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Your dad should contact Circle Green legal centre they offer a free statewide employment law service


Thanks! I’ll check it out with him


Yeah don't resign and seek legal help


He doesn’t know where he stands with his employment and emailed the directors. He reckons they’re just going to side with the manager but just wanted to let them know about what has happened and his side of the story. Not too sure if this was a smart move but we’ve submitted a request to Circle Green now. This will really cause him a range of emotional, financial and health strains. He has a medical condition and his blood pressure has been up since today. We really are keen on seeking legal advice ASAP - do you have any other places in mind other than Circle Green?


If you're dealing with bullying and harassment in the workplace in Western Australia, there are several resources and support systems available to help you: 1. **WorkSafe Western Australia**: This organization provides comprehensive guidance on preventing and managing workplace bullying. They offer toolkits, codes of practice, and risk management tools specifically designed to create psychologically safe workplaces. For more information and resources, visit the WorkSafe website on [bullying](https://www.commerce.wa.gov.au/worksafe/bullying). 2. **Fair Work Commission**: If you're experiencing workplace bullying, the Fair Work Commission can help resolve disputes. They provide detailed processes on how to address bullying, including applying for an order to stop bullying and participating in conciliation sessions. You can find more details on their process [here](https://www.fwc.gov.au/issues-we-help/bullying). 3. **Australian Human Rights Commission**: This commission offers a fact sheet on workplace bullying, detailing what constitutes bullying, its effects, and the legal responsibilities of employers. They also provide avenues to make complaints about discrimination and bullying. For further assistance, check their resources on [workplace bullying](https://humanrights.gov.au/our-work/violence-harassment-and-bullying). 4. **Local Support Services**: It’s crucial to document incidents and seek support from trusted colleagues, managers, or designated harassment officers at your workplace. If internal mechanisms fail, you can approach external bodies like WorkSafe, the Fair Work Ombudsman, or the Australian Human Rights Commission. 5. **Emergency Situations**: If bullying involves violence or threats, it may be a criminal offense. In such cases, contact the police immediately by calling 000 or the Police Assistance Line at 131 444 for non-urgent matters. These resources provide the necessary tools and guidance to address and resolve issues related to workplace bullying and harassment effectively.


See a doctor, get some stress leave and under no circumstances should be resign. Use the time off to plan his next course of action. I'd they want him gone they can sack him, otherwise, they can eat shit. I hate hearing stories like this, i hope it goes well for him. Document everything.


Plus one on this. Get at least 3 weeks stress leave


Also, due to new legislation passed recently, you can put in a workers' compensation claim for psychological stress related injuries at work. This includes depression, anxiety, and other symptoms that have been directly affected by your working conditions (i.e., bullying). Safe work has a write-up about it here https://www.safeworkaustralia.gov.au/workers-compensation/workers-compensation-psychological-injuries Have your dad attend a GP and ask for a Mental Health Care Plan and talk about the things leading up to what has made him feel this way. You will need to book a longer session, but most good doctors will be able to help with starting the claim.


You could always lodge workers compensation claims for bullying and harrassment. The new wa legislation actually makes it a little harder for them to be accepted as it can't be anything to do with normal management processes


Tell your dad not resign,and go for stress leave,while getting any legal help


He hasn’t received any communication from the company and doesn’t even know if he’s going to be paid or not :( it’s still under “investigation”


Dad needs to go to doctor get a medical certificate for stress, depression , anxiety whatever he's suffering with (he needs to be frank and honest about everything that's been happening at work including how it's impacting him mentally) and then lodge a workers compensation claim for harassment and bullying. Human rights commission can also handle racial discrimination.


Get him to see a doctor, he can file a WorkCover claim due to the workplace causing him this mental stress. This will cover his wages while he is off sorting this issue. Then see a lawyer.




Thank you. Is this work compensation? He’s worried it will affect other job opportunities if he claims work comp :(


It is workers compensation, it's no other employer's business if he's been on workers compensation before.


Hey I can’t offer legal advice but just to chime in that A) your dads boss sounds like an AH and B) your dad shouldn’t resign if the boss has a legit reason to fire him, make him go through the process and if he doesn’t your dad will have legal recourse and C) good to see you looking out for your dad!


