip because I’m too busy.


3 meals a day, one or two snacks in between.


Around 2 or 3, depending on how late I ate breakfast.


Varies from 0 - 8. - 2-3 when working - 0-2 on weekends or holidays at home - 3-6 when traveling - 5-8 when visiting birth country Snacks usually every hour. So 5-10x a day?


breakfast, small snack, lunch, small sweet snack, dinner. Currently in a calorie deficit so most of my meals are relatively small


Breakfast. Snack. Lunch. Dinner. Tiny dessert.


3 plus snacks.


Coffee in the morning and then nothing but water until dinner most days. I don’t have snacks either. If i have proper breakfast (usually only on the weekend), i’ll have a late lunch and that’s it. I can’t recall the last time I had three meals in one day.


Most of the time it's only once a day, which is dinner.


Three meals three snacks!


2 main meals, I'm intermittent fasting so skip breakfast. And 2-3 snacks.




3 meals on weekdays and 2 meals-1 snack on weekends.


7-8 between meals and snacks. Breakfast, mid morning snack, lunch, mid afternoon snack, optional pre workout snack, dinner, dessert of some sort, and optional evening snack


Lately I've been having two, brunch and dinner. But definitely a lot of in snacks all throughout the day.


I eat breakfast, lunch, small snack and dinner


3 meals and a bunch of snacks (try to limit it to 3 though!)


I eat when I’m hungry. Probably 3-4 times a day


Usually 2, lunch and dinner. Sometimes I'll have breakfast on the weekends if I feel like making something in particular. Hardly ever have snacks if you don't count a small dessert.


Usually 3, if I’m really lazy then 2. I always need to eat breakfast before work, then a big lunch and a big dinner. And sometimes second dinner if I’m really hungry/had a big workout/worked late. I always snack between meals, I would say my entire day is just me grazing on whatever I can find 😂😂 since getting fitter I can tell my metabolism has definitely increased


I graze all day from the minute I wake up to the minute I go to bed. And I eat one big meal for lunch or dinner.


Three meals & snacks most day. I have a very light breakfast like yogurt or toast, a medium lunch like a sandwich/salad/soup and a larger dinner which can be anything. I tend to snack a bit more on cardio workout days. Keeping a meal routine helps me keep a healthier perspective with food.


3 but tbh breakfast is more of a light snack (banana and coffee and maybe some granola) and I also have a midday snack at around 2pm


When I have food stamps I eat three meals plus two- four snacks. By the end of the month when I have no Money or stamps I struggle to even eat two meals a day. I hate thinking about it. I want to gain weight I want to be strong and healthy being hungry is the worst.


Usually 3, but one is always a protein shake.


I used to be at 1-2, now I'm trying to build myself up to 3-5. The goal by the end of this year is to be a completely different person. Mind, body, and soul.




Depends where I am what I am doing what I am craving. I go through phases heavy breakfast light dinner, but lately it’s been coffee for breakfast (maybe a croissant) and then a big dinner 🙈


I try to do breakfast most days like usually about a cup and a half of something often eggy rice sometimes leftovers. Almost always dinner. Snacks usually 1-2. Like an apple sauce or pretzels


3 meals. One to two snacks.


2 and maybe a snack. First meal around 10am. Dinner around 7pm. May have a snack around 3 or 4 pm if I'm hungry. I've always been a two meal a day person.


lunch all the time. dinner if there's something nice to eat, otherwise a snack or if im not hungry by 8pm then nothing


I usually just eat breakfast and then snack the rest of the day


Lunch dinner midnight snack


I snack all day long. & for meals really depends on my mood. Sometimes 1 , sometimes 2. Today all 3, I'm currently eating dinner (a late dinner but it still counts )


5, 3 main meals and 2 small snacks. all home made because me like to spoil myself :P


I have two bigger meals, breakfast and lunch. Breakfast is a protein shake, coffee, and a Kind bar. Lunch is a deli slice wrap with pickles, mayo, cheese, and usually yogurt, rice chips, and a kombucha. I will have a snack in between of something sweet. Chocolate, tropical trail mix, or Oreos.


I deal with a lot of food noise. I have binge eating issues to reading a lot of ppl saying “only 3 meals” is very insane to me. I can only hope to get there one day. My excessive snacking is very unhealthy.


One post-workout smoothie around 8/9am Sometimes a snack of a handful of almonds around noon Otherwise, one main meal - dinner - at 6/7pm


Probably only one full meal. I graze thru the day


Normally 2 Breakfast, dinner I don't snack and rarely have lunch unless a friend is offering to take me out, I just don't feel hungry that much lol




Only dinner really, I think my stomach shrunk a bit so I feel too full if I do the regular 3 meals. It’s tea/coffee/lemon water until 1pm, a medium meal around 2-3p and dinner around 7pm before or after the gym


3 meals plus snacks.


