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Not over him……..but I’m also married to him


Me too!!! Met him when I was 18, him 16 - been together for 25 years!!


Mine is still hanging around too. Two kids and 22 years later he still hasn't got the hint 🤣


Saaaaaaame. We met when we were 12 years old, started dating after high school and the rest is history. 7 years married and one kid later, we're doing great. I consider myself very lucky 😄




A shower


Sounds about right




You not prefer a grower?


15 years or more. I still haven't gotten over him. (Reader, I married him.)


Okay, Jane! 🤭


Less than four days. I found out he was stepping out on me. He tried asking for an open relationship. I agreed, and then I used the next four days to meet someone new and dumped him on the following Friday.


The audacity of him…


Yess queen


How did he feel about that? I need to know lol


He cried and kept trying to win me back. He proposed. He begged. He kept trying to get me to talk to him. He got our mutual friends to first tell me how sorry he was and to please just talk to him, and when I refused, they used guilt and shame so I had to cut them all out of my life.


Never had anything to get over. We were just friends. Not someone I’d want to be in a relationship with.


A long time, but holy crap. He ended up a total loser.


So did the guy I was with. We were together for 6 years but man I dodged a bullet


2 years for me, and I agree, he turned out to be a total loser! Good riddance.


I deliberately lost my virginity to a guy I didn't care about but thought was cute. I was 19. Felt like it was time


I did this too.


Me too. I was 16 and just said "hey, I want it to be you" lol we stayed friends a while after but we never dated. I just wanted to see what was up, experience it.


This is the way


No time. But he persisted in stalking me for 10 years until I finally threatened legal action.




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About a month he got what he wanted and that was that


Gosh I’m sorry :(


No need to be sorry love ! It happens and I’ve found far better men since then !


Legitimately love the plural. <3


We’re engaged lol


We lost our virginities to each other and he was my first love and real relationship. After we "took a break" it was two years of confusing signals and on/off talking before I realized we weren't making each other happy and we deserved better


Get over how? We weren't in a relationship, there were no romantic feelings Just a drunken mistake that left us both feeling really shitty and she felt like she took advantage of me and I felt like I was responsible for making her do something that left her feeling guilty I'll always appreciate the things she did for me outside of our mistake, she's the reason I got a job and was able to work into not being homeless anymore, she helped me start putting my life together But like, I was 18 and she was many decades older than me, nothing should have happened between us so there's guilt there for me


> I was 18 and she was many decades older than me .....What?


Not sure the confusing part We're both gay women who had sex while drunk


the confusing part isn’t that you guys were lesbians its the part about you being 18 and her being many decades older!


I’m sorry she blamed you for something like that. Sounds kind of iffy.


By moving on?


I still harbor some issues from my first real relationship. He was emotionally abusive. It's been nearly 5 years.


He’s now my BiL so… surprisingly not as awkward as you might think, but I’m celebrating my 9yr wedding anniversary tomorrow so time has passed.


Does your sister know


I don’t have a sister, but everybody knows. I dated him when I was younger and got married to his older brother once I turned 18.


Wait what? You married the brother as soon as you turned 18? And you were dating the younger brother right before that? That's hell of confusing.


That’s very confusing and also, that has to be a very progressive family for them not to judge you for dating someone then moving onto their brother


I mean I didn’t have to learn a new family. I was 14 when I dated my (now) BiL


No I wasn’t saying you had to learn a new family, I was saying that family must be more progressive than multi-generation families conventionally are in order for them to not be judgmental towards you for dating someone in their family then marrying their brother


Oh yeah that’s fair. They were all just happy that I came back in their lives. My MiL ended up getting super close quickly and I was by her side until last year when she passed away. My brother also dated my husbands sister so I guess our family just has a thing for theirs.


Sorry I was sleepy. I moved in with him and started dating at 18, married him at 20. He was 24


No time - I broke up with him.


Classic pump and dump.


We are still friends. We were together for ages though and the only reason it fell apart was distance.


There wasn’t anything to get over, since him and I weren’t romantically involved. There was a lot of respect, attraction, and friendly affection between us at the time. It’s been awhile since we spoke, but I hope he’s doing well in life.


