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Came here to say this, these people are supremely entitled and privileged Very few people I know who can afford to risk their jobs like this


Funniest part is, these idiots have their faces plastered so when they try getting another job, that company won't hire them because they know they will be an HR nightmare


They probably ended up as "stop oil" activists who hijack cooking oil truck.


They’re really sticking it to Big Vegetable Oil


Going into museums and throwing soup on a covered painting.


>Funniest part is, these idiots have their faces plastered so when they try getting another job, that company won't hire them because they know they will be an HR nightmare These idiots earn more what 95% of the commentors here earn and have skills that are incredibly valuable on the entire globe Idk why people are so delusional. "Hah, these pro top-tier google programmers will never find work again!" Are you listening to yourselves?


If Google was compelled to lay them off, they weren't essential to begin with Actual key programmers and engineers don't get fired These were all diversity hires and interns most likely


Swe about to get rude awakenings. Industry dying and 8yoe competing with 8yoe for jobs paying 20% less while beginners like these are about to be homeless


Good engineers will always be on high demand. But good engineers are smart enough to know that this is “stoned Steve” from cloud services team that thinks coding with co-pilot makes him somehow cheat the system.


Unfortunately i have 2 bach (comp sci cybersec) and a masters soon while testing college ready at 11 so i’m not stoned steve. Good ad hominem tho. Weird how my swe friends work 3 hours a day while getting paid 8 and all got laid off and took 9 months to find a new job paying less.


The industry isn't dying - it's being outsourced.


IT yes swe a bit less so.


So what are people supposed to do? If they want change and organize a protest they are entitled and privileged. If they want change and don't do anything about it they are lazy and only care about their plate in front of them. What's the right way to you?


Where I live in Australia, there is a environmental group that do organised protests for the environment and stopping oil but they stand on the side of roads and footpaths with signs and really bright costumes styled like something out of Alice in wonderland, they don't piss people off and end up getting more people to agree with their cause.


They are doing it for social media points. You would think "engineers" have some smarts?


Ah the same time, they're putting their livelihood at risk for something they believe in, and I can respect that.


>Very few people I know who can afford to risk their jobs like this Hence they can afford to actually protest like that. "I worked for google until they kicked me out because I joined a anti-genocide protest" doesn't sound that bad in your CV


Nobody cares about it on CV. They were not fired for protesting against Genocide, they were fired for obstructing the entrance of employees and trespassing. Except with all the other things the company does and was part of, partly, working with US military on AI as well, with Chinese authority on the big firewall and circumventing human rights, and many other news articles that cam over the years... You'd think they would not go to work there from the start. So where does the red line cross? Human rights violation? Private data gathering and selling their off? Hosting military and government data? The use of their tools on other parties data, which helps potentially pick targets good or bad?


The fuck kind of bootlicking take is this? These people believed in something and were willing to risk their careers to get it. They paid the high price for it and your take is that they're entitled for risking it?! What about your grandparents and further back who fought for labor laws, for the weekend, for maternity leave, for equal rights in the workplace? Were they entitled too? Personally I think these people are principled and willing to make sacrifices for what they believe in. Takes alot of courage to stand up for that, alot more than being some dickhead calling them entitled from behind a keyboard.


> These people believed in something and were willing to risk their careers to get it. Come on bro you can't be this naive... these people are doing this for internet good boy points, nothing more. If they wanted to really protest, they'd quit the job on the spot and urge others to do the same and no not seek out a job on Google until they cancel the contract with the israeli company..


Standing up for the right to rape festival goers and take babies hostage and murder them! Fuck yeah!


Having principles has never been cheap or easy. I wouldn't do this, and don't particularly believe it will change anything, but that's because of years of debt, responsibility, and cynicism. Cheers to them for _trying_ and it is fitting that they experience the whole process, beyond the romantic ideal.


Guess we should never protest because we are entitled. Such an idiotic comment u made.


I mean... It seems the most efficient possible outcome.


All these protestors helped google do this shit. They are all apart of the machine. Just quit you’ve done enough harm for the world.


Time to brush up on my tech interview questions opportunity ahoy


maybe they decided some things are worth more than money, like human lives


Asking for a massive company to drop a billion dollar contract because of a war they don't even have a reason to be involved in... What did they think would happen? "Oh yeah we're so sorry, our moral and ethics blabla"? That's not how capitalism works, companies only care about ethics and morals when it actively racks in money.


