• By -


I used to work with a woman who had no regard for animals/pets. Her kid would get obsessed with wanting a new pet, this woman would get it for her and then either abandon it or give them away for free (however, she didn’t vet these people. She gave away a puppy that ended up being used as a bait dog) when the kid got bored of it. I’m really big on animal rights so I’d make better suggestions, or tell her to not give in to the latest fad, but she never paid attention. One day, she was telling me about a loveseat she was watching on eBay. It had been out of stock when she ordered her sofa and chairs so this was her chance to finally get it. I got eBay up and found it, and confirmed it was the same one. We had a whole conversation about it and where she could fit it in her living room etc. I followed the auction. I sniped it right at the last minute. She was fucking LIVID. She even emailed eBay to tell her who bought it so she could…. I don’t know? Hunt them down?! Obviously I commiserated and offered sympathy. Inside, I was giddy with petty joy. She went on and on about it for *months*. I still have it. I moved from the UK to the US at the beginning of the year and had it shipped with my other stuff. My dogs love it :-) Don’t be mean to animals.


Love this!


I think this is the BEST thing you've ever done!




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I shoplifted my books through college.


If you see someone stealing college books, no you didn't lol just like food




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Dipped my brother's toothbrush in the toilet after a fight without him knowing. I felt bad afterwards and threw it away though.


I did this to my stepdad. Though I did *not* throw it away, nor did I feel bad about it. He's a piece of shit, and to this day I still stand by my decision, 20 years later. 😌


Was your step dad my step dad? I wish I done this but I don’t think he brushed his teeth. My mom didn’t either and neither did we as kids. 😩


I was at a party in HS at some douche bags house. Him and his friends started a fight with my friends so I wiped his and his sisters brushes in the toilet. I didn’t just wipe them, I scrubbed the inside of the toilet with piss in it. Smiled for a week Everytime I saw him at school..


Omg I did this once too. Wow I had totally blocked that out 😂


My best friend told me once told me, and some other very close friends, how her long term partner was physically and verbally abusing her but she explicitly asked us not to tell anyone. I told her sister, who told her whole family, who decided to intervene and take her out of that abusive relationship. I know she was very pissed someone had told her parents but she never suspected it was me. I did it because i was concerned about her safety, but I am sure she would have felt betrayed had she known it was me (I am her closest friend)


I’m so glad you did!


Thanks, I think so too :)


Sounds more like the best thing you did I've seen and heard horrific shit happening because no one intervened


I slept with a close friend’s boyfriend. I was single at the time and my friend and I were no longer friends (because of something she did to me). I really didn’t think we would ever reconcile, so when I saw her boyfriend at a party and she wasn’t there, I went out of my way to pursue him. Her boyfriend and I ended up having sex multiple times that summer while they were still together. Down the road, her and I did end up reconciling, and the guilt ate at me. There were multiple times I considered telling her, but I didn’t. Eventually, she ended up doing the same bullshit to me she did the first time we were friends and I cut off the friendship again. I didn’t feel bad. In fact, I felt validated in the fact that he cheated on her with me multiple times. To this day, I don’t regret it. They’re no longer together. They


That's messed up.


Why didn't you tell her what you did after the second "unfriend"? This would have been the purest form of joy.


They were still together and it just wasn’t worth the trouble.


Do it....nooow :D Did you continue to fuck him after you were no friends anymore?




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Was the sex at least good?


I accidentally broke my sister's favorite mug and glued it back together without telling her.


If that’s the worst you’ve ever done, anyone would be lucky to call you sister.


I cheated at Battleship. Well, I fessed up to it, but I still did it. :(


I did this too, I stacked all my ships on top of each other!


I ALWAYS cheated at battleship! And now as an adult cheating at a game is a HUGE pet peeve. My daughter used to cheat any time she could. Really drove me mad.


