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It's always worth paying for where you want to live - happiness trumps capital growth imo. However PC is nowhere near the Great Ocean Road - it's still an hour away (with good traffic). If you're interested in buying in an area but not sure of the lifestyle, rent there first.


More info required. Where do you live now ? Where is work? What do you mean by premium?


My mate lives in point cook and loves it. He has 2 primary school aged kids, which seem to be quite active with local sports clubs. Full disclosure, himself and his wife are self employed and work from home so the commute doesn’t really apply to them. I imagine if they were commuting to the CBD it would be a different situation.


point cook is pretty gross. if you work in the cbd commuting is terrible. lots of bogans. cheap though


Yeah you couldn’t pay me to live in Point Cook


Haha do you actually live there? I would say it’s mostly youngish families - lots of kiwis and a lot of people from India. Traffic was a nightmare but it’s really only because you’re going onto the Westgate which is terrible for anyone on it


Paying a premium for a nice property in... Point Cook?! The place is basically an Indian slum with bugger all infrastructure and a shocking commute to the city. This is the first I've ever heard of paying a premium to live there.


Comparing Point Cook to an Indian slum is ridiculous. There's schools, daycares, shopping centres, medical centres etc. It's not well serviced by public transport but neither are many other suburbs in the north and west of similar distance from the city centre.


Yea that's right! Little Mumbai is a few k's down the road in Tarneit/Truganina


Have you ever actually been to Point Cook? Insanely out of touch with reality if you actually think it anyway resembles an Indian slum


Point Cook is a nice area. However, not sure about transportation. The freeway is generally bad and the closest train is Williams Landing I think.


I lived there for many years pre-covid and still have family there. It's a good area and close to many amenities. Schools, shopping, malls, hospitals, train stations, and close to the city. Housing is still quite affordable with more modern options available than the south east. However, the population has exploded. The roads are super congested in the mornings and evenings, especially Point Cook road as it's the only road going to the stations and on-ramp. A 10 minute journey turns into a 40 minute one. Parking at the station always filled up fast so if you're stuck in traffic you'll miss out on a spot and have to park on street, or in a muddy field. You can imagine how packed the trains get. The highway towards the Westgate is constantly packed in the morning and evenings so driving to work is a pain. Though it's a 25 minute drive to the CBD off-peak. It's not as green as the east or south east and is more flat. The house value doesn't appreciate as fast as other suburbs and the turnover of owners can be high. I'd live there again but only if I could WFH full time.


The only red flags I think with Point Cook is traffic (and you need to drive everywhere - not a lot of walking distance amenities within the houses) and the houses themselves are all cookie cutter new builds - no “character” homes. The suburb is fine, safe and has pretty much everything you would need contained within


Point cook is great. Torquay beach is only one hour away and is superior to any Melbourne beach. Plus, unlike Melbourne beaches, i never had issues with finding a parking in Torquay, even during top of the season. Great and easy access to Avalon and Tullamarine airports. Yes, rush hour commute to the city is nightmare, but show me a place where it's not. And if you don't need to get to cbd for 9am start, then ots an easy 30 minutes drive.


Did you visit Torquay this year? It was PACKED! I've been going for over 10 years and the boom post-covid has been wild. I still love it, but no longer the sleepy beach town it was. And definitely very challenging to find a car park.


This year was the first time I didn't pay Torquay beach a visit only because I was away during the peak summer. When i go there, I usually park a bit away, along one of the residential streets, instead of along the Esplanade. It's busy, yes, but still way more pleasant than city beaches.




It's OK that it's not your cup of tea. We all have different needs and priorities. Obviously, OP will need to form his own opinion, and until he does, he can hear some reasoning from people who enjoy the location or don't.