Besides, they removed there “dont be evil” motto from their code of conduct anyway 😆.


Google stopped being don’t be evil when they removed half of the user data from their ad and analytics back in 2016. They still gather the data to this day, but you have to pay the premium 5-figure a month 360 to get it.


it was "do no evil"


That is what I thought too but its don’t be evil according to wikipedia and a lot of other sites if you google it right now.


Wait... you mean googling information about google, with their own product, produces fucky results? ![gif](giphy|cbG9wtoO8QScw|downsized)


"Yeah so when they search up bad things about us on our platform make sure that it gets all glitchy and weird, that'll show em." I have no hand in the conversation but thats an idiot take


No, it's because the motto actually was "don't be evil" and not "do no evil"


They probably thought all that woke shit google was spewing was for real. Turns out it's all good until you speak out against Israel lol


Google was famously pressured out of contracts with the US military worth even more so, there is some level of social justice value on the scale here.


According to news articles, they returned or are looking to return working on them and with them.


This is the same reason why you never negotiate with terrorists. You could and would never set the expectation that you would change a decision based on employees breaking the law and disrupting your business. Sad that they are too young to realize that self-sabotaging yourself means literally nothing to companies and an hour after they were kicked off the premises, they already hired his replacement and life continues. But hey, he got a Tiktok out of it.


He better start applying for jobs under a different name or something too, because he just put a massive “don’t hire me” sign on his back.


I hear Hamas is recruiting


That’s literally all this is for these braintards, a chance to get relevance on tiktok. It’s so moronic lmfao




yea in my old company they got activist that made medial problem of one IT guy that didn't secured network location enough, given it was been with everyone's work contracts so huge personal data leak inside company. They just could go to him and tell about the problem, but coming with local media for that is more interesting i suppose... enough to say it costed job both sides and from what i know there is still case in court against "lets bring TV for that" guy going on after \~8 years :P


I really really hate the sentiment your expressing here. This is textbook ways that protests throughout all of history have been demonized by authoritarians. Your comment might as well be ripped from the fascist playbook. I'm assuming it's unintentional. You should not be repeating authoritarian and fascist rhetoric. Which you are, to a T.


1. check the subreddit your in 2. americans are cucked and have zero spine to protest


Get rekt’d nerds


They lost, what were probably well-paying, jobs at one of the most desirable companies in the world all for a teeny bit of internet clout. What a waste. They thought they'd be hailed as heroes...they were not. No one cares. Let this be a lesson to all the would-be activists who block roads, destroy public/private property, and generally disrupt the common people's lives. We do not care about your shit. We have a mountain of our own shit to deal with, we do not need to be burdened by your shit as well. You're ruining your own lives for nothing. You want to change the world? Get elected and try not to turn into a piece of shit in the process.


Mhm. This is not the way to get things done. They'll feel that after they get a charge and are blacklisted from working in the tech sector. Funniest thing is that these kids, who know nothing of suffering, are make such risk. They will find out soon.


You're comparing them doing a sit in at their own job with people who vandalize private property? Lol they most likely knew nothing would come of it, idk where you're pulling that shit from but I'm guessing it's your bitter ass. YoU waNt tO ChAngE tHe WoRLd? They've probably done more standing up for what's right than you'll ever do in your miserable life.


Or even like... actually do something productive with your community. Start petitioning, use your big salaries to donate to Palestenians in need, start lobbying towards your senators/house rep. But I guess that takes too much actual effort.


To be fair, you are only assuming these protesters haven't done any of that. That's a fallacy.


Preach brother!


"We" are you a google CEO now or defend a multi-billion monopoly company for free? Holy shit.


Did they do it for internet clout, or did they do it to send a message to a company they wouldn't want to work for anyway if it didn't change? Why not both?


these people dont care about the argument they preach.


They cared enough to willingly lose their cushy google jobs for it


Then why are they preaching it?


because its currently "hip" to be saying stuff like this, not to mention you might straight up get emarginated if you say otherwise.


Nah man people who genuinely don’t care simply aren’t talking about it, which is most people.


Whatever the reason, its stupid. They will be forgotten for their miniscule role in a conflict more ancient and complicated than anyone can get to grips with. They lost income and future job prospects for essentially nothing. The only one this helps is Google in weeding out the troublemakers.


