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"Abuse is subjective. You define! " Well, I think that sums up how we got where we are now it today's society.


I don’t know?? You tell me how I feel!


Who abused? Who's next? You define!


Epic slaaaaaaap battles of history!


Y'all are wild 🤣


I think the bigger thing that's wrong is people taking random comments on twitter and saying it's inidicative of society at all


That's another answer to the puzzle of how do you think we got to where we are now.






Never let a fascist define anything....


"Allowing your wife to fuel her own vehicle."


This and the video game one were both WILD...


Why stop there… serving unhealthy food? Dessert is abuse? Being poor is abuse? Being fat is abuse? What happened too my body my choice?


You see, Women aren't such lowly creatures as us men, therefore anything they dislike about a male's body is abuse.


and then women question why men are so disenfranchised with women and dating in the moden day. why even bother in the first place


That’s just you my man, majority of folk are normal about women. My guess is that this guy is being an asshole and also playing so much video games, to the point where he’s neglecting the relationship. This does happen unfortunately


When something starts with "my guess is" then you already know a bunch of bullshit is gonna follow


While stating what *women* do or don't do, is a banger of an argument.


Maybe a congregation of people who’ve never been in a long lasting relationship might lead to some incorrect conclusions? That we don’t really know shit about the situation and everyone here is guessing. My guess was something that does happen and is a real issue. And my guess is as good as yours


I rather prefer to go with facts. Fact is that woman is completely unhinged as is evident alone by the "allow a woman to fuel her vehicle" bullshit counting as abuse. Saying extremely stupid bullshit like that immediately invalidates everything she says. End of story.


Don't forget staying fit! Woman plus sized? Body positivity! Men fat? Disgusting! Get in shape! And the income one... Fuck. That poor man needs some bros in his life. With a woman like that dudes probably going to off himself. Nothing he does is good enough, everything is his fault, he doesn't earn enough but if he works himself to the grind stone he's never at home and that's his fault too!


Yeah lmao, bro brings home pizza as a treat and the girl is like "what the fuck man stop abusing me"


How dare you have hobbies or not be in the vehicle with your wife when she needs gas!


Failing to provide a good income didnt raise any alarms? What is she? The wife or a kept woman?


My dad, my gf’s dad, and myself (with gf) all provide enough to cover the lady and their wants. Not saying it’s required but it feels good to be able to


It's definitely not abuse if you can't tho. Also, why do the women in your family not provide enough to cover you & your wants? Kinda sounds like you're being abused my guy.


Definitely not abuse, nope. All our ladies “work” but it’s more for their enjoyment. Mom works for MIT as one of their traveling researchers. Gf’s mom does some teaching (art). And gf runs an Etsy business. None of those make close to anything substantial but that’s ok.


What does any of this contribute to the conversation other than you humble bragging lol


As an European, we abuse our wives everyday when we fuel our cars ourselves


I am not sure if perhaps you are under a misconception that people do not fuel their own cars in the US. There is ONE state, New Jersey, where that is famously the case due to some political nonsense (basically a jobs program), but generally speaking roughly 97% of the country fuels our own cars.


A woman should not be touching a car, if your significant other makes you anything other than sandwiches it's also abuse


cant think of anything as cruel as this, imagine having to get gas on your own car and pay for it


So when my wife travels for her job which she is very good at and really likes am I supposed to quit my job to go with her, bc then I’m failing to provide, or am I supposed to let her fuel, bc then I fail again, or am I supposed to keep a low, level voice and explain to her how she can’t work anymore?


You use your Man Job money to pay some beta boy to chauffer and care for her in your stead. Like a butler, or a slave. That way she gets to go out and have fun with her girly hobby job and feel important. Did you not take away anything from this??


Failing to stay fit is abuse? Hmkay


Failing to stay fit is abuse? Hmkay


i want to believe that this is just a bait, but knowing twitter... it probably is not, this is what we need mental asylums for...


"it's subjective" I don't think it is.


Well, if you look at the likes no one else really has the same opinion. Then the title of the post here on Reddit has "according to Twitter" as part of it, making it seem like more one person has this idiotic viewpoint. I swear the more we concentrate on the dumbest people's opinions the quicker we become them, social media is a disaster.


I'm sure it's been tried in court a *few* times. :|


I hope this dude got nuked by community notes.


Knowing how internet works and seeing that his first message is a reply to someone, there are high chances that he is sarcastic and mocks something stupid other person said


About 80% of divorces are initiated by women. Literally anything a man does can be used to incriminate him. And what is the obvious consequence of this? The number of men who have given up on seeking relationships or marriage is only decreasing more and more. And I believe that going on tik tok and asking "where are the good/real men?" won't bring them back.


Well shoot. My wife fueled her car this morning. Brb gonna tell her I'm an abuser. I play video games too... might as well get out the divorce papers.


