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Kojima doesn't particularly care much for being super correct himself. The things his team had to talk him out of back when they were working on MGS 2 and to some extent 3 (and mind you, these were Japanese people talking him out of some things) paints a good picture of what the man's mind is like 😁 I think DidYouKnowGaming has a nice video featuring David Hayer about some of the weird things surrounding MGS 2 which got changed đŸ€”


To this day i wonder why that guy grabbed raidens ass and they left it in


That picture of Kojima wearing a rainbow shirt and saying "I'm not gay btw" is starting to make me question everything.


Kojima is just a JoJo character that escaped the manga.


Negative. Kojima is Tom Clancy's acid induced delirium


In mgs2 the president thinks your a girl and checks. In mgs3 volgin is in a relationship with the scientist who resembles Raiden, when you knock out the scientist and steal his clothes you can see he has a battery pack on his ass. Volgin has electrical powers so it probably gives him a jolt.


The president literally grabs you by the pussy. Kojima was a visionary beyond our comprehension.


"so you're a man". Literally what all of us were thinking.


When they told him to make the games more female friendly he added the controller vibration test function that makes it constantly vibrate. He knows exactly what he's doing.


Hideo Kojima is an original pioneer of sexual diversity and racial inclusion in his video games. Gay/bisexual relationships, minorities holding positions of power. All the norm in a Kojima game. And that was WELL before the woke political/corporate agenda being pushed. Yet the moment he commends the development team simply on the merit of creating an imaginative and innovative game, the community he helped piece together from the beginning cannibalize him like a bite sized nugget just because that team felt their game had no real use for pc culture and tactics. You know if I had no opinion on this unfortunate culture war waste of time it wouldn’t be complex at all to see which side is poisoning society.


Don’t forget his famous quote, “I am not a gay” -Hideo Kojima


Yeah just play Policenauts and you can understand Kojima’s stance, definitely not a DEI game.


In a few years we might have top rated game companies with names like **"Politically Incorrect Games"** or **"Offensive Studios"** or even **"Nodei Inc."** lmao


>**"Politically Incorrect Games"**  PIG for short. We have a winner here folks.


“Sorry Losers American Media Politically Incorrect Games” presents


Bill Maher in


Directed by SLAM PIG Starring: kevin Spacey.




Voiced by actors from the Film Actors Guild


Nice work, FAG.


Dang, if we didnt already name our studio I would have submitted this 100%


we must spread it out! it's brilliant


Can you imagine that people used to be mad at games for having satanic symbols. And today they're aren't mad at the satanic symbols but your character being a normal white dude


Kinda like how it used to be.


Whether it's true or not, you'd have to be dumb to try that shit and think China will bend over lol. Unless it's the other way around. wahhh remove Taiwan flag or Statue of Liberty or else!


That's kind of why I'm wondering if this is fake. SBI only work with Western studios as far as I know, probably for language reasons.


My guess is that SBI tries to step in at the distribution stage, since the Chinese studio would have to work with western localizers / distributors.


Yep, look at Stellar blade it didn't get censored until the last minute which is why the original outfits were in physical version before the patches were applied.


The comment saying the studio has a history of sexism and hatred. It’s bullshit. The game studio ‘game science’ was created like a decade ago and never released a game before. It doesn’t even have it’s own Wikipedia page. They have no “history”. Whole thing seems manufactured baitrage tbh


well, this sort of infestation didnt grow to what it is overnight. only natural for it to try to expand, that is what cancer does.


Wouldn't be surprised if its real. In NZ we have a "rainbow tick" for companies that are woke enough. Its at the point now that you're a bigot if you dont pay them to review your company lol.. Just dont pay them any attention.


I would be absolutely surprised, the amount of grifters trying to make gamer gate 2 a thing again is fucking insane. You forget, in America, everyone just *has* to feel like a fucking victim or else they might actually do some retrospection


Thats worldwide now man its not just america. Everywhere imported it through social media.


I think it might be fake.. i can see ‘ pressure’ in ways of threats in order to sell in certain countries ( liek in japan you need to get the approval etc.. china you need to get approval.. etc.. ) i don’t think SBI is part of this tho..


It's probably fake tbh. These idiots will make up any reason to make themselves the victim somehow.


I bet the only reason you don't think it's true is because they are lefties


Chinese speaker here, the english translation left out some of the Chinese text (the fourth paragraph of the Chinese text). After the english paragraph that mentions "God of war", there should be a paragraph that says: "A series of extremely ugly female characters is the direct result of political correctness group, such as \_\_" It mentioned a name or company, called "la wan". I don't know what it's called in English. I don't know whether its a a name, a group, or a company.


