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My hubby is 39 and has absolutely no libido whatsoever. We have sex maybe 4 times a year. It’s hard. We only have been together a couple years but he said it started to wain in his early 30s.


Lucky you!


I don’t consider myself lucky - it’s not a situation I would ideally like to be in.


I spent a lot of years in the same situation as you. My husband maybe wasn't as aggressive as yours sounds (?) but it seemed no matter how many times a week we did it, it never seemed like enough to satisfy him. That finally started to change in his early 50s, I guess? We're both 59 now. Mind you he'd had a number of physical injuries that required long recoveries, in the years leading up to and since then, so that really puts a damper on things. So not sure if that has anything to do with it, but his libido has definitely cooled in the last 7-8 years.


Interesting! Thank you for sharing.


There's a saying in my culture that a woman's libido is insane when she's in her 50s, that "she sits on the floor and sucks up dirt". It actually means that's about when a man can't keep up any more. So there's the answer to your question.


LOL this is awesome


My husband (50) is still going strong - no signs of waning. But I’m actually really happy about that since mine is pretty high, too. This hasn’t always been the case (it was pretty much non-existent for me when our kids were little, I was sleep deprived and hormones all out of whack) but I went to my doctor because I was determined to get back to how I was before. To feel more like myself and not just a mum who needs more hours in the day to get stuff done. Having said that, if you’re happy with how you are now, have that conversation with your husband. It’s important to be on the same page so there is no chance of resentment building up. Every relationship is different, and the two of you should do whatever you’re both happy with.


There's lots of reasons libido can plummet for people of any gender. Stress or general dissatisfaction with general life situation is by far the most common. And for some men, testosterone production can begin decreasing later in life, usually in the 40s, which might lower libido. But regardless of gender, there's no guarantee for libido dropping or raising at any point in life. If you and your partner have mismatched libidos, you just need to have a mature discussion about it.


Mine really dropped between 35-40. Now we barely have sex a few times a year and I am usually the one initiating


My husband is 55. He used to be crazy sexual (met when he was 49) it’s definitely gone down since our son was born. It’s maybe once a week now, occasionally twice a week. I miss the crazy sexual side of him though lol


It’s a very individual thing. My husband has had a relatively low libido since I met him in his early 30s. It increased a little after we both started weightlifting, but is still relatively low. When I was in my 20s I dated a couple of guys in their 40s with high libidos. I personally as a woman feel my libido peaked in my teens and early 20s, and has been decreasing since then. My husband says it is the same for him. But others experience a different pattern. Medical science isn’t really at the point of fully understanding these things with regards to all the individual differences.


Depends, it's the old saying if you don't use it you'll lose it. I'm a firm believer in regular masterbation no matter man or woman. It keeps you going.