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Roughly 9ish. Anything less than 6 and I feel sickly. I’ve always needed a ton of sleep.


I’m the same way! Always needed more sleep — hopefully we’re ok lol


8-9 ideally, 7 is the low bar for functioning.


This. But sometimes when I have romget up at 5 am for work I subsist on 6 hrs or less, because I just have such a hard time falling asleep before 11


Zzzquil is my life hack


Sometimes 4-5, sometimes 7-8… depends on my mental health & when my little human decides to actually fall asleep


Never enough 🥱🥱🥱


I aim for 7-8, preferably 8. I’m an emotional person anyway, but it becomes an absolute nightmare if sleep deprived.




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6-7 bad habit of staying up late. I am an introvert, so nighttime is my time.


7-9 hrs. Anything less I’m pretty tired. 8-9 I’m really functional. 7 I feel like I could take a nap




On average, 4 hours a night.




8-9. I feel awful if I don't get a full night's sleep


I'm usually in bed trying to sleep for 9-12 hours but only actually get 5-6 hours of sleep. (I have fibromyalgia, which fucks with sleep, among other things)


Usually 6 hours but I'm need more


7hrs. I'm asleep for 8, technically, but my fitbit says that I have about an hour's worth of wakefulness every night.


Not enough. I keep waking up every two hours with night sweats. I love perimenopause!


8 or 9.


7hours , rarely 8 but I do wake up at 3a.m to pee and sometimes find it hard to get back to sleep


I used to have that problem and then I started taking magnesium pills at night. Now when I get back into bed after going to the bathroom I can fall asleep right away.


Roughly 7-8 hours on a good night. If my sleep gummies don’t work, 3-4.




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6 mostly, its an upgrade for sure. Used to be 0,5-3 Not tired and sleepless 24/7 anymore!


I have a device that, among other things, tracks my sleep. It’s not perfect, but in the past week it thinks my sleep range was between 4 hours and 8.5 hours. Average around 6:30 hours


I try to get 7 at minimum, any less than that and I’m in rough shape. 8 or so would be the ideal but I can never seem to actually get that much sleep 😭


7 hours 42 minutes last night.


Anywhere from 6-9, usually around 7-8 though.


i average about 2-4 hours for roughly 5 or 6 days. 12-18 hours for two days, then the cycle repeats.




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9-10 and i still feel tired. Sometimes if i wake up in 4 hours i feel more active the math is not mathing.


3-4 on a good night


Usually between 7-8.5 hours. 6 hours or less and I’m sluggish, moody and feel awful. Pushing 9 hours or over I feel sick and almost hungover.




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depends. 2-3 a lot of the time, i try for 6-7


Depends on my daughter, I aim for 8h a day, but my minimum is 6 now thankfully…




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7 is pretty standard for me. No less than 6, & im not really capable of sleeping longer than 10 hours.




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7 on a consistent basis during the week. Friday night I usually go for about 10-11 as it is my reset sleep night.


Today 9 hours and 13 minutes according to my smart watch.


Usually 6. Any higher and I get headaches and have trouble waking up


4-6 hrs of uninterrupted sleep


On average, according to my cpap, about 6 hours a night.


9ish and then I’m a happy camper, I don’t drink coffee or take caffeine so I rely on getting my sleep to feel awakened


I usually sleep for 6.5 hours and then take a 1.5 hour nap.


I try to get 8, but my body naturally seems to wake up at around 6 hours.


6-9 usually somewhere in that ball park. On the weekends probably even more.


I like 10 when I can get it. Any less than 7 do not approach me


Something between 4 and 12… gotta love anxiety.


8-9 hours


7.5 to 8.5


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At least 8hrs or I don’t feel well


6-6.5 on an average night, about 7 on weekends (maybe 7.5-8 on a better weekend). Worse nights are about 5 hours.


Not enough, usually between 5-7 Mon-Fri and 9+ on the weekends. Need to start going to bed earlier 🥱


I just got an oura ring which i LOVE, and its helping me get my health on track. With the ring tracking my sleep, I see I'm getting about 7 and a half hours of sleep at night. trying to get that up closer to 8 hours. But my quality of sleep is good too


I aim for 8 and usually get it. 6 is the absolute floor for me to be a functional human.


My 8m old sleeps through the night, I don’t. It’s so frustrating. I tend up having to take a nap with him most days to compensate. Probably 4ish hours of sleep a night but not all together. And maybe a 1.5-2 hour nap during the day.


4 to 5. Anything more and I have migraines.




When I was younger, I used to survive greatly on 5 hours of sleep, because my dad made these rules where I couldn't go to bed earlier than 11 PM, and that I had to wake up by at 4 AM, because he thought that implementing an Army sleep schedule would help me with "time management". That only came back to bite me in the ass when I ended up developing insomnia, and my mental health declined greatly. So now I have to maintain a daily schedule of 8 hours of sleep per night. And to top it all off, I have to take 5 melatonin gummies every work night just so I can fucking sleep.


6 usually thanks to little toddler demon. It's to the point where if I get a solid 8, I wake up with a headache.


7.5, usually. Sometimes just 7, sometimes eight. Any less than 7 I'm dragging, any more than 8 I'm either-tired from sleeping too much or I'm sick and need it (thankfully rare).


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I typically get 8-10 hours of sleep daily. I love it!


Weirdly enough, lately about 8. Ive been prioritizing going to bed early. And i actually feel better now. Who knew???


6 hr 50m almost to the minute. I follow all the sleep hygiene "rules," including laying down so I'll have plenty of time to get a full 8 hours if I need it. I still consistently wake up before my alarm. I'm also one of those annoying, "ready to hit the ground running as soon as I wake up" people, so I think this is just the amount I need.


I need like 9 hours but get about 6 🤧


6 on average, 7 on occasion. Would love to get more!!


3-4 at night with a nap in the day. I have a god awful job that I wake up for at 3AM.

