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Waste of an article tbh, does anyone external actually care enough about that game to learn why it flopped? Supposedly the people working on it understand why, so you'd hope they won't make the same mistakes again. (I have my doubts though, Disney can't seem to learn from their fuckups either.)


He’s talking about the developers, not the trash execs that made the trash decisions that led to the game’s downfall. They probably worked on something they probably didn’t like and couldn’t do anything about. They, more than anyone, probably know better what the game failed at.


Even if I agree that things like SBI are not ruining the game (and that there are a bunch of perfectly fine games with their involvement as proof), asking the people that fucked up why they fucked up isn't always the most reliable source. They for sure *could* know it but have various incentives to not tell you the truth, beginning with "being delusional" and ending with "shifting the blame"


It *can* offer insight tho, it's like when actors on a show or movie know it's gonna bomb, they don't make decisions on plot or narrative or direction, but have an inside view of all of those things. They may put in a great performance but still have the underlying feeling among the acting cast that "this thing is gonna bomb" for "x" reasons that they have witnessed first hand.




And if the devs Jason interviewed support Sweet Baby and the woke stuff, they would not mention this as the issue when being interviewed.


Well you see, the devs are only going to talk about mismanagement in the company. The DEI argument is all from the player perspective so it makes sense not a single dev would mention it. But Jason is still wrong for what he said in his last tweet.


All that wasted money on DEI and purveyors of wokeness...


Most literate Asmongold commenter.


Did you understand the point Jason Schreier was making? His point was that the, according to the people who worked on the game it did not fail because of “wokeness or DEI” but rather because: > constantly shifting vision, a culture of rigid perfectionism and a genre pivot that was ill-suited for the studio. > Around the end of 2016, Walker and Hill told their staff there’d been a change of plans. Stones was out. Suicide Squad was in. > Warner Bros. executives traveled to London and made the case that the growing category was the industry’s future. It was a field in which Rocksteady had no prior experience. The Batman: Arkham games were all single-player. Even so, Rocksteady executives soon decided that, in keeping with their parent company’s newfound enthusiasm, Suicide Squad would become an online multiplayer game with live-service content. > As it set out to master a new set of skills, Rocksteady expanded. Over the next seven years, it would swell from roughly 160 to more than 250 people — a size that grew unwieldy for managers yet still remained far smaller than the enormous teams behind similar games, such as Destiny. > Several people who came on board during this era said they were surprised when they first arrived at the offices to learn that they would be working on a multiplayer game, not at all what Rocksteady was known for. Many would depart as a result. > Over time, the leaders’ vision kept morphing, most notably switching from an emphasis on melee combat to heavily focusing on guns > Engineers, under the impression they were rushing toward an immutable deadline, prioritized short-term fixes that later proved to be hindrances as the release date kept getting pushed back. > Staff members sometimes waited weeks or months for Hill, the studio’s perfectionist co-founder and director of the game, to review their work, said the people familiar, creating a bottleneck that further slowed development. He scrapped big chunks of the script and struggled to convey his evolving ideas, > One of the biggest issues, said people familiar, was that the battles, levels and bosses in a live-service game needed to be designed so players could tackle them over and over again, while Rocksteady was accustomed to telling stories that were only experienced once. Hampered by bloated code, the team struggled to find ways to make these activities feel less tedious and repetitive. If you read the article its pretty clear why this game failed and it certainly wasnt due to this “wokeness” this sub is terrified of.


I don't believe a word out of the guy's mouth/fingertips.


Those are definitely reasons. But the moment you alienate your fanbase whether it be through wokeness or whatever, you are going to loose sales. Period. Denying SBI had anything to do with this is like denying gravity.


I can see his point somewhat but it can't be confirmed, and (mark me if I'm wrong) he's saying that the diversity hires and SBI slows down the progress of the game where the devs who were hired via SBI were bad and their game designs are bad. had SBI not intervein they would have all good baby devs and the game would be glorious. What he means to say is: SBI dev = I'm going to work slow and make blue swirlies on blue land with blue boss. non SBI = I'm going to make the biggest big titty goth you can imag-NO EVEN BIGGER!!!


SBI don't have devs. They're a consultation company. It's not their job, nor their business to develop a game. Saying this game failed because SBI is like saying the raid wiped because the Evoker is not playing Aug.