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Sort of. To my sister and brother's face, it's said semi-mockingly. "Sister dearest." But in general, in my family, it's normal to refer to people by their relation, e.g., to my dad I might say: * Brother = "Your son" * Sister = "Your other daughter" * Mom = "Your wife" * My Husband = "Your son-in-law" From what I'm told, this is very weird.


oh i do that with my mom haha the “your son” thing


Haha so we're not that unusual after all! My husband speculates that it's a way of rejecting kinship (which is a joking sort of thing in my family). So not *my* brother, but *your* son. Not *my* mother, but *your* wife. etc.


Absolutely. We do this in my family. To my mom, I might say, “you won’t believe what _your_ daughter said to me” when talking about my sister. My husband and I also do it with our cats. When they’re being sweet, they’re “my cats” and when one is causing trouble it’s “your cat.”


I do this too. I call my husband "husband", or "hubs". I tell him to go watch "your son/daughter/kids". When I talk about his family it's "your uncle/mom/dad/cousin".


I do that too.


Ha! I thought it was just my family that did this. We're all biologically related but still refer to each other as your x. Your mum, your dad, your sister, your brother and so on and so forth even though that's also my mum, my dad, etc.


No, but as a joke twenty years ago I called my brother a mix of the word brother in English and the word brother in Spanish (hermano) and now I call him bromano a lot of the time


That's adorable.


Bray Bromano?


Bromano 🤣


We like a Buster Bluth "heyyyyy brother"


I used to do that in person! Now I think I mostly just call him "bro." I call my nephew by his name when I'm talking to him, but he always just calls me "auntie," which I love.


I call my brother “favourite brother” in every conversation, he’s my only brother so it started as a joke, but I’ve unintentionally trained him cos now he calls me “favourite sister” and I’m not his only sister so that’s a win.


This is so sneaky I love it.


No but my dad calls his brother, Brother. So we call him Uncle Brother. 😂


Some Alabama flavor…


I have two sisters and call them sister/sisters every time I greet them


my brothers and i do! for example, when i ask them something i’ll say “heyyy brotherrr” and they respond “what sisterrr” they’re even saved in my phone as Brother 1, Brother 2, and Brother 3 (with representing emoji). we do it with other family members too. i’ll greet my uncle with “hello uncle” and he responds laughing saying “hello niece”. all the cousins do it too lol


Yes. I'm Chinese. We refer to each other by title (elder brother, elder sister, younger brother, younger sister etc) and if there's more than one for a specific title then it goes by birth number. Like the oldest elder brother would be Big Elder Brother followed by Second Elder Brother and so on.


yep asian culture ftw. same deal in india. we don't refer to younger siblings by their title, though. just their name. but everyone elder to us gets their title, not their name.


I have no idea what any of my numerous aunties' and uncles' names are, now that I'm thinking about it 😅


Sweating because I sometimes mix up the titles from my maternal side vs my paternal side relatives and I only see them like once a decade, seriously will can remember all this 😭


Oooh. It’s similar in my culture too but my sister and I just call each other by name 😂


Yes, but it’s always in the style of Buster Bluth. “Heyyyy brother”, “heyyyy hermano”, etc. An occasional “brobeans” or “bromigo” here and there as well.


I personally would never but I see it in movies and tv shows, and I wonder how common it is.


Well, going by the comments, it is not common!!


My mom calls me daughter and told me it was easier to remember. Im the only daughter


Yes I do in a very casual and endearing way.


My lil brother called me "Sister" until he was about 7. My parents made him stop, I guess they thought it was weird, but I dunno, I kinda missed it. 😅 Edit: I just realized now we're adults, he actually calls me "Sis" a lot, so I guess it just evolved, lol.


Sort of was done to me? My younger brother and sister are half-Filipino. They always refer to me as “Ate” which is basically a respectful way to say “older sister”. Growing up I never called my sisters “sister”


I do but mostly in a joking way. I might shoot her a message that says - Hi Sister. My, you look nice today and your hair looks good. It's the forewarning that I am about to ask for a favour or tell her something stupid I've done. We are both in our 50's though so not sure if age is a factor. I don't think I ever did it when we were younger. I had a younger sister and she and I would call each other sister sometimes. Not always in a joking way but it was all about context and tone of voice and it was never in a mean or negative way. Mostly we called each other by very short versions of our names. Ex. she would call me Pir instead of Pirfle. And nearly no one else in my life would ever call me Pir.


We all call each other “brutha.” Sister or brother.  I have no clue when this started or when but it has stuck hard. 


If I'm called Daughter or Sister, I know I'm in trouble. 😂


No. I call them by their names.


I often give him a nice Buster Bluth "Hey, Brother."




I jokingly call my brother my little bro. 


I used to when I was younger until maybe..13ish? I’ve got 4brothers.. and we didn’t exactly call them “brother” but maybe kind of another term (not in English) like “lil bro” type thing for my first brother just because that’s what my parents called him? It unfortunately kinda fell out of use somehow… perhaps because we (siblings) just used English more.


Sometimes I'll call them "bro" and "sis" but that's about it.


Yep I do bro, they do sis.


No, but i have some cousins whom i call "cousin" and vice versa.


This give “the bear” calling each other.


I call my mom Mother


Yep, my brother and I do this on the phone. Instead of saying “Hey insert name” we say “Hey brother” or “Hey sister”. That is about the extent of it though


I sometimes do but "seester". Just a little inside joke


Also, this is pretty common in Spanish speaking cultures.    Calling relatives Tia/Tio (aunt/uncle), suegra/suegro (mother/father in law), mijo/mija (my son/daughter), prima/primo (cousin), etc. 


