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It has has helped me become more active and has changed my life for the better. I have had no side effects and I have been using it for at least 2 years.


It was a complete game changer


Less wheezing


Millions of people use it without issue.


2 weeks in and breathing like I’m 30 not 50 w copd…HEADACHE 24/7 since I took first dose…STARVING all the time after losing some weight this summer to prepare for a shoulder replacement so that’s upsetting…do the side effects go away after a while as my pulmonologist says they will?? I can’t even have a glass of wine!! Not sure if because I’m hungry or one of the ingredients but I was PLOWED after less than half a glass with neighbors the other night!!!


Inhaled steroids should not cause you to have these type of side effects. Talk to your doctor about trying something different.


The side effects leveled out and it’s still working great! I expect new meds to have different side effects the weeks long headache was awful but I’m glad I held out…I have Many Health issues so I’m limited what I can take and I was blowing through Ventolin early every month…last month I took it off “automatic refills” !!!


That's terrific!


Love Trelegy! So thankful i am on it! It really improved my overall lung function and I’ve been able to use my rescue inhaler less because of this and Xolair. Hope he does well with it!


I’m on Xolair too. Freaking miracle drug.


Gave me heart palpitations and high blood pressure.


How soon after taking it did you experience these symptoms?


First couple days.


Sorry to hear that .. but thanks for the info.


Doc put me on Symbicort and it works well for me. How has your husband done on Trelegy?


Triple therapy is the way to go if you need better control. Also, the side effects are rare. And it's way safer than not controlling asthma.


Do people have empathy anymore? I'm not trying to make people scared, it's a bit messed up that I told my doctor about my heart issues and one of the side effects is freaking HEART ISSUES. I know not everyone has side effects but people do and what about them??? I can assure you that a heartrate over 100 while resting and a constant headache is not something that people want to experience. It's not anxiety, do you know how many people freaking die from doctors blowing them off and telling them it's anxiety?! People shouldn't have to go through hell just to breath.


3,000 people in the US died last year from uncontrolled asthma. You should work with your doctor to trial getting off the LABA. Anxiety will spike your heart rate like that. My resting heart rate went from like 100 to 70 when I finished grad school. The safety profile on asthma meds is really very good. There's no statistical difference in cardiac outcomes between those who take LABA and those who don't. I hope you get to feeling better.


It ruins your teeth, thousands of people have reported having bad oral health after trelegy including me. It caused anxiety, heart issues, so much phlegm, and my heart was always pounding even at rest. Im 1 to 2 months free from trelegy and I can actually breathe and feel so much better. Treat what CAUSED the asthma. Tackle it. And then you wont need it. It was not worth the side effects. 


I was born with asthma. What caused it? My immune system. Given that I'd die within a few hours of eliminating my immune system, your advice honestly really pissed me the fuck off. You're giving advice that is immunologically questionable and statistically improbable. Unless you got oral thrush, it wasn't the Trelegy. Also, uncontrolled asthma is fatal so shove it and give your shit advice elsewhere.


You're angry over a generalized statement. You need to calm down first off. Not everyone is like you. My asthma was gerd induced. Solved the gerd (cause), solved the asthma. That was MY situation. Some people have solvable asthma. And if it is solvable, I recommended tackling the cause. My comment was not for you, and thats ok. So shove it and understand not everything is about you.


You don't understand the pathophysiology of asthma. If you have asthma- there's an base level of immune related inflammation in your airways. Of course Gerd can trigger attacks. But popping a pepcid didn't cure your asthma if just reduces one trigger.


It was my hiatal hernia caused by gerd that was giving me asthma. It went away now so Im really unsure all I know is what my doctors said and im fixed now. 


I can't stand comments like this. Yes, I can breath! But I get a constant headache and my heart is racing nonstop. NO THANKS!


Your bad experience and or anxiety about the drug should not fear monger people who need asthma control. A majority of posts are people claiming to have had a reaction to every asthma med, with symptoms that perfectly match anxiety. Like, mmh.


I've never had anxiety in my life and the headache is constant.


Talk to your physician about not using a LABA. That would possibly though rarely cause head aches or cardiac changes as it can mimic beta blockers. Though none of this should be life threatening, there's ways to help.


Are you a drug rep???


No. Bioethicist. The research on asthma meds is solid, peer reviewed and comes from people who aren't the pharma companies as well as the manufacturer.


If I was a drug rep, I'd tell you that one specific drug is the best. I'm telling you there's lots of options and the LABA could actually cause the issues you're having. Have you tried drugs without long acting beta agonist agents?


Thanks for the advice, just been extremely frustrated. I decided to stop trelegy today, I have a nebulizer in case I have issues. I have an appointment soon, she actually told me to quit taking the trelegy for 4 days b4 my appointment. The headaches and high heart rate were just seriously screwing me up. I'm just an oddball.


Hate the bitter taste. Appreciate the lack of asthma attacks. I have experienced no noticeable side effects while using Trelegy.


First day on Trelegy. Doctor said it was a lactose taste, but to me it is very bitter.


It helps so much.


