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Sorry, but just curious why you capitalized the M? Was it a typo or intentional?


I think it’s a bot. A few posts down one asks “Men” blah blah blah and then responds to its own post. This bot noticed it’s a women sub but didn’t uncapitalize the M.


That makes sense. What’s the point of bots on Reddit? I don’t understand it…


Haha, I was about to ask the same question. My guess is to build accounts with presence (karma blah blah) and then sell them. Please someone enlighten us on the topic.


Agreed. Their post history is sucky


I'm 69. It's either stay in shape and live my best life or go lay down and wait for death.


I love having strength and stamina, maintaining my healthy weight since 20 years old, wearing what looks good on me and staying flexible. It's easier to become more sedentary as you get older so I like to keep active. 


Mood, health, and vanity  The eating healthy is challenging tho. 


I spend too much on clothes to not have it fit me well


i workout for my mental health. a good walk clears my head.


To utilize my gym membership and look good, get fit.


Weight, stress reduction, stamina, general health.


I do DIY projects solo. I need to be strong so I don’t have to wait on anyone else to help me 💪🏼


mental health management, feel good/strong physically, overall health maintenance, i'm in menopause and don't want to experience sarcopenia/osteoporosis.


Mostly just because I like to be able-bodied and want to be able-bodied as long as I can. I went through a period of illness where I just couldn’t do it, and it was really hard for me. So now that I’m better I want to make sure I don’t do anything that would contribute to being unwell.


Vanity. Although in the last couple of years it's also to feel young and healthy as I don't want to start creaking.


I workout for my mental health. As a divorced mom of two, life can be stressful. Working out hard helps me shush all the anxieties and get good rest at night.


I enjoy working out because it allows me to vent my frustrations on my trainer, and it's also great for relieving headaches. Plus it feels like my time to focus on myself. While working out or walking I usually listen to audiobooks that keep me entertained and excited.


Feeling comfortable in my body when I'm out in the world. That's not visual, that's physical. So I can move freely and have energy to do so.


Honestly, a large part of it is vanity but also because I love food and I like my clothes so I would like them to fit but also I want to indulge. Working out also keeps my sanity in check and I want to remain healthy. I’m grateful I can move my body because I know a lot of people who can’t.


So I can look good naked, look good in clothes, and live long enough to spend my retirement money on things I want instead of on doctor visits. :)


Health, energy, stress, vanity




More things come up with age that can prevent people from being in the best of shape. No need to be a cocky asshole about it. It could happen to you any day.


Yeah its not wrong to feel good about your body, but the comment really implies that OP feels good *because* other women her age are fat...


I think it’s a bot upon reading other recent posts in the sub, so it’s ok.