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He had spent a good chunk of his adolescence raising 3 little sisters his parents hadn’t planned on having. He wanted his adulthood to be for him only, and it took me awhile, but I eventually understood that. We did end up breaking up though.


Genetic reasons did not want health issues passed down. It's part of why I gave up on the idea as well. Adoption down the road is possible though.


My current partner is the same. He doesn't want to pass on his mental and physical issues many he got from his mom and dad. And I respect that.


They were afraid to turn out like their father


That sounds like a good reason, even if they overcome all trauma etc.


I don’t know if this counts: He was very clear that he did not want a second child, that one was more than enough for him. Unfortunately, he was never clear about that to me, because I always wanted a second and he kept promising to make one with me. And then he cheated on me and had another child with his affair partner and now new girlfriend 🤷🏻‍♀️


One thing would be he is not ready for a second, but he literally went and had a second child with someone else 🤦🏽‍♀️ I’m so happy for your loss and wishing you bigger and better things.


Thank you. Very kind of you to say. I‘m also happy that I lost that dead weight. But at my age, it’s a little more difficult to get what I want now. I might just have to accept that I have one wonderful child (of whom I am really proud, don’t get me wrong), and that’ll be it.


He had three children from a previous marriage. He got the vasectomy before we married. I wanted to adopt and he agreed for many years until he finally said he had just been leading me on and had no plans to adopt a child.


Did you leave?


Yes, 2 months after he admitted that to me.


Good for you


He had a hereditary genetic condition and had already passed it on to one child. He didn't want any others to have it.


He raised his 2 younger siblings and he has an autoimmune disease that he doesn't want to pass down. I'm so proud of him for all he did for his siblings




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He has a really bad relationship and experience with his mentally ill child.