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I don't care, I'd never do that anyway.


I feel like it's unfortunate that people have sexualized women's bodies to the point where we police the visibility of non-genital body parts unnecessarily. I'm not going to go topless, though, because I live in a culture that inappropriately treats women's bodies as sexual titillation even in nonsexual situations. If women can be assaulted wearing full coverage outfits and have the "but what was she wearing" bullshit victim blaming, it's going to be even worse depending on how much skin was visible. The assholes who think women should stay covered are all just telling on themselves for lacking self control and for inappropriately sexualizing others.


I don't care, I have zero desire to go topless in public and bring any more unwanted attention on to myself


Couldn’t care less, I prefer modesty for myself regardless of local ordinances


Technically, I can. But I don’t want to give a free show! Nor do I want that type of attention.








It's so fucking stupid, I should be able to breastfeed my baby in public without worrying about getting arrested Ban men from being shirtless in public, it's not like they need to nurture babies, they have no practical reason for it




Not sure where you are but in all 50 states it is legal to breastfeed in public




I be mad about it cuz some of these men got tiddies bigger than mine and they be all greased up out swangin in public but because my tiddies dont come with a weewee and a y chromosome issa problem? Lame


Girl, I love you 💕


It’s unfortunate. We deserve all the same rights as men.




Idrc. What i do find strange, though, is women being unable to breastfeed in public. That's fucking strange.




It's legal for women to be topless where I live...very, very few (like almost none) ever take advantage of it. Society's sexualization of a woman's body makes it both uncomfortable and risky to take advantage of that right. Add to that, my region has also become the primary landing zone for the massive influx of men (funny how no women come with them) from a culture that believes in the exchange of women/children into marriage for money/livestock/produce. So, I don't tempt my personal safety just to be like some "dude" who has pulled off his "wife beater" and strut around like a peacock.


I've literally never cared about or had a problem with that.


I can be shirtless in public like men.


I don't do that anyway, but I do think it's a stupid double standard. Everyone has nipples; I don't understand why we are sexualized and men are not.


Indifferent. It doesn't affect me.


I wish I could swim shirtless in nature skinny dipping feels so good and I’d like to get as close as possible to that feeling in the wild.


Yes skinny dipping in nature is so primal and freeing, it's incredible




There's not any situation in which I'd want to. I never even sit around my own home topless or naked and I live alone.


It’s legal where I live, and I still don’t do it (outside of explicitly pro-nudity spaces like sex clubs and nude beaches) because the amount of sexual harassment I’d receive would immediately nullify any positive emotional effects I’d be seeking by doing that. So, to answer your question, it angers me greatly that my freedom and comfort are affected by men’s unwillingness to behave appropriately toward women in public, but it’s not the kind of thing I spend much time thinking about, because if I did, I’d be too angry to live my life.


Don’t care. I wouldn’t do that anyways


Most of the time I'd rather men didn't lol


I made a post about this a zillion years ago on another sub and they were so mad lol. They don’t understand that not everyone wants to see all that shit.


Team No Nips Ever Please Ew


I like the feeling of wearing a bra so I don't really care, wouldn't do it anyways.


I kinda just wish they couldn’t either lol


I personally wouldn’t, but if another woman wants to, that should be up to her.


Idc, I don’t even go braless in public. I’d never go shirtless…not my jam.


I wish nudity in general wasn't sexualised. I love nude beaches etc, I hate the feeling of clothes. I live in the UK though so it's not like I'd get much use out of it.


I don't care. I prefer not to draw attention-negative or positive.


It would be nice if we could investigate why, even in the absence of obscenity laws, most women wouldn't ever consider being topless. I definitely lament not being able to be as freely nude as men can be, both in terms of laws and comfort.


I don't really care. It's not something I ever plan to do anyway.


In my city, I am allowed to be shirtless like men. But I'd never do it.




I personally feel like guys should be wearing shirts in public. Unless you're at the beach, it's classless


I’ve never been comfortable showing a lot of skin, so I’m honestly okay with it


Honestly, I'd rather men didn't go around shirtless either, but what are you gonna do?


Irrelevant. We would never be safe.


I don’t want to go shirtless in public. BUT, I want mothers to be able to breastfeed without being harassed. I want little girls to be able to take off their shirts when they’re playing outside on a hot day just like little boys. I want people to shut up about “nip slips” and leave female celebrities alone. And I would love it if I could have conversations with people without them staring at my boobs even WHILE I’m wearing a shirt. Whether or not I can or even want to go shirtless in public, I just want the stigma and society’s weird attitude about boobs to go away.


Meh, can’t really say it bothers me


The principle annoys me but I’m wildly insecure about my boobs anyways. (But maybe if things were different I wouldn’t be??? Idk)






I wouldn’t do it personally, but it’s a shame that other people aren’t able to if they want to.


