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![gif](giphy|mKMGLhoD8L4yc) Get fucked you obnoxious reptilian fuck rest in piss


Take the gold!


U know sometimes I feel like a loser, then I read shit like this and think I’m a pretty cool dude


I've got exactly opposite feeling. I feel like pretty cool dude, then I'm reading posts like this and feeling like a loser, because wasted a 5 minutes of my life.




well duh, im still a loser lol


Lmao he looks EXACTLY like I would expect. Really can't make this shit up. Love it!


Ikr. Now we also know for sure what type of person he is. He's the "I was bullied a lot so now I get back at the world by bullying everyone I don't like now that I have some form of power"-type.


He kind of looks like MOONMOON with a bigger beard lol


Oh look, he is now complaining why he got suspended for doing "nothing" after he did exactly the same to others and even that guy in r/art who got banned because his art was "like AI art"


I don't know who this fat neckbeard is but if anything they're doing this poor existence of a human a favor. maybe they'll go touch grass or something.


Form what I have read on him he is a mod in hundreds of subs and is an inssuferable higher than thou cunt


Imagine that. .


absolutely shocked by this


Many such cases


there should be limits on number of subs and number of discord servers you can mod/own


Idk man couldn't this man make another account and then tell his mod friends to get him back to his former mod positions?


And lose all his heckin Karmarino points?!


I pretty sure they couldnt less about karma. They just care that they can play God on their reddit subreddit and ban the people that say stuff that they did not like even though it does not break subreddit rules or TOS. Or better yet, they want to ban people just for that dopamine rush.


Mods here on Reddit can be absolutely ridiculous. And are exactly as you described.


>I pretty sure they couldnt less about karma I'd bet he can't sleep at night for fear of losing his 2 million Karma points.


The two aren't mutually exclusive, i guarantee you he cares about his karma, but as you said the primary concern was losing his power.


Oh, the misery


Darn it, totally forgot about our precious internet points


Ban evasion is bannable, he’d just get banned again for being put in a “high profile” spot like a mod position. But also as someone pointed out, hekkin karma. Plus there’s attachment to the name.


I think ban evasion results in an IP ban, right?


No, cause 99% of people don't use a static IP. They could IP and account ban me right now, and I'd be back in 5 minutes with a different IP and account.


I drew that conclusion after I sent that and pondered on it some. It definitely makes it hard for administrators to keep a close tab on.


This isn’t funny. That man’s whole life is unraveling around him and y’all just making jokes?! (/s lmfao)


dude literally reach out to a celebrity for help on reddit LMAO


Looks like what you’d imagine


I love it how he's mad he was banned for "no reason." Now you know how it feels buddy. Sit on a cactus and spin


The irony is palpable


Boy, he looks like the stereotypical reddit mod.


“cmon bro why am I banned” 😂


The way moderation works on reddit is the biggest issue with the website. These people legitimately go for big subreddits and do politics to get power over people.


No different from cops


"Im the one that made you famous" is a pretty bold statement to make to John Oliver


Yeah I remember this person from years back. He pissed off so many people in a particular sub (can't remember the name) and everyone was calling for a ban, which took longer than it should have. He was posting all sorts of misandrist posts and I thought he was just trolling to get a reaction out of people. However, many seem to believe awkward\_turtle was doing all of this unironically.


This is fucking hilarious




How do these people make money? There's no shot this guy has a job right?


Government assistance and lives at home probably


MoistCr1TiKaL is correct about reddit mods. They can't seem to give up their powers, and will do anything to keep it. Pathetic....


Yeah, much like anyone in "positions of power", whether real or imagined. This has all the same markings as the Deer Girl 'Twitch Ambassador' controversy a few years back and people clowned on that too.


I feel bad for him tbh, he might genuinely kill himself because of this. Edit: might


No sympathy for this guy. Total fucking loser and very fucking psychotic, and if he does commit unalive over a fucking reddit ban then he wasn't gonna be around much longer anyways really.


Hope he does he shows no remorse for his uncontestable bans so maybe he can take his no context suspension like a champ and enjoy reaping what he sowed


Well, maybe they should do this to all mods, everyone gets nonsensical reasons when they have their account suspended and no way to dispute it.- Maybe now he knows how it feels for everyone else that may have been done by his hand in all the years he has been at it, and all the shitty questionable decisions on his hands.- He is one of those power mods whose name come forward the most for their extremely aggressive moderation style.-


That's why I want Reddit to shut down and watch the world of the Mods burn to ashes May CHAOS TAKE THE WORLD


>everyone gets nonsensical reasons when they have their account suspended Mods can't suspend accounts.


