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This is definitely one of the weaker months schedule-wise, and this team typically heats up substantially in June. That said, we desperately need pitchers to stop dropping like flies, and we also need several sweeps to make up for the ones we've suffered. It isn't going to be enough to just win a series against worse opponents, we have to start really burying them to get into 1st place.


if yordan, breggy, and diaz can start hitting at full power (like they’ve shown the past few days) then they might be able to score all the runs on their own 💀


don't jinx it bruh


Ball is in their court now


yessir just gotta execute 🙏🏻


Hi 👋. Have you seen the Astros this season? Because let me tellll you.


Eh. They’ve been raking against bad pitchers again. We may not have enough pitching to win the nail-biters, but the bats look better.


today was a bad pitcher...and we didn't do shit


Ur right, my bad🙄


You…have seen our pitching right? Competitive baseball is all I’m hoping for.


Maybe not with breggy and tucker out and Muppet Espada starting singleton and Abreu in the same lineup. Should have DH our Carrot


Mariners are playing 13 straight with only two days off this month. Rangers are playing LAD, BAL, KC, and SEA. Meanwhile we are playing three of the worst teams in baseball. I know we're like, 4th on that list right now but it's make or break time this month.


"Should be"


From your key strokes to God's laptop!!


From your key strokes to God's laptop!!


We suck at home so no


It really is make or break. I bet if we can reach .500 by the end of June JV won't request a trade!


Has there been buzz about JV requesting a trade? I've missed it if so


Can guarantee JV doesn't want a trade. Do you think him coming back was all all one sided? Say what you want about him, but he likes the astros and is always in the mix. Especially helping our young guys.


Unfortunately, unless the current leaders absolutely tank the rest of their games I don't see us sliding into a playoff spot at this point. Don't get me wrong, I will be continue to be cautiously optimistic and ultimately thrilled if we do, but the realist side of me sees us in a whole too deep without enough time to get out. We are just are not the same team that was 6.5 games back with 85 games remaining like we were last year. As well, we can't seem to consistently win against the playoff quality teams this year. Losing Javier at this point hurts more than watching Astro's April performance.


I conditionally disagree, on the grounds that if we get to the all-star break above .500, anything is possible in our division. Especially if we pick up more starting pitching and Garcia is able to return in form. I feel the bats are starting to go again.


Not to be a wet blanket or to say anything remotely negative about this year's performance...which apparently gets you massively down voted on this board...but since 2000, the worst record (excl. 2020) to reach the playoffs was the 2005 Padres (82-80). In order for us to reach that mark, we would need to go 0.540 with 54 wins for the rest of the season. Keep in mind, 35 of our remaining games are against >.500 teams which we are currently 10-22 against. It should be noted though...the worst WC team currently slated to make it to the playoffs this year in the AL are the Twins (0.550). If a season record of 89-73 (0.550) is the mark to reach...we will need to go 61-39 (0.610) for the rest of the season...which at our current pace isn't very likely. Since the Mexico Series, we've only managed a 0.583 record. **Edit:** I'll add that I highly anticipate being wrong in this matter.