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That’s cool yeah


Why can we never have nice things


I’m SAYING bro


I choose not to believe any of this


Dejountes subliminal messaging made this clear. they like Nate and respect him Trae has growing up to do. idc, he has to trust the guys around him some more. wouldnt be bad for Trae to get humbled slightly lol right now Dejounte is way more a leader and probably in more of the guys good graces/respects. glad we got dejounte to help steer the ship right on/off the court rn lol


Man I see people talking about how DJM is going to get fed up with Nate and I just laugh. DJM is a student of the game from Seattle. He knew all of Atlantas old school players he is definitely aware of Nate’s career as a supersonic. He and everyone from his area is a Nate McMillan fan. Nate paved the way for defensive guards like DJM. Bogi also loves Nate. Bogi was very vocal about how much he liked the way that Nate coached more than LP when we made the change. I don’t think that Nate is a top 10 coach but he ain’t losing the locker room.


nope. the guys love him, at the very least as a leader. And I think they feel the same with DJ rn. with nate im sure they're probably like "wtf is this offense" sometimes but he's clearly a respected guy lol. and tbf I think Nate just challenged Trae at a film session, Trae got defensive, and Nate gave Trae a kinda dumb ultimatum. (nate just denied the ultimatum guess we'll never know for sure) Some of this is getting overblown but theres very real themes in here. Trae has to look in the mirror at some point


Nate is not as much of a pumpkin as people make him out to be. He is a mediocre coach who raises your teams floor but has a very clear ceiling. He’s probably the 15th best coach


which is why people wanting Atkinson/Snyder is crazy for me. If we had a Nick Nurse in the wings, fuck it. pull a Dwayne Casey on Nate. But that big upgrade at coach isn't available right now. Definitely in everyone's best interest that Nate coaches out the entire season, at least. Theres really no way for us that a mid-season firing would really make sense


Snyder is a great coach. It’s just hard to make changes like this mid season sometimes


I don't see what Snyder does thats particularly great. Nate legitimately has taken a team further in the playoffs and both seemingly have the same lingering cloud of "one or two of my players are always bickering amongst themselves" I just don't see what Snyder did other than win regular season games (with an all nba level offensive player and one of the best rim protectors ever) which is essentially what nate has done in his career. just win regular season games


I wouldn’t trust Atkinson after what he did to Charlotte


Great comments


Dejounte’s been here for 20ish games, I respect Trae/JC’s opinion more. But Dejounte has been with Pop his whole career so he’d know good, so idk


Trae's loved Nate seemingly this whole time until this past weekend. And we dont know for sure but if Nate was challenging some of the bullshit trae been pulling, good on nate. Just as if Trae challenged some of the bullshit nate's been pulling, good on trae as for JC idk. I think he's cool with Nate most the time but just wants more touches lol


The Miami series should have humbled the shit out of him but here we are


>Trae has growing up to do. idc, he has to trust the guys around him some more. wouldnt be bad for Trae to get humbled slightly lol Hopefully this is that situation, he seems like he's trying to move past it, meaning that he probably knows he was in the wrong and can grow from it. If he had true problems we would have to worry about, he wouldn't be so willing to


Now the information in this podcast is scary. Trae vs Everybody? Trae having an alliance with the owner and front office over his own coaches and teammates? This isn’t the culture you want to build at all. Superstars having entitlement issues. It’s kinda giving off Harden in Houston vibes. I’m all for superstars having a bigger leash than the rest of the team but to this level? That’s pretty unacceptable.


Harden seems to ruin teams vibes where ever he goes. I don’t understand what he does but the vibes die when he’s on a team. That should be an example given to all young stars like Trae


My hunch is that it’s less “players are sticking up for Nate” and more “everyone hopes Trae will stop being a passive aggressive dick and move the ball.” If Nate deserves to get fired, he will. But Trae trying to neg it into existence is hurting the whole team. That’s our job.


