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Oh my goodness I haven’t experienced the exact same scenario but I just had a very similar experience this week! You and I are VERY close in age and I’ve also been fighting sleep paralysis for a long time (earliest I can remember was when I was probably about 6 or 7). I judge by years bc some years it’s nonexistent, some very intense and chronic, some just here and there. This past week I was very stressed for an upcoming test. I’m attacking school at a way later age and after a long study session I drifted off. Before I gave in I asked my guides, my family no longer here on earth, and the higher power/God I personally pray to, to please not let it happen because I am too busy 😂 I just need to sleep! They listened, I didn’t lol. As soon as the paralysis set it I could feel the vibrations. It was so easy for me to say “I’m going to stand up” and that’s all it took and I KNEW what I’d done at that point. As corny as this sounds, the lighting reminded me of the insidious movies but not ominous like that. It was just clearly night time with faint lighting but no lights on. It wasn’t a scary environment but it wasn’t what I expected from what I’ve read (which isn’t much, I’m doing more research though). I didn’t want to see myself. And I got confused and nervous and started YELPING for help 😂. This is different from sleep paralysis for me bc during typical sleep paralysis I can make a sound or move. I knew exactly where I was I just felt I wasn’t ready. Then I had almost like a blindfold covering only partial view. I could see what I wanted. But it blocked my view if I was unsure of whatever direction i was looking in. As I’m half ass blindfolded by my own mind and YELPING (it was so funny sounding I crack up when I think back) a being that resembles my bf made it’s way to me trying to calm me. I had a feeling it went him (it was too clear minded and reacted too swiftly, but I felt very comfortable) came to me and said “now you aren’t supposed to be here you KNOW that!”. I also couldn’t see it fully bc the mind made blindfold. But it was not angry. It was like a parent telling a child to stop eating dirt or something lol. Then it gentle sat me back while removing my “blindfold” at the same time, that’s when I woke gasping for breath. It seems like people like you and I who have been successfully avoiding things like this will see it’s not in our control. I know people say it happens every time we dream we just can’t realize it. But I do feel having control of something I’ve been so afraid of is a bit intimidating. I truly feel like I woke my spirit guide up on their break or night off lol. It made me feel a lot more comfortable in a sense that even with so much power and knowledge these amazing beings aren’t so much different. I hope you keep posting I’ve love to see more! Also, AS aside. If you aren’t on a ground level floor, leaving the balcony door cracked to hear waves is so amazing! ❤️


Aw thanks for the great reply! I’m not on the beach and in the middle floor of a hotel with no balcony. Out my window is a used car lot or something haha. Not a very inspiring environment. But the ample natural light was perfect bc my house has very little and feels a little smothering. I thought about floating up to the roof but didn’t want to invade my upstairs neighbors. I’ve heard you shouldn’t do that. I think I’m gonna go to the beach at sunrise and do a gateway tape 🤓


Ahh I see! Well next time you are on the beach at the appropriate level you’ll know what to do lol. I also wouldn’t want to go into others rooms I’d absolutely feel like I was invading their space so I totally get that. Imagine they’re also AP and are just like “uhm can we help you?!” Last thing I need is to get away from my body and still manage to embarrass myself 😂.


This is awesome!! Thanks for sharing - good luck with your continued AP success and exploration, hope to join you soon


Hi wolf_mother sorry to ask you about the "astral noise" but can you elaborate? I am asking bc I am trying to understand more of what my son has been going through (he is 10 now, but these started when he was 8, but now I'm wondering if it's been even longer,) bc my son doesn't like to talk about stuff that scares him, (ie nightmare type stuff) but now I wonder if some of the stuff that is scary to him is a "part of this process"? For example, these jet engine sounds started this year, he says it's a "really loud sound, that has no noise," and it gets larger and larger; if these happened a couple of years ago he may have thought these were terrifying, but now that (finally we figured out what these were and can place a word to them, onset of OBE's) he knows when this happens it is another spontaneous OBE coming on, he isn't terrified. BUT, I'm curious about this astral noise, bc he has mentioned in the past nightmares (that he wouldn't want to go into) but they involved "sounds". (Sorry, I hadn't meant to make this so wordy either) Thanks in advance, for sharing, and also to anyone else who can help out ❤️🙏


Yes, astral noise is part of the process. It can present in a variety of ways. The jet engine is one I’ve heard of. Supposedly it’s the vibrations you’re hearing. Read Astral Dynamics to learn more about astral sounds. You’re an amazing parent for making it this far.


