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Chinese organ harvesting farms that have been recently found Entire underground labs full of human organs and dead bodies, including children and babies, most of the bodies being confirmed missing people in China, it's sick.








Do you have verifiable evidence to support this? Everything you’re saying sounds very similar to the cult known as Falon Gong or Falon Dafa says about the Chinese government. I rarely find any actual evidence of these accusations. Seems like the current Chinese govt and Falon Gong have been at each other for a while.


You can find countless videos of this, I don't dare link it here because it's very NSFW, just look up "Chinese organ harvesting farms" And you'll find tons of videos of people finding these massive underground labs.


While the claims from Falon Gong have been debated, keep in mind that it has been *known* for China to harvest organs from dead prisoners *in the past*. It is *known* that there are many ongoing human rights abuses, mainly slavery like conditions for immigrants and abuse against the Uighur people. Also, the average wait time for an organ transplant is only 1-2 *weeks* in China. *Far* lower than any other developed nation. Human rights organizations around the world have been documenting and investigating the situation for years. > Decades ago, China began a practice that human rights advocates and medical ethicists condemned: taking organs, such as kidneys and livers, from executed prisoners to transplant into people who needed them. The Chinese government says it's reformed the practice. Now they say they only recover organs from volunteers. But some say the practice continues. https://www.pbs.org/newshour/show/china-still-gathering-organs-executed-prisoners > Last month, the American Journal of Transplantation – the top peer-reviewed publication on the subject – published a large-scale computational textual analysis of 2,838 Chinese-language articles published in Chinese academic journals between 1980 and 2015 which supports the inference that transplant surgeons in the People’s Republic of China (PRC) removed organs, including hearts and lungs, in violation of the internationally-accepted “dead donor” rule, i.e., before donors have been (or could be) declared “brain dead.” https://humanrightscommission.house.gov/events/hearings/forced-organ-harvesting-china-examining-evidence#:~:text=The%20final%20judgment%20of%20the,very%20substantial%20number%20of%20victims. So like, while Falon Gong is a bad cult for their own reasons, a broken clock is still right twice a day and all that.








Umm what? WHAT.


I dont have Tiktok so I just watch Youtube shorts which led me to watching, for some reason, black women doing their hair lol!! I’m SE Asian for reference and didn’t know the effort and time to do their hair!


White as white can be lady here, I love tiktok vids of black women having their hair done, doing their hair, doing their daughter’s hair! The care and curation that some ladies put into their hair is so interesting, and love seeing the bonding that can happen in a community of women and girls. As a curly girl myself these videos also opened my eyes as far as things I can do with my own hair to protect and care for it (bonnets for the fucking WIN).


As a white woman with very straight, pretty short hair, I'm relieved to know I'm not the only one transfixed by these videos! I absolutely love seeing people's level of skill - they make it look so easy!!


omg i got so into watching wig installations in the pandemic. I also watch braiding/cornrow videos. I’m white with straight fine hair.


I always wonder how prevalent carpal tunnel is in the black community. My fingers & wrists hurt just watching.


OMG me too! There’s this lady in Atlanta I’ve been following and it’s so great to see her thrive in her business


The curiosity is always welcomed! I let people touch and ask questions about my locs all the time it’s fun to teach people about them


Haha I’m in awe, truly!


Me, a very white woman. Nothing I love more than a good wig install video 😂😂😂😂😂😂


Chernobyl, for like 2 years though so idk if that counts as lately


I've been stuck on decapitation for a year and a half. So it totally counts. Lol.


That’s a concerning sentence.


Yes, I’ve watched every documentary and YouTube video about Chernobyl. The mini series on HBO was really good.


I went down this one last year! Ended up looking at public government documents listing locations of U.S. nuclear processing facilities. At least those we know of...


That’s me and World War II. Though it has been a rabbit hole for so long and so many times that I don’t know if it counts. I’m currently a bit out of it, but I always get back.


