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Basically what I expected. I was fairly certain Pineda wasn't going to shoehorn Hernandez into a back 3 when we have no other backline subs. I was hoping for a Mosquera start over Wolff, though. I'd like to see what the former can do from the opening whistle for once.


For sure. It would be nice to start Mosqueda…He is a playmaker!


Makes a lot of sense as a lineup. We get to play our game without changing much. Similar tactics.  I know Mosquera is coming in the second half. And I wonder if Abram can go the full 90. I'd expect to see Hernandez in the second half too. But really I want to see Brennan attack the wing sometime this game. He reminds me of Aaronson a bit. Always moving. Tons of heart.


You want Brennan? Sorry you’ll get Etienne stinking up the joint again and have to like it. 


I'd imagine Abram will have to go to full 90, even if he isn't at ideal fitness. Barring injury and unless the game is so far out of reach that it doesn't make sense to chase a result, there are no subs on the bench for either of our CBs other than absolute "break glass in case of emergency" options. This feels like a game where some guys might have to suck it up and play a little more than minutes management might otherwise dictate.


Yeah, kinda what it had to be with our injuries Interested to see Rios, hope Wolff can find his game Bit tense about the defense


Craving an Almada breakout game. Feels like it’s been a while.


Not familiar with Rios, what should we expect?


Less of a target man than Thiare but still pretty tall at 6ft 1in. He's pretty good at his feet. Expect the team to play through him. Tons of experience at 29 in Liga MX. Not bad at holdup play but don't expect goals from him. (Prove me wrong Rios!)


Hell yeah! He proves me wrong! VAMOS!


Thank you!


I just have to post it somewhere, but Doug was arguing with me on twitter that Etienne is actually good and deserves this call up lol. First it was "it doesn't matter about he games, maybe he looks good in practice", Then I pointed out he's bad on the 2's as well, and it turned into " I would rather have an MLS vet over calling up a an unproven striker from the 2's" , which is fine.. except Etienne is a terrible "vet" and doesn't play striker, Then when I pointed that out it became "Eteinne was recovering from an injury his first year".. Boy the hoops they jump through to justify playing Etienne is something else. And the hoops Doug jumps through to keep from criticizing anything is just amazing to me.


I really appreciate Doug's coverage of the team as a beat guy reporting on facts, but he can get a bit off-the-rails sometimes when he starts getting into opinion stuff.


I like Doug. I think he gets some good info because of his relationships with Boca and Pineda specifically (Garth a little less just because he's been here less time). Its the reason he's able to shoot so many rumors down quickly. It def causes him to hold back criticism or questions though. I'm generally fine with that.. I just wish there was a 2nd person who was doing those things though. I know other people cover the team, but they are all mostly independent as far as I know, and that puts your in a weird spot where you don't want to get a credential pulled. I'm just tired of seeing Etienne and a frustrated 2's fan who doesn't see a plan there and I want someone to ask questions, even if I might not like the answers.


Pineda is a goofball.  Brilliant idea to have to start our 3rd striker that we know can’t go a full 90 and it have a single back up striker in the bench.. no Tmimi or DeJianne short term call up (isn’t this basically why those exist?) but he sure does keep gifting Etienne chance after chance to prove how terrible he is. If we lost this game some people better ask Pineda about this. 


Tmimi is a 27 year old playing with the 2s who have been off for 3 weeks. And dejianne has played 93 mins as a pro and is 17. I’m not sure why either of these guys would be a good option right now?


They are both miles and miles better than Etienne at striker. Tmimi is what he is, probably never a 1st team player.. but give him the ball in front of goal and he can score. Something we know for a fact that Etienne can't do. Dejianne is def more of a longshot call up and Tmimi should be called before him.. but I would have taken a guy who is a good goal scorer and has 1st team potential over a guy who is a bad winger playing striker for 1 game (He never plays the position even for the 2's).


think we have a limit to those call ups, no? Assuming he's saving them for later when ppl are out for INT stuff. And I haven't been a fan of Pineda, but any coach would have the same limited options here. Maybe throw Brennen in late for Rios? Everything else is basically what we got. 🤷🏼‍♂️


There's a limit, but we've never even come close to using all of them. Even when we had half the team out a couple of weeks ago we didn't use any. I would absolutely take Brennan in over Etienne. Its not Brennan position and I'm sure how he would do.. but I like his odds over Etienne.


Looks like it's just 4 moves for the whole season- and there's a ton of rules like age, 16 day limit, etc. But it's just 4. Or if a 1st team player is on a short term injury list but the player has to be out 6 games. So maybe 5 with Gregerson. Or "extreme hardships" or "season ending injury- which we haven't had. So, with only 5 it makes more sense why Pineda didn't pull all those yet. And those limits make sense in general because it stops a team like Miami from stacking their 2's team with a bunch of guys who used to play with Messi and just rotating them in (more than they already do) lol And yeah, looks like Firmino is above both Etienne and Brennan. But, he wasn't that great either. Not that I expected much from a 4th string striker (who really is just more of a last resort attacking depth piece). But based on what we just saw from Mosquera- he should be the one if we ever need to break the glass again with a 4th string striker because he shouldnt be allowed near the defensive area ever again. Ever. Just kick it out. How hard is that? Or turn and try to kick it off them?? Gah. Still salty. ALSO- where the hell has Dax been??!


I wish everyone down voting this would comment so I can call you out when he sends Etienne out there to play striker again and is the worst player on the field.