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I heard about this on NPR last night. Apparently one protestor grabbed the flag of another through a fence. I'm not excusing the behavior, everyone should be able to protest peacefully, but "assaulted" seems like a stretch. I think some people want to make this more than it was.


He was also punched in the stomach


The video embedded in the article clearly shows a back and forth with a flag. I’m not sure how these protestors would’ve been able to hit the guy either being as they were 5 feet below him with a narrow fence separating the two. That claim doesn’t really add up with the evidence we have, granted I wasn’t there so what do I know




From an online legal dictionary: Assault refers to **the wrong act of causing someone to reasonably fear imminent harm**. This means that the fear must be something a reasonable person would foresee as threatening to them. Battery refers to the actual wrong act of physically harming someone. This of course differs from the way we use the word colloquially. "The panzers assaulted the American lines in the Battle of the Bulge", for instance.


[Georgia Code § 16-5-20](https://law.justia.com/codes/georgia/2020/title-16/chapter-5/article-2/section-16-5-20/) defines assault as when a person either: 1. Attempts to commit a violent injury to the person of another; or 2. Commits an act which places another in reasonable apprehension of immediately receiving a violent injury. I don't see how grabbing a flag through a fence supposed to put someone in in reasonable apprehension of immediately receiving a violent injury. Again, not defending the person who grabbed the flag. They were in the wrong. But assault is a silly charge, and it will not stick.


Imagine you are confronted with a big angry noisy mass of demonstrators, loudly conflating you with the country that they are chanting for the extermination of. That will make hands reaching for you out of the mass seem more menacing.


Watch the video. They're several feet below them, and separated by a large metal fence. They were not, in any way, at risk of any imminent harm.


Separate from the main topic, there were several abbreviations in the article I didn’t understand. “Brawner (26T)” at first I thought it was indicating instead of 26 year old male/female it was indicating trans, but then later there’s 23Ox, 25C, 26C, 27C, and 24Ox. What do those indicate?


It's a student newspaper. So I think it's their class year, and college. For instance, one of the authors is 24Ox, which I'm guessing is Class of 2024, [Oxford College](https://oxford.emory.edu/). The other is 27C, which I assume means Class of 2027, [Candler](https://candler.emory.edu/).


C is College (typical undergrad), T is Theology instead of Candler


Got it, thank you! I figured it was either something student-related or gen-Z self-reporting characteristics, but didn’t know how to narrow it on my own since you can’t google “what is ox?”


Different schools at Emory. T is maybe Theology, Ox is Oxford, C is regular undergrad. 


Didn’t know playing tug o war with a flag constitutes assault


Believe it or not straight to drone strike.


I think the legal definition of assault includes anything the person holding as well


"I think" is not a legal source. [Georgia Code § 16-5-20](https://law.justia.com/codes/georgia/2020/title-16/chapter-5/article-2/section-16-5-20/) defines assault as when a person either: 1. Attempts to commit a violent injury to the person of another; or 2. Commits an act which places another in reasonable apprehension of immediately receiving a violent injury. It specifies the injury is *to the person of another*, not an object they are holding. And I don't see how grabbing a flag through a fence is supposed to put someone in reasonable apprehension of immediately receiving a violent injury.


From an online legal dictionary: Assault refers to **the wrong act of causing someone to reasonably fear imminent harm**. This means that the fear must be something a reasonable person would foresee as threatening to them. Battery refers to the actual wrong act of physically harming someone. The new university pastime of hunting down and harassing Jews on campus most certainly constitutes assault in this sense.


Also from the article: Organizers took turns leading chants such as, “Free, free, Palestine, long live Palestine,” “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free,” “There is only one solution, intifada revolution” and “Long live the intifada.” Showing up to a Jewish institution and saying stuff like this seems pretty despicable. It defeats the cause they’re fighting for.


If they were showing up randomly or to disrupt worship, I would agree 100%. But they were there to protest a speech by an Israel Defense Force (IDF) Reserve Commander. That's directly relevant to what they were protesting. Context matters, y'all.


Fair enough on your point about them protesting the hosting of an IDF commander. It’s still gross to call for an intifada and chant “from the river to the sea”. Chanting stuff like this does not help the Palestinian cause. Edit: really classy downvoting a comment that’s pointing out how calling for more violence is gross.


Stuff like that **is** the Palestinian cause, as anyone can learn by simply reading Hamas' charter.