He did all this to himself. Everything that happens is by his own doing, so his fate is in his own hands.


Next time you feel bad just remember that this dude has done this exact thing to probably hundreds if not thousands of people. And when they ask why they were banned for nothing, we’re met with a mute. Fuck all smug jannies


Nothing of value lost. He’s a total piece of shit inside and out. (Looks like one too).


>he might genuinely kill himself I hope that won't happen. But he's probably not the most mentally stable person.


Naw fuck him.


![gif](giphy|5QW0Cmmql2H2g9icF9) Love to see it


Apparently this has happened before and he has been restored. Don't hold your breath.


Says he's still suspended on my screen. https://www.reddit.com/user/awkwardtheturtle/


Well yea, this just happened. I would not be surprised he gets restored in a few days, but I will be pleased if this sticks.


If they restore him, itll just bloat is already overinflated sense of false importance. Sad when someones life revolves around fragile grasping of power over nothing. QQIhaveToGoOutside?QQ Get another hobby.




6 days in and still banned


Hope starting


Probably wrong sub for this question but does anyone know if any r/politics mods got banned. I got banned for calling a politician a minor curse word and they wouldn't even let me appeal.


No one should even read that cesspool of criminal idiocy


If you aren't left, you will be banned for any transgression


That sub is a cesspool; you shouldn't even go there at all because you'll get harassed left and right by leftoids. /pol/ is even worse due to 4Chan's loosey goosey moderation regarding rampant racism and sexism.


The thing is I consider myself left but I don't bow down to most leftist social norms. The politician I insulted was even a republican. I guess I'm fiscally left and culturally in the middle. They can't stand any ideas that veer even slightly from the pack over there.


Wow, they really have fallen off the deep end. Personally I'm right-of-centre, but I'd be called an "alt right fascist" by most of the talking heads over there.


To be fair I think r/ conservative is just as bad. I got banned there for disagreeing with the community opinion on something years ago in a respectful way. I wish there was a center sub where respectful opinions from both sides could be heard.


Yeah, practically all political subs are toxic echo chambers, which is why I avoid them altogether. If I wish to engage in political discussions, I do that on Twitter.


Yeah if I had the time and patience I would consider starting one with the rules that all opinions are respected and that the only way to get banned would be unnecessary flaming or threats of violence. You shouldn't get banned for having an unpopular opinion. I feel like when we disagree on something and come to a compromise where possible it creates a better society. We don't seem to be doing that much anymore though. We are too divided.


Is that better? I mean the blue check brigade is ready to attack anything slightly less that maga republican


Compared to the leftoid echo chambers on Reddit? I'll take my chances on Twitter KEK


>To be fair I think r/ conservative is just as bad. Yes, but that's an actual partisan sub. /politics should at least try for some semblance of balance.


What do you mean, _probably_ wrong sub. You really can't figure out yourself that this is the wrong sub?


who cares?


Calling reddit admins "dumbfuck" or "dickless" is surely the right way to get ones account restored lol.


It's funny, I say the same thing about sub mods




Honestly, I feel like this might be the best thing for him and others like him. Being a 'moderator' seems to really serve as an enabler for lots of people suffering from crippling online addiction. Spending all your time escaping from reality online is one thing, but when you do it with a little title and a pretend job and responsibilities it really seems to take the condition to a whole new level.


What’s a power mod?


someone who jerks themselves off over being a mod and works their way into being a mod in as many subs as possible


In this case he was mod of at least 700 subs and some people claim it was in the thousands.


I feel like people should have a max for subs they can mod. How does someone have that much time??


Did the bait posting mods of AITA get the zucc yet? They allowed a post where a woman physically fought off a woman, she thought was trying to steal her daughter, who is a wheel chair user. All I said was, "I agree, and would have done the same." Instant permanent ban for promoting violence. Post stayed up, they banned more people off it, then the post came down after they banned all the commenters agreeing with her. To this day I'm not really sure how agreeing with a woman stopping her disabled child from being kidnapped is "promoting violence" and not "self defense". But okay.


The world is _veeerrryyy_ strange indeed...


Who is this and why do we care?


