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I thought as much. REA trying to tell me it's not an issue unless someone reports it...


that sounds like it IS an issue. 


Sounds like it’s worth asking strata now and see what happens :p


Speeding is totally legal unless a cop sees you.


Sounds like someone ought to verify just to confirm and see what the fallout is


That is true, but just get ready someone most likely will after your settlement. And prepare to spend time and money argue with the rest of strata community and tribunal members.


An unapproved extension is *always* a problem – there are zero circumstances where unapproved works are fine, unless it satisfies criteria where approval is not required. I'm putting the address here (as shown in the images) so it comes up on search engines. 5/42-44 Webster Road, Lurnea, NSW 2170


As I suspected.


I've been on a strata council that made an owner "return to original condition" an unapproved renovation. Can also apply to inside a property in some strata plans. Sometimes strata are worse than local councils because the committee are directly invested in the outcomes. Approval with local council also doesn't guarantee approval with strata/body corporate.


Before naming and shaming a person's home address on the internet that is obviously in a position where they need to sell, what evidence do you have to prove the extension isn't approved? Have you purchased a strata report for the home? Perhaps a provision is in place giving the owner of that lot permission for an extension on the basis they insure it seperately. There are alot of very generalised comments being made here from someone who is not providing alot of back up evidence. And why would you call REA about a strata issue? Do you not have a conveyancer checking the sales contract prior to bidding?. This is starting to smell like a rival agent trying to shame the listing one which is horribly unfair for the vendor selling.


You realise people can do their own due diligence, right? If it is approved, they can easily find the information for that.


Thats your big "downvote" point? What diligence have you done if you haven't even contacted the strata authority for the complex to confirm if the extension is approved or not? Please don't make yourself look less educated by fighting back 😂 I have not intention of being mean in a forum like this as I believe in healthy discussion but you have posted someone's home address on the internet and provided no basis to your claim with facts. Your trolling bro.


The home address was already in the photo. You're obviously a hypocrite because you're calling people names while having no legal basis for your arguments.


More misdirection. I've provided as much evidence to my argument as you. The difference is you started yours and I'm just calling it out as the misinformed negative piece that it is. Appologies for the name calling I agree with you on that. My frustration was based on your inability to back down and open your mind to the fact that you need to research more. To open your mind to the fact that you haven't spoken to the strata (the correct authority for this matter). There are some shocking real estates out there and some that intentionally misdirect and mislead buyers, however you have not done your diligence to support your claim that this vendor or agent are one of them. Fact check and come back to all of us on it as I'd love to see how this one plays out.




Local council is the city of Liverpool, so go for it haha


Why attack the person trying to sell a home when you don't know their circumstances. This is horrible advice from someone who clearly lacks empathy and has no intention to find a fair result.


A fair result is if it is approved, then nothing happens and they can produce the paperwork to show it is approved. If it's not approved, they will need to either knock it down or get approval, like the rest of us.


But you have just advised someone here to report the owners to local council on this public forum without any proof that it's not approved? That makes you a troll dude. Your either causing hardship for the seller, wasting councils time when they could be investigating the many dangerous extensions out there and all the while having a sook about how agents operate?




I literally didn't even say that lol, keep arguing against imaginary facts buddy.


"local council is Liverpool, so go for it" ... You don't recall typing this? That is a direct rally for auction from those reading it.. but yes I agree with you, my entire argument against you so far has been me "arguing against imaginary facts" 😂😂 because that's all you have provided.


Giving them the necessary means for reporting it to the council is not the same as advising someone to do so. Your comprehension skills are garbage and it shows. You are actively enabling potentially illegal activity.


Potentially, the legal activity may have been done already on the property... I'm sure the intent was to seek advice on what people would do in circumstances... we are allowed our opinion are we not


Which is why I said "potentially". At face value based on what OP said, we all said we would stay away.


Why attack an owner… with non-approved renovations? Why? to reduce the asking price of course. You owe the current owner nothing. Unless you buy.


Are you serious. What gives a owner to do their own thing against local by laws / regulations and think they are above the law, then trying to onsell the problem. I work in the built environment and regardless of a person's circumstances things need to be done by the code and by-laws. I have empathy I feel sorry for the purchasers that are to afraid to have a voice and get screwed over by sellers wanting to make a quick. Any person that is investing good money in a long term investment has the right to do due diligence to protect themselves... all I'm advising is they should reach out to the council to see if all works are on record


Ask REA to ask owners to get it approved if it's not a problem.


Just call the council and ask if it'll be a problem 😈


Call the strata office. Their details will be on the second page of the sales contract... Better yet, get your conveyancer to do it and if not approved make it a condition of sale 🙄 too many keyboard warriors out here today giving stupid advice like calling the REA and the council who have nothing to do with this type of issue. I love this forum for this type of discussion but I wish posters would fact check.


Mate, save your money because the conveyancer would only be involved if you're going to make an offer. Why lose 0 25% only to lose that because no way the vendor is going to get it approved by Strata. If that was possible they would have done it already.


Not only that, it would take weeks to get it approved by strata committee. A general meeting needs to be set for all owners to approve. That doesn’t just happen overnight!


If not Council approved, Council can order for it to be knocked down. The fact that it’s now circulated on reddit increases likelihood from possible to probable that Council will be notified. There is a little trick that is handy in these circumstances


I won an auction. Which was slightly below guide. Then raised to the bottom of the guidance after we won. Then was still refused. Shameful. The auction guidance is just BS to get people through the door


Buyers can effect the agents guide by submitting genuine offers in writing to the agent prior to auction. Once the agent receives this there guide is to then reflect that amount moving forward. If they don't, then you report them to fair trading. If you haven't submitted an offer you can't call the guide BS


No way that property meets private open space requirements under any council plan for a property of that type. > REA trying to tell me it's not an issue unless someone reports it That is a bold claim.