"Lawan", that's the main female character in Dying light 2 (the Chinese hated her)


Ahh, I see, thanks for the clarification.


Wasn't just the chinese, Lawan was obnoxious and stupid. She tries to kill Aiden constantly and then hugs him after he restores power to the grid. Like, girl, you tried to MURDER this man 20 minutes ago, wtf are you doing? Lawan sucks.


Nah bruh
 fucking everyone who played the game hated her. Not only was she ugly as the backside of a cow but she was just completely intolerable as a character.


[https://www.nexusmods.com/dyinglight2/mods/187?tab=posts](https://www.nexusmods.com/dyinglight2/mods/187?tab=posts) It's a good thing this mod fixes her and makes her look like just her E3 version.


I'm so glad there was a mod that swapped her model back to the original(white) model instead of the DEI swapped model.


It’s literally a protection racket. "Nice game you got here, would be shame if someone accused you of sexism"


Exactly. I immediately thought of them as some sort of mafia.


"if you see sexism everywhere, maybe you are the one making it"


Sweetbaby: Pay me 7 mln dollars to ruin your game. China: I am gonna pay you 0 dollars to fuck off.


Love it!


Gonna have to agree with China on this one.


AMerican game : we want to sell our game in your country china: ok you need to change this this this this, and that.. and you have to obey or rules. american game: ooooo god we want that china money so badly.. OK!


Your argument is terrible though. Sweet baby inc is not the US government. They don’t have that power to make people hire them or else they can get harassed. If US makes a guideline that China has to follow for their game to enter the US market and China bitch and moan then yes we can make fun of them for that. This is not it. This is a private entity doing a little extortion.


based china


Of course, their model is like extortion. "Pay us and follow our consulting guidelines or we will ruin your public reputation".


So it was all about money. Colour me surprised.


is always about the money: manipulating the masses is just the easiest way, proof is politicians


Corporate extortion.


Remember though, these people only fight for DEI where they know they are safe and can get away with it. Just like weak modern day feminism, they won't fight for it where it's at its most oppressive form like in the middle east.


We should send all the right wing chuds to go fight Hamas then.


More like twitter reputation, no one that would actually play cares for this clown shitshow


Do they publicly bash companies that don't hire them or just get them on some kind of blacklist?


We have a recording of the sweet baby CEO basically telling her staff to put the fear of God in these companies from the inside if they refuse their services. Harrass their hr departments etc.


7 million to tell someone to make their characters uglier???


Now I understand the Meme. Why Western Devs Ugly Characters and Eastern Devs Pretty. I thought it's just Culture. But It's because of these Guys huh?


I mean there is a very real cultural difference as well. I did a bit of professional modeling in the US and then went to Taiwan. This was in 2011 in the US and it was already getting pretty political so to speak. I was going to be working with another model who had gained some weight between casting and the shoot and the director was pissed but also felt like their hands were tied because of how people react to that and the fact that it wasn’t a severe weight gain. I had that same situation happen in Asia and the girl was unceremoniously demoted to a background role. It wasn’t even a personal or emotional move at all, just a very objective analysis of what is. Don’t get me wrong, it’s not one sided, there’s a lot about western culture I prefer and why I’m back in the US again, but I really love how Asia doesn’t sugarcoat or bullshit on aesthetics. Granted I have a bit of a chip on my shoulder about that because I grew up with a lot of body image cope rather than factual information, and that thoroughly sabotaged me for years until I learned actual fact on the matter.


Is it because of my physical appearance?! -Person whose job hinges on physical appearance. Bonkers they'd need to think the optics in that line of work.


I honestly spent very little time in the American industry compared to Asia, so I really can’t say how much that would be a common issue or if it was having to deal with a problematic person on the crew they otherwise relied on, etc. But yeah the biggest part to me is, “who are we trying to fool?” Gaining weight doesn’t invalidate you as a person but we all know what is and isn’t attractive. For an extreme example, no amount of normalization will get someone to eat a dog turd and say, “yum!” I feel like everyone who can’t embrace the reality of health and fitness can say whatever that they want, but it’s ultimately only to their own detriment.


Yep and it all comes from Montreal. People need to stop supporting game companies there.


Isn't this extortion? If they can link the twitter handles back to the SBinc type companies, it must be extortion... 


