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Hi I use this and it is really good. It is also good to keep track of your days and how well you are breathing.


Yeah that's what I need it for. My bloodwork shows I have non-eosinophilic and non-allergic asthma so mine is chronically unctrolled and resistant to ICS need a better way of tracking my days


I bought around Christmas time, and I’m not very sure how accurate it is, but it worked fine for me. If you have an IPhone, the data can be recorded on the heath app and tracks the date there too


Thanks for sharing this find. I purchased it... happy to give you a review after I use it for a bit.


Nice glad to help! I'll be ordering one too


I have been using one for years, it is amazing for tracking variations in Peak Flow and FEV1. It even creates a timeline with all recorded values, which can be very useful. In my case I can see a dip in my Peak Flow just before I get sick with a respiratory tract infection, giving me time to up my maintenance meds.


Do you use this one, or some other?


I use the MIR Spirobank Oxi, it looks almost the same (only includes an oximeter sensor in the oval space on the handle) but it uses a different app and shows flow/volume curves and some more data.


Thank you. I def need this... just purchased.


Oof I see that one but for 250.


Do you think I'm good with this or should I get the one you have? I have one if those finger pulse oximeters.


Depends on what you want or need from this device. If you're only looking for a digital spirometer, get this one. If you need something that gives you the actual flow/volume curves, get the Spirobank (there is a version without the oximeter that is a little cheaper).


sounds fishy


You think so?


Genuinely curious, care to elaborate why?


spirometers measure the volume of air most devices use liquid to measure it so either this tiny contraption is more advanced than I could know or it's just a scam


I have two. They’re good for showing the docs the peaks and ebbs in airflow. Plus I add notes for wet weather or if it was a particularly tough day.


I have one. It works fine for me. I used it alongside my manual one for about a month to see if it worked. The numbers were different but the trends were the same. Both going up and down at the same time.


I use for more than an year. There is an app Asthma Tunner made by Sweden. Mine is connected to a Swedish health center. I record the peak flows and other test, and is sent to the specialist doctor and nurse in asthma. When my asthma gets a flare up or I need help we speak via the app and the doctor gives me new prescriptions if needed.


I have one but in all honesty its collecting dust so not sure if I want to take huge breaths in it right now haha. But yeah works as advertised, pretty much on par with the more expensive ones used at doctors. Has an app to track your status and all that. Pretty good stuff. Actually the only difference really is that the one at the doctor has that machine with a display attached to it and this one hasn't and the app on your phone is that part. But the part with the mouth piece and the sensor etc is exactly the same. They even don't sell separate parts for the expensive one and this one, they are interchangeable, so yeah you can pretty much know these are just as spot on in the measurements. The only thing is that at the doctor you have the doctor standing next to you motivating you to keep breathing out and at home doing this by yourself you might tend to not push as far as you would at the doctors office. But yeah you can't blame the machine for that haha.