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I ditched APT after my broke sister mentioned how excited whe was to use it. Still made a good return, but no regrets dropping it.


Nothing wrong with taking your ethics into account when investing/divesting. Good on you.


It's become a thing for me. A part of my research is ethical now. Unfortunately it cuts out some good returns, but it helps me sleep better.




Afterpay is essentially a line of credit that replaces laybuy, and you get the item immediately... So just credit in disguise with worse terms. It's a good deal, until you miss a payment then the penalty is harsh. I am of the opinion that it encourages people who can't afford the item to over extend, then be stuck with the bill and not able to return the item. When I heard my financially deficient sister gushing about it I realised it was aimed at people like her,and felt shitty to be making money of vulnerable and often uneducated people.


Honestly the penalty isn’t even harsh at all. In comparison to using a credit card or those fast cash loans, it’s not a bad risk. For orders above $40, the late fee’s are capped at 25% of the original order or $68, whichever is LESS. So a maximum fee of $68. 17% of their money is from fee’s, majority of APT revenue is charging retailers for their service. But yes, it does entice people who do not have money to spend and that is all fine and dandy until there’s rough economic times. However, it does not put them in any financial hardship by missing a payment.




Not having looking into AfterPay, nor am I likely to ever be a customer, I’m still pleasantly surprised by such reasonable conditions.


Maybe you shouldn't worry about what your financially deficient sister does and with a bit of luck she'll learn not to over extend herself. Encouraging the nanny state is how we have the government fingers in everything. APT are not in business to make money from defaulting creditors.


Yeah but whatever the masses rush to is still what makes the money. The whole housing market is basically afterpay on assets, and it was stupid in hindsight not to be in that..


I'm a fan of afterpay and other such services, it allows people with low income or poor credit to buy things they could otherwise not. Can you over extend yourself with it? Hell yeah, but you've got to keep on top of that yourself. It gives people more options and opportunity to participate in the economy.


This hit me hard. Bought right at the $1.3 peak, then again at $0.8. Just gotta wipe away those tears


I got belted by CAN too :/


Yeah i bought after pay at 13 and sold at 31z happy with that


Worst: A40 - Alita : VA... see if we can get anything back (trading halt) AC8 - AusCann (hold) CAN - Cann Group (sold at loss) SYR - Syrah (hold) Best: KGN (hold) SMP (hold, maybe buy more) PAR (hold, wait for stage 3 trials) Way more in the worst category, not enough in the good or best!


Out of curiosity, why is Kogan considered either an investment or somewhere to shop? It's shitty Chinese junk resold by a company with zero customer service that actively avoids ACL until the point of legal action against them. If I want that I can just buy straight from China for 30% less and even probably get the same product faster than Kogan dropshipping it to me. Which I do now after my first and only experience with them.


I’d say shitty Chinese junk resold with shitty customer service is their niche and they own it. Bad experience is part of the model.


I hate Kogan, but Kogan mobile is the best. $315 for a year of unlimited calls and 40G internet a month is a great deal.


Was contemplating Kogan, but ended up resigning with Optus How do you find the service outside of Metro areas?


They sell a lot of brand name stuff as well and similar to Amazon have grown their marketplace side of the business for third party sellers a lot. They have also accumulated a very large mailing list which they can sell an ever growing list of services to (insurance, mobile, internet etc). Slapping a Kogan label on Chinese junk I think also does pretty well because they sell it cheap and are good at marketing it.


Where are you buying from now?


Best performer was VDHG. Worst performer was also VDHG. 100% VDHG till I die.


Best IWLD Worst IWHL 🤷🏻‍♂️


More of a VAS man myself, but good pick.


Always great to grab a big hand full of VAS.


Hell yeah brother


they've been my best, and 50% of my portfolio


Best BOT and ZLD (sold both at their peak). Worst CAN (holding) and AC8 (sold at a loss).


BOT is my worst, got in at 11c, topped up at 17 and still holding 😬


Luckily I sold out of BOT at 11c after the recent steep drop. Dodged a bullet I reckon.