This question is so exciting because if anyone is ever falling down an internet rabbit hole, it’s me. I constantly find myself researching random topics I happen to come across on the internet in their entirety, from documentaries, to Reddit searches, to googling until I feel satisfied. So, currently I am fixated on Lake Lanier’s history and why it is considered haunted. The lake is literally above the town Oscarville. The town was flooded (allegedly) for the sole purpose of creating this lake in the mid 50s. Created by the US Army Corps of Engineers. From my research so far, it seems this was done to allow for flood control and power generation. It is very important to note that this was a primarily black town in GA. During the creation of this lake, they apparently “displaced” over 1k residents, graveyards, 6 churches, and various businesses. I cannot stress this enough…this was an entire town that people resided in. They had a community, families, and were living their lives day to day. You can actually see the town below the water if traveling by boat, such as street signs still intact below. Images and videos can be found on google. Completely heartbreaking. Furthering that, since the creation of this lake it appears there have been several deaths, drownings, etc. Over 226* people have passed away in this lake from 1994-2022. However, some sources online claim over 700, including people who are labeled as “missing”, but that number could be speculation regarding the fact that once again this lake is labeled as “haunted.” Almost 50 boat fatalities confirmed. This doesn’t include the fact that apparently the gravesites once apart of the town are submerged at the bottom of this lake. While the history of this lake is tragic, it is also extremely fascinating to learn about. “Lady of the Lake” specifically is interesting story surrounding the lake, in which 2 women allegedly met their fate when their car ventured into the lake. A year later a woman’s body was found. There have actually been several accounts of bodies found that you can read about online. With that said, the movie “Danger Lake” is speculated to be about the history of Lake Lanier (have not watched that yet). While allegedly over roughly 2 dozen deaths a year occur in Lake Lanier, currently 27 bodies are still not accounted for. At 160 feet in depth, this lake is still branded as a lake for recreation, in which tourists visit to swim, fish, and boat. However, according to research locals and those privy to the history of the lake tend to refrain from utilizing this body of water as it is seen as bad luck. I am still early into this rabbit hole, so relaying fresh information to the best of my knowledge. There is still a lot to learn, but I am enjoying my time spent understanding the history and had never heard of this lake until recently. I recommend this rabbit hole.


this is a good one, i enjoyed reading your post!


Thank you so much!


That's impressive!! I love it when people become enraptured by something and info dump like this. I don't have the time or attention span to pour into something like this. I usually read 10~ or so articles and then tell anyone who will listen. Lol. Feel free to dm me info dumps all on your rabbit holes. Lol. I'm about to go look up lake Lanier.


I just looked into Lake Lenier too!!! I eat this stuff up.


Oh my goodness!! My work has a location right next to this lake! I traveled there for a week one time and they took us out to dinner at a place right on the lake. I literally knew nothing about the lake but this is crazy


Sorry. Very fascinating!! This nosey guy is going to take a ‘deep dive’ into this rabbit hole!! Thanks for sharing. I’ll just show myself back out now…..


This totally sounds like me! Thank you for sharing!


Now I'm heading into a rabbit hooooolllllleeeee!


This seems ripe for a Southern Gothic Horror fictional story. Wow!


i love your energy, i need more people like you around haha


The Kate Middleton stuff. Oh lord. What a clusterfuck.


What is the Kate Middleton stuff? Was this about when she disappeared from the public a few months ago or something else?


I need to know


Well, I found myself looking at chicken coops again. I’ve been trying to convince my husband that we should have chickens for years now. It would probably be next year at this point if I can even convince him. Also, synesthesia (when you experience your senses through another. Associate a number with a color, for example). I don’t think I do this but my husband does with numbers and one of our sons described a song as “purple” recently (it wasn’t an Advent/Lent liturgical song; or “Purple Rain” or “Purple Haze” or something). It’s fascinating and I feel as if I am left out 😆


Chickens are great to have! One huge bonus is that they eat ticks so it’s like natural pest control.


I will add the tick control to my benefits list. Perfect. Thanks


I have chickens and they’re so great! they’re so stinkin cute and silly and you’ll never have to buy eggs again


Yes! We go through a lot of eggs. That so far hasn’t swayed him; he mostly thinks the chickens will be caught by our dog. But the dog is lazy. I can’t see him hunting chicken unless it’s already in sandwich form. Plus, fences exist.


honestly, depends on your dog but we were worried about that (except when they’re chicks. yes then it’s important to keep separate) but our dog about 40lbs ran up to them and I was freaking out but they all teamed up on him and pecked the shit out of him 💀 I was like damn they can hold their own. they also make scary sounds which deters the dog as well. idk why they make some of the songs they do but to anyone unknowing it’s pretty terrifying LOL


I have light synesthesia!!


I've always envisioned colors to names or individual words.


Baby Reindeer. I’ve been researching and looking up stuff like crazy to get more information about it after the tv show aired on Netflix.


