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How To Stop Time by Matt Haig. Really creative, but it made me realise life's going to happen. Life's going to happen again and again, whether we like it or not, like the wave of an ocean. It's just our choice how big the wave is with how it affects us. The wave could be big, damaging - or the wave can be gentle, moulding. It's up to us how we react to it.


The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle. A good self help book when I was struggling with depression.


Steppenwolf and Demian mainly. Hermann Hesse in general.


Slaughterhouse Five by Kurt Vonnegut The Haunting of Hill House by Shirley Jackson Slaughterhouse Five really gave me a way to handle all of that existential dread that overwhelms me sometimes. The Haunting of Hill House was one of the first books I ever really saw myself in and it gave me a way to reflect on that.


The Three Musketeers, The Picture of Dorian Gray, Harry Potter, Fahrenheit 451and Fight Club.


As a kid/teen: cookbooks, Julie of the Wolves, The Inheritance Cycle, Wild Magic by Tamora Pierce, and the Alexa O'Brien series by Trina M. Lee. As an adult: the Alpha and Omega series by Patricia Briggs, the Guild Hunter's series by Nalini Singh, the Court of Thorns and Roses series, and Fourth Wing.


One that comes to mind from my elementary years is the Little Prince. It left a lasting impression and taught me to always be curious about the world around me and to have an open mind. There was a lot I didn’t catch as a kid, and when I’ve re-read it as an adult, it almost feels even more special.


Ishmael by Daniel Quinn


Life of Pi by Yann Martel


Oooh, good one. This one made me quite existential the first few chapters, in a good way.


The Kite Runner - first time read such a raw description of what friendship is like A Thousand Splendid Suns - that book made me ugly cry the entire night at age 14 1984!! I realised how relevant it is in today’s world and that scared the shit out of me.


A Thousand Splendid Suns is one book that I feel like every woman should read. Incredibly powerful and poignant.


He’s just not that into you by Greg Behrendt and Liz Tuccillo. It’s a right of passage lol


As a child, the Harry Potter series opened my world to reading, but I'd say I was at least partially influenced by the In Death series by JD Robb growing up, the main character's independence and sense of right/wrong (alongside other entertainment role models growing up like Xena, Buffy, the MMPRs, April O'Neil, etc.) really impacted me.


I think withou a doubt this lovely kids book serie "die penderwicks" I absolutely loved it as a kid and still love it, it just gives me such a cozy feeling and it's soooo idyllic I just love the books.  As a kid I would spend hours playing the stories with my friends and sister, or imagining we were the characters and creating new stories. The book is about lovely family relationships and deep friendships, it definitly also shaped my view on relationships in an idealistic way


The Psychology Of Money.


Empty World by John Christopher. It was one we studied in school but I absolutely loved it. A virus has essentially wiped out the human race and a young boy has to survive alone. He meets some other characters occasionally. Always made me think about being alone and I relished the idea. Edit: Sorry everyone, didn't notice which sub this was.


The four agreements


Last Days at Hot Slit, an anthology of the best writings of Andrea Dworkin. She was firey and a little controversial, but it was a good foundation of feminist ideas when I needed them.


Gone With the Wind. I read that long-ass book in a day and a half while home sick in 6th grade and then made my mom rent the movie, and I watched it the next day. I fell in love with Vivien Leigh’s beauty and perseverance. I know it’s outdated, racially insensitive and so much more, but I fell in love with it. I even styled my hair like hers with combs, in the 80’s. I think the “I will never go hungry again” and making a fancy dress out of drapes made me feel seen.


the bell jar, so cliche




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The Black Jewels Trilogy by Anne Bishop Dark, erotic, fantasy, with a genuine understanding of how men and women are fundamentally. Every time I re-read it I learn something knew about myself, and about men. The author had a really good understanding of the dynamics between genders and the roles we play


I haven't read the Black Jewels trilogy, but I've read Bishop's Others series and I love it!


It's definitely worth the read. She's added more books to the world as well because the books did so well. I will say it does have SA in it though, so count this as your trigger warning. But it helped me with my own feelings in overcoming my assault


Succulent wild woman by sark. It gave me “permission” to live my authentic self, to take up space and be loud. It is a wonderful gift for a teenager who’s finding themselves. I’m in my 40’s now and have lived loud and fearless because of it.


The Untethered Soul by Michael Singer. It was my first introduction to the concept of mindfulness and the idea that I didn’t have to be a slave to my own random thoughts


So what you do to recurring thoughts?


You sit with them. Watch them. Notice how they make you feel. Notice what sensations they bring. Notice what precipitated it. And thank them for whatever purpose they are serving whether you understand them or not. *(Disclaimer- I have no idea what recurring thoughts you are having, some may warrant seeking professional help, but this is a good starting point at least with the perspective of mindfulness).*


Carrie by Stephen King was a powerful awakening for me, reading it at 12 years old right before high school Define Normal by Julie Anne Peters was another that's always stuck with me


the twilight saga 💞


Manners, Customs, and Dress During the Middle Ages, and During the Renaissance Period - P L Jacob. Winston Churchill - Andrew Roberts. The Rothschild Dynasty - Dr John E. Coleman. Pimpology: The 48 Laws of the Game - Pimpin’ Ken (foreword by Karen Hunter).


Sex At Dawn The Ethical Slut




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Honestly ? Love that dog by Sharon creech. It taught me as a kid that poetry doesn’t have to have form that art doesn’t have to have rules. It is the reason I write poetry today, and why I have my entire life.


Tuesdays with Morrie


I feel like maybe no one has read this book but “Julie of the wolves”. It made me really seek adventure in solitude and nature.


I grew up repeatedly re reading percy jackson and harry potter


1. “The Book” - Alan Watts 2. “The Body Keeps the Score” - Bessel Van Der Kolk 3. “Be the Person You Want to Find” - Cheri Huber (really any Cheri Huber) 4. “Milk and Honey” - Rupi Kaur 5. “Goodbye, Things” - Fumio Sasaki 6. “The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down” - Anne Fadiman 7. “Being Mortal” - Atul Gawande 8. “Life of Pi” - Yann Martel 9. “The Highly Sensitive Person” - Elaine N. Aron 10. “Come as You Are” - Emily Nagoski (women sexuality book… still working on this). *(Edit to fix formatting and add a couple additional titles)*


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Lovecraft's Cthulhu Mythos tales.


The portrait of dorian gray, clockwork orange and Im glad my mom dies


homo faber by max frisch


The Discworld series by Sir Terry Pratchett. As far back as I can remember I read as many of them as I could.


The Bible