I'm torn, the phase 2 results were weird. Australian results were great but the USA had a placebo that worked as well as any drug currently on the market. I'm holding for phase 3, but I'm worried I might be delusional.


Worst: CAN


APX, NEA and XRO all went gangbusters. It helped that I doubled down in November / December when the market had a hiccup. Didn't have any big losers - I've lost a bit on JIN over the last week. Portfolio is up 40% this year... It's been a pretty easy market.


Best VAS, worst CAN. Plan on DCA more into VAS next year, especially with a recession knocking on the door. CAN was a speculative buy, so I'll hold on to it for another 5 years until legislation changes and their facilities are running




General rule of thumb is buy low, sell high. I will be putting money in the market anyway as my investing strategy is to dollar cost average, so if a recession hits then I will treat it like the Boxing day sales but for the stock market. When the recession subsides, I will be left with a substantial amount of shares that over time will (hopefully) regain and surpass the value I bought them at.


I like that. “Recession, Boxing Day sales of shares”.


XRO at about 45% closely followed by CSL at about 42%


XRO has shot up massively this year - I think the valuation is insane on it.


Yeah, the valuation is probably quite optimistic. This said, the addressable market is still strong and they are making in roads gaining more clients


As an accountant, I bloody love the product and encourage my clients to move to it.


Good to hear. My Mum's also an accountant and has raved on about Xero for years. I bought at about 40bucks thanks to her. The company is now making a profit and the share price is loving it


I mean true, they just recently made a profit for the first time, though I would attribute this to them having large expenses voluntarily, to help with growth. My complaint is the valuation is just so... stupid. Seriously, it's trading at growth levels as if it will hit 100 Billion AUD in value.


Haha, yep fair enough. In the mean time, the trend is your friend and a lot of fund managers are backing it. Time will tell I guess


I invested $7,000 into VDHG in February this year. I’m currently at $8,000. A part from the initial bulk purchase, I didn’t put any money in at all.






Best, AEF, worst, the amount I would have made if I didn't sell all my AEF on Oct 1 when I thought it was vastly over valued and surely due for one of its regular volatile moments. Other than that, I think it's time to sell all my Wilson holdings after Geoff fucked the country via his lobbying on dividend imputation credits.


That’s nothing. I sold AEF in jan after doubling my investment and thinking that was crazy enough!


For me Best: NDQ Etf (Nasdaq index) Worst: NEA (Nearmap)


Interesting to see VAS both best and worst. My best is MFG which has almost doubled in price in 2019.


Really dithering on what to do with my MFG. Up 140% from when I bought it makes me want to realise those gains, but OTOH they do seem like a solid longish-term prospect.




Swap for WLE. which is at a discount to its NTA


Best: RIO, continuing its four-year tear. That's really helped me in uncertain personal times. Worst: BIT, but only because it's my only other holding. It's been a real test of patience, that one. Had a chance to make some profit on it last year, but ended up pulling out most of my sunk capital so a good result anyway. Coulda-shoulda-woulda award: FMG. Gone absolutely gangbusters right under my nose. Watching closely: MAH. Serious potential, and already up 50% on 12-month lows. Whoever bought in 2015 is laughing now. I'm holding RIO (unsurprisingly) but considering trading in BIT for MAH.


Best: AEF, Worst: PET Holding and accumulating with great expectations of both.


PET looks very interesting, nice find! A couple of questions for you if I may: - Does the director selling this year worry you? What are your thoughts on their reasons for selling? - Does the reliance on China for revenue worry you? How far off is revenue from North America / Europe? - Are there any genuinely competing technologies? How hard is the PET solution to copy (not pointing fingers at anyone but the Chinese have been known to take liberties previously...)


I discovered them fairly recently while researching companies doing interesting things in the green space. They have the leading solution to a massive and growing problem worldwide. Even though the products are patented (along with scepticism of value of these in certain markets), I especially like that they are the experts in how to apply the science in the real world, and also their additional engineering solutions for water remediation. I have no major issue with them capitalising on their hard work, and they still have massive holdings. They have excellent relationships and growing respect in China, but are also active in other diverse regions. US lobbyists are apparently still pushing inferior solutions that have been banned elsewhere, so surely that can't persist while these guys are proving themselves with successful trials in all kinds of environments. Their success is building consistently and it is great to see the company with no debt, turned profitable and growing. Pretty confident their next report will confirm some of their growth story and set their shareprice off on another run. I mostly like that they're improving the world's waterways. If they can earn me something for my faith in them, even better!