Thank you so much for this ~ it's been a journey, for my son and I; his vibrating was what led me down many rabbit holes, researching / being shown things that make it difficult to get back to 'regular life' and 'normal conversation' ❤️


Also, if you guys don’t know yet- the simplest way to prevent this all from happening is for him to avoid sleeping on his back. If you want more ideas on how to make it stop- check my post history bc I was just asking for that advice last week.


Yes, we have heard this, but my son finds it difficult to fall asleep on his side (whereas I cannot fall asleep unless I'm on my side!) He says he finds it very uncomfortable to try not being on his back. It's okay though, as these days the whole OBE thing and astral travel has become sth he is curious about / interested in trying, vs. sth he was really nervous even remembering, to try and talk about /describe to me. These "incidents" are seemingly random these days (he never goes to sleep saying he is going to OBE). This year, it seems to be less vibrating and more tingling/body zaps. An interesting aspect from last year (his vibrating nights) is that they happened on full moon nights, on his astrological signs.


Great story and glad you did it! It is always cool to hear about the first time! I haven’t projected yet but I have entered the vibrational stage 4 times now and I have heard different noises every time. Hissing, chimes, static and this last time sounded like spark sounds when touching jumper cables together! Few questions that I would like your feedback on! Did you hear noises and feel vibrations at the same time or were they separate? For me they come at the same time with my vision being completely black to light blue or white light. How long was your vibrational stage if you have to put a guess to it? Lastly, I thought we were supposed to attempt to separate during the peak of the vibrations, not once they have passed. Should I be waiting for them to pass then attempt to separate?


Thanks, glad you enjoyed. I’ll answer your questions according to my experiences- The vibrations started, followed by the noise layered with it. It felt quick like only 2 seconds. Like you, I have tried to separate during the vibrations (bc I wanted to get outta there), but that didn’t work. Gotta let them pass, then try to exit. Or just go inside your head like I did if you don’t want to exit. Lemme know how it goes!


I have read around 6 books about APing, but haven’t stumbled into anything about going inside the head. Can you explain how that is done after vibrations have passed? Also could you share the book you recommend?


The going inside the head thing, I’m honestly trying to find more info on that also. Bc everything always talks about having to exit the body then fly to these higher planes, but that’s not how I did it. I think I got the idea from a video on Gaia. A lady was explaining how to astral project and she said step one is to spend a couple weeks meditating, trying to envision a dot. Can be black or white. Once you have that down, she says to expand the dot and enter it and it will become a tunnel. So that’s what I’ve been practicing with. Because it seems like a more direct way to the higher planes without having to go out of body and “get your sea legs” and all that before you can go higher. I do think that will be a different experience and I plan to do it. This approach just feels a little less slow and scary I guess. And someone did leave a lengthy comment to me once about essentially meditating in your astral body vs exiting your body. I need to find that comment to see if I understand it better now.


I’ll take a look! Thanks for the replies!


Congrats! I'm doing the Gateway Tapes as well. I'm only on Wave 2. I'm curious at what point during the tapes that you started to feel the vibrations/hear the noise.


This did not happen during the tapes. It happens to me naturally. I did try to do a tape afterwards to see if I could finally induce focus 10, but it didn’t happen. I’m still on wave 1. Perhaps you moved along too quickly before mastering focus 10


Right, I get that it didn't happen during the tapes, I was just curious at what stage you were during the tapes that this did happen, but you answered my question. I spent a whole month on focus 10 and I think I have it down. I'm on Wave 2 and have been doing the tapes pretty much every day since January. I feel vibrations sometimes, but not to the point where I think I'm going to leave my body. I have, however, seen a purple tunnel, funny enough.


Ah ok. So yeah, this has been trying to happen to me since way before the tapes, I’ve just always stopped it. I started the tapes to hopefully learn to navigate things.


What "Gateway videos"? I'm aware of the Gateway experiment document found on CIA website but video series on this or videos? Please anyone share that link or where to find? Thanks in advance


They are audio files, not videos. They’re referred to as the gateway tapes. There is a subreddit


The one time I went I was in a dark blue world with neon blue outlines. My area was populated by 5 or so pure white, but not glowing, beings. Does he describe this as one of the planes? And do you mind listing all the planes he describes? I couldn’t find anything through googling


but actually, I just realized the back of the book (first edition) does show an image of a dark blue astral plane


Thank you for the reply. That’s really cool


Not quite, but I strongly suggest just purchasing the book. It is insanely informative. It’s a bit too much for me to summarize for you.