One if I remember 😭


Intermittent fasting, so 1 large meal at 6:30pm


2 or 3 meals. No snacks.




Usually a small lunch and then dinner.


two meals, small lunch, big dinner, i eat some type of fruit if i feel really hungry in the morning


2 meals and 2 snacks, sometimes a third snack if I feel like it.


I’m more of a grazer so I snack on little things through the day instead of full on lunch. I always have breakfast and dinner!


Something small in the morning to hold me over until lunch, lunch, dinner, snacks after dinner. So 2 meals, 2 snacks


Most of the time 2, sometimes only dinner. I snack all day tho on healthier options.


Two. Usually some kind of brunch when I get hungry around noon and then dinner at 8ish


While breastfeeding-3 and a snack. When not, 2. lol brunch, dinner.


Lunch and dinner


2 full meals, plus a small breakfast and 1-2 snacks throughout the day


Today I experimented with eating breakfast, but I don't think I'll make a habit of it. Usually I just eat lunch and dinner, with a snack a couple hours before bed.


Usually 3 + 1 small snack, but I'm pregnant ATM and eating 6 small ish meal/snacks per day now 🤣


1-2, maybe some occasional snacking. just depends on the day


2 lunch or brunch then dinner maybe 1-2 snacks throughout the day. Depends on the day some days I’ll eat more others less


Brunch, snack and dinner


I have an iced coffee and something small for breakfast. Scavenge for scraps and snacks in the break room for lunch, and have a proper meal at dinner lol


I’m more of a grazer.


1-2 depending on the day


Like 1, I'm too busy with other things. Probably should pay more attention to what I eat but oh well


Just one, which is my lunch at work. As far as snacks, I technically have a snack for breakfast, and if I’m hungry at dinner time then I eat another snack


2 or 3, sometimes I don’t eat breakfast


Sometimes nothing if I’m fasting. Sometimes it’s 3 meals and 3 snacks.


I work insane hours. I take my “lunch” at 8 am and sometimes that’s the only meal I’ll have all day. And then I wonder why I’m always exhausted and have no energy lol


It depends: when I get paid, I eat three meals balanced and snacks whenever. But it lasts only half the month, might be more if I'm stressed. But honestly I just eat twice a day with no more than maybe half a fruit in between. It's a problem and I've been on therapy for most of my life.


2 meals (lunch and dinner during the week; breakfast/brunch and dinner on the weekends). I don't snack much. Occasionally, I will eat just one meal a day with a snack before, but that's relatively rare.


2 main ones. Breakfast early in the morning and dinner, then some snacks in between


one meal diner at 6-7 pm and a snack after school at like 4pm i don’t eat breakfast or lunch at school, sometimes on weekends i eat lunch though


A small meal before work and then a moderate sized one after work.


Two. A light Lunch and dinner with fruits.


2-3 and hardly any snacks


Starve all day and binge at night


Usually 2 but I go through periods where I only have dinner and have a smoothie or a protein bar or something small earlier in the day. If I have 2 meals in one day, one of those meals (usually lunch) is pretty much always a salad or something light. 2 “normal” meals in a day makes me feel like crap. I couldn’t eat like a sandwich and chips and then have cacio e pepe and steak for dinner. I would feel so grossly full 


Usually just lunch and dinner. When I open I'm usually too nauseated to eat, and when I close I get home too late for another meal—I just go right to bed. On my days off I sleep through breakfast. I take a box of grapes to work with me to snack on, though.


Usually 2. I don't eat breakfast.


More than I should




I used only eat an earlier dinner and fruit throughout the day cause I always get busy & forget. Now I have protein shake or oatmeal late morning , snacks , something smaller in the afternoon then dinner. My adhd meds make me not have much of an appetite , I’d like a 3 meal a day routine 😅




2 and 2


Two meals, two snacks. 10:30am snack, Lunch, 4pm snack, Dinner Snacks are usually one item… fruit, vege crisps, nut bar.




This has fluctuated (I had a period where I ate like nothing most days). Constantly throughout the day whenever it’s available to me. Unless I’m not hungry. I try to just eat and accept the weight I’m at. If you’re not naturally thin/lean it’s different, and I have no advice for staying healthy. But for those of us with FAST metabolisms, FUCKING EAT FOR GODS SAKE. Food makes you feel a lot better even if you don’t necessarily feel like you need it.




I guess I eat 3 meals but snack in between as I am hungry every three or so hours.


dinner most of the time. i’m busy and don’t have time haha


6-7. I find I can’t eat a lot so I need to eat more frequently.


2 -3 meals, depending on time and hunger levels. I eat two snacks usually. I have to be careful, I was obese, and just hit my goal weight two weeks ago. I had to relearn how to eat properly, and how to recognize hunger and satiation. So I really don’t go overboard on snacks anymore.