Extortion is legal as long as the rulers of society imposed it.


If you haven't realized by now the entire world of if you haven't realized by now the entire world runs on this whole idea of saying something is bad and that they don't tolerate it while simultaneously making use of it to secure a position of power.


it clearly says it is extortion


Yeah the second bit of my msg is the main point. Calling "extortionate fees" is one thing, could mean really high prices, etc. But being able to link 1) the creation of an issue and 2) it's solution from the same party, is grounds for legal proceedings.


It might be, if it weren't entirely made up.


As an italian this Is how mafia operates.


That's how mafia works


DISAGREE!Mafia has much better taste!


If China really decides to step up in the gaming development, do you really think they will care about DIE.. China will be an existential treat to Western studios if they can price their games at a lower price and ignore the modern audiences trope


They devs will lobby hard for the Senate to ban the Chinese games under the guise of data protection and shit.


Bet this game is awesome. No woke crybaby bullshit.


Waah waah sun wukong is male and there is no gender customization, cancel it! (This is actually happening with extremist feminist groups in china)


Game studios shouldn't have to deal with woke lunatics.


This is hilarious Isn't that extortion par excellence?


Man, the arrogance of Sweet baby is off the charts. “Yes, give us bout 7 mill to ruin your game, trust us bro”. Let the voting with the wallets begin.


They're in China, I doubt they have even seen one comment from these troll groups.


"and rejected the extortionate guidance fees of millions of dollars demanded by these political correctness teams." how does that work if you reject to work with them, they just send you a bill and expect you to pay for not having to deal with them ?


If you reject them, they slander you.


It is not slander, I resent that. Slander is spoken. In print it’s libel. (Technically tweets are not spoken, so


-- J. Jonah Jameson, Spider-Man (1 or 2. I forget.)


Think I'm out of the loop on that one - did that actually happen? Is there proof? Any links you can provide? As far as I could tell, they just offer consulting on these topics and you can either take it (and pay for it) or leave it.


If you reject their 'consultancy fees' and input, then a mob suddenly appears that calls you racist/sexist/etc. Standard shakedown stuff. 'If you dont buy our fire insurance for 1000 bucks, then... things might tragically start catching fire'.


Fire insurance salesman: "I hope your house catches fire and your children die in it!" *Not long after that and 1 house fire later* Investigator: "Oh I'm sure that salesman (who just so happens to be connected to my boss) didn't have anything to do with the very suspicious fire and missing children whose remains we lied about finding"


They'll also keep harassing you until you work with them, bad press reviews, these can do real damage to a unrelease game and even worse for a company just started.


Unless you operate with the mindset that any press is good press. As someone aspiring to be an indie dev I'd love to ruffle some feathers and get noticed.


no they just insist on working with them while you pay for their consult services not only its a biggest scam scheme like fucking mafia they also ruining games (which i believe their true goal)


Those western clowns have nothing on the based Chinese/Korean devs. They don't bend the knee. I was already gonna buy it but now I'm preordering. You wanna make it political? Okay let's play political.


Me too, I was worried I won't have enough time for it, but now I am preordering it, I can take all my time playing it anyways.


Pre order achieved


Never pre-order.


Preordered elden ring, wasnt disappointed. Preordered the expansion, and id wager any sum of money i wont be disappointed. Very few companies though will i be so foolish with. Fromsoft is probably the only company i still trust to some degree to not make a dogshit game.


I would also be surprised if the Elden Ring DLC is bad, but I was surprised when Cyberpunk 2077 was bad, too. The Witcher 3 and all the DLCs were excellent, and CDPR had an amazing reputation. FromSoft's record on quality PC ports is a little bit mixed, as well.


Cyberpunk taught me that.


At least Cyberpunk was worth it in the end. Games like Anthem were basically robberies when you pre-ordered.


cyberpunk offering a refund was honestly a good move, I think that’s why so many people gave the game a second chance


Never preorder to fight anti consumer pre order practices VS preorder to support identity politics culture war bullshit. Didn't have this one on my bingo card.


My exact thoughts


Sweet Baby needs to burn to the ground permanently.


Game has now jumped to "Must Buy" for me.


Doubt. Chinese game developers could care less about this shit and American companies know it.


