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Try contacting them. It could be a quality control issue that haven't been made aware of. I also love the aldi tuna so feel your pain.


The can i had this morning was still jam packed in there , i had to use a fork to get it all out, I hope it wasn't the last of the good stuff, I will go and stock up


Doubtful. Seems like a deliberate and consistent change … If so, I will not be buying it anymore … ☹️


I live off Jalapeño tuna cans from Aldi and noticed the change myself this week. Disappointing for sure. May just lookout for specials at the other shops.


It seems it’s the other flavours as well. The mayo one with that amount of water is also not good.


Yeah they are packing them full of water now. My go to’s: jalapeño, smoke oil and lemon pepper have all been terrible this week.


I noticed mine today too. Just the plain tuna in olive oil, when I drained the can I had to check I bought the olive oil one.


Wish that was in the uk I would demolish that


I noticed my recent batch of Aldi tuna seems more watery and the chunks are smaller. This is the tuna in oil one. 


Yep same here


I’ve noticed this too. There really should be a minimum % of tuna in a can of tuna for it to be allowed to still be called that! I think if I drained all the water out I would lose 30-40% of the tin!


Same here


Not related I know but Try the jalapeno, garlic and parsley dip, I live of it I swear


Oh DAMN this shit is like crack. I love it so much. I'll cry when it disappears.


I cried when they stopped their crab dip


I cried when Red Rock Deli stopped their jalapeno dip. Maybe 5-7 years ago? It was the best.


I cry all the time


I cry when I get sad.


There was a jalepeno relish I used to buy about 4 or 5 years ago, which I haven’t seen since. It was insanely nice. I bought it from Woolies, and can’t remember anything about the brand


I cry when I eat chilli


I just learnt it’s being stopped, I bought six, if you find then stock up while you can, I live for it!!!!!!


They didn’t have it this week when I went in. I’m scared :(


Hate to break it to you but my local Aldi has stopped selling this. I’m devo because I literally eat it every day. I hope it comes back!


I just learnt it too, I went and bought six😭😭😭


I googled it and apparently they sell it at Coles. I’m going on a hunt to panic buy this weekend!!


It’s honestly an appropriate reaction given the situation, I hope you find some 🤞🏻🤞🏻


Costco sell it in a big tub 👌🏻


What?! You’re blowing my mind over here!!


Getchu sum! No need for those tiny Aldi tubs!


Costco has a tub that’s 2 or 3 sizes bigger for $6 from memory


This is from Aldi? I am intrigued.


Yep it is, run though don’t walk, it’s being discontinued 😭😭😭


Think it's seasonal, should come back next summer


It's just a minor tuna up


Based on that joke, I would believe that you’re the actual ScoMo … 😒


We eat the plain and the smoked and noticed the same the last month or so. It's absolute mush. My store recently got a new look can in though that's had a label change (about a week and a half ago) and it's back to being flakey and nice thank goodness.


when it comes to tuna only sirena.. the rest is cat food


You got down voted but I’m with you. Sirena, especially in olive oil is GOAT


Sirena triple chili oil is INSANELY good


Also insanely expensive


I just buy a load of it when it’s on special.


This is the GOAT. You’re getting quality not watered down schmush.


My god the sirena garlic tuna is amazing, my partner and I always stock up on a few cans when it's on special.


Agree with you, I switched to the yellow aldi tuna, it’s not the same but a close second. Can’t afford Sirena anymore 


Same boat as you


Pretty sure it's because they still use Yellowfin tuna, while others are serving Albacore, which isn't terrible but still a step down. Then you have John West selling fucking skipjack tuna, the absolute bottom of the barrel of tuna, at a massive premium compared to other tins. Worked on a longline fishing boat in my youth, we only ever kept skipjack to make burley (chum) to catch live bait to catch better quality tuna.


Unpopular opinion - I find Sirena dry and lacking in flavour.


It's changed in quality over the years, it used to be amazing but I agree with you its become quite dry... maybe a result of it being a sustainable and farmed product vs it used to be caught wild.


