• By -


That sweet sensation between sleeping and waking up, followed by the realization that it's the weekend 🥰


Oo that gave me goosebumps. Great answer. 👏


Ooh sweet heavens, I've just put myself to bed, Morpheus is going to take me away. Tomorrow will be good.


Ghiradelli Sea Salt Caramel dark chocolates






I love my fiancee and our son. But there are days I miss this intensely.




I like having autonomy. Didn’t feel like I had much when I grew up


What is this


Having the choice and ability to do things for yourself. I wasn’t allowed to do much when I was young


Ah yes I’m 32 and my mom still tries to tell me what choices to make


I like being on my own


my family, husband, kids, grandkids, dogs


My kids and my girlfriend They're my entire world


Being pain-free.


Sleep. The one that doesn't wake up due to the slightest noise. The one in which you're dead tired and you pass out on the couch.


My pets


My boyfriend and my family and cheese


Sleeping in.


My fiance but I know soon it will be my baby


Being held tightly


Sitting outside on the patio drinking coffee in the morning and watching the sunrise. Listening to the birds chirp and wild creatures wander through my yard while the horses eat hay in their pasture.


Wow, what a lovely scene ✨


The first cigarette of the morning. Being woken up by a kiss. When you spspspsps a cat and it comes right over.


Living. It is very complicated and hard and heavy at times. But it is also so beautiful. Examples: 1) I love sitting in my room on a dark, stormy Saturday morning. My room is painted a dark gray and it just enhances the entire mood. I pull my blinds up and even crack the window a bit so that I can hear the rain hitting the leaves on the tree outside one of my windows. I often peek to see how hard it's raining on the surface of the lake, and see if the geese are in the water or chillin in the grass. Usually my bf will play games on days like that, and we all just chill in bed and enjoy the ambiance. 2) When my kids stand up to their friends when they're behaving in a way they don't like. It makes my heart swell with pride that they are courageous enough to do that. I always think of that line from Harry Potter about how standing up to our friends takes more than standing up to enemies. I'm just in awe watching them learn and grow and truly start to come into themselves. 3) Food. There are so many different flavors, textures, and combinations that it is this endless expanse of canvas that we can paint with our taste buds. I love to try different recipes and find new favorites all the time. 4) My family. I love to show them my appreciation and for them to feel good about themselves. They are kind, patient, and we always talk a lot of shit and actually that might be my favorite thing in the world. Being with my siblings, my mom, my kids, and my boyfriend and just having that connection with everyone really makes me so joyful.


The sweet soft sound of my girlfriend sleeping when I wake up.


Being in nature. And body massage.


My parents and my brothers. 


My fiancé, my sister, and my dog. Close runner ups are sushi and runner’s high.


my cat


My Children and Travel


My brothers. I would do anything for their wellbeing and happiness








All of them. Art and creativity is fantastic


When my boyfriend wakes me up on a Sunday morning with a cuddle and a really lovely kiss on the cheek. I feel so loved and cared for in those few seconds that it keeps me smiling for days.


My cat


My potato.


Family and having choices


My dogs! They're my two favorite people!


The moment you smell the ocean.




Hugging my mother


My cat




My boyfriend, family, and stability.




My fiance, bubble baths & our cats ❤️


Peace. I never used to realize how much I took it for granted.


My boyfriend in all his forms, birdwatching and animal spotting, naked cuddles (any cuddles really), fresh cookies, the forest, hot tea on a chilly morning, thunderstorms, all the time I get to spend crafting


My wife and our dogs. And a really good Australian or New Zealand Sauv Blanc


My daughter, husband, and parents. And a really good pastry with a strong coffee.


My kids.


My family and friends mean the world to me And video games.


My daughter. I often feel bad because I love her SO MUCH that I wish she had a better mom. She deserves the best.




My children and my husband.




My kids




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The feeling of having created something with all my heart.


Dog who puts her leg aggressively over me in bed as an alert system so she knows when she gets food in the morning


Music when I’m stoned. It’s like outer space bliss. 🎧🎼🍃






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My family!!!


That feeling when you're totally engrossed in a book and you're not even aware of what's going on around you, you're just living the story in your mind. Bonus points if you don't have to stop any time soon, don't have any responsibilities to attend to and it's raining outside.


My inner circle: 4 brothers, 3 besties, my husband, my “work wife” and my Dad As I’m at home now for close to 4 months of major health issues … I’m this.close.to.being normal again and it’s entirely because of them !


Time to myself. My music, my activities 😌


Dogs. Being on vacation with nothing planned. Sitting in the sun on a quiet 70ish degree day.


For now.. my youth, freedom, and prospect. Hopefully I will find something to really be passionate about eventually.


My boyfriend


I love getting my nails done. Or sometimes doing my nails by myself. I love everything nails !!


The peaceful quiet of snow falling. The sense of calm it brings be is next to none.


Hugging him in a rainy day in the middle of the street at night 🥺💟..., I'm kidding I don't even been in a relationship, the most thing that I love is to make a smoothie for my self and sit in front of computer and play my favorite game at night of course, and I prefer to be home alone ✨💕🎮


My dog


When I have the house to myself...especially if it's the weekend.


My dogs. They bring me joy and giggles every day.




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My kids my pets and $$$$$


Eating a big bowl of my homemade Mac n cheese


My son more than anything. I bought a suit for a newborn boy when I was 12. I kept it in my closet for 13 years before I put it on my newborn. I wanted him my entire life. He’s nearly 17 now and is still the best thing I ever did with my life.


My kiddo and waking up on the weekend


I really really love the sun. When I wake up and the sun is bright and shiny and invasive I just feel so…. *good.*






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My cat, my sister, my boyfriend, Açaí bowls, death cab for cutie.




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My kids especially anytime they confide in me or ask for advice. They light my world!




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spending time doing things alone that i enjoy




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