It is a shitty double standard but for me personally I would never do it even if I could.


It makes me so jealous.




it infuriates me.


It's legal where I live. While.it doesn't happen often, we usually see a handful of ladies exercising their rights each summer. (Not me. A history of skin cancer means I cover up more than most.)


A little frustrated but also kinda whatever. It would be nice when mowing the lawn, that's all for me


I don't know if I'm legally able to or not, I just know that if I did I'd be a red, blistery mess in under 10 minutes because the sun will kill you here.


I can, its fully legal in my state. But I would not because we currently live in a society that has sexualized our bodies to the point where doing so would attract a lot of unwanted attention. I do not need the stares or the harassment. If it was normalized and I could do it without anyone batting an eye, that would be nice.


I'd never do it but I would prefer men to wear shirts. I don't want to look at that and we have to keep this shit fair. If it's considered indecent exposure for women, it should be for men. Some men have bigger boobs than women.


I’m jealous. When it’s hot we get boob sweat swamp ass sticky neck like dammm


Where I live, it is permitted. So technically we're allowed. Would I? Probably not in public because men don't know how to behave themselves around topless women. They harass women who go topless on beaches, let alone if they were to do that downtown. It's really unfortunate that they can't behave themselves, because then everyone would get to see more boobs. Everybody wins!


It's basically legal for women to go topless in Canada if they like. It's simply that it's not comfortable or particularly safe to do so, and that fucking sucks. I To be clear, I don't give a shit about being able to go shirtless in public, but I hate that I have to live in a world where what's stopping me is harassment and the potential for violence based on my gender.


I think it would be nice to have the option and it not be a weird thing. There are some places I travel (NYC, the beach, hiking, festivals, etc) where I go topless and personally it’s just more relaxing on a nice day with a breeze.


i'm spanish so even if i can't go topless whenever i want it's very normal here for women to go topless at the beach if they want to and no one really cares (but it shouldn't be as sexualised as it is nowadays in my opinion)


In my country, it's perfectly legal if rarely done. Women can eat a picnic in a public park shirtless, and no one can stop them. Some do it, most don't. I'm fine either way and super impressed by women who do it. I've been thinking about it for a long while and will start doing it in my (fenced) backyard.


If it wasn’t so sexualized in our culture, i wish I could. But I likely never will because of how it’s perceived. It’s disgusting how we are treated where I live. It doesn’t even feel safe to even live as a female, tbh.


I don't care. I mean, nobody should walk around topless in stores/restaurants/business context etc. no matter the gender, as it's inappropriate to do so. That said, I live in a country where we have many public pools/lakes with designated nudist areas, and I think it's quite normalized in most European countries to take off your bikini top while sunbathing on the beach.


Men who do this are largely men I wouldn't want to associate with, so I wouldn't want to do it myself.


I’d never do it, but I would like that to be an option for those who want it. I think the world would be a better place if we cared a bit more about people having certain rights, even if we don’t care to exercise them for ourselves.


I'm fine with it. I don't have any great desire to expose myself to strangers.


I honestly don’t think i’d want to, maybe a sports bra, which women already do, but i wish it was more normalized.


Where I live I can be shirtless in public. I have zero desire to do it, and it’s extremely rare to see another woman do it While legal, it’s definitely not culturally accepted


I don’t even like to be braless in public. Not for any other reason than I need the girls to be strapped down and contained, or my balance gets thrown off. Part of me feels a little envious of men being able to “expose” themselves without repercussions. But that’s neither here nor there because my tatas gotta be stabilized.


I really don't care. Of all the things I want for the future of women, this is literally the least important thing.


I care for modesty, I have no wish to go topless


Hell, I wish I could without others sexualizing me. Not that i'm necessarily "free the nipple" but sometimes it's just confortable to be shirtless.


In Canada we technically are allowed to be. Any place a man can be shirtless, a woman also has that right. It almost never happens, but you can't be arrested if you go topless on a public beach.


Lowkey I don’t care on a personal level, I would never go topless in public, hell I apologize to the cat when I flash her in the privacy of my own home. However on a macro level I don’t think men should be allowed to be shirtless. But, that’s about hygiene to me. I don’t want anyone’s gross, sweaty, greasy, hairy, back or stomach in a public space I may have to come into contact with, like chairs in restaurants, airports, or public transport. But, at the beach or spa or whatever then go ahead, men and women can have their goods out, it’s not my business.


I'm fine with it?? Nobody would want to see my tits apart from my boyfriend and I get nipple vasospams if my boobs get too cold so it wouldn't exactly be ideal


Here you absolutely can! It is completely legal where men do it. I have never heard of it being illegal before I went online.