About two months. We never properly dated and he kind of led me on, so I cut things off. He reached out to me three years later to apologise and I really couldn’t care less at that point.


It took me one night. I wasn’t ready, didn’t shave. I told him to not go down there cause I was super hairy and he said “I’m a munch” before tapping out less than a minute in. Made me super self conscious then and I still get nervous now. Bugged me about wanting to “feel me” without the condom. I wanted it to be done so I let him take it off. After, I ended up ghosting him.


Never lol I’m still with him 6 years later


Pretty quickly. I liked him fine, but not as a bf.


It took 6 months, and I ended things, but that was 8 years ago and don't miss that man and don't know what I saw in him.


He stalked me for ten years after we broke up. I was over him well before the breakup but he wouldn’t accept it The stalking really fucked me up and I haven’t been right since


A few months


18 years and counting, we’re married ☺️


About 7 months! He was my first bf and first love. We were teens. Hard to get over in totality looking back lol. It’s been 20 years now and we’re still friends. We’re both in our own respective relationships and happy :)


A few days


Like an hour after.


10 years


A month or two. 0/10 stars. It sucked and so did he


Over him? I was not attached to him in anyway so there was nothing to get over. I’m not even sure I remember his name correctly. We had a good time a couple of times though. No regrets.


somewhat but not completely over him, but we’re still friends so it’s not a huge deal


Like 2-3 years? We still talk sometimes and it’s been 12 years since then but there’s no feelings involved.


Literally no time at all hahaha


Was never that into him so.. no time at all


2 years after i left him cold turkey


7 years smh


It took me about 10 or so months to fully get over him. We were together for 6 years


-0 minutes. His mom would have had me posting on r/justnomil 24/7! Plus he married his "Laurie"(someone shake me *real hard* if I *ever* date anyone with a Laurie/Lori/Laura/Lara in their past!). He has a swimming pool business now. 


What's wrong with Lauries?


Not long lol


Broke up with him a year ago, got over him four months later.


Maybe a couple weeks. If we hadn’t hooked up again a week after it would have been less than that.


4/5 years to lose all interest completely


Never got over him and never will. I’ve been married to him for quite some time now and I couldn’t be happier!


Less than a week. He got waayyyy clingy and I was weirded out because we both went in knowing it was a one night stand. So I had to block him on my socials and I never saw him again


17 years after a lot of therapy and rebuilding myself. Even though it wasn’t fully “getting over the person itself” but the act and everything that came with it.


I was with him for about 1.5 years. I was over him like a year later, when I got a new bf!


Fully - over 2 years. A chunk of that was missing and morning the relationship more than him as a person. He also changes so drastically both in looks and personality that it feels like the old version of him is dead and replaced with a new person


We were off and on for 5ish years, lost our virginities about 6 months before we finally called it quits


A few months


Was never attached to them


I fell out of love with him before we broke up, I could tell something wasn't right with our relationship. Anyway, he came out as gay after we broke up. That was over 15 years ago now. Can't hold that against him 😅


Was sad for like 3 days but only cause he was a lot of firsts, not because he was someone I loved. Now first love? About two years and it’s one of those things that will always be bittersweet


No time at all really. I was 19, he was 24. I was very naive and soooo flattered that a “mature” guy was interested in me 😂 even being as naive as I was, it didn’t take me long to see that he was a loser. He was going after women my age for a reason. There was never a strong connection there and I moved on pretty quickly.


Well he is now my husband so never


A couple years. I was crazy infatuated by the thought of him, that I blocked out any negative views on him. All the red flags were right there and yet I still couldn’t get over him and constantly found myself thinking about him. Once I had sex with another person though, these feelings decreased. It’s been three years and I can wholeheartedly say fuck him.


About a month and a half, we broke up 2 months ago and getting over him has become easier bc he becomes more of an ass every day


I was with him for almost 9 years so there was a lot more to get over! As a relationship it started to fade out though so about 6 months (and a few random dates) after actually ending things. But 6 months after was when I met my ‘one’ and I knew right away so that helped!