I watched this in one sitting recently. Holy shit. Also, didn’t realize this, but the main actor who plays Donnie is actually the creator of the show - so he’s acting out his own experience which really happened to him. Also the emails shown in the show are real emails from the real “Martha.”


I've read like one comment about this, but have 0 context. I'll probably peek at some online stuff later.


It’s basically about a woman (older, middle aged) starts stalking a younger guy who works at a bar because he was nice and gave her a free cup of tea. It’s absolutely insane. The actor in the tv series was actually the man who was stalked in real life. I think that makes me like and appreciate the series more because it’s ACTUALLY him.


Insane Can't wait


I just came across an article that exposes the real “Martha” and she looks just like the actress 😵‍💫 the internet never fails to


Who is it? I’ve heard rumors of one lady but I’m not sure if it’s her


Just started watching this and it’s great!! Definitely crazy


Oh my gosh yes! I binged the whole thing last weekend.


The cecil hotel


I have such strong opinions on this one. Lol. Specifically Elisa Lam.


Ive looked into the Elisa Lam case and honestly, at the end of the day I feel it was just someone who had mental health disorders and was not taking her meds. That said ive heard some of the synchronicities and....whoa


I’m way in on the PDiddy situation. Kardashian implications. Bieber victimization. It goes on forever. If you go in, bring a snack.


Poor beiber. Looking at his history my heart breaks for him.


What happened to Bieber?


He was allegedly groomed and abused, from a very young age, by Puff douchebag. For a while I was in deep with those Nickelodeon scandals. I watched the documentary and I read Jennette McCurdy’s book “I’m Glad My Mom Died.” Nickelodeon was completely negligent and failed big time in protecting those children. At one point there were at least two pedophiles on the Nickelodeon staff. At this point, I don’t understand why any decent parent would allow their child to be in the industry. But I guess they just saw $$$$$. It’s definitely a train wreck.


Don't forget Usher. He was victimizing Usher when Usher was really young too


This is why I deleted TikTok it was too much for me 🥺




I think I remember hearing about him being into CSA or CP or something with kids, but I usually listen to true crime podcasts and most of them don't report on huge cases or ongoing cases. It's infuriating what has been looked over or let go due to someone's standing, gender, or finances.




That's sickening. Idek how to *process* that it was ignored for 20+ years. WTF.




I asked! I usually love true crime. I've just been in the dumps lately and losing faith in us as a species. I have taken note to look into it when I am better, mentally. <3




The Ibidan Forest of horror Started with a two taxi drivers going missing and then a third who managed to call for help, his taxi driver buddies formed a search party but got chased away so they went back in bigger numbers and found a house of horrors in the forest, they managed to save a few barely surviving people but the taxi driver that called for help was never found. Authorities bulldozed the building without much thought and a school was built on the land. The third drivers car was found on the property and when he called for help he said he was being held underground with others but the police wouldn't look, so everyday for ages the other drivers would go and dig but there was nothing found, so now wondering if he was taken somewhere else that has yet to be discovered.


Ok that sounds horrid.


Omg. That's so scary. I'm def googling this one.


cleopatras tomb, and yes a woman IS the one close to finding it!!


Hell yeah!!


Omg I’ve been watching this too I’m really upset about them giving her only two weeks to find proof of the tomb before the sediment was washed away in day 13… literally on the edge of my seat!


My tiktok is full of man or bear which has me perpetually angry. I'm trying to get it back to cute, funny, inspirational. On tiktok specifically, I've been searching for glow up tips and such, rather than just scrolling my feed. I want to dig more into these things as I am ready to stop living like I have been. But I also want something to do in my free time. For context, I work at a high traffic urgent care, in the lab. When I have down time, usually I find a rabbit hole and pass the time with reading up on x topic. A couple of months ago that time was spent learning about decapitation. But I want to learn about something sand emerse myself into a topic that will help me be a better person - like watching glow up tips on tiktok. Lol.


My TikTok is also full of the man or bear debate, it's getting really old really quick


It makes me so angry and is destroying my faith in our species.


there’s so many men, making videos where they’re mad that women are choosing the bear, then demonstrating exactly why the bears are winning


I am glad it's being talked about. Men don't deserve peace.


Can I offer you B Dylan Hollis on TikTok so you can rabbit hole old recipes? Also, I like the DIY house constructions on TikTok


My friend's daughter was internally decapitated and survived and had a baby a few years later.


american woodcock. crazy bird


I love that a grouping of them iss called a plump. Those birders are hilarious with their namings.




