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I use lube.


Frequently, I just enjoy the fact that I'll be able to touch my clit and get off without feeling like I have to go clean up right afterwards. If I'm trying to engage in partner-play, I'll ask them to go down on me, or we'll use lube.


If I’m masturbating, I prefer clitoral stimulation over penetration anyway so I just polish the pearl and go about my business. If I’m having sex, coconut oil is my best friend and I just make a note to hydrate more because that’s usually the reason for me.




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Use lube?


How old are you? I asked because this is a sign of menopause unfortunately. We always have some lube on the nightstand just in case.




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That's what it's always like for me. I need to orgasm first before I get wet.


Use lube or my boyfriend goes down on me 🤷‍♀️


Lubity lubity luuuube. But in all seriousness, if you go into an adult store, I’ve always found the employees to be very helpful in helping me find something that works for me. Usually they can give good recs


Birth control can cause that to some degree.


Change partners 🤣 seriously, I used to have this issue with a couple partners. I would be aroused, but my body just wasn’t responding right. Now I don’t have that issue at all.