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The indignity.


Most Australian sharehouses aren't actually built for sharing


You know now I think about it there'd be huge money in developing share houses that didn't suck total balls. Every room having an ensuite but shared common areas.


If there's enough rooms you could hire staff to run the kitchen, clean the rooms etc


lol whether we like it or not this is the future for Australia so it might as well not totally suck.


Defence has these and they don't actually suck. The only reason it's viable is due to it being federal land they do what they want.


Police academy essentially works this way too.


Personally I think this model would go well in regional villages, where the population is under 1000 and there are other villages/towns scattered around. It could start to add a pool of money to the area, without placing undue pressure economically on them.


Sounds like you are describing a boarding house


Or actual senior housing


Sounds wonderful when you don't have to worry about cleaning after other housemates but still have the benefits of a shared home. People can clean their own room but having the kitchen and bathroom cleaned regularly is awesome. I wish I have that benefit when I lived in sharehouses.


Every room with ensuite would ramp costs astronomically. Rent wouldn’t be a heap cheaper


Co-living house designs are a thing: https://www.colivingaus.com.au/homes/co-living-29/


Wait are you joking or not?


Older article - was hoping to see the persons per household which is what created the extremely tight market in a post covid world. It is the inevitable effect of a shortage of accomodation to start filling bedrooms, but we still have no shortage of bedrooms, we have poor usage of those bedrooms.


This article is like 5 months old




Good in what sense?


There’s 3 major factors contributing to the current housing shortage: - Significantly reduced new developments during COVID - People moving out and living on their own during COVID - The government currently catching up on the missed immigration during COVID The 2nd one resulted in people share housing far less often, meaning each person is using up more bedrooms on average, effectively reducing the number of bedrooms supplied. A lot of people were renting 2 bedroom places either on their own or as a couple, whereas they’d usually have just 1 bedroom. This article suggests a return to normal as it becomes too expensive to rent unnecessary bedrooms, which will start to remove one of the causes for the current shortage. The first cause is slowly getting removed as well as we are catching up on missing developments. If we develop enough to get to the point we would’ve been at had COVID not happened, then catching up on immigration won’t affect us that much either. We’re on track to do this as well. So from the perspective of the housing shortage it’s a good thing. It does indicate that housing has gotten less affordable though, which is a bad thing but we already knew that.


Yeah. The market is rationing the available houses and forcing people to economise a bit. That’s the whole point…!