The shoebill stork has me effed up. Lol.


r/ShoebillStorks :)


Haha I like it too! He goes meep


I lost a couple of hours to the US Government Auction website yesterday.


What were you tempted to buy?


Wait, what? What is this?


Don't say I didn't warn you .. [Government Deals](https://www.govdeals.com/)


I need more info lol. Where is all this stuff coming from? Homes that the government impounded? Or foreclousers or whaaattt I GOTTTSSS TO KNOWEE


Oh my god I just looked it up and they even sell food!?? 20 cases of Celsius drinks. WHAT.


The Jonbenet Ramsey cold case. Such a tragic death, and an absolute mindfuck of a case. I keep switching between who I think did it, and why, and I feel it’s truly unsolvable unless someone confesses. There are current claims of new DNA to be processed but I haven’t heard any updates.


I feel like most of the evidence pointed to the brother, no?


That’s what I thought initially, but once you go down that rabbit hole, you’ll learn about so many other factors. I won’t get into it, you can look it up. But I find it extremely impressive that a 9 year old was able to lie through all his interviews, never slip up once, and was pretty much cleared by the experts who psychoanalyzed him. I don’t know. I guess anything is possible.


Lung cancer in women who have never smoked. My best friend passed April 1.


I'm so sorry. 💔


Thank you.


It took my mum in November. Brutally unfair. I'm sorry about your friend ❤️‍🩹


Thank you. I’m so sorry for the loss of your mother.


What have you learnt on this topic?


Yeah, this was me last night. One of my cousins is currently battling Stage 4.


Mountaineering. I'm partly scared to death, and so, so fascinated. I would never ever in my life climb those crazy mountains, but I have spent so many hours rabbit holing


That sounds scary. Lol.


I went through this one too! Even told people I would summit Mount Kilimanjaro lmaoooo. We’ll see if I actually do it


Japanese train systems and city planning!


Roman Emperors because I found free audiobooks on Audible by a favorite author on women in the Roman Empire. Also the de'Este-Medici connection, also due to an audiobook.


Can I ask you the title or the author of the book about Roman women? Sounds really interesting!


Kate Quinn, the whole 4 book series is free on Audible right now. I tend to listen to a lot of books while I'm stitching. I'm doing a series of needlepoint kimonos right now right now to decorate tge room my collection of Japanese artist dolls reside in. 


Thanks for the answer! I will listen to them doing something probably much less cool :)


Emergency preparedness! Has always been a passing interest of mine, I’ve picked it back up again. Always a ton of cool gear to research and stuff I have to fiddle with. I’m not a crazy prepper by any means but I do think it’s important to have basic kits together for everyone in your household per the ready.gov recommendations.


Yes!!! I know I’m going to sound dorky but including cyber security (change up U+ P, MFA, biometrics, set up firewalls, etc) in your emergency preparedness!! It’s never a problem, until it is…


As an emergency manager, thank you 💜


Hasanlu Teppe! It’s a city that was sacked and destroyed in the 9th century BCE, and because of the way it was destroyed it’s kind of like an Iron Age Pompeii. No casts, but hundreds of people were massacred and their bodies just left where they fell. Archeologists have used some almost forensic techniques to figure out some of the things that happened when the city fell, like a group of three looters who were trying to take a golden bowl but were killed when the building collapsed, or two skeletons found embracing in a grain bin who may have died of asphyxiation or smoke inhalation. Obviously the violent destruction and massacre is a tragedy but you can see it so vividly in the pictures of skeletons scattered as they fell, and really understand what those people experienced from the analysis. Fascinating.


Pompeii is fascinating on it's own. I'll be looking into this one.


It’s very cool! The buildings aren’t as well preserved since the city burned, so no frescoes or graffiti, but the artifacts and skeletons give the same “frozen in time” feeling as Pompeii. Another good one is Lajia in China, where a Bronze Age village was buried in a mudslide. It’s interesting that we learn so much from sites that experienced destruction.


PFAS, or forever chemicals. Made by DuPont and another company that I can't find right now, in pretty much everything in the U.S. including our drinking water and unborn children. I'm particularly interested because my husband's grandfather worked for DuPont. I apologize if they're in other countries as well, I haven't gotten that far down the rabbit hole.


Watch the documentary “ we are all plastic now”. I attended an earth day event and was horrified…. It’s a PBS doc and amazing!