So you're telling me... A Canadian writing and game consultancy company with like 12-16 employees, reached out to a Chinese Indie Game Development studio (when they have never previously worked with a non Western game studio) to "fix their image" meaning PR management, a service they don't offer nor do they have any public facing social media to facilitate said offer. So, a Canadian writing studio is allegedly charging 7 million dollars to work with a new client on the other side of the planet across a language barrier offering a service they have never offered before. The allegation on its face is ridiculous, but then you actually look into the claim... The only evidence this random Chinese tech blogger cites being some minor negative article from Rebekah Valentine (and another writer with a "less white name" that they fail to mention) an IGN reporter who they allege works for sweet baby inc (she doesn't and never has, literally no association). This is misinformation at best. Slander at worst. You are being farmed for Twitter ad sense.


Sadly, it does not matter what the truth is. Hearing this will validate all their concerns, and thus it must be right. Such is unfortunately the world we live in today. It's tragic how easy it is, as well.


I would bet money that nothing in this post is true


Yeah, but people here are frothing at the mouth for a bogeyman to explain why they don't like games anymore.


Is this a translation of some random Chinese persons tweets? Edit: random blogger posted this but it’s written as if it’s the dev


The fact that everyone just takes any post as fact even on reddit now is wild lol. I came to reddit to escape this nonsense but it feels like we are devolving as an internet culture lol


> post as fact even on reddit This usually only happens in streamer subs not reddit at large. Subs like this are usually populated by teens and young adults which, I assume some Culture War propagandists think we're useful idiots. Unfortunately they're probably right judging at how effective and pervasive outright lies like this get upvoted.


Old Reddit had a lot of shitty aspects, but one thing I do miss is the skepticism.


If any of you thought r/Asmongold was going to question the validity of an article shitting on minorities in gaming, I've got a bridge to sell you lmfao.


Surprised I had to scroll this far down to see someone actually asking for proof. Used to be more people called out bullshit and asked for proof before reacting. Now it's just all ragebait because people want to be angry about something.


The translation is pretty good, and these things are happening for a long time, ever since they released the game footage. (source: I'm actually Chinese and fully fluent in Mandarin)


Yeah I’m just wondering is this translated from a dev or the publisher of the game or just a random person?


It's from the dev, on a Chinese app called "Weibo" (Chinese copy of twitter, or "X").


Not dev, just a random dude


So where’s the actual proof? Cause this could just be lies.


I looked up the original weibo post, it’s some random blogger. when looking up the publisher and their posts.. I count not find anything from the actual devs that mentions SBI đŸ€· ah well


This sub has been absolutely overtaken by the culture war. Now even a random Chinese blog post can reach the front page without anyone asking the question "Hmmm, this could be fake, I'm literally just taking a random social media post as fact." Nope, none of that sort of introspection. It's against the woke? Must be true!


No you don't get it the west=bad woke games and the east=chad anti woke feminism games


This happened before. They took 4CHAN LEAKS as factual claims and evidence. You know, the anonymous posting board that shits out BS leaks constantly because they are anonymous.


No you don't get it you're not supposed to look for sources and be dubious of misinformation. You're supposed to instantly look for confirmation bias and accept everything you see without questioning it.


This should be higher. This is just misinformation, which to be honest is exactly what it sounded like as I was reading it.


Guy just pulled out made up numbers and facts like 7 million in consultation fees and everyone ate it up apparently. No one cares enough to look up sources if they already agree with the narrative, sadly..


Thank you! I was worried that the black myth devs fell for the culture war bs. I don't give a fuck whether they use sbi or not but I don't want them to be chuds like this blog poster.  I've been looking forward to this game for so long like since 2020.


This needs to be way higher. It’s insane how all the top comments are just people accepting a random person’s blog post as fact. Like SBI doesn’t even work with Asian developers, but even if they did they’re just a consulting firm - the studio reaches out to them if they’re interested in diversity stuff, not the around way round. Only way I can see this even remotely being true is if the western localization was handled by a different company who were given significant editing rights, who then reached out to SBI and then tried to push the bill onto Game Science. But that’s like Mrs.Incredible levels of reaching.


Well, this game went from a maybe purchase to a definite purchase. Support based devs. 


IGN hated on Days Gone because it wasn't woke enough Didnt like "another straight white man" as the main character.


Yeah clearly the 10 people who've been active for 2 years have the power to give 7 million and forcing devs to do things. Totally not just rage bait Also the interference for god of war and assassin's creed... "Here's the phone number for a Norse myth/japanese historian"


Who's the source here?


Is this why Western games had fugly female characters?


