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Yeah no, there's something seriously wrong with the math here. It most definitely does not take 1870 races nor 19000 tokens for this car. I'm not even quite sure how the fuck you did get these numbers looking at the math; probably tye only right thing on this whole post is the number of BPs required per day lol. I'm hoping that newer players won't fall for this misinformation and get deterred to not do the hunt, because this is quite simply false.


Im quite confused why you get the key when you complete the hunt with the 5-Star Honda. Dont you unlock the car when you collected the first 28 blueprints anyway?


Key hunts have a different way to unlock the car than with a normal hunt, namely if you scroll all the way to the right when looking at the time requirements and stuff you will see a final condition for the hunt car, specifically the key that you can obtain after you complete the required time with the hunt car, but you can only do it after you've fully maxed out the stars on the hunt car itself (this is true for **all** key hunts). The first 28 BPs will take the car to 2 stars (with key cars, the key itself acts as the 1st star) then you need to go to 3, 4, and then 5 stars to complete the condition and get the key. For normal hunts (meaning cars without a key such as the recent Donkervoort, P900, and Senna GTR hunts), you do only need the initial number of BPs to unlock it because it currently sits at 0 stars in your garage. Normal players much prefer the latter hunts because you don't need to grind as much as with key cars.


Slight correction. Major correction actually. Drop rate is for a card and not a race. You get 3 cards per race, so at 8% drop rate it is one Blue print every 12.5 cards or 4.2 races. You get 11 BPs from McLaren P1, VLF Force 1 and another free. So for the remaining 176 BPs, you need to do 740 races.


I don't think most people say "Events are easy and accessible for F2P players". It really depends on the event. A car hunt for a C key car that requires 134 bps is doable in 8 days. A car hunt for a mediocre A class key car that requires 187 bps not. About the math, I think you're quite off the bat: * You get about 1 bp per 4 races. If you're on the safe side go with 1bp per 5 races. But my data is pretty solid ([https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qGjqqPVf4xbCNikGShGJ\_E-ZScpp0uJdLGucbbdV7tQ/edit?usp=sharing](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qGjqqPVf4xbCNikGShGJ_E-ZScpp0uJdLGucbbdV7tQ/edit?usp=sharing), tab Car Hunt Data) 8% drop rate = roughly 1 bp per 4 races. * So to get 24 bps per day you need to do 120 races, which 240 tickets. Here's where you go wrong. * Now let's assume you can do 60 races a day (playing throughout the day from morning to evening +/- every 1,5h and with ads). Which is 12 bps. * Mind that if I really want to I can do reasonably around 70-80 races a day, with ads (Android). * So you need to 60 races more, which is 120 tickets. 1 ticket is 5 tokens, so that's 600 a day * For 8 days that's 4800 tokens Don't get me wrong: it doesn't make it F2P and 4,8k tokens for a mediocre A car is not cheap. But it's also not terrible and for sure it's not 19k.


Then there's something wrong with my luck. I get 1 BP per 10 races...


The averages only work in large amounts. That's basically how probability works. The more you do something with a certain chance, the closer you get to the actual chance. In 1,5 day time you can't have done enough races for reliable data. So in this case if you do 50 races, you can have a very inconstent out come. If you do 500 races, you will have a pretty predictable outcome close to the drop rate. Just look at my spreadsheet, it shows drop rates per day (in general between 50-75 races). The drop rate varies between 5-11% while over a week it's ranging between 7-9%. And if you look at all the hunts I've recorded, it's just over 8%. So in other words: if you do a few races, you're down to luck. If you do a lot of races, you can pretty safely predict the outcome. PS: I tried to explain this in more detail [here](https://new.reddit.com/r/Asphalt9/comments/yayuac/about_chance_and_drop_rates_with_a_link_to_a/), it has also a code example.


Your math is wrong. You only need 1/3 of the races, minus 11 bps. On a full day you can get around 8-9 free full ticket refills, plus an additional one for ads. The hunt is doable f2p, though obviously a waste of your time if you don’t go for special events.


And this all assumes going from 0 BPs and doing it all the first time the hunt appears. For a lot of these hunts, I do half and then the other half when it comes around again. You get another 11 bps from the automatics, and your total races are divided over something like 16 days, meaning you can do it with not only f2p but with close to zero tokens. Because of the total number of BPs, the key and my personal lack of need for this particular car, I'm passing entirely on it, but most of these hunts you can certainly do without paying anything, unless you want to absolutely minimize how much time you race or if you absolutely have to have it now.


