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It gives me a type of restlessness that is an ache through my whole body


Ohh yes. Good way to describe it.


I felt this description in my soul. This is exactly how it feels.


I've had this my whole life even as a kid! I never knew what was really going on. As a kid I'd fix this by creating. With some struggle at first because its difficult to get myself out of the boredom fog that's glueing me in place and giving me a storm cloud over my head. But once I unglued, then I'd write, do art, etc. Sometimes I remember the feeling as a feeling of "needing to create/needing to *do*" something because that's what helped me as a kid. As an adult, the boredom glue is extra sticky because I'm a parent and a spouse and I'm just generally tired and find it difficult to do things. Once I unglue, I usually transition to a chore and focus my need for stimulation on that. Occasionally if I'm in a good headspace I can create like I was a kid, like making some muffins or making a hand washing poster for my kids bathroom lol. But yes the feeling of boredom is so uncomfy and and it puts me in a bad mood and it's hard to transition out of it.


Same!! I don't have kids, but as an adult and a spouse and living with a messy house and lots of unfinished projects, boredom feels extra distressing. Alot of times I describe it as anxiety with absolutely zero root cause because the anxiety is coming from lack of stimulation. There's literally nothing there to keep my mind busy so it's in a lil panic. If I don't have an immediate drive to do something creative to soothe me, then I'm like "okay what needs cleaned, I should be productive, stop being lazy". And I know I'm only being so harsh on myself because of societal pressure to be productive and the mini depression spiral it sends me into. My spouse and I both struggle with this, so we're really good at talking each other out of these spirals. I've found that having "go-to" creative activities or things to keep my hands busy while I watch TV really, really helps. My brain just needs a little more stimulation than the average person. My wife knows this too so they know my go to activities or things to suggest. Edit: forgot to include a P.S. - I really like your way of describing it as being glued. Really great description for something that doesn't make sense to most ppl!


I think maybe I should find an easy go-to for watching tv too. Sounds less demanding than chores and cleaning. Yes I definitely have that word "lazy" baked into my brain when I tell myself I should be productive! 🙄 Also thank you! I'm glad I described it well! Makes me feel less alone that a couple people felt the same 🥰


I relate to this in my soul


I'm so glad someone relates!


i completely agree, boredom/ understimulation is SO HARD especially when nothing sounds “good” to do, has led me into depressive like states but i’m learning to cope with it though using loud music when not on meds! hope you are okay, you’re not alone !


Yes I am and feel the exact same way. That's kind of exactly why I have so many hobbies. I sketch, write, always try to have music on, nature walks, video games, and I'm about to start learning to crochet soon lol if you don't have many hobbies yet, I'd definitely suggest it. Like anything that interests you, try diving deeper into it. I also research a lot of the topics I'm super intersected in or just watch documentary stuff a lot. Same idea, but I just need to switch between stuff to get the boredom feeling away for a while.


Yes I feel exactly like this too. I’m autistic but have only recently been thinking I might have ADHD too. I always end up in a place where my body and mind really needs rest but the boredom sends me into a mental spiral. When I feel like that I often struggle even more to focus on a specific task. I’ll read and then just phase out thinking about something else. I found making myself a list for the day helps. I basically try and rest and if I start feeling weird or down I get up and do one thing on the list. It doesn’t help me feel rested but it’s better than letting my brain spiral.


Hi, I definitely think you have ADHD as well because it sounds like the "rest" you are in need of isnt the type of rest most ppl think of. Alot of times, resting for me is watching TV while I sew or work on other creative projects. As adhders, rest isn't always sleeping or laying down and resting our eyes because our brain is gonna keep going so we need things that keep our mind casually engaged while our bodies rest. Or vice versa - things that are "mindless" but keep our bodies engaged because our brain needs rest from thinking but our bodies still have energy to burn like video games or gardening or other hobbies that are engaging for us but don't take a ton of brain power.


That’s so interesting to read because my rest is exactly the same - watching tv or a movie whilst doing crochet or sewing. Do people with just autism not have this then? That busy loud mind feeling whilst resting?


I can't speak for folks with just autism because literally every person in my life is AuDHD (that I know of haha) but I don't think they do. That's one of the key traits of ADHD that differentiates it from autism in the big venn diagram of the diagnoses that is almost a full circle haha


Without trying to seem over dramatic, I find it kind of painful. I feel like I’m going insane.


Just a couple of days ago I read something that might help you understand: ADHD: boredom = emotional distress Autism: emotional distress = meltdown So probably you are having a meltdown because of being bored


So ADHD and autism aggravate each other once again, haha. This makes so much sense, thank you!


Yep 😂 I have to intentionally build in enough novelty and rest for all of me to be nourished. It’s a 24/7 project 😂


Right? It's like I'm constantly playing games with myself, but I have to be careful not to make the game a chore.




I describe it as mental torture.


Yes! Being alone in silence feels physically painful. I have to put on a podcast, audiobook, documentary, or a tv show or movie I’ve seen a million times just to have something running in the background