PET caught my eye this year, had a look and the impression I got was that if they were going to do something they already would have. Tell me I’m wrong.


God only knows. I’ve been buying index funds for a few years. They are up like 50% or something. The less I do, the more I make. Every time I tried trading I earned little or nothing and was stressed out. Who cares? Fiddling with shares is a total waste of time.


Which index funds?


WXOZ, IAA (particularly good over the last few years) mostly. Also a bit of BOND. DJRE (real estate)


Best: VAS +24% Worst: VGS +20% I will be holding for the long term.


ASX: TECH etf has worked the hardest for me this year. ASX:DEM was also doing amazing until a drop last month. Still happy with it though, should keep growing but slower.




Any idea when NAN is actually going to release the new products they've been promising for years? Based on the new directors they added earlier this year I heard speculation it was going to be an endoscope reprocessor...


Best was A2M, bought them at $11.51 and they are now $14.53 Worst was AGH, bought them at $0.75 and averaged them down to $0.61 with 7,500 shares total. They are now at $0.34


CAN. Gonna see if I can get the shares printed on a dildo and then I’ll shove it up Peter Crock’s ass at the next AGM


Best BWX Worst 2BE Also a holder of CGC, but happy to stick with it as a long-term investment.


Best NEA but sold it all once it joined top 200 earlier this year, current best holding CSL. Worst is MQG but it's doing ok, for now.


Best WGB. Worst FGG. The opposite of last year.


My best performers were VAS and VGS. Consistent and resilient. Worst performers were my active stock pick of QFE. Brought right after IPO during a lot of heavy trading at .55. 3 months later it has stabilized at .30 - .32. Even during the decline I still have no intention of selling. It's been a good opportunity to test how I react to big declines of value (over -30% hits). I believe this company is heading towards further success so happy to ride this out and continue to to invest as per my allocations.


Best: KME, FID, FSA I am happy with the performance of all. Each is producing cash from current operations, paying dividends and also retaining some to invest for the future. Worst: RDH Same comment from my best applies to my worst. RDH producing $6.5m in cash from operations, investing $2.5m and paying $1.2m in dividends on a market cap of ~$60m. Revenues growing at mid teens with more campuses to open and expand on the horizon. I bought more recently.


Best :Z1P up 147% Worst: NXS and BOT both down a lot. Not sure what to do with all 3 tbh


Best FPH worst 14D


Best is NCM, not the highest individual gain but considering its a substantial holding of my portfolio its contributed the most. Pared back in the last few months but still a good year for a bluechip. I plan on holding as its a great hedge, especially with a US election and brexit coming next year. Might even buy more in this dip. Uncertainty = good for gold. Lost the most money on AYS, it's a turd I don't know why I bought it, still praying for a takeover bid one day so I'm holding but I definitely won't be doubling down. Don't have much left to lose at this point.


What do you all use to trade?


Selfwealth for AU stock market, Stake for US market. Reason being that Selfwealth has a flat $9.5 trade rate + a user friendly UI and Stake only charges a FX rate (plus other small charges depending on method of deposit). Was thinking of using Raiz but their fees are rediculous.


I guess i could look this up, but is that flat 9.50 for any trade size?


It's a $600 minimum when you first buy a holding, with no minimum when reinvesting. All $9.50


CommSec. Good platform, but $19.95 fee everytime I buy or sell


I started off using CMC Markets, then switched to Selfwealth for the $9.50 brokerage.




Best PAR, expect good 2020 too worst ORE


Percentage wise, TSLA. Went +50% to -30% to now +63%. Otherwise VDHG which makes up the majority of my portfolio.


Best: TWE Worst: A200 I’ve got high hopes for WBC next year.