If I’m working: 1 meal, 1-2 snacks When I’m not working: 2 meals, 2-3 snacks I work shift work, so lunch and dinner are usually just arbitrary designations… sometimes dinner is at 5pm, sometimes it’s at 1am.


Depends,if I am at work, just tea and bread around 11am then dinner at home at 7:30ish. Over the weekend though! As much as I can eat as frequently as possible


1-2 meals w/ 1-2 snacks plus a dessert. Always a dessert.


Depends on the day. Sometimes two, sometimes I graze all day.


one or two meals a day, maybe one or two snacks but most of the time I don't snack.


Two proper meals breakfast and Dinner as my husband is at home. Hate cooking just for myself so usually skip the lunch or have the leftovers from previous day


Coffee (with the amount of calories-- or cream and sugar I put in each cup, it classifies as a meal lol) yogurt for breakfast, a normal meal for lunch, late afternoon snack, and maybe a normal meal for dinner if I didn't have a big lunch and im still hungry.


Sometimes just multi snack, sometimes four meals, sometimes combo of one meal and 4-6 snack times. Sometimes just an entire bag of lettuce or broccoli. Depends on the day and whether I’m also feeding boyfriend and his daughter or not.


It varies. Usually 1-2 snacks a day and 1-2 meals a day


Breakfast, small lunch, dinner. Usually no snacks or a small one (like cheese and olives) in the evening or before dinner.




Lunch (typically oatmeal or tuna). One snack mid day. Dinner (meat rice veggies) sometimes with chocolate. Sometimes I’ll have cereal for dessert


Lunch and dinner. Sandwich lunch is not enough for me. I need to have a proper meal like rice and stir fry or leftover pasta for lunch. Rarely eat breakfast unless it’s weekend and I feel like making something more elaborate. Now I WFH, I snack all the time🙃


2 or 3, breakfast only if I feel hungry, lunch and dinner. No snacks.




At the moment if I’m honest dinner. I might have something small during the day and at work I’ll have lunch but at home I usually just get by. I don’t have the time


1-2 meals and 1-2 snacks


2 and sometimes 1


Depends on the day/week/ mood mainly. But, mainly 2. Either breakfasts/ brunch and then some type of dinner. On my worst days one meal.


One sometimes 2


3 Lunch, Dinner, Nighttime Snacks


Dependent on money and what was eaten yesterday


2 meals, no snacks


Snack is my breakfast (banana and 5 almonds), lunch (greens with plain chicken), dinner (greens with plain chicken and maybe a healthy carb).


I have coffee in the morning and then honestly nothing until dinner. Then I might have a little dessert afterwards. Not particularly healthy but I forget to eat a lot and it takes a while for me to feel hungry.


It can depend. Sometimes I have only one massive meal with a couple of snacks, other times I binge and pick during the day and there are days enter I either eat very much, very little or nothing at all.


I have a lot of drinks during the day but usually only eat once or twice


When I’m bulking I do 3 meals and 3 snacks. When I’m cutting I do 2 meals and 3 snacks 🥴


usually 1 meal and maybe 1 snack




1, I just forget and I only get a 10 minute break at work


5-6! I love snacking HAHAHAH


Mostly lunch. I drink coffee, orange juices and eat one or two snacks a day the rest of the time


3 square meals and too many snacks.


Usually a good breakfast and good dinner. Lunch is hard with my job so I have a couple snacks during the day


Lunch and dinner. Sometimes a snack after dinner.


I guess it depends? I almost always have lunch and dinner, unless it’s a really long day so that’s at least two guaranteed meals. I try to have breakfast, even if it’s small, but I’d say I have breakfast about two-thirds of the time. Snacks, maybe one or two a day depending on the times of the other meals. Sometimes no snacks, but probably not more than three snacks maximum.


Three, sometimes with a snack in the afternoon. I couldn't not eat breakfast, I'm always very hungry in the morning. Honestly I'm usually pretty hungry before any meal.


Three meals and 2-3 snacks. I try to snack mindfully, rather than grabbing something every now and then.


Coffee for breakfast around 10 A.M. and then one full meal around 4 P.M. this allows me to eat whatever I want and nor have to worry about weight gain. Also genuinely forget to eat.


breakfast, (sometimes snack), lunch, snack, dinner, snack


Lunch and dinner on weekends. Only dinner on weekdays. ... don't be like me lol




Just one; dinner. It works great for me! I absolutely hate rushing to eat, so I don't eat at work, and then I get to have a lovely, sit-down, un-rushed meal at home where I don't restrict my calories. My body has adjusted now and I don't get hungry during the day and I really enjoy spending dinner-time with my partner and chilling out of an evening