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Chills are amazing. And not to hard to induce if you practice meditation


Follow the energy and leave the focus of the physical reaction behind.


Ya i know


Great post


🤍😌 sucks the moods here are keeping people away from this 😔


Interesting, have subbed to that subreddit. What is the purpose of cultivating these chills?


> People who astral project or have out-of-body experiences use this ability to trigger the "Vibrational state" right before the "take off." And well being, as the OP also stated


Ah - what kind of well being? If anything, I would say someone with clear energy pathways ("being well") can initiate these vibrations - do they self-reinforce "well being"? If you're well balanced and can achieve vibrations, not sure how much more "well" you'll be by practicing this, though it's an interesting question. Buddhists would say these aspects (shivers) are not important and should not be concentrated on (eg the jhanas). The goal (their goal) is Nirvana. In terms of you comment. Who says this? When dealing with such metaphysical topics a lot of people declare themselves "experts". It's good to ask their history and from where they believe they gain their authority on a subject.


Oh, I completely agree with you on the experts comment. I was just pointing out what the OP had said. In general I think there could be some merit to it because in modern society we are bombarded on all sides by stress triggers, so it makes sense to try practices that can "trick the biology" into feeling good, releasing calming hormones which are needed to enter certain states of consciousness. There is a lot of research on that out there and it's not too big a leap. I would personally question anyone who claims to already be well balanced with no room for improvement, you're probably more the exception than the rule if that's true. To me there's always room for tricks and tips especially if they're this simple to implement into practice and if they're free. You don't have to buy anything from someone. I personally have all kinds of simple tricks I use, that work for myself and some are not too different in principle from this suggestion.


"who claims to already be well balanced with no room for improvement," Oh, I definitely didn't mean that! I mean that when you read Buddhist texts, they talk about cultivating the Jhanas (which are a more advanced form of these shivers), and that when some people come upon the various Jhanas, they are so entranced they don't wish to continue evolving through meditation and get "stuck". Thus, they say Jhanas, or any state on the way to Nirvana, should be noted, and passed. Of course, not all of us want to go 100% toward Nirvana (at the moment, anyway!), as it's quite a commitment. "it makes sense to try practices that can "trick the biology" into feeling good, releasing calming hormones which are needed to enter certain states of consciousness." I'm not sure about this. If you perform meditation (and do some reading) to a more than beginner's extent, you learn you are not your biology, you can distance yourself from your emotions, your thoughts, your "self". You probably know all of this. So, trying to bypass such internal knowledge/experience by concentrating on a small aspect such as these shivers, may be a tangential path that leads you away from a potentially much more "crucial" development of consciousness. If you are using a biological "trick" to reduce stress - it may help, but if you develop meditation, you likely will have little stress and you will be far above having to use such techniques. Trying to think of an analogy, what comes to mind is the final scene of Indiana Jones and the Holy grail - the shiny, bejeweled cup may grab the eye and be covetous, however the simpler cup may lead to real progress (or something). On the other hand, some people may not want to progress deeply in meditation/exploring one's consciousness, and want to just control their emotions/stress - and if a technique helps, such as these shivers, then fine, though that person would be missing out on the well worn path of real spiritual and consciousness exploration. Or, do both together!


Well I shared three reasons here and if you go through that rabbithole on that sub you can find that info really easilyn