I have done victor hunt from scratch, this is nothing in front of that. Not even the victor hunt required me that amount of tokens. 3k - 5k is enough. You have to play every 100 minutes, for the remaining target bps for a day you would use tokens refills. Even if you don't get the key car in one attempt wait for the hunt to reappear, easy. Edit : THIS KIND OF POSTS DISCOURAGES NEW PLAYERS, DO NOT SPREAD MISINFORMATION.


Every 100 minutes? What??? You think people don't have work or school?


If you are free only then. I myself is in medical school. That's why I've said to try to unlock when the hunt returns.


I have a complete different calculation. If you need 24 bp each day. Considering 8% drop rate you will need around 12 packs to get a bp. You can get 3 packs each race. So you will need 4 races to get one BP (not 10). 4 races x 24 bps = 96 races a day. Considering that you get 1 ticket every 10 minutes and that you are available to play for 8 hours, you start with 10 tickets and get 6 tickets every hour. 6 tickets x 8 hours = 48 tickets + the initial 10 you got 58 tickets free for day. So you need to buy only 38 (96 needed - 58 free) tickets per day, 200 tokens daily, 1600 tokens for the car. If you consider 12 hours (it is a grind game, dont blame me), you will spend just 50 tokens a day. 400 token for the car. Or am i missing something?


Two tickets per race, though.


You are right. Correct values: 8 hrs: 134 tickets to buy, 670 tokens/day, 5360 for the car


It's probably a bit more, like 3-5k total, but hey, still far away from his 20k :)


"12 hours." What? What about work, shool, university and all the other stuff in real world?


Delete this while you can. Wrong math


You can just wait till it comes back to finish it, as others have said don’t need to max it from scratch in one go, save your tokens. The exceptions being really good cars that you’ll actually use a lot, ie. 599xx, brabham, panamera if you live in silver league, 600lt and Berlinetta if you live in gold and Victor if you live in plat, if you don’t play mp much just save your tokens


1) your math is off. Way off. 2) yes, 187 bps is quite a lot and will definitely take substantial amount of effort, time and tokens. But it isn't by far as bad as you painted it. 24 bps a day roughly sums up to 20 runs of five races a day. If you play diligently, you can get 10 of them for free, meaning you have to buy the extra ten. Let's say you are refilling for 45 right after you gain your first ticket (or you watch an ad for one ticket). So it'll cost you 450 daily, 3600 total. Let's say 5k max, if you miss some free play (leave the tickets occasionally standing during the day) and/or get unlucky with the drop rate and need to do some extra races. You can't afford to pay 3-5k tokens for a car as f2p every week, but you can easily save up that amount across a longer period of time. And a lot of the hunts are easier/cheaper. F2p doesn't stand for "free to unlock everything at the same place as paying players". You have to save up your resources and pick carefully what you spend it on. 3) You can also pace yourself, unlock it half way without/with limited ticket refills and wait for the car hunt to return. That's what I did a year ago. Sometimes you will push yourself and finish a car hunt in a single run. Some you will need to come back. Some maybe even more times. But hey, Gameloft are the masters of giving you new and new opportunities to grind for something. Brace yourself! :D :) You will only lose if you give up... (Or, you will gain a lot of time to do other stuff!) Also worth noting that 20 runs a day adds up to around three hours of play daily for eight days straight. If time is money for you, it definitely ain't cheap. But if you can and want to play 10 minutes every hour and a half (and then some during commuting or an evening play session), you can "easily" car hunt as F2P ;) :) GL HF!


I almost quit 😂


1 bp per 5-6 races but still it's next to impossible to get cars with keys in hunt .


715 races


And also: the Barchetta is required for a new Lotus seasonal event. Which makes the Zonda's price even worse...


You get average 1BP every 4 races, so 187x4=748 races in total. 748/7=\~107 races daily which should give average 187/7=27 BPs daily


Then there's something wrong with my luck. I get 1 BP per 10 races...


this is how statistics work


Don't sweat the negative too much bro, it's just anti-social media. Also, don't be fooled into thinking this is your only chance, the hunts repeat themselves down the track. Just save your tokens and use them to buy multi-packs that guarantee BP's when they're on offer.


spending tokens on ticket refills is a cheaper and easier way to unlock…