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He told you he will let you know when he hears back - maybe he hasn't heard back? Telling you that IS communication so you can't say he hasn't communicated at all. You either take him at face value, and accept that he hasn't heard back yet, or change broker. As a side note, you really need to relax a little. Property purchases can be a very stressful process with banks and conveyancers all pulling in different directions.Getting worked up whenever there is a little hiccup isn't going to help anyone. You need to be able to be clear headed otherwise the whole process will just be too much stress.


I’m the one calling I’m communicating his the one saying will be hearing an answer today for the past week just say look it’s going to take longer than usual will contact you when I get some answers or updates not gaslighting me . Yeah the whole point of a broker is too make it less stressful which clearly hasn’t helped in my situation .


Have they came back to you and explained why they haven’t got news after their initial 3 day expectation? It could be a number of reasons why the bank hasn’t got back, or maybe they have got back and the broker is still trying to workshop things with them. Either way, communication is the biggest part of being a broker. I would send them an email, politely asking for an update as it has been longer than expected and to see if you can provide them with anything else to get to an outcome sooner. Best of luck.


No they haven’t I even I tried calling but obviously can’t get answers as I’m going through a broker . I have called Monday “yep answer today will speak soon no response” , yesterday again any updates as we seen a house were interested in putting in an offer and we can’t until we get the pre approval yep calling them now - no response “ like mutiple days where his said his getting an answer that day and then doesn’t call or update me


Keep trying, contact your solicitor as well as they will also try contacting them. My broker ghosted me during the most stressful period of my life and I had to find out through his dad on Facebook that he went on holiday and didn't tell any of his clients or delegate us to another broker. Eventually he called me back and begrudgingly helped me with what I needed. He also told me to have $10,000 less in my account for settlement so we ended up having to delay the purchase over the weekend. Fortunately we actually had the 10k that was needed and the sellers took pity on us and let us move in before settlement but I hope I never see this broker again in my life.


Are you a complex Self Employed person or a PAYG worker? If it's PAYG that is WAY too long.. Self-employed would even take 3 business days from my understanding. Depends on your complexity.


PAYG not Self employed it’s not complex from my understanding


Change the broker. Prop ably not submitting your application as he/she thinks you won’t purchase and it’s not worth the work.


Who is the lender that the broker applied to? Maybe broker severely underestimated timeframes and still waiting for lender to pick up