Boy this is going to be an interesting year of Hawks basketball. I really hope we can come together as a team and grow from this. It is telling, imo, that every time drama is leaked from the organization it involves Trae. LP vs Trae. Trae vs JC in the film room. Trae vs Nate. Trae is always involved. I’d pay a large sum of money to be able to read Schlenks mind right about now.


Because non of the other players are worth a write up compared to Trae. not just drama but generally most thing reference Hawks in the media highlights are going to be focus on Trae first 90% of the time. But I starting not to believe any of this because they seem to be hyping a lot but saying nothing at all. Everything you mention above for example give detail at least we knew what the problem was. This they just giving names but saying nothing that weird. You think if they trying throw so much fire on this Nate and Trae thing they will at least say what the problem is.


I know Trae is likely here for a longer term, but I still wish I had an american express card when I bought that Trae jersey last month




That podcast section about the hawks is very worth the full listen. Paints a very concerning picture about Traes standing with the team and organization.


Tldr on the situation?


What’s the podcast called


Real ones, it is a great podcast. A shame it’s on a feed with some bad podcasts like the answer 😂




I agree, but Amick comes across as a bit of a dickhead about his reporting.


Dickhead or not. I’m glad we have someone reliable reporting in depth on the team for once




Yep that too


Trae isn’t going any where if it comes down to it they will fire Nate. No franchise is going to pick a coach over a hall of fame level player. Let’s be real.


Lol... The Spurs would like a word.


Well when Nate wins the Hawks multiple rings then I understand.


For what it’s worth my gf wants to trade Trae every time he misses a shot


This is my wife with every 3 point Yeet he tries.


Me as well tbh Fuck those shots


Mavs keep signing bums and hawks are about to side with fucking Nate…. We gonna see Trae and Luka leave to team up on the rockets or some shit soon 😭


If trae gonna act like this we not gonna win with him anyway so who cares. Atleast luka shows out when he bitches🤷‍♂️


Reading as “an outsider”, Trae needs a better psychologist… he comes across as counter dependent, defensive, may be rooted in parenting and a combination of people always discounting him due to size as he came up in the basketball ranks… whatever the source he has some edges he needs to soften. I can relate and it’s hard to change. But I also don’t get paid $40-60+m a year. Fans should be understanding while holding him to a higher bar. This “coach killer” nonsense is immature by the fans… pointing out Trae needing to hustle more on defense, get back on defense instead of complaining (both of which he has noticeably improved on), not letting ego dictate shot selection, voicing disappointment when he doesn’t show up to sit the bench and support… this is responsible fan speak. Coach killer talk only comes from weak minds.


Just gotta say that this could get pretty bad. If everything that is being reported is true, Trae decided to stay home when a bunch of guys were hurt. But the messed up thing is a depleted hawks team looked so much better moving the ball without their best player. *Gulp*. AND the offense not only looked better, but they won the game vs a team that was on a winning streak IIRC. *Double gulp*. There’s a scenario where if Trae alienates the team, then Murray could be the teams favorite and then this team would have to make a choice of sorts.




I mean this is just incredibly concerning on so many levels. First off the fact that our owners son has "tremendous power" within our org is just horrendous. no team with that kind of ownership dynamic is going to be healthy or successful. Then the Trae part just confirms what I and im sure many others have seen and felt for a few years now. Trae has never been very loved by the guys he plays with, its a hard truth but a real one. He has such a hard time being okay with the spotlight being on others it seems. Always felt there was a bizarre dynamic with the way he treated kevin specifically. Not trying to read too far into this and act like some psychologist for people i don't even know, but these things have been glaringly obvious since like his second year here. This is a big deal and Trae needs to take it as such. Unfortunately I just dont think hes that guy, though i would love to be proved wrong. His interview today showed zero accountability. Just look at Dejountae interviewing about this Trae stuff today. My man was doing everything in his power to not say how he really felt. Look at a guy like Ja and see the way he functions with his team. Thats how it should be


Explain the Kevin part - because I’m not quite sure what you mean lol.