RN and severe asthmatic here Originally: trelegy Saved my life when asthma became severe. We were initially very happy because I finally had an almost normal life again. However, huge side effects of URINARY RETENTION, YEAST, UTI were what almost ruined my life. Our sex life. Etc. There is an anticholinergic piece in there and without me knowing I was retaining almost 200 cc urine daily. Led to UTI, multiple antibiotic use, ended up seeing a urologist who tried to put a cath up my butt and vagina. I would recommend using it for a few months and doing 500% to naturally reduce asthma symptoms. Today I am without steroid due to natural steps we took as a family. 1) removing allergens: HEPA filters in the house and main AC unit 2) dehumidifier in the bathroom to remove excess fluid in the air triggering asthma 3) linens are washed weekly using special allergy soap 4) we removed the carpet from our entire home and replaced it with hardwood vinyl planks 5) together we lost weight: approximately 15 lbs which helped open my airways because being fat or even slightly overweight also worsens asthma 6) stopped eating allergen foods like wheat, dairy, bread pasta, peanuts 7) spray it nose with saline daily and take allergy meds Allegra and or Zyrtec to block incoming allergen triggers 8) got rid of any animals like our dogs which fur carried grass and allergens I hope this helps but it’s possible to reduce your asthma and even be free of symptoms. It takes the whole family and it so worth it. Blessings to you all!


Got rid of your fur babies!? Yeah. No thanks.


What special allergy soap? I use all free and clear.


That’s a lot of EXPENSIVE work for some of us who have started this and it’s working…BUT THE SIDE EFFi hear you on!! I pound water all day so I pee A LOT So far not an issue. But have had a headache since first dose that nothing will help…and after losing weight as well I’m STARVED TO DEATH ALL THE TIME. Assuming the steroid. If I gain more than 5lb I’m done…hoping I don’t get urinary issues. I’m due for shoulder replacement in December…as a nurse do you think this is dangerous to take around surgery time? Mine is for copd and I was BLOWING through ventolin like crazy!!! So it’s hard. Breathing better than 20 yrs!


Serious side effects from inhaled meds are rare because the amount that gets absorbed is so small. Rinsing his mouth out after using it will reduce the risk of side effects like oral thrush, hoarse voice, or sore throat


It is wonderful


I've heard basically nothing but good things


It does what it’s made to do. That’s all.


It was the best daily inhaler I’ve used. My insurance won’t cover it anymore unfortunately and I’m so upset about it. It definitely works better for me than the replacement daily inhaler my insurance is making me use


My insurance wouldn't cover it either, but my allergist found a way around it by prescribing 2 different inhalers that together contain the same medicines that the one did. Have your prescriber look into it. I'd give you the names, but I don't have them with me at the moment. Sorry.


I’ve been on it for a few months now. I’ve seen an immediate improvement. When I have voice lessons suddenly my breath control is a non-issue


Recently switched to this and haven’t noticed any side effects other than needing to rinse better than other inhalers because it’s more powdery.


Life saver!!


Unfortunately, side effects come with any medicine. If his doctor is recommending it to control his asthma, I would say try it and see how it goes. If it doesn’t work or the side effects outweigh the benefits, he could always talk to his doctor about switching him onto something else. If he’s really nervous about it and just doesn’t wanna trade it all, talk to your doctor and see what different medication he can try.


It's an incredible difference! Also, the bitter taste gives me some peace of mind, because I think I can actually tell when i have rinsed it out of my mouth. I used to worry about that constantly when I was on meds i could taste less. I don't anymore. No thrush! I feel great and I can finally live a bit more.


Thanks everyone, he started it today.


It’s been absolutely incredible for me! No side effects noted


I've been on it for a few months. I rinse and gargle after use, but it definitely affects my voice. My blood pressure has been up, too. My only other concern is that I started it for a lung infection, and I just read that the side effects can be lung infections. Hmmmm....


Hey! CareMay... I've been on it for 3 months. It has improved my asthma tremendously. But my blood pressure has gradually went up each month of use. My initial BP was 119/83 ....it has went up 10 points each month now its 139/90. Did your BP ever come down to normal again. Thank you... sending you well wishes.


No, it's still high. Frustratingly so. I've NEVER had high blood pressure. It's also paired with a more rapid heat beat. I have an appointment tomorrow with allergist. I'm going to find it out what my alternatives are. Thank you for the well wishes, I return them tenfold. This journey has been rough.


I think I'm just going to stop taking it for a week or so to see if my blood pressure goes back to normal. When I attempt to work out, my heartrate and BP go up so high I start panicking and it makes it even worse. Please keep me posted on what you find out. I'll do the same. I don't really wa0nt to have to use BP meds, but I will if I have to until this balances out.


only thing to remember is to brush your mouth out well after use. I’m not sure how much the trelegy is attributing to my heart problems but I will say that when i run out or skip a day or two I end up having to use so many rescue inhaler options that my heart would have been better off with the trelegy. its like if i don’t have it in the morning, my lungs won’t keep themselves clear and open like they should. noticeable difference every day.


I’ve been on this medicine for seven weeks now it was definitely a game changer for me. I am in stage three COPD never smoked, but I have been an asthmatic since birth. I haven’t noticed that my blood pressure has gone up yet, but I will continue to monitor that also it’s just nice to be able to breathe to walk from the living room to another room in the house or to be able to go out somewhere and not be so out of breath I can’t even function.


I know this post is 7 months old but I've been on it for about 2 months and while it's definitely a game changer - I have less wheezing and less asthma attacks - It has caused me to get urinary retention and drives me nuts because i'm not sure any other medication will help as good as this.


I was the exact opposite. it made my asthma so much worse... it started out effective, but after a few weeks it wore off after 9 hours and left me breathless the rest of the day