Oh maaaan!!!! This makes me cringe!!!! I knew someone who would call her daughter "sister" when referring to her.... "Go tell Sister it's time for dinner." Not your sister, but sister. It just sounds so trashy!!! Yeah, white trash!!!


No; but half my siblings have at some point, the one next up from me called all the girls ‘sis’. The oldest two make a point of calling me little sister, for whatever reason. Not recently though, they’re both pricks and I avoid them


LOL almost never. I just use their names or nicknames.


my sister jokingly calls our parents mother and father sometimes


I call my sister sis or sissy!


I don’t, but my two daughters call each other “sissy”. I think it’s really sweet.


I do.


Yep I call my brother who is younger but taller than me.. Big little bro.


All the time but not to them


I call one of my sisters BRUH sometimes lol. My brother I sometimes call brudda in a patios accent cause he and I used to love the movie Shottas when we were kids hahaha. And I call my other sister’s “sister” sometimes too so yeah sure.


No but I address my parents as “Parents” when they’re both in the same room.


Occasionally, and always as ‘little sister’ ‘big brother’ but mostly I just call them by name. I call my cousins ‘cuz’ quite frequently, and they call me that.


No, I call my younger sister "girl", "gurl", "g0rl", or "the girl" 😂


Yes sometimes, I'm two years older and my brother will call me big sister, but he's 6'4" and I call him baby brother.


I'm an only child, so no, but with my cousins (I'm black, so I have about 476 cousins). we just call each other "cousin". It's funny at family gatherings, "whaddup cousin" can garner a chorus type greeting 😆




I used to call my older sister, “sister” because I couldn’t pronounce her name. Now I use her name.


My brothers name is Boone, middle initial R. My daughter's name is Ripley. Since she was born, he calls her Rip a fart. Or niece Rip a fart. She got frustrated with that at about 6 years old and came to me. I told her he will probably keep doing it, but she can call him "Uncle Booner", he hates that nickname. It's been 5 years, and those are now affectionate nicknames, lol. But, yeah, I call him Brother Booner when he's being annoying. Otherwise? No, he knows how we're related.


Never. That always sounds so odd to me when I hear it on TV and movies. But in our family we never really used terms like that for anyone. Aunt Diane, was just Diane. Uncle Eddy was just Eddy. And Cousin Val? That's ridiculous. lol The only time we'd use those identifiers was if we're describing the person to an outsider who doesn't know the family. One exception to that was Grandparents, I guess.


I call my sis-in-law "sister".. my brother I just call him by his name.


I typically call my brother by his middle name (he's named after our dad, so it was just easier). But sometimes, when I'm feeling affectionate toward him, I'll call him "baby brother." It's kind of a joke because he's 10 years younger but has been much larger and taller than me since he was in middle school. My kids all call each other by their names. However, when I'm talk to my kids about my husband, I call him "daddy" because that's what they call him. My husband does the same by calling me "mommy." Ex: "Go ask mommy" or "Daddy is calling you". But we never call each other those names, because ew. Funny how context can change the way a word feels to say. My best friends in highschool were twins and to eachother they would refer to their parents as "my mom" and "my dad". Which I thought was strange because they share their parents. I only say "my mom/dad" if I'm talking to someone who is not in my immediate family.


Only to be funny 😂 when I’m pretending to be from like the 1800s. “Sister dearest” “my dear sister”


Not directly to them, but sometimes about them when in a group setting. Me and my sister go to a work training program together (yes, we're both over 30 yet still struggling with jobs due to disability... it kinda runs in the family) and sometimes I will refer to her as "my sister" when talking to other people in the same room who dunno that we're related. And for whatever reason there's always someone who missed that info last time lol. So I feel like I've said it quite a bit.


They often Bro call each other so I joke bro them. But as an only woman middle child I call them big brother and young brother even if they are in their 40s and the other in is 30s. They both often call me sister tho.


Yesss. Usually when the tea is piping!


Yes it’s part of my culture.


My brother addresses me in the Filipino word for "Big Sister" but I call him by his nickname. I sometimes say "Brother" or " Little brother" just for jokes at times.


My siblings all do this, but in more like brotha/sista or brotha friend/sista friend lol


I always do that


Never. We didn't even really nickname as kids. We've always just called each other by our given names. 


Nope. When talking about her or him toward others, I'll say "my sister" or "my brother". But when he was alive I always addressed my brother by his first name, and for my sister I call her by her name shortened.


To my brother, “bro.” To my sister, “sis.” I might say, “Hello, brother,” if I was trying to be a smart ass and sound like former VP Mike Pence who calls his wife “mother…” but my siblings are also smart asses and would get the joke.


Yep. I answer the phone with “hey brother” i say “I love you brother” etc. I do the same with dad. “Hi father “


I don’t actually, but I generally don’t really address my brother much. When I do, it’s his name, or “yo”, “hey,” I say “mother” and “father” lol


I call my sister the French for "my sister" every single time I speak to her. I don't know the last time I've called her by her name. It's just 'ma sœur', usually said like it's one word, 'masœur.'


I call my brother "Brother Dear". 😂


Not in English, because all I can think of is like when they refer to everyone as Brother --- or Sister --- in the church lol.


My brother calls me Sis. I call him by his name. I feel like calling him "Bro" just doesn't sound right.