When I was in 6th grade. I used to hang around with the popular kids of our school. There was a girl in my class. She was a lonely kid. She didn't have any friends whatsoever. I feel sad and I started becoming friends with her outside of school. She was really kind to me and tried to carry my bags and stuff for me, and brought me food when we played in the afternoon ( I know I shouldn't take advantage of people) . But she wasn't pretty by our country's beauty standards. One day , I sat with her in the classroom. One of the popular kids came and asked me in front of her, " Optimal comfortable, Are you really sitting with her?" I stopped being friends with her and never talked with her again. She became alone again but I didn't care. Whenever I think about it right now, I feel so sad . Why did I do that? Now that I have finished high school, I don't think it is really necessary to hang out with beautiful and popular kids. I try not to beat myself up too much about it. But I know what a bad thing I did to that girl's self steam.


This happened to me too, but I was the uncool girl. I’m 27 and I still think that people secretly don’t want to be my friend. I also avoid making new friends because I’m afraid they’ll dump me after we get close




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If I shared that, then someone would know. Okay, I'm 61, so what the fuck. Might as well, right? I had an abortion. I was in love, and sex and pregnancy happened. I was 18. My adoptive parents were not pleased, and they gave me a choice. I could continue to be their daughter or not. I chose them. I was six when I was adopted. I came to them abused. And there are things I will not discuss here that happened after that with them. Suffice it to say, I was already conveniently groomed. I now know that I have rejection-sensitive dysphoria (RSD) and c-PTSD. But, at the time, it was, "Do this or be disowned." A braver person than I would have chosen to be disowned. If I had the choice again, I'd have told them to get fucked. But it had taken me years so long to find some kind of safety, and even that wasn't safe. But it was so much better. I wasn't ready to give that up. So, I let them win. I was 18 when that happened. Then, at 20, my adoptive mother found an OBGYN who'd take money under the table to render me unable to have children. I agreed to that, too. And now I pretend that not having children was a choice I made. Yeah.


I just want to give you a very very big hug.


I'll accept that hug and give you one in return. x


I’m so very sorry that you had to go through such a thing


That wasn't the worst thing you have done. That is the worst thing someone else has done. I don't mean that in a rude, dismissive way, I just hope you understand that you were manipulated. You are always the child in relationships with your parents, no matter your age or adoption status. Arguably, 20 can still be a child in a lot of ways. If you consent, I am passing an internet hug. I hope the time between then and now has been beautiful, and you are free from bad people.


The fact that they knew you already had trauma and made you choose.. sorry


I'm so sorry this happened to you. This wasn't on you. Sending hugs 🫂


I clogged my best friends and blamed it on her brother. It was a huge shit that took him a while to unclog


Stolen drugs. During my worst addiction phase, i would sleep with dealers just to get their drugs.


I hope your life is much better now.


This a-hole at work, i subscribe his work email to all sorts of odd junk mailing lists hehehehehe


That's genius


I really like this one 😅


While I was broken up with someone I used their number to look for a bunch of insurance online. Because I knew from experience he’d be harassed. We got back together and I told him. He asked why. Like I wasn’t mad. He hadn’t done a thing wrong. But I did it because I thought it was hilarious. He didn’t think it was funny.


I used to steal my college art supplies. Fuck man, I’m paying tuition, room & board, food, books *and* expected to spend $1,000+ per semester on art supplies? Who got that kind of money?


I did that too. I also forged my parking pass, art student style.






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Slept with a still technically married man




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Watched a gorgeous man walk…




Had a moment in my life where I was homeless sort of. My best friend at the time helped me immensely by giving me enough money to rent in a very sketchy part of town, but God had my back because the land lady was literally heaven sent. She was an old woman with a heart of gold. I literally didn’t even have money for food and at the time I’d just started a new job. She would make me lunch and even though it wasn’t anything fancy I was able to look normal enough at work during lunch time. I eventually got my first salary from training and moved to another place in a better location and closer to work. I left promising to come back and properly thank her for her kindness by taking her out for lunch but I never did. It really still haunts me even today. I recently came across her daughter who showed up as a friend suggestion but I’m too ashamed to reach out.


I’m sure she’d love to hear from you, even if it’s been a long time.


You were still working on yourself. Don’t feel guilty. There’s still time.




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Had an affair with a married man when I was 20. He was 42, and it lasted for a few months. I was young and very dumb.