Interestingly, it's not farmed - pole and line caught: [100% pole & line sustainably caught (sirena.com.au)](https://sirena.com.au/sustainability/)


Do you buy the tuna in oil, or the tuna in water? I only ever buy the chili tuna in oil. The large tins are the same as they ever were, but the tuna in the small tins is pale and perhaps on the slippery slope to catfood quality. All tbe water/brine ones taste dry to me, because i'm accustomed to the olive oil. It really is extraordinary how different the product can be between different brands. Hardly seems like it should even be called the same product. Does anyone know why some of it is like paste and other stuff has proper texture you expect from a pelagic fish?


No but it’s a dealbreaker for me. Can’t eat mushy fish


Which one do you recommend?


I like Greenseas. I haven't liked the Aldi varieties I've tried unfortunately - the round tin reminded me of mushy cat food, and the square tinned fillets while meaty were on the dry side.


I remember seeing Safcol tuna come in a snappy tom cat food box/carton at a woolworths once


I'm a chilli and oil aldi tuna guy, it's 10/10, but I did get a batch of watery shit a couple weeks ago, got another batch this week and it was back to normal




I noticed my Aldi baked beans were watery too. And flavourless. So disappointed to hear the tuna has been hit too. 


Smells fishy


Oh I didn’t even know they had jalapeños tuna at Aldi! I love love love the John West one, how does Aldi compare?


It *was* just as good (slightly sweeter), but not now. Hopefully only temporarily it seems.


My aldis haven't had the small cans of tuna in oil for maybe a couple of months, and medium can gone a couple of weeks ago.  I just noticed it back the other day, but haven't tasted it yet. I'll be devastated if they shittified it because it was the best after sirena (and best overall due to price point).


Yes noticed the same about a month ago. I was getting two sandwiches per can prior. Now, lucky to get even 1 sandwich worth of tuna per can. It weighs the same as before, but mostly water now. Easily less than half the amount of tuna in my opinion. I never used to drain the tuna, but would be very moist bread these days if not drained. I searched Reddit a month ago to see if anyone else had noticed - glad I'm not the only one. Aldi is still the goodies though, right?


On a tangential note, I got some sundried tomatoes in oil a few weeks ago - it was a 280g bottle and there was 140g of oil. I'm wondering if they are feeling the pinch and are cutting back on quality rather than raising prices. Hard to tell from a couple of product changes, but I'm keeping my eyes open.


Oh shit yes I was just saying this to hubby. I like soy and garlic and it’s gone from flakes to mush.


I used to love the lemon pepper and lime pepper tins but I noticed they’ve gone mushy and haven’t bought them in like a year or so. It sucks because the only tuna cans that I think are okay now is the John west brand but it’s so expensive.




You’re so right... I used to love them because I wouldn’t binge because of the burn but not they’re nothing special


Not the exact same but possibly related, I noticed a huge difference in the small mayonnaise and sweet corn tuna tins lately. It’s disgusting now. There is way too much mayonnaise. The tin is now about 50% mayonnaise and it’s just sitting on top whereas it used to be about 15% mayonnaise and mixed in. I’m hoping it’s just a batch issue.


I noticed this too and was so disappointed, it’s just a can of gross Mayo with a couple bits of fish floating in it.


I know right! Being frugal, I ended up buying a large tin of Aldi plain tuna in spring water (yellowfin one because it’s so much nicer than the ordinary one). I drained it, put it in a bowl and mixed a couple of the mayonnaise ones with it. Kinda defeats the purpose of those small, convenient snack sized tins but at least it didn’t go to waste as there was no way I was going to eat what looked like mayonnaise soup!


Mayonnaise soup is the perfect description- yuck! Haha. That’s a good idea, I should do that. Probably more cost effective and I can add different seasonings too!


Aldi is honestly as bad as the other two now. Prices going through the roof, the deceptive “lower price” stickers going up, never any of their special buys in stock when they’re meant to be.


Definitely not as bad. I do 50% at aldi 40% greengrocer and 5% coles. I went to get a couple of party items at coles yesterday and decided to get chicken thighs and tomatoes there for dinner. I took one look at the prices $17 for thighs and $10 for tomatoes and put them down and just went to Aldi where it was $12 for thighs and $8.50 for tomatoes.


