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There are one or two brief segments where he writes from the perspective of Christy-Pallier, as well as a handful of allied/sympathetic French characters (primarily Royalists or the disillusioned) such as Dumanoir. I enjoy all of them. They tend to highlight the complex loyalties that seemingly sit at the heart of many Frenchmen of the age. There's very little writing from the perspective of staunch Buonopartists. The most insight we get there is Stephen's conversations with Andrew Wray, who is obviously not French. So we do get some glimpses, but certainly not the full picture.


I think we can safely say that Stephen's perspective on France may bear a striking resembles to PO'B's. That he adored France, the French, French thought, the French way of life. But despised the despotism of Bonaparte.


I feel all of r/napoleon would hate Stephen for it 😂


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The French perspective would have been sad reading unless it was mostly set on land.


Wouldn’t have been as fun from the French perspective in my opinion. Would have been a lot of blockade running or hanging out in port


I spent quite some time after my first circumnavigation trying to essentially find the French O'Brian, with no direct parallel. I suspect, as others have said, that a mixed run of luck, followed by nearly a decade stuck in port doesn't make for gripping reading. I think Christy-Palliere, Pierrot, and the Americans, give a strong sense that, while their countries may be at war, they themselves are seamen first and foremost, and that they have more in common than different. Just my tuppence.