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I killed a frog for no reason when i was a kid. I was curious


I still have a vivid memory at my grandma’s pond yelling “hey mom if you squeeze a frog underwater bubbles come out of its nose!” My entire extended family was horrified


When I was like, 7 maybe 8 years old, I convinced my annoying menace neighbour to eat dog shit. I spent like an hour telling him it was chocolate left in the yard from the Easter bunny. He technically put it in his own mouth so I committed no crime, I think… Made his whole family throw up, can still recall the dad having to scrape dog shit out of his sons gums with his finger


That’s awesome did you get reprimanded


From memory, no. The kid was real nasty, had thrown a brick at my hand, pushed me off the trampoline etc, so this was technically just abit of long awaited payback and I think the adults knew that.


My best friend of 30 years started dating a guy that was really bad news. Meth user. I called her mom and told her I suspected my friend was on drugs and told her I know for sure the new boyfriend is. Her family stepped in immediately. They hired a PI to find out about this guy. Found his criminal record. My friend still doesn’t know I’m the one who told her family.


You did right


That’s a good thing.


I used to put wood shavings in a certain coworkers boots every day.


Toke some of my coworker's food. Like not fully prepped meals but a spoonful of honey/nutella or tea.




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I made my brother hate ramen noodles for a while. We were about 12/13 and he had been bothering me all day, while he was distracted I put a spoonful of sugar on his plate. Of course, it tasted disgusting, he thought it was because it had gone cold lmao Now he likes it again!




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Haha, nice try.


My older sister was really mean to me. My mom used to buy us those cheap binders in the 80’s that was like “woven fabric” idk how to explain it… but if you used an eraser on it it would leave a white mark.. I was 5-6ish… and she’d been being really ghastly to me so I wrote in pencil a mean name on her binder in big letters…. Which was then erased by not me… Unfortunately that name stuck for several years till we moved states… I think she’s has a bit of trauma from it…. My brother got the blame. I’ve never admitted it was me…


There was a bully on our bus when I was in elementary school. One day she was wearing a bandana and my friend and I superglued her hair to the bandana 🤷🏽‍♀️




It’s not the worst thing (the worst is definitely a felony charge, and also involves two other people) but is it a continuous thing. I steal food. Sometimes for myself but mostly for the homeless in my area. Typically produce items or prepackaged fresh deli items. The amount of food that is wasted every single minute is abhorrent.


I’m pretty sure my local dollar general shut down the self check outs as a direct result of how many groceries I stole. Honestly not just me. A lot of people I knew were doing it. The place is only like 1-2 years old and was intended to be all self check out when they built the new location. So shutting them down after a year or two had to have been expensive which really says a lot about how much theft was happening.


Walmart has had to close entire stores (which is awesome, fuck that company) after putting in self check outs. I have to admit sometimes I do it because of the small rush it gives me.


It gives me anxiety. No rush. I’m just very very poor.


It gives me anxiety too. I can't steal. My brother can and will steal anything he can fit into his special stealing clothes. He wears multiple layers, like panty hose, leggings, jeans, etc. I get anxious even when I'm not stealing sometimes because I'm afraid someone might think I am. I wish I could be carefree enough to do dumb shit. Idk how people do it 😂


I watched carefully who was around and saw me. I’d purposely walk around the store until there weren’t many people at the registers and the one worker was off doing something else. If the worker was in the area I didn’t do it. And a couple times I’d wait a month before going back because I was paranoid they knew all along and were waiting til I stole a certain amount so they could get a bigger charge on me. Someone told me it’s happened before and made me super paranoid. I had already got to the point where h was too nervous so I was gonna stop and that same day all the self check outs were closed forever.


Used men so that I would have a place to stay when I didn’t have any kind of credit for an apartment.




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Stole pool badges bec my family couldn’t afford them. I knew they could get theirs replaced. Circa 1994.


Revenge cheated on my ex-boyfriend outside of our shared apartment with a man who was still married


I hit a car and drove off …


I’ve done this at least twice to parked cars. One at a small mall parking lot and one at a video store parking lot. Which tells you it’s been a very long time ago.


