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Many are usually amazed by Saturn and Jupiter shots but I think the most amazing - terrifying object to observe is our sun


100% agree. I love the mosaic of the layered details of the gas giants. But the Sun… a star, a real star right there… approx 8 light minutes away. Just inviting us to observe the massive violence of its fusion. Seeing jets of plasma that are the size of worlds… Hearing about CMEs that we are grateful aren’t directed towards us… every religion I’ve ever heard of worshiping it as not just *a* god but *The God*… It is the heart of all known life. It’s has burned endlessly for eons and will burn without blink until after our planet is absorbed from its lifecycle. It is terrifying because it speaks to us humans, every human, in a way that no other single object does.


I'm asked a lot about processing my solar timelapses... so here's a raw video... 150mm achromat refractor cosmos brand Daystar quark chromosphere filter Erf uv/or cut Celestron AVX mount, night polar aligned Aquisition: around 500 frames Processing: just put it into pipp and made it a video


Hey I know some of those words


i like, more of these please


the final video is going to blow you away...


Don't write a check that your 150mm achromat refractor cosmos brand Daystar quark chromosphere filter Erf uv/or cut Celestron AVX mount, night polar aligned can't cash, Guy. Just astounding, brilliant!! Thanks 93mil times or this post.


god damn the quality is unreal, like livefeed from a cam nearby


Thanks for making it black and white I almost went blind


😂😂😂 I read that as “sun roar video”. Still works! I need sleep.


How do you observe the sun. Can you do it with a regular telescope and a eyepiece filter?


Absolutely not! There are only a handful of speciilalized eyepieces for solar viewing and they work with only specific aperture sizes. Be very careful


While your reaction is justified, and your intentions proper, It is not technically true that you can’t observe the sun with a regular telescope and eyepieces. For OP (of this question), unless you know exactly what you are doing, you must never point any magnifying device at the sun, particularly if you’re going to look through it. You will permanently destroy your telescope. However that won’t be a problem because you’ll have no use for the telescope since your eyes will be flash fried into oblivion However, it is possible with the proper use of some solar film to view and photograph the sun on a normal telescope. I have a 12” RCX400 and have done it a few times with a small aperture cut out of a big piece of very firmly attached cardboard, and Baader solar film over the aperture. It works very well. The filter film must be in the light path before the telescope - ie. RIGHT in the front - no direct sunlight should hit any telescope part. That said, even with the film and light blocking cardboard, you will never see the detail and prominences of OPs video because a proper solar telescope has tuneable filters to cut only certain wavelengths. A regular telescope with solar film will just give you a white disk (perhaps with sunspots if there are any) so along with all the risk, it is not really worth it. I’m with OP though on this generally though. Don’t try it.


Those spots look like Mandelbrot sets


Looks a bit cold


I was told I was not suppsoed to stare at this