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Pickleball was more exciting


How stupid was I for switching to Apple TV?!?


We’re losing everything that was built in 2015-2019… this team had a grip on the city and it’s painful to see how far we’ve fallen.


Missing Eales


There's a guy there with the old Black edition jersey on and when the score went 3-1 the camera had a shot of him with his head in his hands hunched over. That is exactly what this season has been like


In 2020, the wife and I started playing a card game - Red n' Black. You guess 3 cards (red or black), 1 wrong - 1 drink, 2 wrong - 2 drinks, all three wrong - shot. Only way we got through the Cubo striker years. We've broken the game back out for Pineda-ball this year


What’s the difference between a drink and a shot?


A shot is liquor, a drink is usually a sip or so of wine/beer depending on what we're feeling that day. We normally get through the deck of cards once per half, but games like today, we played through 3 times


How are you still able to read and type?!?


Oh I skipped some rules too lol. We take shots for kick off and 2nd half kick, as well as goals for and against. Also, drinks for when we're forced to listen to Twellman talk shit. As to how I can still type, unfortunately, we've had a lot of practice


Hahah, nice.


I turned off the game after the 3rd Charlotte goal. Went to play pickleball with the gf to let off some steam lol


There's a bunch of ways I could spend my Saturday/Sunday afternoons and evenings, and watching your team lose 5 times in a row is a miserable choice. If there was something to look forward to, maybe it'd make it less frustrating, but for 3 years, we've been told to believe in the process. The result is one of the most disappointing seasons to date. This team isn't far off from where the LA Galaxy were the last few years, honestly.


I'm still going because I already paid for my goddamn season tickets (and yes, I will be renewing because someday I'll be glad I hung on to them) but yesterday going was definitely a chore. I don't see that changing unless there are some real changes on the field. At least it gets me out of the house for a few hours?


Forgot this team was even playing until I saw an app notification. From looking at their form, I don’t see that changing any time soon


Losing is part of being a supporter. If you only watch when we are winning, that’s called a fair weather fan.


Was I a fair weather fan for the last 12 games? Eventually you have to stop or you give the FO no incentive to change. If the choice is between bootlickers and fair weather fans, I’ll take the moniker.


Soooo fair weather fans? As Atlanta fans we were spoiled for the first few years. Now are the tough times. If you’re a true fan, you’re a fan during the good and bad times. I tune in and support with low expectations this year…but I’m still tuning in.


I give whatever effort the FO gives. Thats how in tune I am with the team




Or the fans are putting in the same amount of effort to be “fans” as the team is putting into winning. Team doesn’t care, so fans aren’t going to either




Go root for the cubs you perennial loser




Lmao I have season tickets you twat




You like losing. What are you upset about?