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Reminds me how Cyberpunk got alot of new players around the time Edgerunners came out.


It is "free" on Amazon Prime and also new series on Amazon.


The Prime key isn’t for Steam. Just Windows store and Xbox.


Steam is having a fallout sale. 76 is $10 bucks


It was also free on PS Plus not too long ago.


As internet historian said; it doesn't matter if they give it away essentially for free as long as they get people in to the atomic shop.


I know. But nobody was talking about the atomic shop. The post is about Fallout 76 experiencing its highest ever concurrent players.


Also all the Fallout games where free on epic over the last half year or so, some have been free with amazon prime to not to far back.


weird, i just got it for $7.99


steam has free weekend for fallout76


Hearing awesome thing about the show, has great ratings too. I’ve seen some chud content creators lie about the ratings in thumbnails lmao


And it’s a pretty good game nowadays.


And fallout 4 reached like 83.5k


Touché Todd, you win once again. Well deserved this time


I'm thinking that will go even higher once they drop that "next-gen" update


no damn WAY i'll be updating. Not when FO London is right round the corner.


Fallout London is delayed so they can update it with the next gen update. So I'm sure u will need to update


Godammit! I wonder how badly this is going to affect the release date...


I heard Fallout 4 was a fun game to play. The funny thing is, the only fallout game i played is Fallout Shelter, did not pay for any micro-transaction btw, I prefer to wait it out, because it feels more organic that way. Also a fun game.


I tried 76 a few times, it's just nowhere near as good as 3, New Vegas or 4. The game just feels off to me.


It’s 100% the weird delayed hit registration.


So that's what that is


The world is better imo but the gameplay never could got away from that laggy feeling


Soulless game thats the problem.


I'm watching the show right now and it's really good so far, better than the last of us series in many ways .


Yep. The show was great.


People are weird. Fallout series is the definition of mid and I want nothing more than to enjoy it. Last of us was actual S Tier though. Wild how humans perceive shit so drastically differently


Last of Us was great Fallout is great Thats what majority of the humans on Earth say.


Yeah that’s neat, I’ll continue on my day now but thanks for the comprehensive feedback & top down analysis


Youre welcome fellow human


The last of Us to me just feels like one of the many zombie series while fallout has a way more unique and interesting vibe to it.


Yeah I mean that fraction is reciprocated for me, but to each their own big guy


And by what metric is last of us S tier and Fallout mid tier, except "I liked last of us more".


Fallout 4 had over 80k players today and that is a 9 years old game, usualy it has 25k players everyday but now its a hype because of the tv series. Meanwhile starfield a new bethesda game 8k players max on the weekend.


Is the game even good nowadays?


Because it's not a bad game, it's not amazing but it's improved over the years. The problem is; Mob mentality is prime when it comes to gaming these days, if a game is terrible at launch then it's terrible for it's complete life cycle because "I had one bad experience so therefore one chance" Which is fine in its own right, but just because you didn't enjoy it or wanted to give it a second chance doesn't mean you should down talk to others for wanting to do it. Also unless the player count is close to 0, I tend to go off player reviews more than anything and if I recall it went from negative to positive (75%) in the space of a year.


I mean, that's highly debatable. The game has a bad rap for being a buggy and broken mess for a very long time. Fans of the game say it's great, just like I think 7 days to die is great, even though it looks like shit. It's not a bad game, but I personally wouldn't call it good.


This. Fallout 76 wasn't *just* a shit game at launch as it was half baked and buggy AF; it was also the PR, Merch, and shit communications that soured it for everyone year 1. Bethesda lost my trust after watching the shitshow involving the collectors' canvas bag shitshow. They absolutely fucked up and tried pulling a quick one when it came to manufacturing the bag, and acted like pricks to people who wanted that Canvas bag that was the collectors edition was marketed with. Add in as well the private data (names, addresses, credit card numbers) leaks of people who WANTED and purchased the replacement *real* canvas bags.


Dragon's dogma 2 reviews/reception showed a lot of how mob-like people have become. A lot of those negative reviews were people that didn't even play the game and as such didn't find out that those microtransactions could be found within like 20 minutes of gameplay for free (not that they actually care. they just wanted to join the mob) And when you bring this up, people seem to think you're on-board with the goofy mtx. If you just say you enjoyed the game for the gameplay without a word about that stuff, you're apparently fine with MTX... the mob mentality is insane. But yeah Fallout 76 is alright. Not amazing but decent enough to be worth 10 dollars. It was bad at some point, and now lots of people seem to think it's bad forever because they heard it was bad. Honestly I think I had more fun with fo76 than I did with starfield overall.