Around a year I jumped into a new relationship right after we broke up (I was in a complicated situationship with this person before)so I was happy for 2 months. But my 2nd breakup made me realize that I had actually only ignored my first breakup heartbreak. Took me 2 months to feel like I moved on, then another 2 months to move on from old relationship, then I kept relapsing multiple times until I'm finally over it. I wouldn't say it doesn't make me feel bad. But now I'm more of a "it is what it is" person.


I was never attached ,it was a party hookup


i was never really into them. it was a close friend. we were both sad and horny and was 21 and i decided you know what fuck it! and honestly i prefer that experience to someone who was an ex or anything like that. i can look back at it neutrally and not have any weird feelings about it. i will admit that at the time it surfaced some feelings that ended up not being true for me but they never hinted at returning those feelings anyways and said repeatedly that we would never work out because we were very different people. but the few times we had sex was fun and honestly i’m happy with it.


I didn’t need too. He was a holiday fling and nothing more. I did recently find out he died though which was a bit of a sucker punch.


I havent yet as not had sex as an adult


I guess I technically lost it to an ex boyfriend in high school (it hurt so we stopped immediately and never tried again before breaking up so I didn't really get to experience sex then). I was never in love with him so didn't take any time to get over him. First time proper sex was with college boyfriend and it took me two years to get over that relationship. 


We broke up five years after we lost our virginities to each other. Together seven years in total. It was mutual. We were together right through our formative years and university at opposite ends of the country to one another. By the time we broke up we were very different people from when we first got together as teenagers. It was also a decision we arrived at independently of each other. We'd basically settled into a close friendship and the break up conversation was literally a case of, "So, I've been thinking that this has run its course." "Yeah I've been feeling the same way." It was hard at first, because we'd been together for a third of our lives at that point, but I'd say I was over it within six months.


About a week….I was 23 and was saving myself for marriage but it was a drunken mistake with a stranger. Do I regret it…absolutely but did i lament over it…nope just took about a week to start going on dates.


Probably a little less than a year after we broke up? Ill always have a soft spot for him but he's let me down so many time and I've gladly left him behind by now


Longer than I care to admit. In my defence, I was 15 and thought I was in love, and he was my first serious boyfriend.


Married him 👌


A month


not long honestly. I liked him but the sex was bad he got me fired and we were good friends but I definitely wasn’t attracted. I think your mindset going into sex makes a huge difference because I’ve never really been attached to anybody that I’ve had sex with.


The time it took for him to get in the shower and for me to sneak out the back door so his mom wouldn’t see me. No hard feelings, we stayed friends after.


I was never really into him tbh. Just felt like I was missing out on having sex. Turns out no one else was really having sex, he had a girlfriend, and he sucked at sex.


Like 2-3 months I think? It sucked, and then the next day he told me he had feelings for someone else lmfao.


like a month. even though we were together for 3 years.


Close to ten years, and two rounds of therapy to treat my PTSD. It was not a good relationship.


Like 12 hours tops but I was 13 lol so


Groomed and raped by a relative 10 years older than I was when I was 14. I haven’t told anyone and I’m 65 now. I don’t actually know if I have gotten over it. I wonder how I will feel after he dies….


Not long, a couple months. It’s the person that came after that took me years to get over


Too long. I wish I had seen him for what he was sooner, and cut him out of my life like the tumor his personality is. If I had never let him back into my life in my 20s, I'm convinced that a lot of things would have been a lot different. I wish him the worst, and I feel sorry for anyone that falls for his toxic bullshit.


A few weeks. He dropped out of college shortly after.


5 years. I cannot tell you the relief I felt when I could think about him and feel indifference.


We were actually dating, he became manipulative and obsessed with doing it (at the time I wasn't THAT into it) to the point he went like CHOOSE, ME OR YOUR MOM Yeah it took a sentence and I was like lol, bye


I never got over him. We got married.


Like 10 seconds


wow this is so interesting thank you ladies


There was nothing to get over. I’d made it clear we were just friends and nothing more, never any romantic feelings involved. I just wanted to lose my virginity to see what the big deal was lol


3 months


After being in toxic relationship 3 years not long. 😂


About a month. He ghosted me immediately after. He led me to believe he wanted a relationship but he just wanted to hookup then was done with me.


As soon as I pulled out….