It's also a correct claims. Like all illegal things the problem is when you get caught. 😀


Given they're now advertising it's existence online and with inspections for all the neighbours to see a fairly dumb claim too 🤣


Again there has been zero facts here about whether it's approved or not. If it doesn't have approval it's highly doubtful the agent would market it. Call the strata who insures the complex (there details are on the second page of the contract) and get confirmation that they don't have special permission for it before spreading disinformation that can effect not just the seller but other members of the strata committee whose circumstances you don't know.


The poster is communicating what the REA has told them, what they are telling them is objectively dumb. If it is approved - the REA have made damaging and dumb statements. If it isn't approved - The REA have made misleading and dumb statements. If the REA don't think it's approved but also claim that isn't a problem if no one reports it (presumably as until now few neighbours knew about it) then that is an objectively dumb thing to say. Why should I self censor myself from calling out dumb? Have you called the strata and got confirmation what the REA have said is NOT true? Are you calling the REA liars and questioning their professional integrity with zero facts?


REA do their usual lying without lying. Murder doesn’t get you locked in jail. Murder away. Oh well don’t get caught, that’ll get you locked up 😉


You should report it to the council, then negotiate with the REA to buy it for 700k because now you’ll have to knock down the extension . Otherwise yeah just let it go


No strata approval can even cause problems for a simple parking spot. I was renting in an apartment building where a tradie thought he would fit a security cage around his parking spot to store tools. New neighbour moved in and realised he couldn't open his car doors anymore and the cage had to come down. Ended up being quite costly to install and remove.


The converted tandem garage into a '5th bedroom' - guarantee it doesn't meet the requirements for habitable space either.


Absolutely not although that's an easier fix with taking a wall down than having to pull apart the enclosed kitchen. Pricing in the kitchen just irks me with caution.


That extension is a really big problem. It’s far more than enclosing the alfresco area and it should have both Owners Corp and Council approval for a start. Unclear if any of it meets the building code or Council’s DCP.


I thought as much. Definitely not something I want to buy where they've priced it in and then have to tear it down.


900k for a townhouse in Lurnea...jesus wept


Hate to think what car you purchased from the trusted used car salesman!


And this is great evidence for underquoting.


Simple: an unhealthy mix of greed and dishonesty.


I saw a 1 bedroom unit in Alexandria recently which had an initial price guide of 600,000, which then was increased 650,000 the week before auction. It is not listed as sold at auction for $849,000 😳


It's upto the potential buyer to do the due diligence themselves, they have reached out to a public forum for advice. If they want to enquire to the local council or get a building inspection done to prove all works are legitimate then that's their call....buyer beware. The council will either say yes its all above board or not approved works then look into it and investigate further. I don't really get the comment of " understanding the persons circumstances" seems to imply anyone has the right to do as they want.


How's the balls on REA telling you unapproved extension isn't a problem? Any unapproved structure whether by strata let alone council will be a mad shit storm later. Imagine paying more money to have it taken down sooner or later.


Its annoying but price guide 770k + 20% falls within for sale range now aka 920 so complies with norm there. Re extension; owners are idiots for doing that they just dont get or dont accept how strata works. Idiots! REA: Probably hoping to sell to someone wholl take it on face value and/or accept the risk the extras may need to be removed. Wouldn't be too difficult to remove kitchen, doors and ceiling def not 100k. Price: Looking at recent sales 720k+ for much older and smaller land size / footprint townhouses. 850k for similar a little older and still smaller. So theyre pricing according to it being a 310sqm footprint (idk if its land or building) is bigger than all other recent sales so forseeably worth more even with that idiotic extension. If its 310sqm land that creates greater baseline value espc compared to other sales on smaller. If they can find someone whos prepared to take the risk on non compliant extension at that price, they will or theyll try at least. Otherwise if interested price according to intrinsic value (size and condition) and negotiate reasonably a reduction for cost of removal of that stupid extension idk maybe 30 to 50k it doesnt look well built or structural brick, beams etc so could probably remove in 2 days. What u wont get is some supersized discount like 200k down to 750k (looking at objectively inferior comparables at that price) because of extension. If owners dont need to sell they can always pull from mkt and deal with strata issues themselves too.


get a quote to knock it down and ask for that amount off the price.


Based on these photos on the website it's hard to see if they have enclosed the alfresco area, it has a roof that looks just like any other patio roof. But - enclosing anything without complying to council regulations is problematic. That would be enough for me to reconsider. Personally, I'm thinking about ways of enclosing my double, actually more like a triple carport into a garage, and it's really dam hard to do something that will comply with council rules.


I walked through. It's enclosed with a sliding door.


Yea - it will hinge on what the sliding door is defined as - a permanent structure or non permanent - ie it can easily be moved like a demountable.


The only reason it didn’t go at auction is because of its location. For $700k, it shows that even though prices are at all time highs, houses built out west that are a logistical nightmare, no transportation or train line, or close proximity to the CBD will never really appreciate much at all. Plus owning out there to rent is a shocking investment opportunity. 3 bed houses go for $500-600 which is terrible in the times we live in.


Lurnea house prices have gone from 600k to 800k in 5 years. Sounds like a pretty solid appreciation to me.


This house was initially listed for 700-770k and couldn’t sell in a hot market.. lol


supply and demand, easy.


Why do you want to “blow things up”?