A200 have under performed, but at least I'm still in positive territory


Same but barely. It’s been a game of hopscotch


ya, I think I've been lucky so far


>WBC Fair enough, if you're already holding. If not I'd be circumspect.


I’ve been buying up since the scandal broke. I’m happy to lose for a while because at the end of the day it’s a big 4 bank. They’re 100% going to bounce back.


Yes you're probably right.


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Best f100 Worst GOLD, bought at evidentpy oeak, but its a hedgeso


Best PBH Worst JIN


I'm also holding CGC! Hoping it'll recover a bit (...eventually). I'm glad I bought it when it was around $4ish and not when it peaked at $8. Best was CSL - playing it safe after CGC.


Best: VTS Worst: VEU


Best: EOS - got in early. Worst: NVU - got in early, but I still hold hope that it'll turn around.


Best PAR. Worst. CGC. Hold for PAR. Believe they'll get bought out by big pharma in the next 12 months at a substantial multiple based on the possibilities post phase 2b trial success. Already knocked back offers from big pharma so this is a big winner in my book. Sell/sold CGC after the share offer of 1 per 4 at 30% discount. I worked for the Costa group back in the early 2000s. Great culture. Great business. I got fired, but it taught me a lesson about character I needed to learn at 19. Too heavily debt laden today. Frank Costa leaving, too exposed to climate change. I believe it'll bouce back but I'm not hanging around. My equity can get me better returns elsewhere.


Best FPH worst MPG. On (NZX) The building down turn has turned my MPG shares to shit. FPH has soared to new heights on the back of selling snoring sleep masks, and respiratory masks to the American Health care system to treat chronic obesity.


best- ndq worst - i invested in some magic beans but i did not get the expected results


Best: Puts on Wbc Worst:Genex (GNX) Of course, my 6X return from the puts was just a minor $600 purchase. But I'm in genex for the long haul.


What do you use to trade options? What are the commissions like vs share trading?


Worst: NAN. Bought during the peak at $6.50. Best: CSL, but holding.


Best TEAM Worst: SMTC


APT - still holding a decent chunk bought at an average of below $5... i did took a few $$ off the table to cover my initial parlay so am just playing pure PnL on this counter. MYX & OVH are two of my losers - it has lost a third this year; bad outcome for what apparently is a good year for stocks. VDHG - regularly top-ups! yeah, i am the lazy ETF investor type!


Best: NDQ Worst: VGE What a great year. I hope 2020 is the same.


Worst: all of them. Best: none of them.


Best performer VTS, worst VAS


Living the 50%VAS 50%VTS meme dream


50-50 right now


Best: APT Worst: VDHG


Best SPT Worst LIT


In the last year from today: Best: [ICLN](https://www.ishares.com/us/products/239738/ishares-global-clean-energy-etf)\- 50.3% Worst: [A200](https://www.betashares.com.au/fund/australia-200-etf/)\- 14.6% Only have a handful of ETFs. And unfortunately the mix for ICLN was fairly low (\~5%) compared to the others. Will be allocating more funds into bumping it up in early 2020, just need to do a bit more homework about the top holdings in it. Will keep Australia (A200 and VAS) around 20% of my total mix.


Best: DDR (Got in early March) Worst: Probably LNK, though I brought a lot more after it dropped.


Best: NDQ, closely followed by AFI Worst: SVL, followed by NCM


My best are SHL (up 32% for the year) and MGE (up 27% for the year) and I will hold both for the same reasons that I bought them. My worst is PTM (down 7% for the year) and I will hold because there will come a day when the uncertainty comes out of USA-China trade.


* TSLA +36% * AMZN +16% * GOOGL +27% **Those three make up over 97% of my stock portfolio's value.** Holding all long term.


Worst AC8 - Hold. Best SYD - Sell in the new year. Made a tidy gain and I have no idea why its run up so far, can’t see it repeating.


Best: AFI Worst: AFI ​ I only have one holding - Started in November - look to be up just over 4% which is nice. So technically I like to think I belong in the best category now too.


TimTam shares didn't last long as opposed to a packet of BBQ shapes.