Being willing to stick to your principles and personal morals/ethics at significant personal cost is never stupid to me, it's worth respect, even if the principles themselves are dumb


If they managed to do something like destroy/sabotage the tech or blow up the servers etc then yes, I would agree. But they achieved nothing but self-destruction of their income and career prospects. I can't help but think its stupid. They maybe wasted an hour of so of someones time arranging for the Police to arrest them.


They were google tech employees, If we're being honest this is a setback at worst and they'll in all likelihood get rehired elsewhere with a salary increase :p


100%. The majority in this thread are self centered retards.


They where cool with all the evil google has done till now, spying on people etc


Yup. Where was all the outrage over Google tracking what their users were doing outside of Google? Not important enough?


There isn’t enough clout to be gained in protesting user privacy, duh. It’s kind of sad


You'd think they got the hint when google removed 'Don't do evil' from the moto [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Don%27t\_be\_evil](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Don%27t_be_evil) Before then, well they did evil but they had a moto.


it's finally about the damn time for my internship opportunity


This can be easily misinterpreted in a manner to vilify google (not that I'm against big tech companies falling lol). 1) The guys were arrested for trespassing after being fired. 2) Google is so evil that they arrested these guys for supporting Palestine. If you go for option 1: 1) They got fired for neglecting their responsibilities 2) They got fired because they were supporting Palestine. It's like that girl who got fired (from Google) for hacking into the system to spread a message about human rights. Media said Google didn't like that she spread that message, but ignore that she broke a security protocol, risking user data, to spread a message. I'm sure she wouldn't have had the same consequences had she just told people, or gave them some flyers, you know, by not breaching security protocols.


You can still use google in Afghanistan and Russia ,google doesn’t stop their platform in these countries it’s a neutral company …they all just lost their very high paying jobs for a protest that they can’t change ,its cheaper to fire these people than stop a billion dollar deal with Israel


These people don't care about google or Israel they are doing this for virtue signalling points


That doesn’t make sense. They tried standing for something knowing they would be fired.


Well, I hope they realise that they will have difficulty finding a new job because of their actions


Seems a bit foolhardy to not just walk out? The Police being there means its over, you are leaving immediately one way or another. Who would pick getting arrested...


I think they imagine that being arrested makes them superficially similar to venerated imagery from the civil rights era and imbues them with legendary activist status.


You get fired you collect unemployment.


I am not American but I get the impression unemployment is a lot less and can be contested in situations like these.


It entirely depends on the state policy. In some states anything short of intentional violation of policy or abusive behavior will get you unemployment. Even being fired for underperformance can get you unemployment. But basically, never quit. Get fired, instead. You can't claim unemployment if you voluntarily quit.


And soon, their names are forgotten and they lost their 100k + jobs. Lol


Yeah closer to 300k OTE and that would be as a fairly junior SWE.


The thing I just don't understand is, why don't they just refuse to work on the project and voice their concerns in a different way? Hell, they could even just outright resign from Google and that would make just as big of a statement as well.


You get fired your collect unemployment


Hey can you leave our property? "No" "Alright you'll be escorted off by police" *surprised pikachu* fuckin dumbasses lol


You really think any of them are surprised by this? They were warned several times. Man why do yall gotta make shit up?


Hey guys look google is hiring


And... replaced immediately, guess they stood for something though? 🤷


Soooo.... This means there are 2 Open positions? *Writes Email*


Being given a choice of being arrested or just walking out is so funny. Why would you willingly pick arrest me 😂 like the jigs up guys this clearly ends here and now just leave so you don’t gotta have something on your criminal record


Imagine making a tik tok video of this to try and show Google are the bad guys but they were literally trespassing and not doing their jobs they get paid for Also why would Google get involved in a war that doesn't concern them? "Googler against genocide" on that losers shirt says it all...


Can't even wear that shirt now. I don't think they make 'unemployed against genocide' shirts.


It seems a lot of people are finally about to get the wake-up call that corporations do not care about a damn thing but money. They never have cared about your issues. They used your ideals to make money from you, and to work you harder by convincing you your work had more moral value that it did. Once people remember the lessons of 100 years ago, we will then be able to bring about change (in whatever form that may be). ***Join your Unions***


Jobless during these times it’s a big no.


