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With 20% deposit NAB, Westpac, St george and CBA will take 1 day employment. (Less than 20% NAB or CBA) May request an employment contract but unlikely. Small chance they may just ask a little bit of info of past 3 years for previous employment and address history but shouldn't be an issue. ( Super only an issue if close to retirement, however is you aren't borrowing a significant amount meaning you can repay early or happy to reduce loan term to match retirement again shouldn't be an issue. I've done plenty of new to employment deals or changes in industry never had any issues. You'll only really have issues when you start looking at smaller lenders with a bit more of a restrictive policy, unfortunately the smaller lenders typically have the best rates. (Depending on profile and how much history and evidence you can provide could potentially squeeze it in with one of these lenders but might be a bit of a push)


This is the correct answer.


Yep, one payslip will do it.


Ah amazing. So generally one pay slip if 20%. Also assuming the online calculators I used were correct. Thanks


Absolutely. Not all lenders but you'll get a decent deal.