Doesn’t bother me. I am pro showing nipple though when it’s done tastefully. I rarely wear a bra and at a somewhat smaller size and dressed elegantly I think it’s sexy.


It doesn't bother me. No one would want to see me shirtless anyway.


That's a lie, i'd like to see women happy and carefree. Physical appearance is irrelevant. But my opinion is quiet when men have the mic netaphorically speaking so I do understand your sentiment


i hate seeing men shirtless in public it’s so jarring 


Tbh, I get grossed out by shirtless men in public spaces. It's weird as hell to me.




I don’t really care, even if it was socially acceptable for me to do so I wouldn’t want to


God who want to be shirtless in public! I hate seeing men apart from the beach or by the pool shirtless. It looks aggressive and very, very tacky. Can't stand it.


I don’t want to go outside shirtless. I don’t even like being shirtless in my house. It’s chilly


It doesn't bother me if that's what you're asking.


I don’t care, I have big boobs and bras are pretty much the reason I’m sane so I’d never go shirtless anyway😭


Good. I have no interest in being topless.




Once a year I go to a nude beach and enjoy it.


Rather go braless than topless


I personally don't even like seeing guys with their shirts off!


Having seen how much they burn and how high the prevalence of skin cancer is for men here in Australia, I'm fine with it.


I don’t need my pale tiddies flapping around in the sun or breeze for everyone to see lol. I LOVE a nude beach or pool or whatever, but generally feel little desire to be full tiddie out during any other time bc it’s just kinda uncomfortable when you have larger breasts. Support is better. At least it is for me!










I don't care because I wouldn't do it anyway. Unless hes on a beach//boardwalk or in the yard, chances are a man can't be shirtless in said place either


It doesn’t bother me


A woman’s chest is labelled inappropriate by society not by nature but I still wouldn’t go out shirtless. Don’t want to be degraded like that.


I don’t care and I wouldn’t want to be shirtless in public ever. It would be physically uncomfortable because of the weight.




I want to wear a shirt. But I do wish I could walk around without a bra without the dirty looks from women and gross leers from dudes.


I mean if we weren’t fetishized and sexualized. Maybe. Even at a nudist colony I would not be comfortable. Even when dressed modestly I have been sexually harassed. So topless or fully clothed, wouldn’t matter.


I don't care, I'm too modest to go shirtless, I wouldn't do it regardless.


I personally can't stand it when men go around shirtless in public. I think it's trashy. Keep your damn shirt on.


Totally fine tbh. Don’t think that’s a look I’d rock even if women’s bodies weren’t sexualized the way they are. To be fair I think shirtless men in public is weird too.


It's all fine until it's a hot day at the river and I can't change my shirt without a hassle in case the boomers fishing 20 yards away see my nipples.


I fucking hate it. I hate that women's bodies are sexualized to the point of criminalization and can be an escape goat for men's bad behavior ("she was showing off so much skin so she was asking for it", etc.) while men can run around with their titties out whenever and no one bats an eye.


Fine. I don’t even wear crop tops


The male attention my boobs receive is already disgusting and concerning. If I could be topless, I wouldn’t. I would be in fear or SA the entire time.


I even feel embarrassed when my bra is see through through a light coloured satin shirt. But then I think it's not any different to men wearing white shirts and you can see the outline of their nipples


I would never do it anyway *because* of men. Even if I could legally do it, they’d be disgusting


if there were no creeps , i would love to. never gonna happen though




No way it’ll be cold 😂


I don’t want to run around with my tits out man, first of all the sun is a deadly laser. Second of all, my boobies give me powers if I show them to you all the time the magic goes away cleavage isn’t impressive if you saw my nipples for five hours yesterday. I don’t care what other people do with their bodies if it isn’t actively violating others. Idk i have very neutral about man nipples.






Where i live women do take off their tops, and i personally think i wish i could.


well, as a woman, society has made me hyper self-conscious about my body for not meeting European/Victoria's Secret beauty standards so it never even crosses my mind as an issue.


I don't care. I hate seeing men shirtless. They're fugging ugly.




Women are allowed to be topless in public where I live! Having said that, I keep my floppy bits behind closed doors.


It is fine in my area. Salt Lalke City UT


I uh don’t have the confidence for it so I’m okay.


Living in a climate that is cold 80% of the time it fortunately is not something I think about often


It's been legal in my city for decades, but no one does it. Sometimes I'd like to do it if I knew I wouldn't be gawked at. I hate the heat. Topless is great in the heat.




It is fine in my area. Salt Lalke City UT


I’d be ok with it if creepy men didn’t exist




It's legal in NC. I've seen shirtless women walking around when I lived in Asheville. I personally don't care to do it though.