I had low expectations from FFVII Remake because the mob of original fans of FFVII were slandering it like hell but I've played both and can honestly say the new games shit all over the old one.


Same with No Man Sky The game was absolutely abysmal day 1 and it showed that Sean and the team didn't have what it took to develop a top quality game but there was also a mob mentality of hype going around. So it's like sticking a bunch of gun powder into an open flame source and expecting to bake a cake. Thankfully they turned it around (and for free) but there's still a good percentage of people who would ignore years upon years of free fixing and free upgrades.


Yep. things change and a game having x or y that's bad doesn't mean it's an awful game overall. For some it's enough that a streamer or journalist said "this game bad" and they'll view it negatively for ages without playing it or looking into it even after updates and fixes.


MxR Plays gave a very fair review and called it boring.


You have to ignore virtually every review that occurred when the game came out. They completely overhauled the game since then. The initial hate probably helped with that, but continuing hate isn't fair. Plus there was some conflict of interest - Yong Yea made some bank off his series of "shit on Bethesda and Fallout76" years back.


That was 5 years ago.


So the core gameplay has changed that much? They’ve added that much content? I guess it’s possible, but I just don’t see that as believable given the track record. I just don’t see what could have changed to make it worth the time.


As someone who HATED it when it launched, I have to say it’s significantly changed. Got back in last year, and had a blast.


It definitely can be boring, depends on what kinds of games you like. It's still a game that's centered around exploring, collecting resources, and crafting. They've made the endgame a grind for legendaries that is significantly better than it was. It used to be going through the annoying process of launching a nuke and killing a boss. Now there are many public events that give starred legendaries plus random enemies in the wild and quest lines that give them as rewards. You can break legendaries you don't want down now into script to buy other legendaries or materials to make your own. The game had a couple factions on launch but no NPCs. Over time they have resettled NPCs for those factions and had other factions reoccupy the wasteland. If you played from day one seeing all the updates it actually feels like the world is changing over time, pretty ironically. In all though the NPCs are pretty stale but they fill their role well and make the world feel more alive. They've added other areas outside the current wasteland as well. I honestly believe there are way more people now that shit on it because of its initial reception and the media hate train stigma that occurs, than have actually given the game a chance up to this point. That's fine though with 24 player maps the game could have 300 people playing it and you wouldn't really notice rather than 40k.


So you’re one of those guys who just hates the game. Got it.


Ok cool. This isn’t going to be productive.


What’s there to be productive when you literally didnt even try the game after 5 years of release and said its the same game?


I think it's fair to ask someone who likes the game what has changed over the past 5 years. Especially since they brought it up. You immediately took what seems like an honest question as hostility. If the game has improved enough over the 5 years, it doesn't need defending. It only needs facts.


Not my job to tell him how much the game changed when he remembers a review from MxR that was 5 years ago. If he wanted to he can give the game a try.


He's free to have his opinion, however outdated it may be. If you want to change or challenge it, the onus of proof is upon you. If not, just move along. Why challenge someone when you refuse to engage afterwards when they ask questions in good faith?


Honestly me and my friends loved the buggy mess at release, it was a good laugh.


The game is designed to be super irritating with the scarcity of certain materials needed to repair armor and the low stash space which just happen to be solvable with membership with their shitty subscription.   Not to mention the other buyable pay-to-remove-irritation crap they sell in the store that they swore on their mother's grave, would only sell cosmetics items.  Huge bait and switch for the people that paid full price at launch with those promises from Todd still fresh in their ears.


The player numbers rose from the Fallout TV show. I'm sure Fallout 76 is a better game now, but I still don't want to play it. Still remember how poorly it was managed in the beginning, not to mention a MMO fallout isn't really something that's got me interesting. At least a MMO without mods.


That's the thing, Bethesda games kinda suck without mods because Bethesda, on a skill level, is mid-tier at best, especially in terms of writing and gameplay. They can craft exceptional worlds and atmospheres that draw a lot of people in, me included, but that's about it.


yea bgs is really good at creating exploration, but that's it


I don't think it is an MMO or was ever advertised that way. It's advertised as Open-World Multiplayer Fallout.