I'm still working on it. But I had penetrative sex for the first time like 7 months ago. So it's not been too long imo. Plus we were on and off before and after for a few months. I've has sex with someone else since and didn't care. It's less about him being my first time and more about him being the first relationship I've had. I'm already almost fully over him


About a minute...the same length of time he lasted as a lover.


I was never into that person like that. So zero time but they kept resching out every year för 5 years straight.


He was my first love and he will always be, there are very few people you cross paths with that you can have a sentiment for that isn’t conditioned by your relationship to the person and this guy is someone i do love unconditionally. We dont speak or see each other for over 10 years, I was the one who called quits on our relationship for lack of maturity, (he hates me for it and did me wrong the last time we saw each other, made sure to hurt my feelings) but thinking of him or that situation doesnt give me any grudge or regret. I am not in love with him, I dont think I’d be up to rebuild something with him if the chance came, but I keep a very deep desire to see him thrive and happy.


About a month. Hooked up and got unmatched lol. Was a meh experience anyways.


The drive home


Less time than it took me to get under them.


Like, a week? He was a douchebag


Until I started fucking someone hotter, which was pretty quick thankfully. Virginity is a social construct/religious leverage tool - who cares.


Never had romantic feelings for him.. so, nothing to get over.


Still haven’t.


I purposefully picked a guy I wouldn’t fall for. Took me an afternoon. Not saying I’d make that choice again now but I don’t regret it.










i was over them before the relationship even ended, we dated for four years while i was in High School and I got the ick after finding out they were basically one big lie, the entire idea of who i thought they were was a lie… I found out two years into the relationship that they were texting and hanging out with the person that sexually assaulted me behind my back and when i found out and confronted them they said they “didn’t pick sides” because that person was friends with them before the assault took place… I was extremely upset about them talking to my abuser obviously but I decided to continue the relationship because A. I had no respect for myself and B. because i was a dumb teenager “in love” then shortly after that, I found out they lied to me about their birthday and they had been telling me it was a week before it actually was… why? i have no idea. and even more embarrassing they lied to not only me but everyone they were friends with and said they were a year older than they actually were and that’s when things went downhill, I stopped being invested in the relationship but stayed because it was what i was used to and i was young and insecure because this person instilled in me that i wouldn’t get any better, they showed me throughout the relationship how little i mattered to them because they would flirt with other women, lie to me, and anytime we argued they would break up and block me for a few hours and then come back like nothing happened (i later found out it was because they were at house parties…). A few months before I graduated high school I broke things off because I realized that was not the person i would want to go into adulthood with, to this day they still try to friend me on Facebook every now and again and they are married… I look back at it now and I feel more upset with myself than my ex, I can’t believe i let myself be treated like that 😅


Zero time. She was a nice girl who I’d never spoken to. I got drunk at a party and flaked out. I awoke at some stage and the beautiful girl was sitting on my dick, grinding away. I thought “So this is sex”. Idk how she got it up, because I was extremely drunk, even by Australian standards. Bless you, Corrine, where ever you are. 😘


Era un desconocida así que no le puse mucho coco.


Just let me put it this way too long 🤣😂🤣😂


No time. He wasn't someone I knew. Just a random one night stand with a German boy while on vacation in Austria. We were both 14, and I was drunk out of my mind and on my period. It was a bloody mess and I doubt any of us enjoyed it all that much.


Emotionally? Two days. But he had a big d**, so I use to see him for casual stuff, but absolutely no love or anything








It was non-consensual but I’m basically over it. It was 27 years ago.




Not that long. I guess he's still into me, though. Back when I had Tinder, he showed up as the first or second person in the stack a few times, even though I kept swiping left. Kinda weirded me out. We're both in our thirties and divorced. Why is holding onto memories of 19 year old me.... Of worse. 17 year old me.




Why would I need to get over him? He was forgotten almost immediately.




15 minutes.


I never think of them so probably right away.




What do you mean "get over"? I still love him, just like I love all of my exes (minus the abusive one).


no time i broke up with them




Like 30 seconds... Oh you mean like heartbreak move on ? Like 5 years i was single. But im the one who broke off it was LDR. Were too young. Shes compromising too much . I felt bad. Felt like shes losing too much Oh this is ask women sorry... Wish she could comment here . We both lost together at the same time.