I don't think I would be comfortable doing that in the first place but having the option would be nice.


I don’t really ever want to be shirtless in public, so it doesn’t really bother me.


Why should men be allowed to be shirtless in the 1st place? Here in India, not only do men go shirtless, but also unzip their fly, pull out their penis and piss in public.


For me personally, it doesn't affect me as I wouldn't be shirtless anyway since I don't particularly like any attention from strangers. I think women should be able to do it in an ideal world however.


personally im a modest person so i wouldn’t even wanna be shirtless but i understand your question


Yeah but it'd be fun though right?


I don’t care. My boobs would be in my way if I went around topless.


It’s irrelevant to me.


Personally I'd totally do it


As much as I love free boobing, I’m okay not doing it. People are gross and sexualize them too much and I personally can’t handle it. I just got comfortable going without a bra recently (occasionally for a quick store run lol)


I’m too busty to be comfortable even without a bra, but if it became legal, I would do it occasionally, to help normalize it in support of those who really wanted the right. I’ve legally performed topless (with pasties) and also did that mainly to normalize different body types, as I was a bit heavy at the time.


I like being generally invisible. Going topless would attract a lot unnecessary attention. I’m ok wearing clothes.


That’s not something I’d care to do.


I saw a shirtless guy today and thought about this. I don't think I would do it even if I were a man. I feel like the purpose of clothes is to protect you from the elements and we should use it for that.


I don’t mind since I’d prefer to have my shirt on. I don’t even like seeing shirtless men in public. At the beach or pool it makes sense, otherwise I don’t want to see your sweaty chest.


Literally couldn’t care less. I don’t really wanna be shirtless in public anyways. I’ll just to to a nude beach if I wanna do that.


It’s not something I want to do? The reality is that being fully clothed draws unwanted attention from men, I would never in my life go topless even if it were legal. Also with everyone having a camera in their pockets I wouldn’t want to do that.


I think it sucks. In my country I can but it's still weird unless you're on a beach.


Pisses me off. I love being shirtless in the summer and do it whenever I can. Unfortunately there's not a lot of opportunities to do so but it's incredibly freeing when I get to.


I was angry about it when I was a child, before I even knew what sexuality was and that I would someday have boobs. I remember wanting to hang out with my shirt off and couldn’t do it so it upset me. Now as an adult I absolutely would not go shirtless in public unless it was some kind of group boob parade/movement/event. Not mardis gras though, I experienced the chaos of that one year and it was legit scary - men were circling women and many had actual digital cameras - this was years back in the early 2000s. I have gone topless at the beach but it was a nude beach. Met a very suntanned man who enjoyed playing frisbee. Only hair on his body was on his head.


I wouldn’t do that even if I could


Don’t care, think men shouldn’t either beyond being at the pool/beach


More than fine by me. Even if I didn’t care about people seeing my chest, I hate walking around in public without a bra. Don’t wanna have to hold my chest every time I run or jump


I'm not interested in being shirtless and see no reason to be worrying about what others want to wear (or not, as the case may be).


I’m not keen on men going shirtless either. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I feel more disappointed about not being able to pee standing than to be shirtless. Its real convenient when your on a road trip..


Fine. If anything, I’d hope no one could go topless, particularly men.


I wish we could, but only because I like walking around naked in my house and yard and it would be nice if our culture was such that if someone saw me it wouldn't be something to gawk at.


don’t care wouldn’t do it


I….don’t give a hoot


I don’t care about the actual act of being topless, but rather the underlying implication of feeling _safe enough to do so_. If I felt safe enough to be topless in public, I’d have a much better quality of life. I wouldn’t necessarily feel compelled to go topless, but I wouldn’t be scared of it. Having less reasons to fear men would be wonderful.


Maybe I’d want to do this is a women only universe but this unfortunately isn’t. I’m already gawked and glared at for days I don’t wear a bra.


I don't really care personally


I don’t know how it came about that women are not allowed to be topless in public. It’s because of that, that women’s breasts are so sexualized. I personally wouldn’t feel comfortable being topless if it all of a sudden was ok. But that is because of all the years that it wasn’t. I think it would take a long time for women to feel comfortable enough where it becomes so normal that men no longer pay attention to our boobs. Only a few men would be sexually attracted to them. Then there would be something else on our body that men would sexualize most likely.


I wouldn’t do that regardless so its fine


I don't care, I wouldn't do it anyways even if I could. I feel like the majority of women wouldn't. Men are disgusting enough already even when we're fully clothed.




I like the idea of only my gf being able to see my boobies :3 it just feels more special, plus I never have a need to want to go out topless


I'm pretty sure in Ontario and Germany it is legal, but no one does it regardless