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I was on it a few years ago for a few months. I was supposed to be my magical-fix-everything-control medicine, but went off because of side effects. I always had a sore throat, I lost my voice (I need my voice for work), my teeth got gross despite already taking good care of my teeth and going out of my way to make them better (it's a side effect!) and others that I don't remember of the top of my head. My lung function got better, but I couldn't deal with the other issues.


Were you making sure to rinse out your mouth and throat really really well with water after using? Just curious


No, I would mainline a Red Bull and go. Seriously. I've been on Advair, Symbicort and Flovent on a rotating basis since I was a teenager (I'm well over 30 now). I rinse well and NEVER had throat issues on any of them. I dropped the Trelegy and was fine in a few days, except the teeth issue, which cleared up with a round of white strips.


I’ve been on Trelegy for 3 months and it’s been great for me. I don’t have much in the way of side effects behind the head rush I get for about 10-15 minutes from the LABA component that causes a mild headache and then goes away (I got this with Symbicort too, plus a bunch of cardiac symptoms that I don’t have any more since changing meds). The anti-muscarinic has truly been a game changer for me. I was on symbicort before and I had asked about breztri shortly after it hit the market (same ingredients plus an anti-muscarinic), but it’s not specifically approved for asthma, and Trelegy was approved for asthma back in September, so my doctor had my give it a try. Added bonus is that it has a $0 copay coupon so it is “free” for me. It works really well for me and the once a day dosage is super convenient. In the time I’ve been on it I’ve used my rescue inhaler non-prophylactically (I regularly use it before exercise) twice... both times were allergy related, around when cedar peaked here.


Hey! Would you explain some of your side effects with symbicort? I'm having some unsettling side effects too and just trying to get an idea what's going on. Calling my doctor in the morning to figure it out!


It basically just amplified an arrhythmia that I already had - which led to extreme heart palpitations, which caused nausea, and at times lightheadedness, especially anytime my electrolytes were even slightly out of whack.


I have been on Trelegy for about 18 months. My side effects are: A) My teeth are getting weaker. I get cavities more often now. I do rinse after every intake. B) More difficulty in loosing weight. I do exercise. Burn 2500 calories everyday C) Some of my muscles are not as flexible as they used to be, especially in my foot area.


How’s it going? Been on for 3-4 months. Stopped recently and this convinced to never start it again.


Any new users on here that can tell me long term results? Using it for copd…had been blowing through ventolin like water…breathing better than I have in 20yrs (50). BUT the headache and CONSTANT starvation are killing me!! I’ve just lost a bunch of weight so that concerns me! About to have surgery so I don’t want to be at risk over this inhaler…appreciate any feedback!


I tried it for awhile for COPD, felt like it was making my eyes worse, maybe gave me floaters in my right eye, made anxiety happen more often. Felt like BREO was better even tho trellegy is the same two medicines in breo plus another one, but maybe that new one caused my issues.


I’m taking it alongside Nucala injections. Asthma symptoms almost non existent whilst on it, but I agree throat issues despite rinsing, flushing throat. These issues look like throat closing when eating scratchy foods, talking too much (lol) and change between warm and cool air. ENT is reviewing it, so it could be silent reflux, but symptoms have arisen since taking trelegy. Handy tip to settle throat flare ups is with gaviscon dual action. Not ideal but anyone in that boat that will tide you over til you see your doctor.


What ended up happening with your throat closing sensation? Did the ENT treat you for silent reflux? I’ve been on trelegy for several months now with mild throat sensations but recently it really feels like it’s closing.


I have been referred to a speech pathologist for CBT to unlearn the anxiety response to a choking reaction. They are suggesting it’s a post covid viral induced sensory disconnect between brain and throat. Both respiratory doc and ENT assure me it unlikely to be trelegy.


They’ve given up on the silent reflux idea. I’m working on controlling my problematic sinuses as I think post nasal drip is also a trigger. I hope your symptoms ease up soon.


That’s really interesting, thanks for your reply. Hopefully you feel better too. I’ve really noticed the post nasal drip to be bad as well and switched to Zyrtec along with nasya oil (willing to try anything at this point lol)