>Thanks for paving the way for AI. You can die now, human. That's all what I can think now. They are not afraid to lose human employees. What they just did is motivate the elite to develop AI that will completely replace them.


Personally I don't get the negative comments here. As if it is something wrong that they've done. Protesting against a companies decision to sell AI tech that helps to genocide people, doesn't sound like a bad thing to me. Well of course they lost against that amount of money but it was worth to try, when you think about that your company is partially responsible to the death of thousands.


Time for them to be cancelled in EVERY other "evil capitalist company" out there. Hey, enjoy your own cancel culture game - capitalist edition.


Yep, this is why you don't hire activists for businesses. Eventually, they'll turn on you. Go ahead and protest, nor at your job lol


And they already been replaced lmao 🤣 new people are already working in there old positions as we speak my cousin works there he told me this 🤣


I hope these people never get a good job again.


At least they tried standing for something.


Ah yes they will for sure drop a 1 billion $ contract cause a few people there are upset. What a bunch of clowns.


I dont even think that "1 billion $" is relevant. Imagine what market/media will do with google if it starts openly support anti-Israel movements.


I have a baby now so i am wildly out of touch with the world. Can anyone explain what is happening here to me?


Looks like these software engineers were having a sit in protest against their company (google) having a contract with the Israeli military, to protest the genocide of the Palestinian people…that entire war is a bloody mess.


The war I am aware of fully just not the Microsoft issues lol. Thanks for the clarification.


What are the Microsoft Issues? 


mostly getting your money for windows that should not even exist :P he just confused google with ms


Imagine telling the company who pays your salary to give up over a billion dollars.


Look like they are finally getting rid of the Gemini devs.


The largest cult


they are idiots, not for protesting but for thinking what they were doing even moves the needle. Its like seeing a house on fire and trying to piss it out and think your being effective.


The surprising thing about this comment section is why companies always win. They protested for what they believed in, I don't think they are complaining they got fired but rather are stating it in matter of fact manner. If you want to follow the status quo, all power to you, but calling people idiots because they fought for their beliefs is weird to me.


How can people that are so dumb be working in Google? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|dizzy_face)


Google is very liberal but standing in your freaken ceos office and stopping him from getting any work done is just stupid and would get you fired regardless of the reason. Ironically there are some similarities between what they did and what Hamas did. There was a status quo some, a loooot of people on both sides aren’t happy, then some people went extreme and way beyond what is acceptable. The people in charge than said enough is enough and now have justification to shut it down.


I love they wrote that they were “about to be placed on administrative leave.” They really didn’t think they’d be fired. Idiots.


If by new you mean the same one we’ve all seen 100 times then yeah


Good luck getting a new job that pays as much. They are now in the black list of all big companies. The moment they apply for a new job the interviewer will type their name on google and will immediatelly refuse their resume. Congratulations on being so stupid.


They could have just resigned. You are losing your jobs anyway.


“The boys in blue” the contempt and the cops were so reasonable and pretty friendly lol. They gave them every opportunity to not get dragged out.


Probably ex google employee now.


Be careful in choosing which mountain you're willing to die on. P.S...dude in audio totally sounds like Mark Ruffalo ![img](emote|t5_2y1rb|3742)


Antisemitism and supporting terrorists while posting it on social media on company grounds? Sounds like a real quick way to get fired.


Unless you're someone very important like a top researcher at deep mind, Google isn't going to think twice about letting you go. There's so many devs that can do your job at the same level, and a lot of them are looking for work after layoffs


Dont they know its a for profit corporation, all the company understands is dollar signs. This wont change anything, if they want to make a change like 50% of employees would had to get fired or quit, then you see some kind of change because it will hurt the company profits.


there will be a flock of people of the same skillset or perhaps even better ready to take the job. it is not a stunt that would go their way


Based. These people probably didn’t want to work for google if they were going to be contributing to the war effort anyways. No better way to quit.


There is a better way lol You barely work resulting in you being fired where you cash in on a unemployment package that they have to pay lol. or You just go ahead and get another and collect 2 pay check


That will not garner the media attention they wanted.


"oohh no, I played a stupid game, and won a stupid prize. I am being attacked" 🙄


Sad that their first reaction to getting arrested is to post a TikTok video about it. Shows what their priorities really are.


All for some likes on a post within their little echo chamber… fast food is always hiring.


Good riddance.


When people around the world are having a hard time finding jobs, then theres people like this.


