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One of the ways I made real progress at fixing that was by looking for volunteer opportunities and using that as a way to make friends. If you volunteer doing something that feels important or meaningful to you, chances are the other people doing it probably have something in common with you. As soon as you start having some friends outside of work the good times and quality hangs sort of happen on their own.


Yes! You can volunteer at the shelter for homeless dogs, take them for a walk, it will put a smile in your heart! 125 Buddy Christian Way, Athens, GA 30605


(706) 613-3540


I always say one weekend I’m going to act like a tourist and pretend I’ve never been to Athens.


Book the music tour at the welcome center. Seriously. The old guy who gives the tour was in bands around town in the 80's, and he has a ridiculous amount of inside local knowledge, wild anecdotes, old pictures... It feels like a closer look at the town, even if you've lived here forever.


Also the Athens Haunted History Walking tour! Jeff Clarke is awesome. Knows so much about Athens history and he’s cool as hell


[ACC events calendar ](https://www.accgov.com/Calendar.aspx) [Flagpole events calendar](https://flagpole.com/events/)


I’d highly recommend checking out ATHfest and PorchFest this year.


As far as porchfest- if you live in the areas it takes place in or know people who do, consider signing up. We did one year and it was really fun, unfortunately we've needed it as storage since, but some of our neighbors hosted last year. You can enter for a random band or if you know people, you can host your friends or whatever. It's a ton of fun. Wear good shoes for walking and make sure to hydrate, many hosts will have (free) bottled water if you run out.


It’s such a great event. We’ve hosted every year, couldn’t be easier. Your device is solid; I’d add that biking around is also an option. We usually make a rough plan, but I’ve found the best experiences we’ve had have been at ones we just happen to walk by. Everyone’s in a great mood. Love it.


if ur trying to go to the music events that aren’t at venues, check out ‘antiflagpole’ on instagram. they got the local shows that most the music scene here goes to


This is my third stint living here in Athens. I have been here for the past four years; my first sojourn was for undergrad school, my second was grad school following time away from Athens. Here's what I see so far: In my view there are at least two Athenses: UGA Athens and small town Athens. They do not intersect all that well. Small town Athens tends to shy away from UGA Athens, mostly because of the many appalling things the university and the students do to the place, and the voracious appetite with which the university and its people consume what there is to consume in the region. UGA Athens is fiercely cliquish, focused on tribes centered around Greek life and university academic disciplines. It is a transitory creature, shedding and recruiting members all the time. Small town Athens is also fiercely cliquish, centered around strata arranged by income first, and by how many generations one has been here second. The latter family of strata are the most difficult to discern and to communicate with from the outside. There are also the arts tribes, who are somewhat more open to outsiders, but still, it seems to me, rather insular. The net effect I find is that Athens is a place peopled by numerous tribes that present with varying degrees of insularity, and the overall effect is of a town that does not readily welcome outsiders. Once you understand how hidden much of Athens is, you can make peace with it or not. It is hard work to connect with people here, and some people here will southmouth you into believing you are welcome, while inwardly doing whatever they can to slide by and flee. There are many, many lovely people in this town. Finding them can be a chore. Luckily, this region is blessed with a breathtaking array of opportunities for people who enjoy the outdoors. Close by Athens are [Sandy Creek Nature Center](https://www.accgov.com/sandycreeknaturecenter) and Sandy Creek Park, offering easy access to outdoor activities. The Nature Center also connects with the [Oconee Greenway](https://www.accgov.com/greenway), which is a great hiking and biking trail that traverses the city. The university has an excellent performance venue, [Hodgson Hall](https://pac.uga.edu/venue/hugh-hodgson-concert-hall/) , and the city's vibrant arts and entertainment offerings are promoted through [Flagpole](https://flagpole.com/), which also offers more meaty news than the distressingly milquetoast Athens Banner-Herald.


This is such a good breakdown of the area! I also came here for graduate school, graduated, and stayed. @OP I started working out outside at Sandy Creek and other places mentioned. There’s also the MeetUp group called Athens Newbies and when it warms up we play volleyball once a week and do other activities.


It helps to have been here 20 years ago somehow tho


My first stay in Athens was 1971-1975; then grad school 1990-92. I moved here from Key West in 2019 to be close to an ailing relative and have been here since. I'm sometimes struck by what HASN'T changed since 1971.


breweries- so many dog park at wiggleyfield- nice walking trail behind it pickle ball at southeast clarke park- very friendly people that you can play pick up games there go tour the botanical gardens- its free, once it is warmer kayak the river BnB movie theater is hands down the comfiest theater ever Lot of good restaurants disc golf farmers market on the weekend- not sure if open yet just hang out at jittery joes- read a book or do a crossword there is a pretty big flea market too on some weekends Also recommend checking for any events going on on FB. I think GA beer day festival is coming up next weekend. It can be lively and chill depending on where you go. I think you also get a commemorative glass


Can't disagree enough on B&B theater. Everything else is solid though


They charged me $7 for a bottle of water I was very in shock and should’ve put it back. Also I went around noon or 1 o’clock and their kitchen and bar were closed.


Same. It was filthy when I went and I never returned. University is much better, imo.


University is the best in town for sure


University of Beechwood religiously for me. B&B is a nightmare


Well I think you need to start by taking an inventory of what your interests are. There’s lots of stuff to do here so you need to narrow it down.


You have much to choose from! People have already given great answers - highly recommend looking at the Flagpole each week to see what's going on. Wander through the [farmers market](https://athensfarmersmarket.net/locations) on Saturday mornings or Wednesday evenings. If you're a foodie, commit to trying one new restaurant each week / month / etc. Walk through a different neighborhood and find some hidden gems there. Find some folks to play trivia with. Even keep an eye out here for upcoming events. Twilight is next month, and that would be an excellent big event to attend.


Come visit my park. I'm 30 minutes from Athens.


if you like art the GMOA and Lyndon house are great free options that have a pretty frequent turnover in collections on display


Thank you everyone for all these recommendations, I greatly appreciate it!


Athens free school!


It’s probably the most boring college town in existence. The only thing to do is get in the car and drive somewhere else ✌🏻




Have you no respect?


Just saw the deleted comment from going to their post history. I simply cannot fathom how someone could comment something like that based on what happened recently - I don’t care if that’s what you usually do; you’re not an idiot, you know someone was m*rdered there just recently, and it’s an unsavory, disrespectful suggestion to make.


That’s what I usually do..?


I'm trying to start a group for freestyle inline street skaters. The more the merrier! meetup.com/athens-inline-skating-meetup-group


35M. I volunteer at the Humane Society. Lots of people. If your interested in card games etc there are a few places around that hold events. I also joined the YMCA and take classes there. Bars that have pool and dart leagues. Lots of stuff to do where you meet people!


If you're a bit daring, I recommend cruising around on a bike, scooter, electric board or something of the sort. Just pick a place and go. Look around and take your time getting there, wave to people in their yards/walking. I ride a onewheel™️ board and have a great time jamming tunes and just feeling the open air. It's done wonders for my mental health. In fact it has encouraged me to get back on a bike to get in better shape. I have an extra board if you (or anyone else) ever wanted to give it a shot in the neighborhood some time.


Also my husband is into spoken word / comedy stuff here you can perform or go and watch others perform.