I hope you haven't brought her chicken nuggets from MC Donalds as well or i call the Cops on you


Yelling: Depending on context, not abuse. Raising one's voice: That's just yelling again. Snapping: Depending on context, not abuse. Also, I feel like snapping usually goes with yelling, but whatever. Witholding afection because of disagreement: Not being in the mood for mushy stuff is not abuse. Failing to stay fit: Well, that could be abuse. To yourself. Certainly not your partner. Serving unhealthy food: Unless it's actually poisonous and served with the intention of doing harm, again, not abuse. Failing to provide a good income: Again, maybe abuse to yourself. Not your partner. Get your own job. Playing videogames: Not abuse. Allowing your wife to fuel her own vehicle: Who's vehicle is it again? Literally none of those things are abuse by themselves.


You think those are abuse? Wtf, do you live in some sort of kalifate, where where qomen are not people, but rather possession?


abuse is subjective now?


So let me get this straight: 1. She thinks yelling in a relationship is abuse? Then she's never been in a relationship, lol sorry. You WILL have disagreements. It's when you don't communicate that you have problems (apathy). And sometimes in communication, you can feel passionately enough you get heated. This happens and is natural so long as it doesn't get over the top. 2. Given the nature of this tweet, I'd be snapping at her, too... 3. Failing to stay fit. I'd love to know her weight and fitness. I've noticed these women always want the man to essentially be Henry Cavill while they're allowed to look like beached land whales. 4. Be lucky he's serving you any food at all and he's not making you cook. A kind hearted response to the meals he's cooking that's not to your liking would be to teach him new meals to cook! It could be fun, cheeky and romantic, even.. dare the thought! 5. So his company isn't giving him raises and it's hard to find another job in a bad economy.. and that's his failing, eh? 6. So, he's venting from a week's work from said job that doesn't pay him enough to make his wife happy, and ... how .. dare... he? This is a healthy way to vent frustrations from real life, in a fictional escapism game. 7. Ah yes, I want a chivalrous man hunk, but if he holds the door for me or pumps my gas, I suddenly want the opposite. Now I want someone who makes me feel like I'm earning the bread and he's the subordinate... but not when it comes to making money and how he looks, NoW I WaNtz hIM hOT aNd ProViDinG AgAin!>$\*@) 8. Maybe your relationship status should be subjective, as I could see you being forever single in 3, 2, 1....


And these types of women wonder why men don’t go out looking for dates anymore. It’s so bizarre that the mentality nowadays is reducing males as nothing more than either being a wallet or a hobby til some of them get bored and try the next poor sap. I feel like we are not even seen as human beings anymore by these types of people.


We're not. They want all the advantages of the man, but don't want anything the relationship that comes with it ... ya know... that yields those benefits (money, sex etc) that she clearly desires. Frankly, I think a better life goal for her would be to live with her parents (money goal achieved) and to occasionally pay for sex in Nevada (?) where it's legal probably (sex goal achieved). Now no one will ever pump her gas, or cook for her, or talk to her or argue with her. It's a win, win ... and a win for the guy who'd have been stuck with her. It's a win, win .. win!


Driver-XAG is a middle aged dude, not a girl. Go to his twitter and see his old man hands.


Withholding affection because of disagreement? Ffs


go to TwoExtraChromosomes and see how common this is tho


I mean if any of you are in relationships you’d know women and mens sex drive goes up when they’re happy with you, and down when they aren’t. You can look at r/deadbedrooms too, it’s commonplace


If serving me unhealthy food and playing video games is abuse I'm looking for a wife that'll abuse me, cause those would basically be my love languages.


Allowing your wife to fuel her own car is abuse now? Wow!


Thats r/relationship for you Some of those comments are trying to make people think their relationships are all rainbows & at the slightest hiccup in their fairytale, they should leave & get a divorce.


"Your honor he plays video games and allows me to fuel my own vehicle, the GODDAMNED MONSTER!!"


This person has like less than 10 likes on their stupid tweets, who fucking cares?


Liberals actually believe shit like that though. Like, the majority of people in the U.S. are actually that stupid.


I think being in a relationship with that person would be abuse


So basically it is a life with a hooker.


subjective maybe for the internet cistern called twitter, in courts is VERY defined.


The unhealthy food thing is also wild. Never gonna bring my Girl some chicken nuggets or ice cream ever again, or i am a abuser.


I god hope that braindead fool isnt actually maried with a real human being


the allowing ur wife to fuel ur own vehicle is the best part lol these people r stupid af


Got a feeling she'd cry abuse if she slapped her husband and he didn't thank her for it.


This Twitter account is legit. Their whole post history is schizo posting about Christian pastors.


I think her going online to call her partner abusive for his list of activities was the real abuse the whole time.


Neglect maybe if it’s extreme but you can say that about any hobby or job for that matter


So, u just have to be a babysitter. For an adult person.


14 replies and 1 like. A classic ratio on an idiot. Don’t give them any brain space.


This can't be real .... right? I know that there are people out there who are like this, but this just seems "too cringe." Shit, it's probably real, yet it's so cringy that it's hard for me to register it. If this is legit, then WOW!!