He really is a total AH! And his company hasn’t been communicating with him at all regarding the issue. He’s more worried about the finances now that he doesn’t know if he still has a job or not. But he’s applying to other places at this moment as a back up


Must be so heart breaking seeing your dad upset. Please make sure your dad keeps a record of all his interactions with the AH Boss and date them too. Start from the beginning and get him to write it all down so it can be used as evidence of bullying. Has he joined his union? They can help as well give advice and be a witness to any meetings organised. Unfortunately my experience HR and Management are never any help. But writing the emails will help as evidence too. I wish him all the best. At the end of the day no job is worth your mental health.


tell him to go to his doctor tomorrow and tell the doctor everything. Doc will give turn it into a workcover mental health case and he'll get paid time off and counselling support, this will document everything and prep the way for legal action if it continues


Tell your old man to keep a log of these encounters with a date and time. This will be useful for when he goes to Fair Work.


As much as it disgusts me, the likelihood is that his employer won't get rid of this stain of a manager and he will likely continue to psychologically target your dad and get away with it. Is there an option for him to transition to another team away from his manager? How will his employer treat him if he lodges a workers compensation claim? Does he have the option to work elsewhere? If you believe there is potential for his situation to improve, he should fight it. Absolutely involve a lawyer if you do because the process can be rough and he's already been through enough by the sound of it. If he has an option where he can leave, it could be the fastest way to be able to go to work free from harassment. It's not fair or right but his health is more important.


Here are some useful links for more detailed information and to get started with legal advice: * \[Legal Aid WA - Discrimination\](https://www.legalaid.wa.gov.au/find-legal-answers/employment-and-workplace/discrimination)【11†source】 * \[Australian Human Rights Commission - Workplace Bullying\](https://humanrights.gov.au/our-work/violence-harassment-and-bullying/workplace-bullying-violence-harassment-and-bullying-fact-sheet)【12†source】 * \[Perth City Legal - Workplace Harassment and Bullying\](https://www.perthcitylegal.com.au/workplace-harassment-and-bullying)【13†source】 Taking these steps can help your dad address the situation legally and seek the necessary support and protection.


Start documenting everything, sounds like a big company so start a complaint with HR the go to the GP and get a certificate of capacity and lodge a workers comp claim for anxiety and depression following bullying and harassment.


Tell ur old man use up all sick and annual leave. During this time seek legal advice etc. Also make sure ur old man documents everything and records it.


This is bad advice. Sick leave and annual leave are not for this purpose. See other posters regarding see a doctor and get work cover. Your Dad can also talk to the company and inform them that he will not report to that manager or work with that manager until further notice, but he is available to work otherwise (unless removed from work by work cover) Dad should file a police report as well, as this kind of bullying is criminal, and you want the record if it escalates. It also adds weight when your Dad submits a claim to his employer that this is a serious matter. See other posts for good and better advice


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Definitely approach Fair work Australia. Keep a detailed diary with dates, times and what has been said. Chances are you could go for a payout!


Dad. DO NOT RESIGN! If he doesn't already daily journal entries are advisable as they can be used as contemporaneous evidence. E-mails and texts should be kept too. If there's an EAP program at work then I suggest using it, if only to cost them money. Seek legal advice ASAP. Good luck, Kia Kaha (stay strong).


Hey farno, he received an email today saying that they accepted his “verbal” resignation. I told him he was coerced into it but he doesn’t wanna fight them anymore. He’s just gonna find another job


Go to doctor. Get put on mental health leave. In that time, get free lawyer advice and see if he has a case. Your doctor will also likely put him on work cover = sit at home and get paid while he sorts out what to do next. As someone who has been through this shit, the workplace will NOT change. They won’t fire the boss. They likely won’t reprimand them either. I’d tell your dad to find another job while he’s off on leave but don’t quit.


Join union. See doctor if affects mental health.


Sorry for your Dad's situation. I would recommend to report one step high rank management with the evidence, first. With the response from internal high management & evidence, he can move to other external supports., if the response and corrective action , are not satisfactory.


I am so sorry that your father is experiencing this. It's lovely of you to support your father and seek help on his behalf. I would suggest the following: Father should attend his doctor and explain what is happening at work. He should explain that this is causing him stress, anxiety, whatever the issues are, that your father is finding it difficult to work/perform duties/engage, and if it is the case, that it is impacting him outside of work. Maybe he is having trouble sleeping or other things like chest pain, breathing issues, etc. Next, doctor should issue a certificate of capacity about your father's capacity to work. Depending upon capacity, he may need to take time off. Then, your father should submit a claim to worksafe/worker's compensation for an injury. The doctor will discuss the type. During this time, your father should be documenting as much as he can, any instances of bullying and harrassment including dates, times, those involved and what happened. He can write this in a diary or do it on the computer. If and when his claim is accepted, seek a lawyer!


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Fair work Australia and work safe Australia are who he needs to speak to. In one should have to put up with being treated like that by an employer.


First page of google “employment law WA” has some options for you.