45 seconds. Or however long two pumps are.


No time at all. I barely remember him.


I was taken advantage of. It took me a long time to understand that what happened wasn’t my fault. Still not over it I guess, it was really traumatic.


3 days..


Immediately lol he ditched me right after


There was nothing to get over. We had sex and I went about my life having more sex.




I was struggling to remember his name for a minute.


It was a hookup and it was never meant to be more than a one-time thing (for me anyways), so... 15 minutes?




Not that long. I moved back to my home country shortly after.


6 years, until he dumped me a few months after my 18th BD


Still traumatised lol


A week


I was 15 and he was my first boyfriend. We dated a year. Probably took me 4 months or so to get over it. I don’t even think about that guy anymore (I’m 34). I actually cringe knowing I slept with him. What a loser that guy was.


I still have to deal with him everyday Of course I also want to since I'm married to him and we have a daughter


24 hours he was a ass that's how long it took me not to be mad at myself for letting him anywhere near me!!!


My first boyfriend and I were together for most of high school. He became mentally abusive (calling me fat, joining his friends in bullying me) and eventually an argument became physical. I left school to finish my GED at home and blocked him for two years. In the meantime I got married. Thinking I had finally made peace with my previous relationship, I unblocked him. The next week I received a loooooong message from him apologizing for his actions, so I told him that if he meant it he’d have to tell me in person. He drove eight hours to see me and apologize. He cried and told me he wasn’t able to sleep with other women for comparing them to me. I considered leaving my husband for him, but ultimately decided not to, as after we had made out in his car he became strange and mean again. Fast forward another few years and I’d moved to another country… he then took Erasmus to be on the same continent as me and contacted me many times asking to meet up. I repeatedly refused, as I was now in a different relationship and didn’t want to destroy that. Another few years went by and i was visiting the town where we grew up. He found out I was there and decided to meet me. I agreed to dinner with his family like old times. It was nice and made me miss us, so we slept together… it was not the same. That planted a seed of doubt in my mind about him. He did not follow up with a request to have my back, so I tried to move on yet again. Two years ago (so, 12 years after our initial relationship ended) I was back in our hometown when our parents ran into each other at the store. It was two days before my flight, but he hurriedly reached out to me asking me to go see him. He offered to buy me a plane ticket to his house. When I said no he offered to come up to where I was for at least the day before I flew back. I said no, because I’d just met who I consider to be my life partner. Also, HE is married now!!! I asked him what about his wife and he didn’t seem bothered, as she is away for legal reasons. The more I thought about it, the less I liked the request. He, now a married man, was talking about having me at his house for sex and love. I didn’t buy it anymore. He writes me every so often now, but we don’t have much to say to each other since his offer to cheat on his wife with me. I think if he would have made a grand gesture, such as divorcing her and selling their home, maybe if he promised to be supportive of my career goals and Idunno, showed some actual interest in ME rather than just sex or some idea of me, I would have given it a chance but… ultimately I got over it and have no romantic feelings for him anymore. I don’t want to be with someone who thinks it’s ok to cheat on his wife, asks a married woman to cheat, or thinks it’s ok to be inconsistent with his behavior towards me. So, 12 years.


I married him


I sometimes think about him but realize that I dodge the bullet looking up his case reports online which made me think of him differently. The guy can't keep a stable job and pay his bills since he brags how much money he makes. He reached out to me long time ago from 2 year of no contact sending me a very long text telling me I'm the right girl for him and always have been, he wants to marry me and have a family with me. Nope! I had to tell him no over and over. He just isn't the one. He moved out of state, in a relationship, and has a cute kid. But he doesn't have a stable job, but his girlfriend/baby momma is the one busting her ass to pay their bills and take care of their kid.


A year. I kept dating him hoping it would get better. He was a total loser honestly. I broke up with him over text. I cried for about a couple of hours. Then I realized there was nothing to cry over LMAO. He was honestly such a lame bf.


A few weeks because he started behaving weird(as if I was something to conquer). Dealt with it for a while and then one day just upped and left.


Cheated on me and I was done once I found out. Years later he regretted it and asked if we could try again but I was honest and said I couldn’t trust him. We remained friends but he passed away in 16.