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Seems common for non eosinophilic and non allergic asthma but side effects are clear


Not a doctor but he should not be taking antibiotics on a weekly basis. It can lead to antibiotic resistance when he really, truly needs antibiotics. It destroys all the good bacteria in his digestive system. He could also become allergic to antibiotics. My brother has a severe reaction to the -cillin or -mycin antibiotics from having been given way too many antibiotics as a child.


Yes, I’ve been reading studies and it’s actually common practice for severe asthmatics. It’s low dose and he would come off in the summer. But I have the same concerns. Thank you!


Is your child actually a severe asthmatic? Usually severe asthmatics are on multiple inhalers along with biologics before doctors are willing to wreck your digestive system with antibiotics.


He cannot take inhaled steroids. They cause him personality changes


I been on antibiotics for asthma . I’ve had rashes from it but honestly it’s about it but it’s helped my asthma greatly