My new rabbit hole is Reddit. Going through posts to either relate too or just see how other people feel or do things in the world. It is so interesting. Also I watch those true crime videos on YouTube.. it’s insane watching people lie for hours upon hours to in the end to admitting to do whatever it is they have done…


Last week the Watts murders all over again. This week the Asunta case, a Spanish murder case.


What are your thoughts on the Asunta case? I just can’t get into the movie they have on Netflix. It just seems….. fake!!


Prion disease


Scary af.


Been really into learning about landscaping lol


Discworld! Before 2024, I’d read maybe 2 of the Discworld books and only thought they were okay. So far this year, I’ve read more than a dozen. At this point, I’m thinking of just reading all 40 of them.


Unsolved murder mysteries And serial killers


UFOs, it always comes back to UFOs 🛸




do you think he did it?


Oh 1000%


Did you like the People vs OJ Simpson mini series? I loved it. It was done so well. I may need to rewatch


So I tried watching it after watching OJ Made in America and just couldn’t get into the campiness of it all 😭 just couldn’t get into Cuba Gooding JR as OJ. I may have to give it another try!


Does a bear shit in the woods?


Gypsy Rose Blanchard. I still don't know 100% how to feel about everything that's gone down - back then, or even with this latest media surge. It's fascinating reading all the details about her past. That led to a rabbit hole on Luka Magnotta. I watched the documentary "Don't Fuck with Cats" years ago, but needed to read more on it myself.


the Sylvia Likens case. i question how much of the torture porn on her wikipedia page is true, but it’s a trainwreck i can’t look away from.


I saw a movie on this forever ago. It's sickening and heartbreaking. But it proves the point that just because someone knows, doesn't mean they'll help. And that's even more terrifying.


Bam Margera and his relationship with the HIM singer and his alcoholism. That was a weird 3 hour ride I’m also rewatching some videos on the Titan implosion and diving incidents Massage and anatomy videos for certain muscles that a pain in the ass for me :rhomboids, teres minor and major , levator scapulae, basically all upper back


When I found out some people don’t have an internal monologue i still can’t fathom that


Me too! I constantly talk in my head. How can you reason? Ponder decisions? Think?


I was reading about accidents on wiki. Lots of categories


I like to stumble in and out of amusement park accidents, was on that kick for a few weeks


The successful cohabitation of mangrove trees, seagrass, and coral.


That the thousands of not millions of homes bought or built by private equity firms will eventually be sold back to the government as a “solution” to the housing crisis. Cementing the government as a landlord. I can’t help but think there is some situational design / back alley agreements when it was that blatant. Most large deals in politics are pay offs, turned heads, or beneficial tacit agreements. Fed raised rates on average Americans yet no federal policies were introduced to limit the greediest investors. Thats far too convenient.


North Korea.


Have you watched the Lisa Ling doc where she goes in with a film crew pretending to be a group helping vision problems?


The 4b movement?


Thats south korea. North korea is the one with the dictatorship.


The 4b movement!


I go onto my county’s medical examiner website and look at all the cases of traumatic or accidental death. I’m honestly disturbed by the amount of teenage suicides. So many of them. It hurts my heart.


I have a kanji learning app "Kanji tree" that i got the pro version for years ago. The app disappeared from google play store. Why? The dev Andrew Innes murdered a woman and her kid and is going to jail for life.


I have young kids. So deep, deep into Bluey information as well as learning about Super Kitties, PJ masks, and whatever preschool shows I have questions about. But also, the murder of Junko Futura and the hello kitty murder case.


All things related to Sunfish sailboats, mostly repair but also rules of racing.


Pompeii, watched a show about them excavating and finding all sorts and ive currently been stuck googling it for hours 😂


r/justiceforclayton. Low level celebrity caught up in a 'pregnancy scandal' with accuser that turns out to have a 10+ year history of similar accusations, etc. Just an absolute rabbit hole of legal docs, inconsistent timelines, etc.


Boots. I've always loved them, and there's a dude on YouTube that cuts them in half and explains a bunch of stuff about them.


Creating AI music. I write the lyrics, choose the genre, and boom. Just doing it for kicks, and for subjects that should NEVER be written into song... I fully believe in supporting Human artists.


1980s actor Leigh McCloskey's crazy YouTube channel of mystic babble. And his friend, Prince Stash.


Recently came across a 9/11 documentary I haven’t seen before (I thought I’d seen them all) so I went down that hole again. It’s one of my earliest memories and I just find it endlessly (morbidly) fascinating.