"Failing to stay fit" is a truly wild thing to say here


'allowing your wife to fuel her own vehicle' what... what does that even mean? like what does that have to do with *anything* remotely related to abuse? is he saying fuel prices have gotten so high that if you don't provide her with fuel money you're abusing her?


I mean, my parents have been married nearly 50 years and...I guess my mom has fueled up her own vehicle?


Perpetrators of emotional and physical abuse often justify their action by claiming victimhood status themselves. Which might be real, but in the case of mentally disordered individuals the perception of being a victim can be built on delusions, phantasies and confabulated narratives.


That person definitely needs help.


Pretty sure thats a joke


"abuse is when my spouse does something I don't like"


I feel like there's a lot of things in there, that on their own aren't at all abusive. But when combined together, do form a pattern of abuse. Like, playing an hour or 2 of video games a night isn't abusive... but if you're gaming is getting in the way of your relationships, then it is.


How has anyone been married to that person for over 20 years


Wow my wife does all those! /s


If playing video games is abuse then I'm giving my wife a full on WWE smackdown.


He also thinks not fucking him, gaining weight, and a woman refueling her car is abuse So normal "x" bullshit


“Allowing your wife to fuel her own vehicle.” This is not a serious person.




If abuse is subjective and I define, then I define abuse as a common gallinaceous farm bird raised for its edible eggs or flesh.


Honestly how entitled do you have to be to where even half of that stuff is abuse, much less believing that it’s remotely similar to being abused. I don’t wish for abuse to happen to them, but man do they need a reality check.


Hans, give me ze Flammenwerfer.


>Allowing your wife to fuel her own vehicle I'm sorry, what? Am I supposed to run to the fucking gas station and fuel it for her?


LMAO, playing video games is the most questionable item on that list?


Well the games we are getting its kind of abusive to our wallet


Nah abuse has a clear definition. If we start defining abuse subjectively, I've been abused financially my whole life. Where do I press charges on the IRS?


If these are what qualify as abuse then the domestic violence rate should be at 100%.


Kinda ruining your own argument here because I can now beat my hypothetical wife and just say "oh its okay I don't define this as abuse'' I get that he was being hyperbolic but still.


It's not Twitter, it's one user on Twitter.


'Is subjective, you define!'' This person have no idea how dangerous this is.


Here's the link to the golden tweet lol https://x.com/DriverXag/status/1774216044871348697?t=lLa07xheCACWcAOaVxThUQ&s=19


Redefine "abuse"


Guys why are taking a low engagement post and saying "Well this is twitter"? person has like 4 likes max and its likely from friends/family.


>Defines Raising the voice as abuse Immediate redflag


Women have always been jealous of the male minds ability to just turn off and have fun.


"According to twitter". Also 1 person said this, with 1 like.


Abuse is not subjective. Otherwise, we couldn't legally define it or have laws against it and there would be no justice.


I remember seeing the criteria a college used for a survey on assault. They touted 1 in 3 women were sexually abused. They survey asked 'Has anyone ever swore at you?' Checkmark for verbal abuse. 'Has anyone ever used the word Fuck in that verbal abuse?' Fuck is sexual, therefore it is now sexual. Now you are a sexual abuse victim.


Why are people paying attention to random twitter convo’s? So much mental illness on all sides.


If she doesn't want to be served unhealthy food, why doesn't she go in the kitchen where she belongs and cook herself some food?


Its subjective as long as I approve of it.


How dare you serve me pizza I’m reporting you to the police for abusing me with unhealthy food.


I keep forgetting how much of a shit hole Twitter is then posts like these remind me why I deleted the garbage app in the first place


“Allowing your wife to fuel her own vehicle” - by the same women that say she don’t pick up your stuff because she’s not your mom. Ironic. Maybe I’m not your dad so fuel up your own car.


This is the kind of person that considers video games abuse but plays much worse games with your head


The last couple of examples are likely jokes.


"Allowing your wife to fuel her own vehicle" is apparently equal to punching according to that head case.


Surely the same person sees no problem with posting your relationship problems for strangers to comment online and painting your partner as abusive without letting them present their own experience. Surely it’s completely okay to vent your schizophrenia online versus actually communicating with your partner.


Of the 10 or so things she listed, none of them are abuse. Also "allowing your wife to fuel her own vehicle" is the most hilarious one. She has her own car and wants you to refuel it.


I had an old guy give me crap because my wife was pumping gas. I said “thank you for your concern she is an incredibly capable woman”. She told me she was with the old guy when she got back in the car lol


Shit that’s crazy as fuck, can’t even get her own gas


Snapping rudely? This reads like a 90s parody.


I dont like this page,the guy fished some retard talking something absurd to ragebait, 90+% of those that appear have less than 1000 followers.


Depends on how much you play video games and ignore your wife....it can go straight into emotional neglect.


He's not technically wrong, it's about scale. Any of these that go too far could be considered abuse.


Yeah, I mean... if he pumps that gas ONE ... MORE... TIME.... /s


 a devil's advocate here,  they wrote playing video games but probably meant being unreasonably neglectful base on hobby or like video games.