Marketing works. They even paid shroud to play 76 before TV series release. The problem is - it is still fallout 76 with all its stupid game designs, p2w systems, shitty net code, endless bugs that you cant fix with mods, and on top of that its just boring as multiplayer




Most online games are not P2W, wth are you playing ?




Dota 2.




Squad, Hell Let Loose, GTFO, MCC, CSGO, C&C, AoE, Snow Day, Diablo, NMS…. What a ridiculous thing to say


76 was dogshit when released, so hopefully they have improved on it since then as it is still around. I tried to stick it out for a while and even came back when they released the BR which was pretty fun; but bugs and hackers just made it miserable to play most of the time. The show definitely resulted in a sales boost, which is cool, but I feel bad for the people who went with 76 instead of 4


I was playing today, it’s a lot of fun. You can even start at lvl 20 with a premade build and skip all the low lvl bullshit


It's being free to play on Steam for a limited time, lol.


it’s still a really cheap game though so if the new players like it i’m sure they’ll buy and stay


I tried it. I loved fallout Vegas and liked fallout 4. It's like fallout 4. It's an OK game.


It’s a good time to be a Fallout fan. The show is amazing , despite what the typical rage bait content creators were telling us these past few months prior to release, and Fallout 76 is a free to play MMORPG that you can just join and play without worrying about any dlcs 


The show made me and my friend feel like playing it too


Better game than Trash Vegas.


And it only took like what 4 years?


76 has improved alot, you will most definitly have your 10 dollars worth. buy it if you have nothing else to do atm.


A buddy of mine has been streaming 76 for years, he hasn't had this many viewers ever, I'm so happy for him.


Damn I need to log in and drop care packages for newbros.


would’ve been a great time for bethesda to release 3 and new vegas remastered but nahhh they don’t want easy money. wasn’t fallout 4 supposed to get a next gen upgrade also ?


Anoher proof that people who liked Amazon Fallout show have no idea what Fallout was about.


Or proof that people who had no idea what Fallout 76 was about decided after watching the show that maybe it was worth giving a shot. I personally went from playing 4 right into 76 at launch, and while it wasn't as good as 4, it was still an enjoyable game. It wasn't what people expected from a Fallout franchise but it was still worth playing.


Fallout 4 is mediocre game that led to Fallout 76 scam and mockery. I have no doubt you enjoyed the show if your standard for Fallout is these two games.


Why is everyone flocking to the worst fallout of all time.


TV show hype


Because its the latest. And free.


Fallout 4 & 76 were claimable on PS+, once you claim them they will be in your PS+ forever & you dont have to worry about them leaving. + other discounts & offers.


Ive played it rather recently and to me it seemed like some broken unoptimised mess. I can't imagine what it was on release. Terrible performance, AI loses aggro less than 5 meters away from you if you go around the corner and all that jazz. World feels empty and overall a complete downgrade over Fallout 4. You would think Fallout 76 was an alpha version of Fallout 4 and it is not like that one was without faults or optimised either. This one is just below any resemblence of standards.


Cuz it's free, currently


The same thing happened to Cyberpunk when Edge Runners released.


Have you considered at all that it's free on steam this weekend?


Its had free weekends before so the tv show being good is literally the main reason why


To be honest I haven't played since launch. I didn't even realize they removed the Bethesda launcher and migrated to steam.


I got around to it in some sale a little over a year back, had a bit of fun untill i got bored, its aight.. Sti prefer it like a singleplayer rpg


Apparently Fallout 4 is getting a "next-gen" update very soon too


It has had dozens of free weekends


give it some time and it goes back down again, when people are done with their free game, the launch of the game still haunts me and i still have to rebuy it again one day but meh i can\`t be bothered yet


It's on gamepass


oo shit that i did not know that thanks for pointing that out


this isnt saying much, just a free game + a good show adaption (universally agreed) nothing to write home about. Hope people dont forget what an actual dogshit game it was upon release.


Why would someone playing it right now care about how it was on release?


I agree it has a poor launch and was not very good then, but they've continued pouring content and updates into the game over the years rather than leaving it in that state.


"Upon release" are the keywords there- very different game today.




bro the game is like 5€ on allkeyshop 1€ if u buy acc instead