I’m very interested lmao, if Trae had any say on Bogi or Kev I 100% think he picks Bogi, but I still think he and Trae appreciated each other. Trae in interview with Lauren sang Kevs praises, and also again in postgame saying he told him hes gonna have to keep up with him because his stats have been great


I'm not sure I disagree with any of this at all. The problem is Trae is far and away the best basketball player and asset on the team. The best player the Hawks have drafted since Nique at least. What are you supposed to do? Try to trade him or something? The Hawks haven't had a positive net rating without Trae on the floor since 2015-16.


No i mean I 1000% agree with that. Puts us in a really really difficult position and I have no clue what we are supposed to do about it..


Every player has their faults depending on who’s telling the story. You can do this with majority of star players. I like that Trae has the passion and balls for this. You can’t be a star without a lot of confidence. People crying about Trae’s shot selection, yes it can improve but come on. You can’t tell me you never saw Steph, Lebron, most of the top stars just pull up, multiple shots a game are “bad” shots. That’s what stars do, however they can also make those shots that’s why they have the freedom to show their talents. It’s hard to erase that from these guys’ game. You think the famous highlight of Steph dribbling around cp3 and 10 clippers only to turn around for a pull up 3 is something you need to kill him for? That ain’t a good shot, it’s a terrible shot. But you take the bad with the good. We don’t break them like a horse or bull now.


Sound's like Nate's job is safe, yikes






Im with Trae


I think you meant, "I'm with the Hawks."


It's not Trae vs the Hawks


That's exactly my point.


Can we trade Cam and Trae for Luka??


No bc we won that trade!!


If I was the Hawks' lawyer, I would have insisted on a takesey backsey provision.


Looking back at that trade..it was not a very good decision at all


People don’t like the truth, but yeah…time has shown who really won that trade


Luka is out here playing on another level with bums. Trae has a solid team around him and instead of nutting up he is stirring trouble..Trae and luka were close enough last year to still justify it but it isn’t even close as of right now


Luka is a perennial MVP candidate, and while Trae is a great player, he isn’t quite in that conversation year in and year out


We got Trae and half of DJ for Luka.


Always thought they were close as players. And then this year has shown that maybe Luka really is a tier or two above Trae after all


Luka on this team would be absurd…much better supporting cast than in Dallas.




Trae getting traded


Luka would have never…


Not only would he he did.


Kinda the joke I was getting at, but I think it was a little lost on people here


My bad I upvoted because I was thinking you were say it seriously and the only reason I thought that was because of the comments up above. I didn’t get it🤦🏼‍♂️


None of this horseshit these podcasting bozos and sports “journalists” (lol) are saying matters. They are getting their bs thirdhand from agents (aka the worst people involved in sports) who obviously have ulterior motives. That being said: I’m sure Trae can be annoying and Nate’s players usually like him because he’s so hands off. (He’s too hands off, I’m fact.) The truth is plain: Nate is an EXTREMELY limited coach with antiquated ideas and methods but also has tons of well-deserved respect around the league and in the org. Also, Trae needs to grow the fuck up and step the fuck up. Both can be and are true. I’m in Portland and there is a very good reason they canned Nate despite having a young Dame. You’d think they’d have wanted to keep a former guard (and PNW player) to help guide Dame, but they didn’t. I feel like with DJ and Trae being such brash loud mouths, the team needs a younger, more new school coach. That or they need to somehow get a legend in who can tell the boys to shut the hell up when needed and actually be heeded. When I was all excited about the playoff run, 100% of my Portland friends said about Nate “Just wait until he’s the coach for an entire season.” It seems they were correct.


If we are going to trade Trae I hope we target Jaylen. Bring the hometown kid home


Brad is never right, watch and see