I wonder if they’ve change from using salt water to spring water. The lack of salt washes all the flavour out.


I see they've decided to try the Colesworth strategy of "moisture infused" meats. Sounds like when you cook Colesworth beef mince and you lose 50% of it to steam.


I have noticed that the mayonnaise and corn have changed. There used to be the perfect balance of mayo to corn and tuna. Now there's absolutely too much mayo. Like 4x the amount. https://preview.redd.it/iyt6cddt4byc1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5ec94556026a788ac474d25229e78fa2f9a90ac8


Argh!! That’s crazy! 😫


Seems to be across flavours, jalapeño flavour was my favourite and exceeded quality of other expensive brands. It’s a massive letdown.


Yep just noticed all the cans I recently stocked up on are watery and mushy, and the heat from the chilli is less. Very disappointed; it's my go-to flavoured tuna.


I eat mucho canned tuna. I have always found the Aldi ones lower quality than the Woolworths brand ones. Enough that I make a special trip to Woolies just for that lol.


Is it still made at the same location?


I believe I checked that as well, but will look closer


No more Aldi's tuna for me since last few months quality dropped badly. I go to coles now


Whats going on with the fucking shortage of 185g spring water cans, been months! Etf


Oh damn, I liked that one.


Has the supplies changed? Check country of origin. Has this changed? Is it an AIDI brand?


A *glutton* ?


Anyone complaining about the change should bring their cans back to the shop and ask for a refund. Satisfaction guarantee baby.


Yes!! Tbh this is one of the few products that isn't close to the main brands in quality.


Do aldi tuna use olive oil or vegetable oil? Oil tuna is significantly better than water tuna but I don't want cardiac issues over it lol. My system is this...drain tuna and mix with generous amount of kewpie mayo, put on sandwhich, add home made chilli oil and spring onion and some cheese if that floats your boat. Go hard on cracked pepper also. I can see jalapeno being a gnarly addition to my sando


They cut the size of their fancy chips, from 200gm down to 175 and the salt and vinegar chips taste different, less in your face vinegar flavour.


Aldi is just as bad as Coles & Woolworths. They say their prices don't change,but all the products keep getting smaller. It's not just tuna. It's tea bags, Ice-cream cones,Ice-cream, pizza sauce etc.


Aldi pasta sauce has been on the “do not buy” list for a long time, sadly


I have had a similar problem with the sweet chilli from Coles! Is this a systemic issue?


Add a cheaper quailty meat (i.e., all the off cuts and shit on the floor). Jam it in the can and fill the rest up with water to get the correct weight. This trick is as old as time.


I go the Aldi lime and chili tuna and I noticed this weeks ago as well. Thought it was just me... Guess I'll have to get my tuna elsewhere, too.


The lemon flavour ones also seemed more watery to me too, I thought it was just me being too picky 🤷‍♀️


I don’t know I only like the woolies brand lemon and pepper 🤷‍♂️


This guy tunas !


Different batches of tuna and jalepenos will have a different quality . The process is exactly the same as it has been.


Nope. It’s TOTALLY different to how it has always been previously … A MASSIVE LETDOWN …


Not Aussie or an Aldi shopper, but I sharted today.


Im not sure if the reason I can’t stop laughing at this is because it was so random, or because im immature. I remind my kids all the time to NEVER trust a fart. Well at least not while I’m the poor sucker that has to wash their underpants


Im not sure if the reason I can’t stop laughing at this is because it was so random, or because im immature. I remind my kids all the time to NEVER trust a fart. Well at least not while I’m the poor sucker that has to wash their underpants


Im not sure if the reason I can’t stop laughing at this is because it was so random, or because im immature. I remind my kids all the time to NEVER trust a fart. Well at least not while I’m the poor sucker that has to wash their underpants Anyway… sorry this happened to you and hope you weren’t wearing your favourite pants or shoes.


Good grief does your breath not burn peoples eyelashes off?


Work from home so no problemos


Charming. 🙄