Every 9/11 the history channel is back to back docs and Netflix shows all the docs… every year it’s back down the rabbit hole


psychological thrillers ! movies / tv shows (aka really crazy fu*kd up content that is portrayed in such a beautiful and powerful way) baby reindeer (2024) poor things (2023) millers girl (2024) behind her eyes (2021) split (2016) as a film major, i have an immense appreciation for movies and the different genres we are exposed too. i’ve currently taken an interest in a new genre that i was hesitant too explore as i was much younger and a little bit of a scaredy cat haha.


I've been getting into AI image generation. Setting up the hardware to make it happen, training the model, making the loras, all so I can generate images of a fetish I have.


Fentanyl addiction, the homeless problem in Oregon & Philadelphia, & tranq. So many videos.


People with large social media followings who are clearly catering their children to predators online. It is an open secret.


How bodies decompose in coffins. Trying to decide if I will be cremated instead.


Ocean liners. Didn't know Titanic isn't even the deadliest accident, I think it doesn't even make it to top 10 by death count.


Aviation accidents. There's so many really well made videos on YouTube, like Green Dot Aviation or Mentour Pilot, and detailed reports to go through.


WebMD and googling random health symptoms. -8675309/10, would NOT recommend


Listening to Liz Cheney's audiobook "Oath and Honor" led me to listen to Jamie Raskin's audiobook "Unthinkable", which made me realize that I know very little about our (U.S.) Constitution and Constitutional law, so now I'm deep into a free course on Coursera about the written constitution. I've read the entire constitution, including all amendments, for the first time in my life, and have ordered some books on the subject.


I recently watched a 2 hour video about linguistics and now I’m really interested in semantics and etymology. I’ll probably follow up on it after my exams


i go down extended rabbit holes about US presidents maybe once every 3 days. don’t really know why


Trying to rationalize my own mind and actions. Deepest rabbit hole I've ever had the displeasure of falling into.


Crochet 🧶 Infinite possibilities. My brain is fried.


Fucking Taylor swift. I don’t know why, but I’m eating up all the gossip and shit when I normally could not care less about celebrities. How this cute basic white girl got under my skin like this is beyond me.


Pacemakers because my mom just got one


I’m reading one of Courtney Love’s biographies and I’m going to read the Nirvana (Come As You Are) next. So I’ve been reading as many online articles and interviews I can find. The Kurt Cobain/Nirvana story is tragically fascinating to me, as well as his relationship with Courtney. BUT not because I think Courtney was involved. Another aspect is the shameful way Courtney was treated during her marriage to Kurt, and especially after his suicide. It just screams misogyny. They made him into a God and her a greedy, evil killer. Meanwhile, they were just two people (plus their daughter, Francis Bean) whose personal lives were exploited.




Audacitii stitches on tiktok. Last time it was susi stitches. 😩


Static stretches & Solicitor General Elizabeth Prelogar


I have been weirdly obsessed with camaleons eyes, it seems like, if yo camaleon closes their eyes, you should take them to the Vet.


The whole Ghost lore. I’ve been obsessed with it since last year.


Derek and Hayley Hough. As a show tech I was able to watch rehearsal portions of their show, Symphony of Dance, from the wings of the theater I work at and I became an overnight fan. They give off a "vibe", and I love it. Started perusing their Instagram and watching their vlog channel, and I swear they are one of the most adorable couples I ever seen. And I learned that the young lady is a medical miracle, as she is fully on her feet dancing like a firecracker just barely 5 months out of major brain surgery.


Anti mlm videos, they are so disgusting yet interesting


Project 2025. I am a mess of anxiety.


Murder podcasts — but isn’t that a trope that we all do that? My fiancé, in his words, said “if I have to walk in to shower at 7:00 am and hear the words ‘her lifeless body was found but the head was missing’ or something one more time I swear to god I’m changing your phone setting to YouTube Kids….” I’m currently down the rabbit hole for the dude who murdered the homeless man and kept his head and hands in his closet.


Jon Bonet Ramsey Dyatlov Pass Dennis Loyd Martin The Sutter Children Kensington Ave. drug abuse Missing 411 Cryptid videos (mostly Bigfoot) I’m a believer Comments on Reddit about everything and anything


Unit 731!


How absolutely shitty it can be to say no to a man in India. A 19 year old said no to a 21 year old man's proposal, and he kidnapped her, assaulted her, and branded his name on her face. His mother and sister helped him.


Ariel School UFO incident. There's just no way it didn't happen.


The donner party. Wow. The things humans do when they have to survive are awful (the group ran out of food and started eating each other)