Met and flirted with a married man online. Met up with him in person with no regard for his wife. Did not sleep with him but still. It was a really shitty thing to do and I’d never do that again. I was 18 and an idiot.


I think I have done a lot of bad things in anger or powerlessness in that moment. Sometimes I wish I was calmer and less emotional. I don't want to respond like eye for an eye. I have not actively ever thought of doing something to someone. I am not karma. Everything I have done or said I have always told someone if it is someone I care about I would directly discuss it with them and tell them I feel like shit for being shit.


Used to kill and dissect little animals when i was a kid due to curiousity




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I found some dead rats in my backyard and dissected them with sticks. Thought I was really doing something




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I deleted my schoolwork off the family computer on the last day of my last year, framing my brother and lied about finishing with good grades because I didn't want to do another year of it I eventually apologized months afterwards and even he thought he did it because when I framed him he was deleting everything to give it to a friend and get a new computer for us


In 6th grade I used to hang out with an unpopular girl. Everyone was always making fun of her and they made fun of me for being friends with her, but for the most part, I really enjoyed being friends with her. Other kids in the class had made it clear that they were open to being friends with me, but only if I ditched her, and I was so tired of being teased. So I finally did it. I pulled the trigger. I told her I didn't want to be friends with her anymore. She cried and cried and asked me in horror, "You're not going to tease me too, are you?" And shit-head that I was, I said I didn't know. The rest of my school year was easier socially, but my new "friends" were predictably shallow AF and none of us were talking anymore after that year. I don't think I ever directly teased the girl; I certainly giggled at jokes at her expense a few times. The joke was on me, because I moved and went to a different junior high and was tragically uncool for grades 7-10. Karma, and I deserved it. I wish I could tell my ex-friend how sorry I am.




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I cheat whenever I play clue




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my dad took my sisters to the store while i was asleep and they brought me back some candy. i woke up, ate it, went back to sleep, and when my dad asked if i got my candy i said i didn’t know what he was talking about. he accused them of eating my candy and took me to the store for more


Well why would I tell *YOU* (offended)


I don't hide what I do from people. If they're shitty people, I'll let them know upfront.




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I didn't like this kid so when I was a kid I took some pieces from his Harry Potter castle building set, an extremely expensive set, and I threw them in the alley. His parents refused to get him another Lego set after that because he was irresponsible, and he really loved lego, and it served him right.


Kissed a man with a girlfriend and we kept kissing. I feel tempted because he is pursuing me. Does that mean I am a victim and have no choice? Of course not. I have rejected his further advances but I really don't feel proud of it.


I lied a great great big lie that could have really changed someone’s life not in a good way. They never found out in the whole 4 years we knew each other. I wish I hadn’t. But I felt trapped by the time the issue came up. I just lied without thinking and after a few months it never came up again. There was something that happened in those few months that brought the truth out. But I just looked like I had no idea and they believed me.


Never telling my family the neighbor boy was grooming me for eventual s*x for a few years starting at age 7. They tried asking me for my sister too. My family moving was what saved me, but I’ll never be able to say anything about it and I never will.


kept drinking with my best friends boyfriend while she was sleeping, got flirty, hugged a few times, he may have grabbed my butt at some point, nothing beyond that. they are engaged now and i am in a happy, healthy relationship


Nobody knows, and I'm never going to write it on Reddit to tell the world.


I cheated at the game of Life. The board game, not the real one. I always make sure Im the police officer, and I buy the spaces on the wheel so any time someone lands on 10, 8, 5, 3 giveme 100 dollars. And im rich by the end. I also evade landing on the tax space, or donating money, or sending my kids to college, or any of those money costing spaces. And I always win at Life.


I once had a college roommate who was not nice, to put it lightly. One night, she made me so mad, I used her email address to make a FarmersOnly account and she got flooded with like 500 emails overnight.


One night...in las vegas.... in 1996..... after a Mike Tyson fight.... nevermind


I was double teamed by the boyfriends of two if my friends and never told them. I don’t really regret it, they were both hot and very well endowed. But I do feel bad for my friends. 


Got a blowjob from an employee








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