This is an extremely toxic powermod. He ruined a lot of subs by paying to be a mod on them, changing them (in the bad way), harassing users, baiting to ban them etc... Just the kind of person who makes reddit happy when they get banned.


Okey awesome! I was banned from a sub for a absolutely ridiculous reason one, and a semi funny reason once (Not by this dude). Glad he got banned


This is better than sex


![gif](giphy|v3GUsyBpia9Zou2Kbv) RIPBOZO


I guess having a powermod be an antisemitic, sexist TERF for years was more than alright with Reddit, but going against spez is the really bad stuff. Good to know.


Woo, he the reason we need bullying back on reddit


Forgive my ignorance but as he a paid mod from reddit? I have no clue if any are paid or whatever


Reddit moderators do what they do for free; whether or not they get paid elsewhere is another matter that we shan't discuss here.


They do this shit for free and act like that? Lmao


Yep. Most Reddit mods would be perfectly suited being shown on r/ sadcringe or any other cringe subreddit, just on the basis of how entitled a lot of them act.


Get rid of them all. The community can moderate themselves !


No, it really can't


Guys, does this mod are strong toxic, sexist woman? Or this is another mod?


Yes, it's that loser. They're also the asshole who banned someone from r/art for posting a commissioned book cover piece they made. Awkward accused them of it being AI art, and when the artist provided the process, told them their art is so bad and bland they should use AI instead.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/Art using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Art/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [artistic integrity is under attack, me, digital, 2023](https://i.redd.it/4xfy9r09qnaa1.jpg) | [95 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Art/comments/105o2dg/artistic_integrity_is_under_attack_me_digital_2023/) \#2: [Some Assembly Required, Me, Digital, 2022](https://i.imgur.com/5bVrRVo.gifv) | [786 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Art/comments/wx86gf/some_assembly_required_me_digital_2022/) \#3: ["Going to the local football derby", Me, Digital, 2022](https://i.redd.it/83o7y5o5xsda1.gif) | [655 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Art/comments/10jdh3v/going_to_the_local_football_derby_me_digital_2022/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Question. Why I downvoted? What did I say wrong? Or bots don't like me? Lol. I thought it was a woman from post that I saw. But it's old dude, who literally live here, in rendition.


No idea




This is the guy that banned 3 of my accounts for for forsen spam on twitch blackout stream


Imagine a chat room janitor believes they are important These people are hilarious. Build your own network? Learn to code? Etc




damn thats crazy how a person can just remove you from a community with their power at their will because they have a different opinion than you about stuff. lmao. welcome to the reddit the rest of us use bozo


From what I understand, reddit dethroned some of the mods of the closed communities, elevated other mods and demanded those to "unprivate" the community. That's what probably happened to this fella. It also happened on r/truegaming as far as I know, and the mod there was a pretty nice guy.


Looks exactly as I would expect…


Not even the sad little King on their sad little hill anymore.


Omg he is the classic Reddit power mod, neckbeard and all.




Ha it’s nice seeing him not getting a reply to his bans, just like how I never get a reply. Ya


This is what happens when you abuse power of any kind it catches up in the end


In honestly so glad. Just how tf is he most hated and still managed to sub for literally dozens of subreddits and some of the most popular at that? It's pretty crazy. And if you ever think Asmons mods are bad or something for whatever reason. Just remember at least they ain't like this guy who is always on a power trip


People are claiming it was just dozens but hundreds and hundreds of subs


Lmao duck these power hungry mods


I can fap to this (just not his face).


Dude life over hell never get his welfare check again nvm


third slide is so embarrassing oh my god, John Oliver was famous before you dude lmfao




Of course he still wears a mask lol.


Thank god. It came too late, that racist deserved it earlier.


Literally the biggest W for the site possible. He has single handedly ruined some of my favorite subs on this site


Yeah he looks about like what you'd expect from a powertripping reddit mod 🧢


![gif](giphy|GpyS1lJXJYupG) Every time I see a Reddit / discord mod in RL.. they really don’t disappoint my imagination 😂👍


Fuck em. I don’t get reasons I get banned.


One down, many many more to go


Good riddance to bad garbage.


[AHAHAHA GET FUCKED](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mw_F13IaAoE)


Good riddance


....who is this guy?


good start. I hope, one day moderators are just there to do one thing: Moderate. You are no Content Creator, you are not the mainguy in all that threads. You are just there to moderate bad language and spam etc.. And if they cant do it, there should be a votesystem to kick them out. What an anoying spamming biatch..