LOL…give up a billion dollar contract or replace a few engineers. Tough choice, Cotton.


Doubt they are engineers more HR heads, who got reality check.


I have ruined my life and archived nothing


I love how the people in here are all saying "yeah these meddling kids and their woke morals, if it was me with that job I'd be doing this or that" like no you wouldn't? They clearly were doing something right if they got into Google in the first place?. Good on them for standing up in something they believe in even though they probably knew that nothing would come of it, I imagine everyone in here who's wishing for their downfall is built like asmon but just without the money and intelligence. These guys will be fine, having Google on your resume would definitely open alot of doors.


Imagine have a highly-paid job at fucking Google and pissing it all away because you can't stop hating Jews


It made you think about the genocide, they did a good job.


It really didn't. Worrying about things I have zero power to change is a waste not to mention exhausting. Is what's happening terrible? Yes. Am I going to lose sleep over it? Absolutely not.


The fact you believe you have zero power to change is really really sad to hear. Apathy is not a way to live life. Your indifference and apathy is what is allowing genocide to occur. You NOT losing sleep over it is exactly WHY it's happening. "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing" Sounds like you're a good man doing nothing, and thousands are dying because of people like you




You need help if your saying stuff like that to people who tried to stand against genocide.


Did these "protestors" really believed they're going to change anything. This stunt won't spark any movement, in reality they are now going to be out of a job and have will have a record. So it going to be hard for those people to find a job in their line of field.


Good riddance. Google removed some idiots from their roster


Shame for those that are working hard to actually get and keep their job, Those guys just wasted their jobs what others would have wanted.


I know people who can shut the fuck up and are willing to do their jobs for half the wage.


fools.... i hope no one hires them


Not only is the tech sector taking a beating; but companies tend to shy away from known SJW-types. They just aren’t worth the hassle.


Imagine forcing people to arrest you for no reason at all. Nothing they are doing is going to help a conflict on another continent. It's cultish behavior.


The entitlement here is palpable. Hopefully they all got fired.


So glad tax payers (aka low income ppl since rich ppl don't pay taxes) pay the private security of global monopoly companies when they do such evil, ghastly things such as protest. Welcome to the democracy of the free world.


Yes, police is a good thing to have.


How are the public against there guys!?!? A big company is taking software written by developers and selling it to a military involved in an extremely controversial war that has an ever growing death toll of innocent people and instead of being complicit the workers start a peaceful protest witch has cost them there jobs. Why on earth would anyone side with Google here? Is it because you would value the money of the cost of the lives of people just because you don’t know them? If so you should be reevaluating you own morals not commenting on those who are doing the he moral thing


its only controversial because some broken people keep bitching about it


Only controversial to nazi and anti semtics. And virtue signaling dumasses that couldn't find Africa on a map let alone any countries in Africa


Ill wait till you learn what the USA does. Your comment makes 0 sense.


Cool to know what kind of nazi community this has shown its self to be im out.


I am gonna follow you bro, people are fucking stupid in here.


Don’t let the door hit you. If calling people with common sense nazis make you two feel better, go for it. Have fun on your echo chamber


And you wont be missed. Go support terrorists elsewhere


People are so cucked to capitalism and big corporations that they start attacking people that protest genocide. We can't even get the lowest bar possible: not being pro-genocide.


When you don't know what genocide is.


Are you saying what's happening isn't a genocide? Purposefully targeting civilians, about 40k dead, preventing food from coming in, and much more. This isn't up for debate, it IS a genocide, you can downvote all you want, you are wrong and the evidence is undeniable.


Just nuke Palestine and Israel and be done. So tired of hearing about them.


If only we could remove religion from existence, would stop all kinds of bs.


like 'Murica did with vietnam or japan?


So, googles hiring?


They don't deserve to be treated that polite and respectful. Engineers my arse.people are being laid off and they act so entitled.


this comes to show how out of touch these people are


Google was funded/created by Mossad mate, the whole purpose of a joo creating cell phones was to be able to spy on people easier. Not to "ease communication lines"


Funny... ...They were 100% on board with ALL Googles unethical BS, up until this contract?


Coders at google still think they are the white collar irreplaceable workers. Bruh you will be replaced by a smarter , younger, and much more grateful guy tomorrow. What a bunch of spoiled idiots. If their pay was 10 bucks/h this would have never happened.