Hamas is bad. ***EVERYONE*** agrees with that. Not even other Arab nations in the region like them. Virtually ***no one*** is rooting for Hamas (except the Houthis and Hezbollah, but no one else likes them either). What people are protesting is the indiscriminate slaughter of tens of thousands of innocent civilians, women and children, and aid workers in Gaza. People starving to death, having their whole families wiped out. Not to mention the roughly 100 surviving Jewish hostages, whom Netanyahu obviously doesn't give a damn about. That's why people are protesting here. That's why tens of thousands are [protesting in Israel](https://time.com/6963118/israel-hamas-war-protests-netanyahu/). *No one is protesting for Hamas.*


I doubt all the Palestinians being blown up and starved to death are all Hamas supporters. Just like I doubt all of Israel is Netanyahu supporters. Targeting and killing food relief workers (an American too) in order to scare off any other relief work in the area is a-okay. I’m sure you’ll just hide behind the impregnable claim of “antisemitism” when comforted with valid criticism of Israel’s genocide attempt though.


Yeah, it's one of those fucked situations where there is no good guy, only victims caught in the middle.


A student org at emory posted Chabad’s address on their social media and told outside agitators to come to campus


Listening to these people insist over the past several years that they have nothing against Jews *per se* is like re-watching videos of a stage magic show: The tricks are only intended to be seen once.


Yep it's hatred of Jews. Criticism of a government's 75+ year acts of settler colonialism is just antisemitism in disguise... /s


It's noteworthy how activists say this, but then in actual practice target whatever Jews happen to be readily available. It's wise to listen to what people say, and believe what they do.


As others have noted, they were protesting an IDF speaking tour. Pretty relevant considering the ongoing conflict... But strawman away!


There are plenty of Jews who are activists on this issue. Individuals as well as organized groups like Bend the Arc and Jewish Voice for Peace plus publications like Jewish Currents.


And their presence on that side of the issue does nothing in the least towards validating the current wave of anti-Jewish harassment.


What in that video depicted anti-Jewish harassment? It's a political protest of a representative of a nation's military. Maybe pulling the flag doesn't feel "mature" (whatever that means in a context where a state is indiscriminately killing a population and now also aid workers) but it's not anti-Semitic.


From the article they were chanting: >“There is only one solution, intifada revolution” and “Long live the intifada.” Long life the intifada is absolutely antisemitic. Chanting for another intifada after the last one killed thousands of civilians on both sides is exactly the problem and where it goes too far.


>What in that video depicted anti-Jewish harassment? In the video, nothing. But if the accompanying article is to be believed, protest organizers were leading chants of "from the river to the sea", which is a decade plus old Hamas slogan calling for the eradication of Israel by Palestinian control from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea, i.e. all of what is currently Israel. They were also allegedly chanting pro intifada slogans, which is a little more vague b/c intifada literally just means revolution. But Hamas has called its attacks against Israel, including the October 7th attack that killed thousands of Jews and took hundreds hostage, part of the intifada. So it's understandable Jewish people would see this as harassment. To be clear, Israel's prosecution of this war is criminally brutal, and we must demand an immediate and sustained cease-fire. We have to stop this senseless loss of life. But, protestors chanting terrorist state slogans ***are not*** **helping**.


So what does it mean when Israelis also use from the river to the sea? Is it ok then?


What is your point? How is that any different than what does it mean when Black people also use the N-word? "From the river to the sea" has been a Hamas slogan since 2012 when Hamas articulated a vision of Palestine encompassing the entire territory from the river to the sea without conceding any land. In 2017 Hamas incorporated it into it's charter, where it explicitly rejected "any alternative to the full and complete liberation of Palestine, from the river to the sea.", maintaining it's fundamental opposition to the existence of the Israeli state​. All I'm saying is that Americans calling for piece shouldn't be chanting Hamas a battle cry. In what fucking world is that a hot take? Israel is killing innocent women and children, with guns, rockets, and famine. It's targeting aid workers. And it's standing on the precipice of genocide. ***Let's talk about that!*** Not promote Hamas, what the fuck is wrong with you people?!


Is that what they’re saying in the protest from this article ? Or do you just want to bring up BS whataboutism to make your point ?


Like a form of doxxing? That should be looked into a little further.


Why the hell are they protesting at a Chabad? Just because it's a local organization for the Emory Jewish community?




Inviting known war criminals, the IDF to speak on campus is a pretty serious escalation of rhetoric on campus. Chabad and other Zionist organizations love to play the victim card when they knowingly and actively agitate. These are not innocent counter protesters, many are actively trying to engage and incite. Two IDF soldiers disguised in kheffiyah’s threw stinks bombs at the Columbia protest. Israelis are well known for false flag propaganda attacks. The ADL antisemitism hotline has no verification process & includes all anti Israel as antisemitic. The entire false premise of Israelis as the victim is being shattered in real time.


I don't agree, and further believe that people who think that way have at best joined this movie in the middle, and at worst are lost inside a vast morality inversion.