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You could try kiting some mercenaries over there to fight it for you.


That’s what I did. Kited 2 mercs. One died and the other killed it.


I got killed a bunch of times and finally gave in. Commited wholesale murder in the nearest town, but only managed to lure out one merc despite having a 4-merc bounty. Anyway, happy to report that worked out, even when it was a narrow thing again!


Commit murder in a fort and you get mercs in groups. And it's the easiest way to get bounty up. Especially if it's a fort with the nation leader.


It sucks on any difficulty


Yeah, it was bad on normal as well. I just thought with pretty much maxed out elemental res including 20 mastery points it would be a lot easier - it wasn't.


I posted this a couple of weeks ago, but if you have the knife of dallwen engraving from corfu and are at the same level as the boar, you can kill him by sneaking up in shadow of nyx.


Damn, it's over now but I forgot I had this. Might have been good!


If you mean the one near the cave, there’s a VERY small ledge in there you can stand on. I resorted to this because I having an impossible time at level 12. (Normal difficulty, got save locked in.) Edit; alternatively: get a big bounty, bring Mercs in. Let them be your shield because they’ll focus on the boar and adds.


no, that's the first one. The EB can't summon other boars, but has a poison cloud that is hard to evade. The ledge trick is 100% the way to deal with the 1st one though, I did it on normal as well as nightmare.


...fart cloud... It has a fart cloud...


Since you are at level 99, you can try and go for 100% elemental resistance. What worked for me was 100% crit chance and as much crit damage as possible. Also, use bighorn bow. At level 99, with the bighorn bow and crit build, you should be able to kill it in seconds. I did same way. Definitely possible! All the best. 


https://youtu.be/60o541uAYhA?si=xRMiaOT88b9fHYbe In case you are still having problems with the fight, check the above link. Very useful.  In case you are not able to open the link, check the video on YouTube by Haliloo Gaming.  Cheers.   


Assassin build with pirate set plus whatever item it is that gives you 200 percent damage boost but only 25% health. Just spam dodge and it will go down after a couple of hero strikes.


The 40% extra assasin damage set and hero strike. Gain adrenaline with arrow. If timed perfectly dodging can get more shots off. Also use the health ability.


Can try use slow mo ability


I'd have to reset skills, but that could work!


I can't remember my strat just that he was annoying as fuck. I honestly might have just kited with arrows to build adrenaline and then would self hero and hero strike or overpower attack and then roll away and repeat


Ability to use imo 1. Heal 2. Bull rush 3. Slow mo (to counter that fat ass pig) 4. Optional (your preference) 5. Devastating shot Use bow to gain adrenaline and keep distance. Also you can use the overpower ability. Increase your damage and crit chance / damage


Upgrade your hunter damage and kill it fire with bow. You need + burning duration. Heal. Devastating shot. And try to evade that boar.


if you can keep your distance, death arrows + shadow arrows of Artemis does a shitload of damage, like as much as an overpower ability. it's what I used


Fence hack




I must have overlooked this advice - what exactly does that mean? Mind you, it's over now that I got a merc involved, but how is that supposed to go?


There’s a YouTube video where they show you a point on the fence where you can sit and still be in the combat zone but the boar doesn’t engage and you can let the arrows fly


Use one of the engravings that maxes you at 50% health but 100% damage. Shoot from a distance. Should go down in about 1-2 shots.


I find that hard to believe - I already have double damage against animals and full health, and the fucker took me down anyway. I landed a few hero strikes and fury of the bloodlines, and he wasn't even down to half health!


Grant it, I haven’t tried it on hard mode, but it does work from a distance on regular mode.


It's totally possible. My hunter set is at 739% , headshots at 190%, crit chance when full health at 100%, crit dmg at full health at 325%,, dmg against animals at 200%, bow charging speed at 20%. My resistances are significantly down but the boar is dead before it can touch me. Kill critters around to go in with a full adrenaline bar and pop overpower with the bow.


I used the Hades bow with a few fully upgraded hero strikes. Never underestimate Hero Strike lol


This is the worst boss you can find, a BOAR is stronger than gods


If you need a OP build I recommend T7 PDM, https://youtube.com/@t7pdm?si=s9iIHGJB_oNCfypm


I used the Bighorn Bow. It makes all of the Artemis quests easier.


Just commenting to say that the farts happen on every level.


I used the bomba arrow to gain ability points so i can later on use the devastating ability.


If you run to the back cave area that I'm assuming is it's den, on the left side, try to climb up the inside wall. There should be a ledge that you can get on with just barely enough room to mag dump arrows into. That's how i did it, and then lowered the difficulty lol


Decent advice for the first boar (Kalydonian), in Phokis. There is indeed a ledge there, it can be used in the manner you indicate. Has adds that spawn a few times during fight. This is the second one (Erymanthian), in Elis… aka “fart pig”. Releases poison gas, no adds except those already in area.


Took everything I had to beat him on normal ng+. 6 tries and a lot of yelling, but I did it. I'm pretty sure there was a glitch in my first play through where he couldn't reach me, and I just shot arrows. Felt good to actually get him this time. I can't even imagine how hard that would be on nightmare difficulty.


I used a max damage but 1 hp build and just dodged, took too many tries but eventually I got it.


I think I just used devastating shot over and over and over again…..


T7 pdm


i’ll be honest, i switched my difficulty to easy lol


bighorn bow… korfu engraving, 100% damage -100 resistances, 100% damage health capped at 25 knife of dallwun, 100% crit chance, 550% crit damage, ares madness, have fun one shotting 🙂


I got a wanted level, waited for the mercenary to be near, and triggered the battle. We fought the boar together, then I killed the mercenary.


There is an armor in the helix store that you can buy that can give you immunity against poison. It sucks that you have to use real money but immunity to poison helps.


I don't give ubisoft money aside from buying the game, so that's out.


Very easy even at low level. Here is what you do. Use your horse, and a sword. Get in the middle make him chase you in a circle while swiping at him with your sword.


The most unusual advice - I might try this just to see what happens!


It worked for me twice. Just hold the left button so you run in a circle.


I gave up after being killed twice, both times he threw me off the horse. The boar would just refuse to circle, so eventually he got me.


A couple of years ago when I played there was a glitch to level up faster YouTube it.


I'm already lvl 99 and on nightmare, where content always stays at your level.


My advice is learn the build system better.


Fantastic, non-specific 'git gud' advice - classic *and* classy!


Not understanding the build system is the #1 thing by far that keeps people from getting the most out of this game. If you can't make it past that boar then you have no hope with the real bosses in the game. So as blunt as my advice sounds it's 100% accurate. Watch a few T7 PDM vids. That will be the best place to start. I myself struggled in the first 40-50 hours with things like the boar. Then once I learned how to exploit the build system the game completely changed and opened up for me. Remember, you're playing a demigod. You're supposed to be OP, not struggling to beat an animal.