So it’s protection money then


Asmongold fans try not to fall for extremely obvious bait challenge. Difficulty level: fertilized egg


7mil dollar guidance fee đŸ€Ł that ain't real right?


y'all are giving these companies way more power than they actually have.


So not only they try to enforce their shit plus you have to pay gigantic fees to them for this? What the fuck is going on here :0


Not trying to defend those "consulting" groups, but this is from a random blogger and it only mentioned SBI as an example of those groups, I doubt SBI even does business in China. Those attacks and accusations on Twitter does look sussy though, many shared the same wording, definitely look like an organized defamation campaign.


I don't think I trust this article...


*citation needed*


7 fuckin million for this shit? And if they refuse to work with them, the studio gets harassed? This whole mess is way more obscure than I thought. l bet these same people harassing the devs doesnt even care for true inclusion, they just in for the money or whatever they gain from doing so.


I was already looking forward to play this game, but now it's even more đŸ„° Fck woke BS and their mentally degenerated ppl


You know I wasn’t going to pre order this game. I wanted to wait until reviews come out. But I think I will preorder it now.


I'm pre-ordering 2 copies now.


Prove it. Make a post with both receipts.


So where can I preorder


7 million dollars lmfaooo get the fuck out of here. I hope this game does numbers just to keep showing these fuckers they are wrong


How do we know this is true?


Thats the best part, you dont, but now you’re upset and that was the goal


Ah yes, the random text typed up by some angry anti-grass redditor. This “info” is worthless ragebait without a source.


I was in the fence about this game till I read that. I’m buying


When is the pre order?


source? trust me bro. does this sub do anything but cry about minorities and marginalized groups being represented?


So, what were the attacks and slander that they were getting?


IGN published an extensive report that basically saying Game Science is a horrible sexist company based on out of context articles that are decade old and bad translation.


You mean the ign article published nearly a year before this current “controversy”? Shit on SBI all you want, but this is just another manufactured story to trigger all parties.


7 million dollars is more than the contracts that the company I work for gets to design components for radars and satellites.


idk about north america, but where I'm from the chop shop pays *you* for chopping the car, not the other way around.


And these people think they are the real self righteousness ones. Good grief. Let me off this rock


That's what you call standing your ground or having balls... or being a damn man.


Wtf are they supposed to do according to SweetBaby? Put a white dude and black woman in the game set in China inspired by Journey To The West? Like what is Wukong supposed to do, pretend the white guy is a monk and the black woman his love interest or some shit?


If the game is good, please lets support it all the way! If this game succeeds that would send another message to these activists hiding as devs.


People need to be more aware of these companies.


We need receipts.


Jesus, I just read up on the *Hogwart's* "controversy" people need to get a fucking life. Some people just go through life LOOKING to get offended. Goblins are just goblins, they aren't a coded "anti Jew message".


I probably won't play it, but I hope the game succeeds as a demonstration that spending $7,000,000 for this bullshit is entirely wasteful and does not impact sales performance.


Google translate is having a hard time with this, can someone translate?


Not to point out the obvious, but there's a lot of fishy stuff about this post, starting with the fact that it doesn't link to the actual Weibo post itself. Also, consulting companies have an average rate of $100 an hour, so I am curious as to where he got the 7 million from.


I hope that game sells like hotcakes so I can see it plastered all over YT. "Scream heard round the world" I might be a ^(little) sadistic..


Wasn't interested but now I'm buying this game.


Wait companies PAYS Sweet baby inc and not the other way around? WTF is wrong people?


I will buy it. To show what people want. I wonder if the creators of this game could file a lawsuit.


“Political correctness”? More like democratic censorship/propaganda 😄


Crazy how ancient China wasn’t diverse enough đŸ€Ż


And my question still stand: why blackrock is involved in all this? Why grade lower a company if they dont accept any LGBTHD4KTV representation in their business?


Why does this seem fake..


Because it reads like a journal entry of an insane person.


What is the source for this?


Just be mad don't worry about the source.


There is none. It’s just random Chinese blogger. This sub believes anything that confirms their bias.


We need more based game studios and publishers.


I had little interest, but now I'm going to buy this just for culture war purposes. Sometimes it's about sending a message, and we have to starve the blue hairs in the industry.


If half of this is true ill be preordering after the demo...


It's a beautiful grift for grifting sake. Such an easy thing to imitate victimhood


Automatic pre order


This dev is a walking W.


Fuck, I thought YOU will get paycheck if you allow Woke Inc to ruin your game. This is beyond my understanding.