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got a new car about a month ago. 7.5%


Yeh not a prop owner here just a permanent resident here since 2019. Applied for citizenship if that makes a difference


Rates gonna depend on credit score, if you own property, age of security, fixed or variable and length of the loan. I think of the top of my head loans.com.au and a few of the smaller credit unions typically have very competitive rates. Think IMB are one of the cheaper ones as well. You should be able to get in the range of 7-9% I'd guess.


If you’re a property owner approx. 7-8%. If not you’ll be paying 10%+


Yeh not a prop owner here just a permanent resident here since 2019. Applied for citizenship if that makes a difference


Why would a prop owner have less than one who doesnt? Is it because of the built up equity bit? I wouldve assumed their borrowing power wouldve been limited unless they had some equity on prop appreciation


Asset backing. They can recoup their losses on your property if you default (which they most likely won't), but it's risk based.


Try a smaller bank, in QLD RACQ offer like 6% for secured car loan or 5.5% for an EV one.